Maghiel van Crevel
Professor of Chinese Language and Literature
- Name
- Prof.dr. M. van Crevel
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2211
- 0000-0003-1053-9459

Maghiel van Crevel is a professor of Chinese language and literature at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies.
More information about Maghiel van Crevel
CV & full list of publications (pdf)
Fields of interest
My fields of interest include (Chinese) literature & culture and translation in the broadest sense. My research specialization lies in contemporary Chinese poetry. There was poetry before there was Chinese: this proposition is defensible as a general claim, and it definitely holds for my personal development as a scholar. I like to think of my research as three-dimensional: text (poems), context (socio-political surroundings) and metatext (discourse on poetry). Building on textual analysis as well as regular fieldwork in China undertaken since 1991, my work also draws on the history, sociology and anthropology of literature and on translation studies. At Leiden University Libraries, I have built a print and digital collection of unofficial (minjian) poetry from China. Beyond the China field, my interests include critical area studies and ethics & integrity in academic work.
I supervise MA projects in modern Chinese literature and in modern Chinese cultural production at large, and PhD projects in modern Chinese literature. For both MA and PhD students, I welcome projects that focus on cultural production's interfaces with history, politics, society and so on, and projects that address issues of (interlingual & cultural) translation.
- PhD in Chinese Language and Literature, Leiden University (1996)
- MA in Chinese Studies, Leiden University (1987)
- China-Netherlands MoE exchange student, Peking University (1986-1987)
- Fulbright NACEE exchange student, Augsburg College (1981-1982)
- Full Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, Leiden University (since 1999)
- Lecturer in Chinese Studies, University of Sydney (1996-1999)
- Mandarin instructor, Leiden University (1995-1996)
- Mandarin instructor, Leiden University (1990-1991)
- Research assistant, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (1988-1989)
Key publications
With the exception of online resources for research and education and the long essay inspired by my fieldwork (2017), the items listed below are all books. My journal publications include articles, book chapters, and translations in English, Chinese, and Dutch, in scholarly journals and books, literary journals, and general media (e.g. positions: asia critique, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, Prism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature, The Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese, Tamkang Review, Studies on Asia, minima sinica, Renditions, Jacobin; Shi tansuo, Dangdai zuojia pinglun, Xinshi pinglun, Jintian; Volkskrant, NRC, Trouw, De Groene Amsterdammer, de revisor, Raster, Armada, De Gids, Het trage vuur.
Authored monographs
- Walk on the Wild Side: Snapshots of the Chinese Poetry Scene” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture MCLC Resource Center, 2017 (a long essay reporting and reflecting on my fieldwork)
- 《精神与金钱时代的中国诗歌:从 1980年代到世纪初》[Poetry in Times of Mind and Money: From the 1980s to the Early 21st Century], translated by Zhang Xiaohong 张晓红 in collaboration with the author, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2017.
- Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem, and Money (free download), Leiden: Brill, 2008, with a Chinese citations supplement (ibid), MCLC resource center, 2017; translated as Jingshen yu jinqian shidai de Zhongguo shige: cong 1980 niandai dao 21 shiji chu by Zhang Xiaohong in collaboration with the author, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2017
- Language Shattered: Contemporary Chinese Poetry and Duoduo (free download), Leiden: CNWS, 1996
Online resources for research and education
- “Unofficial Poetry Journals from China,” Leiden University Libraries (digital full-text collection with tips for further reading and viewing, including an extensive web lecture
- “ Avant-Garde Poetry from the People’s Republic of China: A Bibliography of Scholarly and Critical Books in Chinese”, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture MCLC Online Resource Center, 2008
- “ Avant-Garde Poetry from the People's Republic of China: A Bibliography of Single-Author and Multiple-Author Collections”, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture MCLC Online Resource Center, 2008
- “ Unofficial Poetry Journals from the People’s Republic of China: A Research Note and an Annotated Bibliography”, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture MCLC Online Resource Center, 2007
Edited volumes
- Chinese Poetry and Translation: Rights and Wrongs, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019 (first editor, with Lucas Klein)
- Chinese Poetry and Translation: Moving the Goalposts, special double issue of the Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese (14.2–15.1), 2017
- Text, Performance, and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music: Essays in Honor of Wilt Idema, Leiden: Brill, 2009 (first editor, with Tianyuan Tan and Michel Hockx)
- editor of Ans van Broekhuizen-De Rooij, Inez Kretzschmar and Fresco Sam-Sin Chinees in tien verdiepingen [Chinese in Ten Storeys], Vols 1 and 2, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2008-2009; since acquired by Leiden University Press and regularly reprinted
- with Lin Chin-hui, Paint Feet on a Snake: An Intermediate Mandarin Reader, simplified and full-form character editions, Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2015
- Ho-lan hsien-tai shih-hsüan [Anthology of Modern Dutch Poetry], Taipei: Taiyuan jijinhui, 2001 (with Ma Gaoming and Ku Pi-ling: expanded edition of 1988 Helan xiandai shixuan)
- Bei Dao, Landschap boven nul [Landscape over Zero], Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 2001 (poetry)
- Duoduo, Er is geen nieuwe dag [There Is No Dawn], Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1996 (poetry)
- Duoduo, Ik begrijp het niet [I Don’t Understand], Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1996 (essays, with Michel Hockx)
- Duoduo, Tatouages [Tattoos], Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1995 (short stories, with Michel Hockx)
- Duoduo, Een schrijftafel in de velden [A Writing-Table in the Fields], Amsterdam, Meulenhoff, 1991 (poetry)
