Universiteit Leiden

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Marco Bronckers

Professor emeritus WTO Law and European Law

Prof.dr. M.C.E.J. Bronckers
071 5272727

Marco Bronckers (1956) is Professor of WTO and EU law at Leiden University.

More information about Marco Bronckers

Marco Bronckers (1956) is Professor of WTO and EU law at Leiden University.

He received his legal education in the Netherlands (University of Amsterdam, J.D. 1979; Ph.D. 1985) and the United States (University of Michigan, LL.M. 1980). In addition, he practices law in Brussels, Belgium since 1990.

He started practicing in the United States and then became a member of the bar in the Netherlands, following an internship with the European Commission's Legal Service. Having been a partner in leading Dutch and American law firms, he created his own firm with VVGB Advocaten/Avocats in the summer of 2009. As of the summer of 2016 he works as an independent lawyer. His legal specialties are European law, international trade law, and competition law.

He practices before national and European courts, and WTO tribunals in Geneva. He is a regular lecturer at the University of Barcelona (IELPO program). He is on the advisory board of the Journal of European International Economic Law (OUP) and Legal Issues of Economic Integration (Kluwer).

Professor emeritus WTO Law and European Law

  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut voor Publiekrecht
  • Europees Recht
  • Balie te Brussel Advocaat
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