Marco Bronckers
Professor emeritus WTO Law and European Law
- Name
- Prof.dr. M.C.E.J. Bronckers
- Telephone
- 071 5272727
- 0000-0002-3749-6893

Marco Bronckers (1956) is Professor of WTO and EU law at Leiden University.
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Marco Bronckers (1956) is Professor of WTO and EU law at Leiden University.
He received his legal education in the Netherlands (University of Amsterdam, J.D. 1979; Ph.D. 1985) and the United States (University of Michigan, LL.M. 1980). In addition, he practices law in Brussels, Belgium since 1990.
He started practicing in the United States and then became a member of the bar in the Netherlands, following an internship with the European Commission's Legal Service. Having been a partner in leading Dutch and American law firms, he created his own firm with VVGB Advocaten/Avocats in the summer of 2009. As of the summer of 2016 he works as an independent lawyer. His legal specialties are European law, international trade law, and competition law.
He practices before national and European courts, and WTO tribunals in Geneva. He is a regular lecturer at the University of Barcelona (IELPO program). He is on the advisory board of the Journal of European International Economic Law (OUP) and Legal Issues of Economic Integration (Kluwer).
Professor emeritus WTO Law and European Law
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Europees Recht
- Baetens F. & Bronckers M.C.E.J. (19 January 2022), The EU’s Anti-Coercion Instrument: a big stick for big targets. EJIL:Talk!: European Journal of International Law. [blog entry].
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (9 November 2022), The EU’s inconsistent approach towards sustainability treaties: due diligence legislation v. trade policy. EJIL:Talk!: European Journal of International Law. [blog entry].
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Gruni G. (2021), Retooling the Sustainability Standards in EU Free Tree Trade Agreements, Journal of International Economic Law 24(1): 25-51.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2020), Trade Conflicts: Whither the WTO?, Legal Issues of Economic Integration 47(3): 221-244.
- Baetens F., Bronckers M.C.E.J., Kuijper P.J., Voermans W.J.M. & Wessel R.A. (30 June 2020), Why the Netherlands Should Ratify CETA. EJIL Talk!, blog of the European Journal of International Law. [blog entry].
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2020), Handelsconflicten - waar moet dat heen met de WTO?, Ars Aequi 69(7/8): 694-705 .
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Gruni G. (2019), Taking the Enforcement of Labour Standards in the EU’s Free Trade Agreements Seriously, Common Market Law Review 56(6): 1591-1622.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Gruni G. (2018), Improving the Enforcement of Labour Standards in the EU’s Free Trade Agreements. In: Prévost D., Alexovičová I. & Pohl J.H. (Eds.), Restoring Trust in International Trade: Liber Amicorum in honour of Peter Van den Bossche. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 157-172.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (26 January 2017), How to get out of the CETA mess. Leiden law blog. [blog entry].
- Bourgeois J., Bronckers M. & Quick R. (Eds.) (2017), WTO dispute settlement: time to take stock. College of Europe Studies = Cahiers du Collège d'Europe no. 19. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Baetens F. (2017), Financial Payments as a Remedy in WTO Dispute Settlement Proceedings: An Update. In: Bourgeois J., Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Quick R. (Eds.), WTO dispute settlement: time to take stock. College of Europe Studies = Cahiers du Collège d'Europe no. 19. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang. 67-98.
- D'Argent P., Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Quick R. (2017), Trading Together Declaration: Trading Together: For strong and democratically legitimized EU international agreements = Commercer Ensemble: Pour des accords internationaux européens forts et démocratiques = Gemeinsam Handeln: Für starke und demokratisch legitimierte internationale EU-Verträge. [other].
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Quick R. (2016), John Jackson as a Teacher, Journal of International Economic Law 19(2): 397-399.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2015), Is Investor–State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Superior to Litigation Before Domestic Courts? An EU View on Bilateral Trade Agreements, Journal of International Economic Law 18(3): 655-677.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (21 January 2015), Schizophrenia in the EU about International Law. Leiden law blog. [blog entry].
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (6 October 2015), Is ISDS Superior to Litigation before Domestic Courts? An EU View. EFILA blog: European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration. [blog entry].
