Maria Gabriela Palacio Ludeña
University Lecturer Development Studies
- Name
- Dr. M.G. Palacio Ludeña
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2189
- 0000-0003-1792-6013

I am an Assistant Professor (University Lecturer) in Development Studies at the Latin American Studies Programme and a permanent staff member at the Institute for History. My work challenges economicist approaches to development by engaging with questions of stratification, oppression, and power, with a current focus on structural poverty, inequality, and migration. While my empirical research primarily focuses on the Andean region, I engage with broader issues of power from a global perspective. Situated within development studies and informed by political economy and the anthropology of the state, my research employs an intersectional approach that examines how social stratification shapes political subjectivities in post-colonised territories. I also teach courses on political economy, informality, and social policy.
More information about Maria Gabriela Palacio Ludeña
PhD candidates
Personal website
My research expertise lies in social policy, poverty, and inequality in Latin American societies, focusing on the impact of neoliberalism and conservatism on social protection and providing a political economy critique of technocratic poverty alleviation strategies.
Building on my previous work on poverty and inequality in Latin America, I focus on exclusion and otherness resulting from social institutions of difference, such as gender, sexuality, age, migration status, and race. I have examined the role of digital infrastructures and informality in welfare provisioning in light of systemic changes and increased migration.
From a critical development studies perspective, I explore the (dis)continuities of neoliberalism as implemented through social policies in the Latin American region, emphasizing social citizenship and the recent authoritarian shift in the area, which has patriarchal and conservative elements. My research investigates how social policies can perpetuate, rather than mitigate, existing social stratification structures and power dynamics, reproducing various forms of discrimination, exclusion, oppression, and increasing violence.
I have written about alternative social assistance reforms in response to systemic challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, and explored novel alternatives, such as universal basic income. Additionally, I have engaged in collaborative projects to understand intra- and extra-regional south-north migration.
I completed an edited volume titled "Política Social, Pobreza y Desigualdad en el Ecuador 1980-2021," which analyses Ecuador's social policy trends over the past four decades. The book offers a comprehensive study of the state's role in shaping social policy, how it has evolved across three constitutions and the stability or volatility of social policy changes in a rapidly changing political context.
Another collaborative project, "Upsetting Binaries and Hierarchies: Queer Labour Economics," draws on Queer Linguistics and Queer Economics to address queer exclusion and oppression. This project not only addresses the growing precarity and decline of working conditions but also examines how workers resist interconnected forms of oppression exacerbated by a regressive and conservative shift in the region. It highlights how the distribution of rights and security for queer workers varies greatly, particularly in an area where hierarchies of race and sexuality intersect.
Fields of interest
Development studies, social policy, neoliberalism, welfare, inequality, migration, political economy, ethnography, informality.
Grants and awards
In 2021, the Humanities JEDI Fund supported the project "Upsetting Binaries and Hierarchies: Queer Labour Economics." This grant facilitated our interdisciplinary work on examining and challenging normative views, material manifestations, and discursive practices in the labour market from a queer perspective.
Additionally, the Humanities Research Traineeship Programme, Faculty of Humanities, provided funding for the "Queer Labour Economics" project. This grant enabled research into forms of discrimination and exclusion related to sexual orientation within the labour market in Brazil and Ecuador.
Furthermore, I collaborated on the "Critical Theories and Pedagogies" project, which received the Innovation of Education grant from the Faculty of Humanities. This grant supported the development of innovative educational practices and curricula grounded in critical theories and pedagogies.
Curriculum Vitae
I am an Assistant Professor of Development Studies specialising in social policy and poverty in Latin American societies. I hold a PhD in Development Studies from the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam (ISS), where my research focused on welfare provision in Latin America from a gendered and generational perspective. I also have a Master's degree in Development Studies from ISS, an M.Sc. in Non-Governmental Organizations Management and Social Economy from the Universitat de València, and a BA in Economics from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
My teaching covers a range of topics, including the political economy of Latin America, social policy and social reproduction, social justice, nation-building processes in Latin America, neoliberalism, informality, and labour segregation. I aim to engage students in dialogue with various literature streams, fostering an environment that encourages academic conversation, critical thinking, and awareness of hierarchies and power dynamics.
I supervise BA, MA, and PhD theses and contribute to the BA in International Studies, the MA in International Relations, and the MA in European Politics and Societies, alongside my teaching in the Latin American Studies program. My research and teaching primarily focus on Latin America, but I am open to collaborating with students researching social exclusion, social justice, inequality, poverty, labour economics, gender and queer epistemologies, and social policy.
