Marcel de Jeu
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. M.F.E. de Jeu
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7118
- 0000-0002-7295-8969

PhD Candidates
Personal webpage
Former PhD candidates
Associate professor
- Science
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Deng Y. & Jeu M.F.E. de (2024), Embedded unbounded order convergent sequences in topologically convergent nets in vector lattices, Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 18: 22.
- Jeu M.F.E. de & Walt J.H. van der (2024), The order bidual of C(X) for a realcompact space, Quaestiones Mathematicae 47(sup 1): 101-119.
- Ding C. & Jeu M. de (2023), Direct limits in categories of normed vector lattices and Banach lattices, Positivity 27: 39.
- Deng Y. & Jeu M.F.E. de (2022), Convergence structures and Hausdorff uo-Lebesgue topologies on vector lattice algebras of operators, Positivity 26(4): 61.
- Jeu M.F.E. de & Jiang X. (2022), Order integrals, Positivity 26(2): 32.
- Jeu M.F.E. de & Jiang X. (2022), Riesz representation theorems for positive linear operators, Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 16(3): 44.
- Deng Y. & Jeu M.F.E. de (2022), Vector lattices with a Hausdorff uo-Lebesgue topology, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 505(1): 125455.
- Jeu M.F.E. de (2021), Free vector lattices and free vector lattice algebras. Kikianty E., Mabula M., Messerschmidt M., Walt J.H. van der & Wortel M. (Eds.), Positivity and its applications. Positivity X 8 July 2019 - 12 July 2019. Trends in Mathematics . Cham: Birkhauser/Springer. 103-139.
- Deng Y. & Jeu M.F.E. de (2021), Convergence structures and locally solid topologies on vector lattices of operators, Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 15(3): 57.
- Jeu M.F.E. de (2020), The structure of doubly non-commuting isometries, Advances in Mathematics 368: 107149.
- Garth Dales H. & Jeu M. de (2019), Lattice Homomorphisms in Harmonic Analysis. In: Buskes G., Jeu M. de, Dodds P., Schep A., Sukochev F., Neerven J. van & Wickstead A. (Eds.), Positivity and Noncommutative Analysis. Basel: Birkhäuser.
- Jeu M. de & Walt J.H. van der (2019), On order continuous duals of vector lattices of continuous functions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 479(1): 581-607.
- Jeu M.F.E. de & Tomiyama J. (2018), The closure of ideals of ℓ 1 (Σ) in its enveloping C*-algebra, Advances in Operator Theory 3(1): 42-52.
- Jeu M.F.E. de & Rozendaal J. (2017), Disintegration of positive isometric group representations on L^p-spaces, Positivity 21(2): 673-710.
- Jeu M.F.E. de & Jiang X. (2017), Simultaneous power factorization in modules over Banach algebras, Positivity 21(2): 633-672.
- Jeu M.F.E. de, Elharti R. & Pinto P.R. (2017), Amenable crossed product Banach algebras associated with a class of C*-dynamical systems, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 87(2): 169-178.
- Jeu M.F.E. de, Elharti R. & Pinto P.R. (2017), Nonsimplicity of certain universal C^*-algebras, Annals of Functional Analysis 2017(2): 211-214.
- Jeu M.F.E. de & Tomiyama J. (2016), Algebraically irreducible representations and structure space of the Banach algebra associated with a topological dynamical system, Advances in Mathematics 301: 79-115.
- Jeu M.F.E. de & Ruoff F. (2016), Positive representations of C_0(X), I, Annals of Functional Analysis 7(1): 180-205.
- Jeu M.F.E. de, Pagter B. de, Gaans O.W. van & Veraar M.C. (Eds.) (2016), Ordered structures and applications. Papers from Positivity VII (Zaanen Centennial Conference), on the occasion of the 100th birth year of Adriaan Cornelis Zaanen, held at Leiden University, Leiden, July 22–26, 2013 no. N/A. Cham: Birkhäuser/Springer.
- Xie R. & Jeu M.F.E. de (2015), Rapid polynomial approximation in L_2-spaces with Freud weights on the real line, Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 9(1): 216-234.
- Jeu M.F.E. de & Messerschmidt H.J.M. (2014), A strong open mapping theorem for surjections from cones onto Banach spaces, Advances in Mathematics 259: 43-66.
- Jeu M.F.E. de & Wortel M.R. (2014), Compact groups of positive operators on Banach lattices, Indagationes Mathematicae 25(2): 186-205.