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2014), WTO Appellate Body: China Raw Materials (2012). In: Blokker N.M., Bogaert S.C.G. van den, Koffeman N.R., Loenen M.L.P. & Ölçer F.P. (Eds.), Vijftig. Juridische opstellen voor een Leidse nachtwacht.. Meijers-reeks no. 223. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers. 53-60.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Maskus K.E. (2014), China-Raw materials: a controversial step towards evenhanded exploitation of natural resources, World Trade Review 13(2): 393-408.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Baetens F. (2013), Reconsidering financial remedies in WTO dispute settlement, Journal of International Economic Law 16(2): 281-311.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2013), Euro-Preference in EU Trade and Competition Law. In: Merola M. Derenne J. Rivas J. (Ed.), Competition law in times of economic crisis: In Need of Adjustment?. Global Competition Law Centre Annual Conference series no. 4. Brussel: Bruylant. 639-641.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & McNelis N.M. (2012), Is the EU obliged to improve the protection of trade secrets? An inquiry into TRIPS, the European Convention on Human Rights and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, European intellectual property review 34(10): 673-688.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Goelen S. (2012), Financial Liability of the EU for Violations of WTO Law: A legislative proposal benefiting 'innocent bystanders', Legal Issues of Economic Integration 39(4): 399-418.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Vallery A. (2012), Fair and effective competition policy in the EU: Which role for authorities and which role for the courts after Menarini?, European Competition Journal 8(2): 283-299.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J., Horlick G. & Soopramanien R. (2012), WTO Regulation of Subsidies. In: Hancher L., Ottervanger T. & Slot P.J. (Eds.), EU State Aids. London: Sweet & Maxwell. 210-233.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Goelen S. (2012), De aansprakelijkheid van de EU voor schendingen van het WTO-recht: waar knelt het schoentje?. In: Barkhuysen T., Ouden W. den & Tjepkema M.K.G. (Eds.), Coulant compenseren? Over overheidsaansprakelijkheid en rechtspolitiek. Meijers-reeks no. 203. Deventer: Kluwer. 673-698.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Vallery A., annotation: EFTA Court 18 April 2012, European Law Reporter 2012(4): 105-113 (E-15/10 Posten Norge AS – EFTA Surveillance Authority; E-15/10 Norway Post: The EFTA Court advances the debate on human rights and administrative competition law enforcement).
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Vallery A. (2011), No Longer Presumed Guilty? The Impact of Fundamental Rights on certain Dogmas of EU Competition Law, World Competition 34(4): 535-570.
- Govaere I., Quick R. & Bronckers M.C.E.J. (Eds.) (2011), Trade and Competition Law in the EU and Beyond. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2011), The Domestic Law Effect of the WTO in the EU - a dialogue with Jacques Bourgeois. In: Govaere I., Quick R. & Bronckers M.C.E.J. (Eds.), Trade and Competition Law in the EU and Beyond. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 240-256.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2010), Non-Discrimination in the World Trade Organization Safeguards Agreement: A European Perspective. In: Bagwell K.W., Bermann G.A. & Mavroidis P.C. (Eds.), Law and economics of contingent protection in international trade. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 367-373.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Van Gerven Y. (2009), Legal Remedies under the EC's New Chemicals Regulation REACH: Testing a New Model of European Governance, Common Market Law Review 46(6): 1823-1871.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Soopramanien R. (2008), The impact of WTO Law on European Food Regulation, European Food and Feed law Review 3(6): 361-375.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2008), From 'Direct effect' to 'Muted dialogue': recent developments in the European Courts' case law on the WTO and beyond, Journal of International Economic Law 11(4): 885-898.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Larouche P. (2008), A review of the WTO regime for Telecommunications services. In: Alexander K. & Andenas M. (Eds.), The World Trade Organization and trade in services. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff. 319-379.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2008), From 'Direct effect' to 'Muted dialogue': recent developments in the European Courts' case law on the WTO and beyond. In: Possen F.H.M. (Ed.), Goederen in geding: mondiaal, Europees, nationaal. Prinsengrachtreeks. Nijmegen: Ars Aequi Libri. 3-16.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2008), From 'Direct effect' to 'Muted dialogue': recent developments in the European Courts' case law on the WTO and beyond. In: Bulterman M.K., Hancher L., McDonnell A. & Sevenster H. (Eds.), Views of European law from the Mountain: liber amicorum Piet Jan Slot. Alphen a/d Rijn: Kluwer Law International. 403-416.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2008), Private appeals to WTO Law: An update, Journal of World Trade 42(2): 245-260.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2007), The relationship of the EC Courts with other international tribunals: Non-committal, Respectful or Submissive?, Common Market Law Review 44(3): 601-627.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Broek N. van den (2007), Compliance and reparation: practical proposals for financial compensation in the WTO. In: Horovitz D., Moulis D. & Steger D.P. (Eds.), Ten years of WTO dispute settlement: commentary and analysis from the Trade and Customs Law Committee of the International Bar Association. London: International Bar Association (IBA). 139-153.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2007), The relationship of the EC Courts with other international tribunals: Non-committal, Respectful or Submissive?. In: Monti M., Liechtenstein Prinz Nikolaus von und zu, Vesterdorf B., Westbrook J. & Wildhaber L. (Eds.), Economic Law and Justice in times of globalisation = Wirtschaftsrecht und Justiz in Zeiten der Globalisierung: Festschrift for Carl Baudenbacher. Baden Baden: Nomos. 51-74.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Goyette M. (2006), The EU's responses to foreign subsidies: an overview. In: Matsushita M., Ahn D. & Chen T. (Eds.), The WTO trade remedy system: East Asian perspectives. London: Cameron May. 145-157.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J., Horlick G. & McNelis N.M. (2006), WTO Regulations of Subsidies. In: Hancher L., Ottervanger T.R. & Slot P.J. (Eds.), EC State Aids. London: Sweet & Maxwell. 167-181.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Broek N. van den (2006), Financial compensation in the WTO: improving remedies in WTO dispute settlement. In: Georgiev D. & Borght K. van der (Eds.), Reform and development of the WTO dispute settlement system. London: Cameron May. 43-72.