- Een onafzienbaar ogenblik: Chinese dichters van nu [Moment with No End in Sight: Chinese Poets Today], Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1990 (with Lloyd Haft)
- Bei Dao, Golven [Waves], Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1989 (novel)
- Helan xiandai shixuan [Anthology of Modern Dutch Poetry], with Ma Gaoming, Guilin: Lijiang, 1988; second edition in 2005, by Guangxi shifan danxue
Courses taught include:
- Mandarin (various levels and modalities)
- Introduction to Chinese Literature and Art
- Chinese Literature: Prose through the Ages
- Chinese Literature: Theater and Poetry through the Ages
- Literary Worlds of Modern China
- The Yan’an Talks and Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature
- Modern Chinese Poetry
- Chinese Literature and Exile
- Chinese-Dutch and Chinese-English literary translation
- China’s New Workers and the Politics of Culture
- Critical Area Studies: Placing Your Research
- Discipline and Place in the Humanities and the Social Sciences
- The Many Faces of Translation: Language, Culture, Power, Art
- The Uses of Translation
- Principles and Pragmatics of Research
- Academic Skills Training
- Scientific Integrity
PhD supervision
- Zhang Xiaohong, "The Invention of a Discourse: Women’s Poetry from Contemporary China," degree awarded in 2004, with Douwe Fokkema and Mineke Schipper-de Leeuw
- Mark Leenhouts, "Leaving the World to Enter the World: Han Shaogong and Chinese Root-Seeking Fiction," degree awarded in 2005, with Lloyd Haft
- Michael Day, “China's Second World of Poetry: The Sichuan Avant-Garde, 1982-1992," degree awarded in 2005
- Paul van Els, “The Wenzi: Philology, Philosophy, Intertextuality,” degree awarded in 2006, with Carine Defoort
- Silvia Marijnissen, "From Transparency to Artificiality: Modern Chinese Poetry from Taiwan after 1949," degree awarded in 2008, with Lloyd Haft
- Paramita Paul, "Wandering Saints: Chan Eccentrics in the Art and Culture of Song and Yuan China," degree awarded in 2009, with Oliver Moore
- Jeroen Groenewegen, "The Performance of Identity in Chinese Popular Music," degree awarded in 2011, with Wim van der Meer
- Lena Scheen, "Writing Shanghai: Urban Experience in Contemporary Chinese Fiction," degree awarded in 2013
- Audrey Heijns, "Translating China: Dutch Sinologist Henri Borel," degree awarded in 2016, with Barend ter Haar
- Chan Pui-lun, “Periphery Matters: Peking Opera in Hong Kong,” degree awarded in 2017, with Wilt Idema
- Joanna Krenz, “Essayization and Emigration in Contemporary Chinese Literature,” degree awarded in 2018, with Izabella Łabędzka
- Wu Jinhua, “Education and Poetic Identity in Contemporary Chinese Poetry,” degree awarded in 2020, with Gabrielle van den Berg
- Yang Lan-yi, “Chinese ‘Poetry of the Nineties’,” degree awarded in 2022, with Gabrielle van den Berg
- Jiang Ye, “Jade from the Other Mountain: Chinese Fan Fiction based on English Source Texts,” degree awarded in 2023, with Ernst van Alphen and Ivo Smits
- Liu Shuang, “Vulnerable Yet Resilient: Representations of Migrant Workers in Contemporary Chinese Prose,” degree awarded in 2023, with Svetlana Kharchenkova
- Milan Ismangil, “A Special Territory: Visions of Hong Kong and Its People,” degree awarded in 2025, with Florian Schneider
- Peng Wenxuan, “Pop-Cultural Representation of Genders and Sexualities on Social Media Platforms in China,” with Florian Schneider, degree expected in 2025
- Anne Sytske Keijser, “Nieh Hua-ling’s Fiction,” degree expected in 2026, with Wilt Idema
- Ye Yunnan, “The Development of Chinese Labor Migration and Entrepreneurship in the GCC States,” degree expected in 2025, with Crystal Ennis and Tsolin Nalbantian
- Wang Ying-ting, “Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Self-Assessment in Dutch Students of Chinese as a Foreign Language: A Longitudinal Study,” degree expected in 2026, with Nivja de Jong and Tessa Mearns
- Marc Gilbert, “Communist Reportage on the Chinese Civil War,” degree expected in 2028, with Limin Teh
Editorial work
- Series editor, with Barend ter Haar, of Sinica Leidensia, Brill Publishers, 2009-2021
Grants, awards, tokens of esteem
- Elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academcy of Arts & Sciences (KNAW, since 2022)
- Featured Scholar in Chinese Literature Today vol 8 no 1 (2019): 102–145
- Hanban Understanding China fellowship, December 2016 to May 2017
- Netherlands Organization for Scientitic Research (NWO) write-up grant, 2003
- Netherlands Organization for Scientitic Research (NWO) Talent Stipend, 1996 (predecessor to the Rubicon grant scheme; declined when appointed lecturer at the University of Sydney)
- Leiden University four-year full PhD Funding, 1991-1995
- Nederlands Letterenfonds, several translation grants, 1988-1997
- China Artistic Freedom Poetry Award, 2023
- Lishan Poetry Award for fieldwork on Chinese poetry, 2022
- Rougang Poetry Award, 2013, for contributions to scholarship on Chinese poetry
Administration and service to the profession (selection)
- Member, Leiden University and Leiden University Medical Center Committee on Scientific Integrity (since 2020)
- Director of Doctoral Studies, Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS), since 2018
- Academic Director, Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS), 2009–2016
- Chairperson, executive committee, LeidenGlobal, 2013–2016
- Member, International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) Board, 2009–2016
- Member, Humanities Council, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), 2004–2007
- Member, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) Committee for the coordination of scientific and educationary contacts with China, 2002–2004
- Member, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) committee on “little-studied” languages and civilizations, 2001–2002
- Board Member, Leiden University Research School for Asian, Amerindian, and African Studies (CNWS), 1999–2002
- Secretary to the Hulsewé-Wazniewski Foundation for the Advancement of the Study of Chinese Archeology, Art and Material Culture at Leiden University (HWS), since 1999
- Head of Chinese Studies, Leiden University, 2000–2002 and 2006–2009
- Advisor to Poetry International Rotterdam, since 1987
Professor of Chinese Language and Literature
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS China
- Bao H. & Crevel M. van (2025), On Being Queer and Underclass: Mu Cao and His Poetry, Made in China Journal : .