I have published in prestigious journals such as Development and Change, Journal of International Development, and Population and Development Review, and have presented my work at international conferences like DSA, LASA, SLAS, and EADI. Additionally, I have led collaborative interdisciplinary research projects and co-edited volumes on social policy and fragmented citizenship in Latin America.
Key publications
Jara H. X Palacio Ludeña M G (2024), Rethinking social assistance amid the COVID‐19 pandemic: Guaranteeing the right to income security in Ecuador, Journal of International Development: 1-27. Read
Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2021), Falling through the cracks: digital infrastructures of social protection in Ecuador, Development and Change 52(4): 805-828. Read
University Lecturer Development Studies
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Latijns-Amerika studies
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. & Velazques Leyer R. (2025), Health Systems Resilience and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ecuador and Mexico. In: Legler T. F. (Ed.), The Politics of COVID-19 in Mexico: Governance Meets Government. London: Routledge. 131-159.
- Palacio Ludena M.G. 25 February 2025, The Latin American Way. Cold War Legacies 3. Cold War Research Network [podcast].
- Palacio Ludena M.G. 3 March 2025, Neoliberalismo, violencias y familia. Latinidades [podcast].
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. & Díaz Pabón F.A. (2024), Ecuador’s crackdown on violent crime helped turn the country into a narco state, The Conversation : .
- Jara H.X. & Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2024), Rethinking social assistance amid the COVID‐19 pandemic: guaranteeing the right to income security in Ecuador, Journal of International Development 36(3): 1738-1764.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. 30 January 2024, El miedo en el medio del mundo: Gang Violence Takes Ecuador. GDP - The Global Development Primer [podcast].
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. & Díaz F.A. (2024), Ecuador: raid on Mexican embassy draws international criticism – but President Noboa hopes voters approve, The Conversation : .
- Jara H.X., Mideros Mora A. & Palacio Ludeña M.G. (Eds.) (2024), Política social, pobreza y desigualdad en el Ecuador: 1980-2021. PUCE Economics. Quito: Editorial PUCE.
- Izurieta G. & Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2024), Transformaciones y desafíos de la asistencia social en Ecuador: 1980-2021. In: Jara H.X., Mideros Mora A. & Palacio Ludeña M.G. (Eds.), Política social, pobreza y desigualdad en el Ecuador: 1980-2021. Quito: Editorial PUCE. 60-93.
- Jara H.X., Mideros Mora A. & Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2024), Cuarenta años de política social en el Ecuador: una breve introducción. In: Jara H.X., Mideros Mora A. & Palacio Ludeña M.G. (Eds.), Política social, pobreza y desigualdad en el Ecuador: 1980-2021: Editorial PUCE. 5-11.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. & Mideros Mora A. 19 July 2024, Desarrollo alternativo y políticas públicas en Ecuador 1980 2024 con María Palacio y Andrés Mideros. Latinidades: alternativas [podcast].
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2023), The health care system in Ecuador. Social Policy Country Briefs. Bremen: SFB Globale Entwicklungsdynamiken von Sozialpolitik.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2023), Petrol on the flames: violence, poverty and neoliberalism in Ecuador, The Mint Magazine Sept 2023: .
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2022), Falling through the cracks: When informal workers cannot be seen: Annual DSA conference, London. Annual DSA conference 6 July 2022 - 8 July 2022.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2022), Punishment and prejudice: Authoritarian techno-conservatism in social policy in Ecuador. . Bologna.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2021), Ecuador’s Social Policy Response to Covid-19: Expanding Protection Under High Informality. CRC 1342 Covid-19 Social Policy Response Series no. 14. Bremen: CRC 1342 .
- Díaz Pabón F.A. & Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2021), Inequality and the socioeconomic dimensions of mobility in protests: the cases of Quito and Santiago, Global Policy 12(S2): 78-90.
- Díaz Pabón F.A. & Palacio Ludeña M.G. (7 May 2021), ¿Qué está pasando en Colombia?. The Conversation.
