Mark Westmoreland
Associate Professor
- Name
- Dr. M.R. Westmoreland
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3773
- 0000-0002-5669-8781

As Associate Professor of Visual Anthropology, Mark is primarily responsible for shaping the educational and research agendas within the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University.
More information about Mark Westmoreland
After coordinating the master’s specialization in Visual Ethnography since 2015 and developing several virtual learning platforms, Mark’s attention is now focused on developing a multimodal trajectory through the bachelor’s curriculum. Mark has also launched ReCNTR as a collaborative and interdisciplinary center to develop a rigorous space for sharing and producing practice-based and multimodal research. More broadly, Mark served as co-editor of Visual Anthropology Review before co-founding the Writing with Light magazine for anthropological photoessays.
Mark’s research engages both scholarly and practice-based approaches at the intersection between art, ethnography, and political agency. In Lebanon, he addresses the crucial role experimental documentary practices play in addressing recurrent political violence, while in Egypt he focused on the activist mode of resistance-by-recording in mass street protests. Further informed as a lead researcher for the Middle East Photographic Preservation Initiative, Mark has written extensively on the interface between sensory embodiment and media aesthetics in ongoing legacies of contentious politics. He is currently developing a new multimodal and collaborative research agenda about attending to broken landscapes.
Associate Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Culturele Antropologie/ Ontw. Sociologie
- Kloos D., Schmidt L., Westmoreland M.R. & Barendregt B. (Eds.) (2023), Provocative images in contemporary Islam no. Debates on Islam & Society. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Schmidt L. & Westmoreland M.R. (2023), Introduction: Provocative Images in Contemporary Islam. In: Kloos D., Schmidt L., Westmoreland M.R. & Barendregt B. (Eds.), Provocative Images in Contemporary Islam. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Westmoreland M.R. & Obodai N. (2023), Broken ground: expanding landscapes, Writing with Light: Photography, Ethnography, Design 2: 24-33.
- Westmoreland M.R. (2023), Look Up: Correctionville, Writing with Light: Photography, Ethnography, Design 2: .
- Westmoreland M.R., Pauwelussen A. & van Diemen S. (2022), Kaleidoscopic vision: immersive experiments in maritime worlds, Entanglements: Experiments in Multimodal Ethnography 5(1/2): 50-70.
- Westmoreland M.R. (2022), Multimodality: reshaping anthropology, Annual Review of Anthropology 51: 173-194.
- Grasseni C., Barendregt B.A., Maaker E. de, De Musso F., Littlejohn A.L., Maeckelbergh M.E., Postma M.A. & Westmoreland M.R. (2021), Audiovisual and digital ethnography at Leiden. In: Grasseni C., Barendregt B.A., Maaker E. de, De Musso F., Littlejohn A.L., Maeckelbergh M.E., Postma M.A. & Westmoreland M.R. (Eds.), Audiovisual and Digital Ethnography; A Practical and Theoretical Guide. London: Routledge. 1-11.
- Naeff J.A., Ree A. van, Sipkes L., Strava C., Tromp K. & Westmoreland M.R. (2020), Dissonant entanglements and creative redistributions . In: Kuoni C., Baltà Portolés J., Khan N.N. & Moses S. (Eds.), Forces of Art: Perspectives from a Changing World. Amsterdam: Valiz. 71-96.
- Westmoreland M.R. (2020), Documentary Film Making. In: Baker M., Blaagaard B.B., Jones H. & Pérez-González L. (Eds.), The Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge. 146-152.
- Westmoreland Mark.R. (2020), 360° Video. In: Vannini P. (Ed.), Handbook of Ethnographic Film and Video. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge. 256-266.
- Westmoreland M.R. (2020), Time capsules of catastrophic times. In: Della Ratta D., Dickinson K. & Haugbolle S. (Eds.), The Arab archive: mediated memories and digital flows. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures. 20-34.