- Crevel M. van (2025), Zhongguo minjian shikan de zaixian ziliaoku (An Online Archive of Chinese Unofficial Poetry Journals), Nanfang wentan 南方文坛 2025(2): 124-127.
- Crevel M. van 12 September 2024, Chinese Migrant Worker Poetry (three episodes). Chinese Migrant Worker Poetry 1-2-3. Working Class History [podcast].
- Maghiel van Crevel (2024), Hoe China's arbeidsmigranten poëzie schrijven in de 'werkplaats van de wereld' [How China's Labor Migrants Write Poetry in the Workshop of the World] (translation: Crevel M. van), Jacobin 2024(2): 64-69.
- Crevel M. van (2024), Mu Cao: An Unimitable Voice. In: , Crossing. Amsterdam: Prince Claus Fund. 96-98.
- Crevel M. van, Gilbert M.Y.C., Zhou Z., Timmer N. & Bao H. (2024), From Underground to Overground, from Print to Digital: A Symposium on Unofficial Poetry from China (Leiden University Libraries). [other].
- Jack F. & Crevel M. van 12 September 2024, Chinese Migrant Worker Poetry 7-9. Working Class History [podcast].
- Erkens M.Y.H.G., Mellema-Kranenburg T.J. & Crevel M. van (2024), Adviesrapport commissie archeologie: Advies aan het College van Bestuur van de Universiteit Leiden. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Crevel M. van (2023), I and we in Picun: the making of Chinese poet Xiao Hai, Positions 31(2): 303-331.
- Crevel M. van (2023), China's battler poetry, Zheng Xiaoqiong, and hypertranslatability, Prism: Theory and Chinese Literature 20(1): 201-224.
- Crevel M. van (2023), The translation of migrant worker literature: China's Battler poetry. In: Bruno C., Klein L. & Song C. (Eds.), The Bloomsbury handbook of Modern Chinese literature in translation. London: Bloomsbury. 253-264.
- Crevel M. van (2023), Komt dat zien! Schrijven aan de onderkant. Over hedendaagse Chinese poëzie = Lookie here! Writing way down. On contemporary Chinese poetry (with special attention to Mu Cao and Zheng Xiaoqiong, Poëziekrant 2023(2): .
- Crevel M. van (2022) "Een stem van somberheid én hoop: de gedichten van Ai Qing" (A Voice of Gloom and Hope: Ai Qing's Poetry). Review of: Ai Qing and Daan Bronkhorst (2021), Sneeuw valt op het land van China: gedichten (Snow Falls on China's Soil: Poetry). Amsterdam: Lebowski .
- Crevel M. van (2022), How China's Labor Migrants Write Poetry in the Workshop of the World, Jacobin : .
- Crevel M. van (24 November 2022), Wo de Zhongguo shige yuyan qianghuaban: yi ge Helan hanxuejia yan zhong de Ma Gaoming (My intensive course in poetic Chinese: Ma Gaoming through the eyes of a Dutch sinologist). Beijing wanbao.
- Crevel M. van & Liang Y. (2021), Shen Haobo. In: Lupke C. & Moran T.E. (Eds.), Chinese Poets since 1949. Dictionary of Literary Biography no. 387. Farmington Hills: Gale. 134-139.
- Crevel M. van (2021), China's battlers poetry: punching up, World Literature Today (Spring 2021): 33-34.
- Crevel M. van (2021), No one in control?: China's battler poetry, Comparative Critical Studies 18(2-3): 165-185.
- Crevel M. van (2020), Battlers Poetry and Picun Literature: Chinese Poet Xiaohai (web lecture) (Lyrik in Transition project, Trier University). [other].
- Crevel M. van (2020), Contemporary PRC Poetry (web lecture) (MCLC Resource Center). [other].