- Tomiyama J. (2013), Noncommutative spectral synthesis for the involutive Banach algebra associated with a topological dynamical system, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2013(7): 103-135.
- Tomiyama J. (2013), A characterisation of C*-algebras through positivity of functionals, Annals of Functional Analysis 2013(4): 61-63.
- Andersen M. (2013), Local spectral radius formulas for a class of unbounded operators on Banach spaces, Journal of Operator Theory 2013: 435-461.
- Jeu M.F.E. de & Wortel M. (2012), Positive representations of finite groups in Riesz spaces, International Journal of Mathematics 23: .
- Jeu M.F.E. de & Tomiyama J. (2012), Maximal Abelian subalgebras and projections in two Banach algebras associated with a topological dynamical system, Studia Mathematica 208: 47-75.
- Jeu M.F.E. de, Svensson C. & Tomiyama J. (2012), On the Banach *-algebra crossed product associated with a topological dynamical system, Journal of Functional Analysis 262: 4746-4765.
- Andersen N.B. & Jeu M.F.E. de (2010), Real Paley-Wiener theorems and local spectral radius formulas, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 362(7): 3613-3640.
- Jeu M.F.E. de, Svensson P.C. & Silvestrov S. (2009), Algebraic curves for commuting elements in the q-deformed Heisenberg algebra, Journal of Algebra 321: 1239-1255.
- Andersen N.B. & Jeu M.F.E. de (2009), Local spectral radius formulas on compact Lie groups, Journal of Lie Theory 19: 223-230.
- Jeu M.F.E. de, Silvestrov S., Skau C. & Tomiyama J. (2009), Operator Structures and Dynamical Systems. Providence, USA: AMS.
- Svensson Christian, Silvestrov Sergei & Jeu M.F.E. de (2009), Connections between dynamical systems and crossed products of Banach algebras by Z. In: , Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. Methods of Spectral Analysis in Mathematical Physics 391-401.
- Silvestrov S., Svensson P.C. & Jeu M.F.E. de (2009), Algebraic dependence of commuting elements in algebras. Silvestrov S., Paal E., Abramov V. & Stolin A. (Eds.), Generalized Lie Theory in Mathematics, Physics and Beyond. : Springer. 265-280.
- Dirksen S., Jeu M.F.E. de & Wortel M. (2009), Extending representations of normed algebras in Banach spaces. Jeu M. de & Silvestrov S. (Eds.), Operator Structures and Dynamical Systems. . Contemporary Mathematics: AMS. 53-72.
- Svensson P.C., Silvestrov S.D. & Jeu M.F.E. de (2009), Dynamical systems associated with crossed products, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 108(3): 547-559.
- Jeu M.F.E. de (2008), Hoeveel is oneindig?, Euclides 83-5: 262-264.
- Svensson P.C., Silvestrov S. & Jeu M.F.E. de (2007), Dynamical systems and commutants in crossed products, International Journal of Mathematics 18: 455-471.
- Jeu M.F.E. de (2007), Some remarks on a proof of geometrical Paley-Wiener theorems for the Dunkl transform, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 18: 383-385.
- Jeu M.F.E. de (2006), Paley--Wiener theorems for the Dunkl transform, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 358: 4225-4250.
- Andersen N.B. & Jeu M.F.E. de (2005), Elementary proofs of Paley-Wiener theorems for the Dunkl transform on the real line, International Mathematics Research Notices 2005 : 1817-1831.
- Jeu M.F.E. de (2004), Subspaces with equal closure, Constr. Approx. 20(1): 93-157.
- Jeu M.F.E. de (2003), Determinate multidimensional measure, the extended Carleman theorem and quasi-analytic weights, Annals of Probability 31(3): 1205-1227.
- Jeu M.F.E. de (1994), An uncertainty principle for integral operators, Journal of Functional Analysis 122(1): 247-253.
- Dunkl C.F., Jeu M.F.E. de & Opdam E.M. (1994), Singular polynomials for finite reflection groups, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1994(1): 237-256.
- Jeu M.F.E. de (1993), The Dunkl transform, Inventiones Mathematicae 113(1): 147-162.
- Jeu M.F.E. de (1987), Continuous linear functionals on certain function spaces satisfying a system of two singular second order differential equations, Indagationes Mathematicae 90(4): 397-416.
- Appointment as extraordinary professor
- Member of review panels
- Scientific Advisory Commitee
- Editor of Positivity
- Chairman