- Grasseni C., Barendregt B.A., Maaker E. de, De Musso F., Littlejohn A.L., Maeckelbergh M.E., Postma M.A. & Westmoreland M.R. (2020), Audiovisual and digital ethnography: a practical and theoretical guide. London: Routledge.
- Westmoreland M.R. & Luning S. (22 March 2018), Footage of Failure: Multimodality in Practice. Leiden Anthropology Blog. Leiden: Institute CAOS. [blog entry].
- Westmoreland M.R. (10 January 2018), The Leiden School of Multimodal Ethnography?. Leiden Anthropology Blog. Leiden: Institute CAOS. [blog entry].
- Westmoreland M.R., Choi V., Shankar A., Cambell C. & Douglas L. (Eds.) (2018), Writing with Light photo-essays (Cultural Anthropology & Visual Anthropology Review). Visual Anthropology Review.
- Westmoreland M.R., Luning S., Obodai N. & Akuoku-Frimpong D. (2018), Broken Ground (Mamprusi and Pong Tamale, Ghana) (Spellerberg Project’s Masur Gallery). [other].
- Westmoreland M.R., Luning S. & Yussif B.S. (2018), “Breeding Identities, Feeding Cities” (aerial photo composite Pong Tamale, Ghana). [other].
- Westmoreland M.R. (2018), “Akram Zaatari Against the Archive”. In: Westmoreland M.R. (Ed.), Akram Zaatari — Against Photography. Annotated History of the Arab Image Foundation. Barcelona: Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA).
- Westmoreland M.R. (27 November 2017), Multimodal Anthropology?. Leiden Anthropology Blog. Leiden, The Netherlands: Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology. [blog entry].
- Westmoreland M.R. (Ed.) (2017), Writing with Light photo-essays. Cultural Anthropology.
- Westmoreland M.R. & Allen D.K. (Eds.) (2016), Editorship Visual Anthropology, 29, 3 Special Issue "Visual Revolutions in the Middle East". Visual Anthropology.
- Westmoreland M.R. (2016), Street Scenes: The Politics of Revolutionary Video in Egypt, Visual Anthropology 29(3): 243-262.
- Westmoreland M.R. & Allan D.K. (2016), Visual Revolutions in the Middle East, Visual Anthropology 29(3): 205-210.
- Westmoreland M.R. (2016), You Cannot Partition Desire: akram Zaatari's Creative Motivations. In: Martinho T. (Ed.), Akram Zaatari: Amanhã Vai Ficar Tudo Bem / Akram Zaatari: Tomorrow Everything Will Be Alright. Sao Paolo: Galpão VB / Associação Cultural. 76-87.
- Chio J. & Westmoreland M.R. (Eds.) (2016), Editorship Visual Anthropology Review, 32, 1 Special Issue "Uncertain Visions: Crisis, Ambiguity and Visual Culture in Greece". Visual Anthropology Review no. 32.
- Westmoreland M.R. (Ed.) (2016), Writing with Light photo-essays. Cultural Anthropology.
- Westmoreland M.R. (10 May 2016), Street photography and ethnographic ethics. Leiden Anthropology Blog. Leiden, The Netherlands: Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology. [blog entry].
- Westmoreland M.R. (2015), Mish Mabsoota: On teaching with a camera in revolutionairy Cairo, Journal of Aesthetics and Culture 7: 1-11.
- Westmoreland M.R. & Luvaas B. (2015), Introduction: Leviathan and the Entangles Lives of Species, Visual Anthropology Review 31(1): 1-3.
- Westmoreland M.R. & Luvaas B.A. (Eds.) (2015), “Leviathan: Sensory Ethnography & Entangled Species”. Visual Anthropology Review.
- Westmoreland M.R. (2015) Book Review. Cairo Images of Enactment: A Review Essay of Cairo: Images of Transition. Review of: Dal M.H. (2013), Cairo: Images of Transition–Perspectives on Visuality in Egypt 2011-2013: Transcript-Verlag. Journal of the Society for Contemporary Thought and the Islamicate World : 1-8.