- Crevel M. van (2020) Gedichten en revolutie. Review of: Benton Gregor & Chongyi Feng (2019), Poets of the Chinese Revolution: Chen Duxiu, Zheng Chaolin, Chen Yi, Mao Zedong: Verso .
- Crevel M. van (1 June 2020), Poëzie van de lopende band: Xiaohai [Poetry of the Assembly Line: Xiaohai]. [blog entry].
- Crevel M. van (2020), Transgression as Rule: freebooters in Chinese poetry. In: Kroll P.W. & Silk J.A. (Eds.), "At the Shores of the Sky": Asian Studies for Albert Hoffstädt. Leiden: Brill.
- Crevel M. van (2019), Misfit: Xu Lizhi and Battlers Poetry (Dagong shige), Prism: Theory and Chinese Literature 16(1): 85-114.
- Crevel M. van (2019), Debts: Coming to Terms with Migrant Worker Poetry, Chinese Literature Today 8(1): 127-145.
- Crevel M. van & Stalling J. (2019), Poetry in the Field: An Interview with Maghiel van Crevel, Chinese Literature Today 8(1): 104-116.
- Crevel M. van & Li Q. (2019), Zhongguo minjian shikan: yi pian wenzhang he yi fen bianmu = China's unofficial poetry journals: an essay and a bibliography, 兩岸詩 (4): .
- Crevel M. van & Klein L. (Eds.) (2019), Chinese Poetry and Translation: Rights and Wrongs. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Crevel M. van & Klein L. (2019), Introduction: the weird third thing. In: Crevel M. van & Klein L. (Eds.), Chinese poetry and translation: rights and wrongs. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 9-17.
- Crevel M. van (2019), A noble art, and a tricky business: translation anthologies of Chinese poetry. In: Crevel M. van & Klein L. (Eds.), Chinese poetry and translation: rights and wrongs. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 331-350.
- Crevel M. van, Unofficial Poetry Journals from China (digital collection). Leiden: Leiden University Libraries (Leiden University Libraries). [web article].
- Crevel M. van (2019), Unofficial Poetry Journals from China: A Web Lecture by Maghiel van Crevel (Leiden University Libraries). [other].
- Crevel M. van (4 October 2018), To Steal a Book. Leiden Special Collections Blog. Leiden: Leiden University Library. [blog entry].
- Klein L. & Crevel M. van (2018), The Weird Third Thing: Report on a Workshop on Chinese Poetry and Translation, The Newsletter (81): 46-47.
- Crevel M. van (2017), Jingshen yu jinqian shidai de Zhongguo shige: cong 1980 niandai dao 21 shiji chu [Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind and Money: From the 1980s to the Early 21st Century], translated by Zhang Xiaohong in collaboration with the author. Beijing: Peking University Press.
- Crevel M. van & Wu J. (2017), Supplement to Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money: Citations in Chinese, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture Resource Center : .
- Crevel M. van (2017) Working for the boss and writing poetry. Review of: Xiaoyu Qin & Goodman Eleanor (2016), Iron Moon: An Anthology of Chinese Migrant Worker Poetry. Modern Chinese Literature and Culture .
- Crevel M. van (2017), Anything Chinese about This Suicide?. In: Wang D. (Ed.), A New Literary History of Modern China. Cambridge MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
- Crevel M. van (2017), Adembenemend: poëzie in neosocialistisch China, De Gids 2017(3): .
- Crevel M. van (2017), From China with Love: Unofficial Chinese Poetry Journals in the Leiden University Library. In: Bergen S. van, Duijn M. van, Geleijns E., Heuvel S. de, Kuipers A., Netten D. van, Zanen S. van, Deinsen L. van & Wouts D. (Eds.), Jaarboek voor Nederlandse boekgeschiedenis [Yearbook for Dutch Book History in the Netherlands] no. 24. Nijmegen & Leiden: Vantilt & Nederlandse Boekhistorische Vereniging. 233-249.
- Crevel M. van (2017), Tegen het overzicht: de sappelverzen van Xu Lizhi [Against the Well-Ordered: The Battlers poetry of Xu Lizhi], Terras (13): 38-51.
- Crevel Maghiel van & Xiaohong Zhang (2017), Lüju guowai de shiren: Yang Lian, Wang Jiaxin, Bei Dao [Poets in Exile, Exile in Poetry: Yang Lian, Wang Jiaxin, Bei Dao] (translation: Crevel M. van), Wenyi zhengming 2017(10): 133-148.
- Crevel M. van (2017), Walk on the Wild Side: Snapshots of the Chinese Poetry Scene, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture Resource Center : .
- Crevel M. van (2017), The Cultural Translation of Battlers Poetry (Dagong shige), Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese 14(2): 245-286.
- Crevel M. van (2017), Jujue de shige? Yi Sha shizuo zhong de yin yu yi [Rejective Poetry? Sound and Sense in Yi Sha's Poetry], translated by Wu Jinhua and Zhao Kun in collaboration with the author, Shijie Huawen wenxue luntan (世界华文文学论坛) 2017(4): 5-15.
- Crevel M. van (2016), Translation of Yu Jian, "File 0". In: Huang Y. (Ed.), The Big Red Book of Modern Chinese Literature: Writings from the Mainland in the Long Twentieth Century. New York: W W Norton & Company. 491-511.
- Crevel M. van (2016), Avant-Garde Poetry in China since the 1980s. In: Denton K. (Ed.), The Columbia Companion to Modern Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press. 414-421.
