Marlies Reinders
Dean / Professor Internal Medicine specialised in Innovation in Education & Research
- Name
- Prof.dr. M.E.J. Reinders
- Telephone
- 071 52662559

Marlies Reinders is professor of Internal Medicine and since October 1st 2024 Member of the Board of Directors of Leiden University Medical Centre and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Leiden.
More information about Marlies Reinders
Marlies Reinders is professor of Internal Medicine and since October 1st 2024 Member of the Board of Directors of Leiden University Medical Centre and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Leiden.
Marlies Reinders is professor of Internal Medicine since 2017. She worked as Internist-Nephrologist at the LUMC (2009-2020) and the Erasmus MC (2020-2024). In the years 2020-2024 she was head of the Department of Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation at the Erasmus MC and Chair of the Erasmus MC Transplant Institute (2023-2024). Since October 1st 2024 she is Member of the Board of Directors at Leiden University Medical Centre and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Leiden. Her Chair is dedicated to Internal Medicine, innovation in education and research
Marlies Reinders has been Chair of the Dutch Transplant Society (2016-2021), member of the Eurotransplant Board and of the education committees of the European Society of Transplantation (ESOT) and the Transplantation Society (TTS). In addition, she was chair of the European Cell Therapy and Organ Regeneration Section (ECTORS)/ ESOT) and co-chair of the Leiden Teachers’ Academy (2019-2020) at the University of Leiden.
Innovation in education and research
Education, clinical practice and medical scientific research are inseparable interconnected. Activating and research-based learning are important themes in which the student is not just a spectator, but an active participant. Providing education digitally, including integrating technological innovations such as a massive open online course and augmented and virtual reality can encourage active learning. Marlies Reinders’ research focuses on innovations as driver to improve (transplant) education and research.
Academic career
Marlies Reinders studied Medicine in Groningen (RUG). From 2000 till 2002 she did her doctoral research in Boston at the Harvard Medical School in the field of kidney transplantation which led to the obtaining of her doctoral thesis in Leiden in 2004 with the title: Mechanistic and functional interrelationships between VEGF-induced angiogenesis, cell mediated immunity and allograft rejection. In the Netherlands she continued the research on kidney transplantation with the aim to prolong allograft survival. She was principal investigator on clinical trials of mesenchymal stromal cell therapy in kidney disease and she co-principal investigator of the national RECOVAC (REnal patients COvid-19 VACcination), with the aim the study safety and efficacy of SARS-CoV vaccinations in kidney patients ( In addition she is the founder of various innovations in education including the MOOC Clinical Kidney Transplantation (see the trailer), the Leiden Oxford Transplantation Summer School (LOTS) and virtual and augmented reality applications on kidney transplantation. The educational innovations are scientifically researched.
For the research she received various grants (including ZonMW Veni, ZonMW TAS, Leiden Teaching Academy, Nierstichting en ZonMW Recovac consortium).
Prizes and honourable appointments
Marlies Reinders has received several scholarships for the implementation of educational innovations including the Leiden Teachers' Academy grant and the ICTO Innovation Program grant.
Dean / Professor Internal Medicine specialised in Innovation in Education & Research
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Interne Geneeskunde