Launch of Marco Bronckers’ Liber Amicorum
On 2 June 2023, the Liber Amicorum – 'The EU and the WTO: Ever the Twain Shall Meet' – in honour of Marco Bronckers will be officially launched at Leiden Law School. To mark this special occasion, an interactive discussion on 'Five future challenges facing the EU and the WTO in the next 50 years' will be held at 16.00 in the Cleveringazaal.
Book launch: 'Five future challenges facing the EU and the WTO in the next 50 years'
On 2 June, the Liber Amicorum will be officially launched at 16.00 in the Cleveringazaal.
To celebrate the occasion, an interactive discussion on 'Five future challenges facing the EU and the WTO in the next 50 years' will be held. Professor Bronckers will exchange views on specific issues with colleagues from the Europa Institute and book contributors, followed by an audience Q&A session moderated by Professor Freya Baetens.
The official handover of the Liber Amicorum will take place at 17.00. Afterwards, attendees are welcome to join us for a reception in the restaurant. Attendees are entitled to a discount on orders of the Liber Amicorum.
Liber Amicorum: 'The EU and the WTO: Ever the Twain Shall Meet'
Upon his retirement in November 2022, a Liber Amicorum, titled 'The EU and the WTO: Ever the Twain Shall Meet', was put together in honour of Professor Bronckers. The collection is edited by Freya Baetens and Stefaan Van den Bogaert. It includes contributions from friends, (former) PhD candidates and colleagues of Professor Bronckers. Reflecting Professor Bronckers’ own diverse experience, contributions are made by both legal academics and practitioners, with varied subject specialisation, geographic origin and methodological approaches.
The EU and the WTO are becoming increasingly important players on the international legal scene. For both institutions, their trade-focused mandate has expanded over decades such that few legal issues are not, in some way, affected by the EU or, perhaps to a lesser extent, WTO law. The EU may serve as a point of reference for the development of regional integration elsewhere. The EU and the WTO interact on a global scale as rule-makers and rule-enforcers, with repercussions for the entire world’s population. As such, there is a need to evaluate the ability of both institutions to deal with contemporary global challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation, pandemics, and the servification of manufacturing industries. At the same time, the increased influence of both institutions has been met with resistance, most notably demonstrated by Brexit, and the deadlock concerning the WTO Appellate Body.
In light of such, the Liber Amicorum takes a macro-approach looking at both the EU and the WTO in a broader context, as well as a micro-approach analysing specific high-profile issues. It scrutinises some of the current proposals and makes an educated attempt at predicting the format of the EU and the WTO in the next decades.
A full table of contents is on the publisher’s online store, where the Liber Amicorum is now available to purchase.
Professor Bronckers
For twenty-five years, Marco Bronckers held a position as professor of WTO and European Union Law at Leiden University. Throughout his professorship, he made a lasting impression – on his master’s students as a charismatic lecturer; on his PhD candidates as a dedicated supervisor; and on his colleagues as an open, genuine, and engaging colleague in the workplace.
Professor Bronckers has also made a lasting impression on the wider academic community, with his innovative and thought-provoking legal contributions in his fields of expertise. Alongside his academic contribution, Bronckers is a member of the Brussels Bar and has acted as counsel in high-profile cases before national and European judges, and WTO panels. He also advises private companies in regulatory matters, and public bodies and governments with respect to EU trade agreements.
Professor Bronckers is recognised as an eminent expert in international trade law by legal practitioners and scholars all over the world.
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