- Crevel M. van (2016), Yu Jian shige zhong de keguanhua he zhuguanhua [Objectification and Subjectification in Yu Jian's Poetry], Yangzijiang pinglun 2016(2): 74-84.
- Crevel M. van, Tao N. & Zhang J. (2016), Zhai Yongming [Chinese translation of entry in _Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women_]. In: Lee Lily Xiao Hong (Ed.), Zhongguo funü zhuanji cidian: ershi shiji juan [Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: The Twentieth Century]. Sydney: Sydney University Press. 776-783.
- Lin Chin-hui & Crevel M. van (2015), Paint Feet on a Snake: An Intermediate Mandarin Reader (simplified character edition): Leiden University Press.
- Lin Chin-hui & Crevel M. van (2015), Paint Feet on a Snake: An Intermediate Mandarin Reader (Full-form character edition). Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Crevel M. van (2015), Review of: Inwood Heather, Verse Going Viral: China's New Media Scenes. Asiascape: Digital Asia 2015(2): 162-168.
- Crevel M. van (2014), China Awareness, Area Studies, High School Chinese: Here to Stay, and Looking Forward. In: Idema W.L. (Ed.), Chinese Studies in the Netherlands: Past, Present and Future. Leiden: Brill. 263-274.
- Crevel M. van (2014), Siwang zhuanji he shige shengyin: Haizi [Thanatography and the Poetic Voice] [translated by Nie Jing], Shi tansuo (Poetic Explorations) 2014(2): 108-146.
- Crevel M. van (2014), Zhenshi de huaiyi: Han Dong [True Disbelief: Han Dong], translated by Zhang Xiaohong, Beifang luncong 2014(1): 1-9.
- Crevel M. van (2014), Review of: Manfredi Paul, Modern Poetry in China: A Visual-Verbal Dynamic. Modern Chinese Literature and Culture .
- Crevel M. van (2012), Introduction and several translations. In: Harman N. (Ed.), A Phone Call from Dalian [Han Dong's poetry]. Hong Kong: Zephyr & the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- Crevel M. van (2012), Contributions to a collection of poetry by Yan Jun in English translation. In: Stowell G. (Ed.), You Jump to Another Dream. Sydney: Vagabond Press.
- Crevel M. van (16 April 2012), Poetry by Han Dong in English translation. The Guardian.
- Crevel M. van & Keijser A.S. (2012), Waar staat die N eigenlijk voor? [N for What?] (On the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature), De Groene Amsterdammer 2012(42): .
- Crevel M. van (2012), English translations of poetry by Han Dong, Pathlight: New Chinese Writing 2012(2): .
- Crevel M. van (2012), Review of: (2012), Mo Yan's _Frogs_ (Kikkers). Trouw 2012-12-08.
- Crevel M. van (2011), Taking Sides with Poetry: An Homage to Michelle Yeh, Chinese Literature Today 1: 86-89.
- Crevel M. van (2010), Review of: Crespi John (2009), Voices in Revolution: Poetry and the Auditory Imagination in Modern China no. 53: University of Hawai'i Press. IIAS Newsletter (Special Issue, The Asia-Pacific War 60 Years On: History and Memory) : 30-31.
- Crevel M. van, Tan T. & Hockx M. (2009), Introduction. In: Crevel M. van, Tan T. & Hockx M. (Eds.), Text, Performance, and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music: Essays in Honor of Wilt Idema: Brill. 1-6.
- Crevel M. van (2009), Rejective Poetry? Sound and Sense in Yi Sha. In: Crevel M. van, Tan T. & Hockx M. (Eds.), Text, Performace and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music: Essays in Honor of Wilt Idema. Leiden: Brill. 389-412.
- Crevel M. van, Tan T. & Hockx M. (Eds.) (2009), Text, Performance and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music: Essays in Honor of Wilt Idema. Leiden: Brill.
- Crevel M. van (2009), Dangdai Zhongguo xianfeng shige shige yu shiren xingxiang [Images of Poetry and Poethood in Contemporary Chinese Avant-Garde Poetry], translated by Liang Jiandong and Zhang Xiaohong, Dangdai wentan 2009(4): .
- Crevel M. van (2009), Review of: Lupke Christopher (2007), New Perspectives on Contemporary Chinese Poetry. Modern Chinese Literature & Culture .
- Crevel M. van (2008), Lower Body Poetry and Its Lineage: Disbelief, Bad Behavior and Social Concern. In: Lu Jie (Ed.), China's Literary and Cultural Scenes at the Turn of the 21st Century. Londen/New York: Routledge. 179-205.
- Crevel M. van (2008), Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money. Leiden: Brill.
- Crevel M. van (2008), Avant-Garde Poetry from the People’s Republic of China: A Bibliography of Single-Author and Multiple-Author Collections, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture Resource Center : .
- Crevel M. van (2008), Review of: Visser Carolijn (2008), Shanghai Skyline. Trouw 2008-mei.
- Crevel M. van (2008), Avant-Garde Poetry from the People’s Republic of China: A Bibliography of Single-Author and Multiple-Author Collections, Modern Chinese Literature & Culture : .
- Crevel M. van (2008), Avant-Garde Poetry from the People’s Republic of China: A Bibliography of Scholarly and Critical Books in Chinese, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture Resource Center : .
