Marije Stoltenborgh
- Name
- Dr. M. Stoltenborgh
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3968

- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Opvoeding en Ontwikkeling
- Schoemaker N.K., Juffer F., Rippe R.C.A., Vermeer H.J., Stoltenborgh M., Jagersma G.J., Maras A. & Alink L.R.A (2020), Positive parenting in foster care: testing the effectiveness of a Video-feedback Intervention program on foster parents' behavior and attitudes, Children and Youth Services Review 110: 104779.
- Schoemaker N.K., Jagersma G., Stoltenborgh M., Maras A., Vermeer H.J., Juffer F. & Alink L.R.A. (2018), The effectiveness of Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting for Foster Care (VIPP-FC): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, BMC Psychology 6: e38.
- Prevoo M.J.L., Stoltenborgh M., Alink L.R.A., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2017), Methodological moderators in prevalence studies on child maltreatment: Review of a series of meta-analyses, Child Abuse Review 26(2): 141-157.
- Euser S., Alink L.R.A., Stoltenborgh M., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2015), A gloomy picture: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials reveals disappointing effectiveness of programs aiming at preventing child maltreatment, BMC Public Health 15: e1068.
- Stoltenborgh M., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Alink L.R.A. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2015), The prevalence of child maltreatment across the globe: Review of a series of meta-analyses, Child Abuse Review 24(1): 37-50.
- Juffer F., Stoltenborgh M., Schoemaker N., Marijs L. & Alink L.R.A. (2014), Attachment-based intervention for foster families: A pilot study with VIPP-SD. EUSARF Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. . Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Stoltenborgh M., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Alink L.R.A. (2013), Cultural-geographical differences in the occurrence of child physical abuse. A meta-analysis of global prevalence, International Journal of Psychology 48(2): 81-94.
- Sethi D., Mitis F., Alink L.R.A., Butchart A., Wagner J. & Stoltenborgh M. (2013), Scale and consequences of the problem. In: Sethi D., Bellis M., Hughes K., Gilbert R., Mitis F. & Galea G. (Eds.), European report on preventing child maltreatment. Copenhagen: World Health Organization.
- Stoltenborgh M., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Alink L.R.A. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2013), A global perspective on child abuse and neglect: Meta-analytic reviews of prevalence and associated factors. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Seattle USA. April 2013 . Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 17 April 2013 - 20 April 2013. Seattle.
- Stoltenborgh M., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2013), The neglect of child neglect: A meta-analytic review of the prevalence of neglect, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 48(3): 345-355.
- Juffer F., Marijs L.P., Stoltenborgh M. & Alink L.R.A. (2013), Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting for adoptive and foster families (VIPP-FC): A case study. Fourth International Conference on Adoption Research, Bilbao. 7 July 2013 - 11 July 2013. [conference poster].
- Stoltenborgh M., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Alink L.R.A. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2012), The universality of childhood emotional abuse: A meta-analysis of worldwide prevalence, Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 21: 870-890.
- Stoltenborgh M. (22 June 2012), It should not hurt to be a child : prevalence of child maltreatment across the globe (Dissertatie, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): IJzendoorn M.H. van & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Alink L.R.A.
- Stoltenborgh M., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Euser E.M. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2011), A global perspective on child sexual abuse: Meta-analysis of prevalence around the world, Child Maltreatment 16(2): 79-101.
- Kroonenberg P.M., Stoltenborgh M. & Mesman J. (2010), The World of Attachment seen through the eyes of the Handbooks of Attachment. Leiden: Institute of Education and Child Studies.
- Kroonenberg P.M., Stoltenborgh M. & Mesman J. (2010), The changing World of Attachment: A quantitative analysis of the Handbooks of Attachment. Leiden, The Netherlands: Education and Child Studies, Leiden University.
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