Marian Hickendorff
Associate Professor
- Name
- Dr. M. Hickendorff
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3765
- 0000-0002-5024-421x

Short CV
- 2020-present: Associate Professor Educational Science, Institute of Education and Child Studies, Leiden University
- 2014-2020: Assistant Professor Educational Science, Institute of Education and Child Studies, Leiden University
- 2006-2021: construction of mathematics items for End of Primary School Test (Cito)
- 2011-2015: Assistant Professor Methodology and Statistics, Institute of Psychology, Leiden University
- 2011: PhD in Psychology (cum laude), Leiden University in collaboration with Cito, National Institute for Educational Measurement
- 2005: Master Psychology (cum laude), Leiden University
The research program of Marian Hickendorff focuses on mathematics education in primary schools. Her ambition is to give empirical basis to questions and discussions about mathematics education, such as: What is the effect of presenting a mathematics problem as a story problem? How do children solve math problems like 812–784 and to what extent are children with different math achievement levels inclined to use a ‘clever’ shortcut strategy? What is the performance level of Dutch children at the end of primary school: What goes well and where is room for improvement? Furthermore, Marian aims to encourage the application of modern statistical techniques in research into learning and cognition. The focal techniques are latent variable models such as item response theory (IRT) and latent class and latent transition analysis (LCA/LTA).
Grants and awards
- NWO Veni-grant for project “How (cleverly) do children choose their strategy to solve a math problem??” (2019-2022)
- NRO-grant for national assessment of mathematics performance of children at the end of primary school (Peil.Onderwijs rekenen-wiskunde), commissioned by the Dutch Inspectorate of Education and in collaboration with Kohnstamm Instituut, KPC group and Cito, National Institute for Educational Measurement (2018-2021)
- NRO-grant for review study on the relation between teaching factors and student outcomes in mathematics education (2017)
- Scholarship PhD project (2006-2011) by Cito, National Institute for Educational Measurement.
- Award for best publication by a PhD student in Psychology, academic year 2007-2008, Leiden University.
- Van der Geer Award for best Master’s Thesis in Psychology, academic year 2004-2005, Leiden University
- Staff member of the Interuniversity Center for Educational Sciences (ICO).
- Postdoc member Interuniversity Graduate School of Psychometrics and Sociometrics (IOPS).
Associate Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Onderwijswetenschappen
- Prast Emilie J. Hickendorff Marian Van de Weijer-Bergsma Eva (2025), High-achieving students in mathematics: A heterogeneous group, Learning and Individual Differences 119: 102629 (102629).
- Schlatter E. & Hickendorff M. (2024), Hoe rekenen leerlingen aan het eind van het basisonderwijs rekenopgaven uit? : Een analyse van de schriftelijke uitwerkingen van deelnemers aan Peil.Rekenen-wiskunde 2019, Volgens Bartjens - ontwikkeling en onderzoek 43(4): 41-55.
- Hickendorff M. & Van Zanten M. (2024), Opportunity to learn flexible and adaptive strategy use in current and past Dutch mathematics textbooks, Mathematical Thinking and Learning : 1-18.
- Prast E.J. & Hickendorff M. (2023), How do Dutch teachers implement differentiation in primary mathematics education?. In: Maulana R., Helms-Lorenz M. & Klassen R.M. (Eds.), Effective teaching around the world: Springer. 757-774.
- Adler R.M., Rittle-Johnson B., Hickendorff M. & Durkin K. (2023), A longitudinal examination of the relations between motivation, math achievement, and STEM career aspirations among Black students, Contemporary Educational Psychology 76: 102240.
- Mostert T.M.M. & Hickendorff M. (2023), Pizzas or no pizzas: an advantage of word problems in fraction arithmetic?, Learning and Instruction 86: 101775.
- Hickendorff M. (4 April 2023), Aanvankelijk en gevorderd rekenen in groep 3, 4 en 5. (NRO). [web article].
- Hickendorff M. (2022), Flexibility and adaptivity in arithmetic strategy use: what children know and what they show, Journal of Numerical Cognition 8(3): 367-381.
- Hickendorff M., McMullen J. & Verschaffel L. (2022), Mathematical flexibility: theoretical, methodological, and educational considerations, Journal of Numerical Cognition 8(3): 326-334.
- Hickendorff M. (2021), Aftrekopgaven: rijgen of aanvullen, Volgens Bartjens - ontwikkeling en onderzoek 40(3): 41-52.
- Buisman M., Kuijper S., Hickendorff M., Kuijpers R.E., Keuning J., Walet L., Meijer J., Ankersmit M. & Van Kronenburg F. (2021), Rekenvaardigheden in het (S)BO. Technisch rapport Peil.onderwijs rekenen-wiskunde einde (speciaal) basisonderwijs 2019. Amsterdam: Kohnstamm Instituut.