- Crevel M. van (2008), Review of: Tao Naikan & Prince Tony (2007), Eight Contemporary Chinese Poets. Renditions 69.
- Crevel M. van (2008), Review of: Leenhouts Mark (2008), Chinese literatuur van nu: Aards maar bevlogen. Trouw 2008-mei.
- Crevel M. van (2008), Review of: Rong Jiang (2008), Wolventotem [Wolf Totem]. Trouw 2008-maart.
- Crevel M. van (2006), Review of: Williams Philip & Wu Yenna (2004), The Great Wall of Confinement: The Chinese Prison Camp through Contemporary Fiction and Reportage. Modern Chinese Literature & Culture .
- Crevel M. van (2006), Poetry by Duoduo, Sun Wenbo, Yin Lichuan and Wang Jiaxin, The Drunken Boat spring(summer): .
- Crevel M. van (2006), Poetry by Han Dong and Yin Lichuan, Full Tilt 1(1): .
- Crevel M. van (2006), Han Dong, Poetry International : 1-30.
- Crevel M. van (2006), Matter over Mind: On Xi Chuan's Poetry, The Drunken Boat spring(summer): .
- Crevel M. van (2006), 'Shi he zhong Zhonghuaxing, you fasheng zai shei de bianyuan?' [What Sort of Chineseness, and in Whose Margins?], Xinshi pinglun 3: 1-26.
- Crevel M. van (2006), True Disbelief: The Poetry of Han Dong, Tamkang Review 36(4): 107-14.
- Crevel M. van (2006), Thanatography and the Poetic Voice: Ways of Reading Haizi, minima sinica: Zeitschfift zum chinesischen Geist 18(1): 90-146.
- Gaoming Ma & Crevel M. van (2005), Helan xiandai shixuan [Modern Dutch Poetry], revised and expanded edition. Guilin: Lijiang.
- Crevel M. van (2005), Bei Dao. In: Booker M.Keith (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Literature and Politics. Westport: Greenwoord Press. 76-77.
- Crevel M. van (2005), Desecrations? The Poetics of Han Dong and Yu Jian (Part One), Studies on Asia 1: 28-48.
- Crevel M. van (2005), Desecrations? The Poetics of Han Dong and Yu Jian (Part Two), Studies on Asia 2(2): 81-97.
- Crevel M. van (27 August 2005), Bespreking van: Jung Chang & Jon Halliday, Mao: The Unknown Story. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (22 January 2005), Bespreking van: W L Idema, Boeddha, hemel en hel: boeddhistische verhalen uit Dunhuang [Buddha, Heaven and Hell: Buddhist Tales from Dunhuang]. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (1 October 2005), Herrie in de marge: crisis in de Chinese poezie?. De Groene Amsterdammer: 14-17.
- Crevel M. van (5 February 2005), Bespreking van: Petra H¿ulová, Mijn grootmoeder [My Grandmother]. Amsterdam, Promotheus 2004. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (16 July 2005), Bespreking van: Sijie Dai, Het complex van Di [Mr. Muo's Travelling Couch]. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (14 May 2005), Bespreking van: Patrick French, Naar Tibet [Tibet, Tibet]. Trouw.
- Yan Jun & Crevel M. van (2005), Weg met alle georganiseerd bedrog [gedicht], Het Trage Vuur 30: 80-84.
- Crevel M. van (2005), "Driedimensionale poëzie" [Three-Dimensional Poetry], Het Trage Vuur 30: 74-79.
- Crevel M. van (2005), Not Quite Karaoke: Poetry in Contemporary China, The China Quarterly 183: 644-669.
- Crevel M. van (2005), "Rhythm, Sound and Sense: Narrativity in Sun Wenbo", Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese 6(1): 119-151.
- Crevel M. van (26 March 2005), Bespreking van: Floris-Jan van Luyn, Een stad van boeren: de grote trek in China [A City of Peasants: The Great Trek in China]. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (2004), "Det poetiske rum mellem det ophøjede og det jordnære: ti kinesiske digtere I Danmark" [Textscapes between the Sublime and the Earthly: Ten Chinese Poets in Denmark]. In: Laugesen Sidse & Wedell-Wedellsborg Anne (Eds.), Kineserne kommer! Dansk-Kinesisk poesifestival [The Chinese Are Coming! Danish-Chinese Poetry Festival]. Aarhus: Østasiatisk afdeling, Aarhus Universitet. 4-12.
- Crevel M. van (2004), Who Needs Form? Wen Yiduo's Poetics and Post-Mao Poetry. In: Hoffmann H.P. (Ed.), Poet, Scholar, Patriot: In Honour of Wen Yiduo's 100th Anniversary. Bochum/Freiburg: Projektverlag. 81-110.
- Crevel M. van (2004), Poetry by Shen Haobo, Het Trage Vuur 26: 46-47.
- Crevel M. van (2004) Su Hang tussen het koopvee: hangjongeren in een chinese metropool. Review of: Lichuan Yin (2004), Fucker [Fucker]. Amsterdam: Vassallucci. Trouw 26-06-2004.