- Díaz Pabón F.A. & Palacio Ludeña M.G. (11 May 2021), #SOSColombia: Remember Sharpeville?. Mail&Guardian, Opinion.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. & Díaz Pabón F.A. (22 May 2021), The Colombian protests reflect a deep legitimacy crisis. AlJazeera.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2021), Decoding the protocol: data and social assistance in Ecuador. In: Paper presented at the panel Social Policy as Social Ordering in Development: Critical Perspectives. The Hague: European Association of Development research and training Institute (EADI). 1-20.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. & Diaz Pabón F. (2021), The Social, Political And Economic Dimensions Of Inequality In Chile And Ecuador: Paper presented in the panel Rethinking inequalities in the era of growth limits and social injustice part of the conference EADI ISS: Solidarity, Peace and Social Justice. EADI ISS Conference 2021: Solidarity, Peace and Social Justice 5 July 2021 - 8 July 2021.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2021), Falling through the cracks: digital infrastructures of social protection in Ecuador, Development and Change 52(4): 805-828.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. & Díaz Pabón F. (2021), The Deepening of Inequalities in Latin America During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Europa Publications (Ed.) South America, Central America and the Caribbean 2022. South America, Central America and the Caribbean. 3-7.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2020), Depolitizando la pobreza? Transferencias monetarias focalizadas y participación ciudadana en Ecuado. SLAS 2020 Mind the gap: Strengthening Connections in Latin American Studies 17 April 2020 - 18 April 2020.
- Díaz Pabón F.A. & Palacio Ludeña M.G. (23 January 2020), Tras la guerra y la violencia, Colombia reclama derechos e igualdad. The Conversation.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. & Díaz Pabón F.A. (2020), Urban inequality and protests in Ecuador and Chile, openSALDRU: South Africa Labour and Development Research Unit Saldru Working Paper(260): .
- Díaz Pabón F.A. Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2020), The 'Great Recession': protests in Latin America. In: West Jackie (Ed.), The Europa Introduction to South America, Central America and the Caribbean 2021: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2020), Cannot Be Unseen: Inequality in Latin America in the Time of COVID-19 – Case Study Brazil, BAISmag : .
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2019), Institutionalizing Segregation: Women, Conditional Cash Transfers, and Paid Employment in Southern Ecuador, Population and Development Review 45(S1): 245-273.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. & Díaz Pabón F.A. (22 October 2019), People in Ecuador have woken up to a fragmented and polarised society. Mail&Guardian, Opinion.
- Diaz Pabon F.A. & Palacio Ludena M.G. (30 October 2019), Chile’s riots: The dance of the dispossessed. Mail&Guardian, Opinion.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. & Díaz Pabón F.A. (21 November 2019), Ruido, redes sociales y democracia: el caso boliviano. The Conversation.
- Díaz Pabón F.A. & Palacio Ludeña M.G. (28 November 2019), Noise or signal? Social media’s role in Bolivia’s coup. Mail&Guardian, World.
- Díaz Pabón F.A. & Palacio Ludeña M.G. (10 December 2019), Marie Antoinette rules in Colombia as the masses protest against inequality, Opinion.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2019), Managing poverty: targeting, graduation and the politics of entitlement. Development Studies Association (DSA) conference 2019: Opening up Development 19 June 2019 - 21 June 2019.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2019), De prestaciones a garantías: reimaginando el Bono de Desarrollo Humano en Ecuador / From benefits to entitlements: re-imagining the Bono de Desarrollo Humano in Ecuador, Estado & comunes 8(1): 181–204.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2018), 'Bono de Desarrollo Humano: trajectories of difference'. UNU-WIDER Income Redistribution and the Role of Tax-Benefit Systems in Latin America 5 July 2018 - 6 July 2018.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2018), ‘Otros lo necesitan más: graduation and the politics of entitlement’. 16th Development Dialogue conference: Social Justice amidst the Convergence of Crises: Repoliticising Inequalities 1 November 2018 - 2 November 2018.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (7 December 2017), A matter of choice?: Cash Transfers and Narratives of Dependence in the Lives of Women in Southern Ecuador (Dissertatie. International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities, Erasmus University Rotterdam). The Hague: Erasmus University Rotterdam. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Vos R., Arsel M. & Fischer A.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2016), Institutionalizing segregation: Conditional cash transfers and employment choices. WIDER Working Paper no. 21. Helsinki: UNU-WIDER (UNU-WIDER). [working paper].
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2016), Generationating” Conditional Cash Transfers in Urban Ecuador. In: Huijsmans Roy (Ed.), Generationing Development: A Relational Approach to Youth and Development. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 243-265.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2014), Embracing the Messiness: Doing Social Surveys in Ecuador, Responsible Development in a Polycentric World Inequality, Citizenship and the Middle Classes 14th EADI General Conference: Bonn, Germany (2014, juni 23 - 2014, juni 26).. 14th EADI General Conference “Responsible Development in a Polycentric World: Inequality, Citizenship and the Middle Classes” 23 June 2014 - 26 June 2014.
- Palacio Ludeña M.G. (2011), Intergovernmental transfers and uneven development in Ecuador: evidence from a resource rich economy no. EUR-ISS-PER. International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (ISS).
- Member Editorial Committee of the Faculty of Economics