- Hickendorff M. (2021), The demands of simple and complex arithmetic word problems on language and cognitive resources, Frontiers in Psychology 12: 1-12 (727761).
- Hickendorff M. (2020), Fourth graders’ adaptive strategy use in solving multidigit subtraction problems, Learning and Instruction 67: 101311.
- Mouw J., Saab N., Gijlers H., Hickendorff M., Paridon Y. van & Broek P. van den (2020), The differential effect of perspective-taking ability on profiles of cooperative behaviours and learning outcomes, Frontline Learning Research 8(6): 88-113.
- Hickendorff M., Torbeyns J. & Verschaffel L. (2019), Multi-digit Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division Strategies. In: Fritz A., Haase V.G. & Räsänen P. (Eds.), International Handbook of Mathematical Learning Difficulties. Switzerland: Springer. 543-560.
- Hickendorff M., Mostert T.M.M., Van Dijk C.J., Jansen L.L.M., Van der Zee L.L. & Fagginger Auer M.F. (2019), Wat werkt (niet) in het reken-wiskundeonderwijs? Review van wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar de samenhang tussen het onderwijsleerproces en reken-wiskundeprestaties van leerlingen in het basisonderwijs, Volgens Bartjens - ontwikkeling en onderzoek 38(3): 41-49.
- Hickendorff M. (2018), Dutch sixth graders’ use of shortcut strategies in solving multidigit arithmetic problems, European Journal of Psychology of Education 33(4): 577-594.
- Stevenson C.E. & Hickendorff M. (2018), Learning to solve figural matrix analogies: The paths children take, Learning and Individual Differences 66: 16-28.
- Karlsson A.K.J., Van den Broek P.W., Helder A., Hickendorff M., Koornneef A.W. & Van Leijenhorst L. (2018), Profiles of young readers: Evidence from thinking aloud while reading narrative and expository texts, Learning and Individual Differences 67: 105-116.
- Hickendorff M., Torbeyns J. & Verschaffel L. (2018), Grade-related differences in strategy use in multidigit division in two instructional settings, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 36(2): 169-187.
- Hickendorff M., Edelsbrunner P.A., McMullen J., Schneider M. & Tresize K. (2018), Informative tools for characterizing individual differences in learning: Latent class, latent profile, and latent transition analysis, Learning and Individual Differences 66: 4-15.
- McMullen J. & Hickendorff M. (2018), Latent variable mixture models in research on learning and individual differences, Learning and Individual Differences 66: 1-3.
- Fagginger Auer M.F., Hickendorff M. & Van Putten C.M. (2018), Training Can Increase Students’ Choices for Written Solution Strategies and Performance in Solving Multi-Digit Division Problems, Frontiers in Psychology 9: e1644.
- Hickendorff M., Mostert T.M.M., Dijk C.J. van, Jansen L.L.M., Zee L.L. van der & Fagginger Auer M.F. (2018), Basiskwaliteit Nederlands rekenonderwijs is goed, Basisschoolmanagement 32(6): 4-7.
- Torbeyns J., Hickendorff M. & Verschaffel L. (2017), The use of number-based versus digit-based strategies on multi-digit subtraction: 9–12-year-olds' strategy use profiles and task performance, Learning and Individual Differences 58: 64-74.
- Hickendorff M., Mostert T.M.M., Van Dijk C.J., Jansen L.L.M., Van der Zee L.L. & Fagginger Auer M.F. (2017), Rekenen op de basisschool. Review van de samenhang tussen beïnvloedbare factoren in het onderwijsleerproces en de rekenwiskundeprestaties van basisschoolleerlingen: Universiteit Leiden.
- Hickendorff M. (2017), Learning to solve figural analogies: The paths children take. EARLI 2017, Tampere. EARLI 2017 29 August 2017 - 2 September 2017.
- Hickendorff M. (2017), Third to sixth graders’ word-problem solving. EARLI 2017, Tampere. EARLI 2017 29 August 2017 - 2 September 2017.
- Fagginger Auer M.F., Hickendorff M. & Van Putten C.M. (2016), Solution strategies and adaptivity in multidigit division in a choice/nochoice experiment: Student and instructional factors, Learning and Instruction 41: 52-59.
- Pavias M., Broek P.W. van den, Hickendorff M., Beker K. & Leijenhorst L. van (2016), Effects of social-cognitive processing demands and structural importance on narrative recall: Differences between children, adolescents, and adults, Discourse Processes 53(5-6): 488-512.