- Crevel M. van (12 June 2004), "Drie dichteressen uit het Oosten: Bestaat er zoiets als Aziatische poezie?" [over LingYu, Yi Won en Yoko Tawada]. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (8 May 2004), Boekbespreking; Xiaolu Guo, "Dorp van steen". Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (2004), Translation of poetry by Duo Si, Renditions 61: 66-68.
- Crevel M. van (2004), Poezie van Che Qianzi, Het Trage Vuur 25: 61-69.
- Crevel M. van (2004), Poetry by Yin Lichuan, Het Trage Vuur 26: 48-52.
- Crevel M. van (2004), Inleiding en vertaling van Bei Dao, "Twee gedichten", Raster 107: 76-78.
- Crevel M. van (2004), Translation of poetry by Chung Chiao, Renditions 61: 100-101.
- Crevel M. van (2004), `Angsten for at blive ignoreret-eller glæden ved at være i fred: Et essay om lyrikkens vilkår i Kina` [The Horror of Being Ignored and the Pleasure of Being Left Alone: Notes on the Chinese Poetry Scene], translated by Henrik Varmark, Standart 18(2): 37-38.
- Crevel M. van (2003), Words That Move. In: Hung Eva (Ed.), The Renditions Experience 1973-2003. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 88-89.
- Crevel M. van (2003), Zhai Yongming. In: Lee L.X.H. (Ed.), Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: The Twentieth Century. Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe. 672-678.
- Crevel M. van (2003), Untergrundliteratur [Underground Literature]. In: Staiger Brunhild, Friedrich Stefan & Schutte Hans-Wilm (Eds.), Das grosse China-Lexikon: Geschichte, Geographie, Gesellschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft, Bildung, Wissenschaft, Kultur. Darmstadt: Institut fur Asienkunde Hamburg. 780-781.
- Crevel M. van (2003), Not at Face Value: Xi Chuan?s Explicit Poetics. In: Lomova Olga (Ed.), Recarving the Dragon: Understanding Chinese Poetics. Prague: Karolinum Press, Charles University. 331-350.
- Crevel M. van (2003), Translations of poetry by Che Qianzi, Poetry International 2003. Poetry International Festival 2003. Rotterdam: Poetry International. 1-33.
- Crevel M. van (2003), The Horror of Being Ignored and the Pleasure of Being Left Alone?Notes on the Chinese Poetry Scene, Modern Chinese Literature & Culture : .
- Crevel M. van (2003), The Poetry of Yan Jun, Modern Chinese Literature & Culture 15 May: .
- Crevel M. van (13 December 2003), Bespreking van: Defoort, C. & Standaert, N. (eds.); Hemel en aarde verenigen zich in rituelen: een bloemlezing uit het werk van de Chinese wijsgeer Xunzi [Heaven and Earth Unite in Ritual: An Anthology of the Work of Chinese Thinker Xunzi]. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (14 June 2003), Boekbespreking van: Ha Jin; De waanzinnigen [The Crazed]. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (29 November 2003), Bespreking van Tjalling Halbertsma, "Berichten uit Mongolië". Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (15 February 2003), Boekbespreking van: Gao Xingjian; Berg van de Ziel [Soul Mountain]. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (13 December 2003), Bespreking van: Ye Zhaoyan; Nanjing 1937 [Nanjing, 1937]. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (29 November 2003), Bespreking van: Halbertsma, Tj. (ed.); Steppeland: berichten uit Mongolië [Steppe Country: Messages from Mongolia]. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (2003), English translation of Xi Chuan, "What the Eagle Says", Seneca Review xxxiii(2): 28-41.
- Crevel M. van (2003), Chinese-English Dictionaries, Modern Chinese Literature & Culture 24 Feb: .
- Crevel M. van (2003), Het Onderlijf, Het Trage Vuur 22: 89-103.
- Crevel M. van (2003), Review of: Yeh Michelle & Sze Arthur, Mercury Rising: Contemporary Poetry from Taiwan no. 2. China Information xvii: 144-146.
- Crevel M. van (2003), "Fei zimian yiyi: Xi Chuan de mingque shiguan" [Not at Face Value: Xi Chuan's Explicit Poetics], translated by Zhang Xiaohong, Shi tansuo (Poetic Explorations) 3/4: 305-323.
- Crevel M. van (2003), Bu li ni shou-bu-liao haishi bu guan ni le xiaoyao--xiaoyi Zhongguo shitan [The Horror of Being Ignored and the Pleasure of Being Left Alone--Notes on the Chinese Poetry Scene] (translated by Zhang Xiaohong), Dangdai zuojia pinglun 5: 115-118.
- Crevel M. van (2002), Translations of poetry by Xiao Kaiyu, Poetry International 2002. Poetry International Festival 2002. Rotterdam: Poetry International. 1-29.
- Crevel M. van (21 July 2002), Boekbespreking van: Buruma, Ian; Bad Elements: Chinese Rebels from Los Angeles to Beijing. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (23 February 2002), Boekbespreking van: Spence, J.; Het boek van verraad [Treason by the Book]. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (8 June 2002), Boekbespreking van: A Lai; Rode papavers [Red Poppies]. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (21 December 2002), Boekbespreking van: Han Shaogong; Woordenboek van Maqiao [Dictionary of Maqiao]. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (28 September 2002), Boekbespreking van: Mo Yan; Alles voor een glimlach [Shifu, You?ll Do Anything for a Laugh]. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (18 May 2002), Boekbespreking van: Halbertsma, T; De verloren lotuskruisen: een zoektocht naar de steden, graven en kerken van vroege Christenen in China [The Lost Lotus-Crosses: A Search for the Cities, Graves and Churches of Early Christians in China]. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (11 May 2002), Boekbespreking van: Chen, L. & Marijnissen, S.; De rand van het eiland: gedichten [The Island?s Edge: Poems]. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (2002), Translations of poetry by Bei Dao, Het Trage Vuur 20: 70-72.