- Kuijper P.J. & Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2005), WTO Law in the European Court of Justice, Common Market Law Review 42(5): 1313-1355.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Larouche P. (2005), Telecommunications Services. In: Macrory P.F.J., Appleton A.E. & Plummer M.G. (Eds.), The World Trade Organization: Legal, Economic and Political Analysis [Vol. III]. New York: Springer. 991-1040.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2005), Exceptions to liberal trade in foodstuffs: the precautionary approach and collective preferences. In: Baudenbacher C., Tresselt P. & Orlygsson T. (Eds.), The EFTA Court: ten years on. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 105-119.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Ondrusek P. (2005), Protection of Regulatory Data in the EU and WTO law: The example of REACH, Journal of World Intellectual Property 8(5): 579-598.
- Charro P. & Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2005), REACH Reviewed under WTO Law, Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law 2(3): 184-194.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Ondrusek P. (2005), Schutz von Registrierdaten im EU- und WTO-Recht: das Beispiel von REACH, Zeitschrift für Stoffrecht 2(1): 2-13.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2005), The effect of the WTO in European Court Litigation, Texas International Law Journal 40: 443-448.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Broek N. van den (2005), Financial Compensation in the WTO: Improving the Remedies of WTO Dispute Settlement, Journal of International Economic Law 8(1): 101-126.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Horlick G. (Eds.) (2004), WTO jurisprudence and policy: practitioners' perspectives. London: Cameron May.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2003), Where should WTO law go on the exhaustion of intellectual property rights?. In: Cottier T. & Mavroidis P.C. (Eds.), Intellectual property: trade, competition, and sustainable development. Studies in international economics. World trade forum no. 3. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 231-234.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2003), Trade policy and intellectual property: an example of global governance. In: Baudenbacher C. & Busek E. (Eds.), Europa und die globalisierung III: Referate des Dritten Wiener Globalisierungs-Symposiums. Wien: Verlag Österreich. 183-187.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2003), The EU's special safeguard clause in respect of China: (How) will it work?, Legal Issues of Economic Integration 30(2): 123-131.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & McNelis N.M. (2002), The EU Trade Barriers Regulation Comes of Age. In: Bogdandy A. von, Mavroidis P.C. & Mény Y. (Eds.), European Integration and International Co-ordination: Studies in Transnational Economic Law in honour of Claus-Dieter Ehlermann. Deventer: Kluwer. 55-97.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Desmedt A. (2002), De invloed van de WTO op het onderwijsbestel (The impact of the WTO on Educational Policy), Economisch Statistische Berichten 87(4359): 30-32.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & McNelis N. (2001), The EU Trade Barriers Regulation Comes of Age, Journal of World Trade 35(4): 427-483.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Vlies van der R. (2001), The European Court's PreussenElektra judgement: Tension between EU principles and national renewable energy initiatives, European Competition Law Review 22(10): 458-468.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2001), La jurispudence des juridictions communautaires relatives à l'OMC demande réparation: Plaidoyer pour les droits des Etats-membres, Cahiers de Droit Européen 37(1-2): 3-14.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. (2001), More Power to the WTO?, Journal of International Economic Law 4(1): 41-65.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J., Verkade D.W.F. & McNelis N.M. (2000), TRIPs Agreement, Enforcement of Intellectuel Property Rights. Luxemburg: Office for Publications of the EC.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J., Verkade D.W.F. & McNelis N.M. (2000), Accord ADPIC, Moyens de faire respecter les droits de propriété intellectuele. Luxembourg: Office des Publications des CE.
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