- Hickendorff M. & Van Putten C.M. (2016), 1949 vs. 2016: Moderne rekengedachten, JSW: Jeugd in School en Wereld (9): 36-39.
- Fagginger Auer M.F., Hickendorff M., Putten C.M. van, Béguin A.A. & Heiser W.J. (2016), Multilevel latent class analysis for large-scale educational assessment data: Exploring the relation between the curriculum and students' mathematical strategies, Applied Measurement in Education 29(2): 144-159.
- Fagginger Auer M.F., Hickendorff M. & Van Putten C.M. (2015), Strategiegebruik bij rekenen afleiden uit het schriftelijk werk van basisschoolleerlingen, Pedagogische Studien 92(1): 9-23.
- Torbeyns J., Hickendorff M. & Verschaffel L. (2015), Identificatie van strategiegebruik bij rekenen via niet-verbale methoden: mogelijkheden, beperkingen en inhoudelijke bevindingen. Een inleiding, Pedagogische Studien 92(1): 2-8.
- Scheltens F., Hickendorff M., Eggen T.J.H.M. & Hiddink L.A. (2014), Hoofdrekenen met papier - hoe zit dat met leerlingen die cijferen?, Reken-wiskundeonderwijs: onderzoek, ontwikkeling, praktijk 33: 128-140.
- Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W., Hickendorff M., Van Hemert A.M., Bernstein D.P. & Elzinga B.M. (2014), Childhood trauma questionnaire: Factor structure, measurement invariance, and validity across emotional disorders, Psychological Assessment 26(3): 717-729.
- Stevenson C.E., Hickendorff M., Resing W.C.M., Heiser W.J. & De Boeck P.A.L. (2013), Explanatory item response modeling of children's change on a dynamic test of analogical reasoning, Intelligence 41(3): 157-168.
- Fagginger Auer M.F., Hickendorff M. & Van Putten C.M. (2013), Strategiegebruik bij het oplossen van vermenigvuldig- en deelopgaven. In: Scheltens F., Hemker B. & Vermeulen J. (Eds.), Balans van het reken-wiskundeonderwijs aan het einde van de basisschool 5 158-167.
- Hickendorff M. (2013), The language factor in elementary mathematics assessments: Computational skills and applied problem solving in a multidimensional IRT framework, Applied Measurement in Education 26(4): 253-278.
- Hickendorff M. (2013), The effects of presenting multidigit mathematics problems in a realistic context on sixth graders' problem solving, Cognition and Instruction 31(3): 314-344.
- Akbari Chermahini S., Hickendorff M. & Hommel B. (2012), Development and validity of a Dutch version of the Remote Associates Task: An item-response theory approach, Thinking Skills and Creativity 7(3): 177-186.
- Hickendorff M. (25 October 2011), Explanatory latent variable modeling of mathematical ability in primary school : crossing the border between psychometrics and psychology (Dissertatie. Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Heiser W.J., Putten C.M. van & Verhelst N.D.
- Hickendorff M., Van Putten C.M., Verhelst N.D. & Heiser W.J. (2010), Individual differences in strategy use on division problems: Mental versus written computation, Journal of Educational Psychology 102(2): 438-452.
- Van Putten C.M. & Hickendorff M. (2010), Strijd over het rekenonderwijs of inzicht in de rekenproblematiek? Een commentaar op de reactie van van den Heuvel-Panhuizen en Treffers, Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek 49(2): 68-70.
- Hickendorff M., Heiser W.J., Van Putten C.M. & Verhelst N.D. (2009), Solution strategies and achievement in Dutch complex arithmetic: Latent variabel modeling of change, Psychometrika 74: 331-350.
- Hickendorff M., Heiser W.J., Van Putten C.M. & Verhelst N.D. (2009), How to measure and explain achievement change in large-scale assessments: A rejoinder, Psychometrika 74: 367-374.
- Van Putten C.M. & Hickendorff M. (2009), Peilstokken voor Plasterk: Evaluatie van rekenvaardigheid in groep 8, Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek 48: 183-194.
- Hickendorff M. & Janssen J. (2009), De invloed van contexten in rekenopgaven op de prestaties van basisschoolleerlingen, Panamapost 28(4): 3-11.
- Hickendorff M., Heiser W.J., Van Putten C.M. & Verhelst N.D. (2008), Clustering nominal data with equivalent categories, Behaviormetrika 35(1): 35-54.
- Van Putten C.M. & Hickendorff M. (2006), Strategieen van leerlingen bij het beantwoorden van deelopgaven in de periodieke peilingen aan het eind van de basisschool van 2004 en 1997, Panamapost 25(2): 16-25.