- Crevel M. van (2002), Helan Laidun Daxue Hanyu jiaoxue he Hanxue yanjiu de lishi ji xianzhuang [Chinese-Language Teaching and Sinological Research at Leiden University, Past and Present], Guowai Hanyu jiaoxue dongtai / Overseas Chinese Language Teaching and Learning Report 1: 33-37.
- Crevel M. van (2002), Review of: Yang Lian, Notes of a Blissful Ghost. China Nu winter.
- Crevel M. van (2002), Butsen en scheuren in de officiele werkelijkheid: censuur in de Volksrepubliek China, Armada: tijdschrift voor wereldliteratuur 25: 37-49.
- Crevel M. van (2002), A Women's Poetry Recital and Some Contextual Notes, Modern Chinese Literature & Culture 15 Oct: .
- Bei Dao & Crevel M. van (2001), Landschap boven nul. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff.
- Crevel M. van, Ma G. & Ku P. (2001), Helan xiandai shixuan. Taipei: Taiyuan.
- Crevel M. van (2001), Translations of poetry by Yang Ze, Luo Zhicheng, Walis Nokan. In: Yeh Michelle & Malmqvist Goeran (Eds.), Frontier Taiwan: An Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry. New York: Columbia University Press. 369;452-384;459.
- Crevel M. van (2001), Translations of poetry by Bei Dao, Poetry International 2001. Poetry International Festival. Rotterdam: Poetry International. 1-30.
- Crevel M. van (2001), Translation of Yu Jian, File "0", Renditions 56: 24-57.
- Crevel M. van (22 September 2001), Boekbespreking van: Gao, X.; Kramp. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (23 June 2001), Boekbespreking van: Bai, J.; Gedichten en proza. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (2 June 2001), Boekbespreking van: Wang, L.; Seringendroom. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (13 October 2001), Boekbespreking van: Ye, T.; Een blad in de bittere wind. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (26 May 2001), Boekbespreking van: DuoDuo; Het oog van de stilte. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (17 February 2001), Boekbespreking van: Zhang, L., Nathan, A. & Link, P.; Het Tiananmen-dossier. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (2001), Boekbespreking van: Ma. J.; Het rode stof. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (17 November 2001), Boekbespreking van: Wei, H. & Mianmian; Shanghai Baby + Candy. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (6 January 2001), Boekbespreking van: Ha Jin; Wachten. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (29 September 2001), Boekbespreking van: Min, A.; Wilde gember. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (3 March 2001), Boekbespreking van: Dai, S.; Balzac en het Chinese naaistertje. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (27 October 2001), Boekbespreking van: Liu, H.; De groene rivier. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (17 March 2001), Boekbespreking van: Hessler, P.; River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (27 January 2001), Boekbespreking van: Hong Ying; K. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (12 May 2001), Boekbespreking van: Haakman, A.; Marco Polo, De wonderen van de Orient. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (2001), Translator?s Introduction to Yu Jian?s ?File 0?, Renditions 56: 19-23.
Crevel M. van (2001), Xi Chuan de
: shehui biange zhi zhong de Zhongguo xianfeng shige, Shi tansuo (Poetic Explorations) 1(2): 341-370. - Crevel M. van (2001), Review of: Keller R., Die Poesie des Sudens: Eine vergleichende Studie zur chinesische Lyrik der Gegenwart no. 2. Modern Chinese Literature & Culture 13.
- Crevel M. van (2000), Translations of poetry by Duoduo. In: Paine J. (Ed.), The Poetry of Our World: An International Anthology of Contemporary Poetry. New York: HarperCollins. 442-446.
- Link P. & Crevel M. van (2000), Exquisite Swallows and Poetry Quotas: A Tumultuous Century in Chinese Poetry. In: Paine J. (Ed.), The Poetry of Our World: An International Anthology of Contemporary Poetry. New York: HarperCollins. 438-441.
- Crevel M. van (16 December 2000), Boekbespreking van: Idema, W; Prinses Miaoshan en andere Chinese legenden van Guanyin, de bodhisattva van barmhartigheid. Trouw.
- Crevel M. van (21 October 2000), Dark Horse Gao Xingjian: De Nobelprijs. Vrij Nederland: 18-19.
- Crevel M. van (2000), Lezen en schrijven in China, Cultureel Management Magazine 2: 22-24.
- Crevel M. van (2000), Translations of poetry by Bei Dao, Het Trage Vuur 11: 54-69.
- Crevel M. van (2000), Translations of poetry by Bei Dao, Raster 90: 143-150.
- Crevel M. van (2000), Translations of poetry by Esther Jansma, Yi [Wings] 4: 7-12.
- Crevel M. van (2000), Translations of poetry by Bei Dao, Revolver 106: 6-19.
- Crevel M. van (2000), Groepsfoto met vraagteken: Westerlingen in Chinese poezie, Armada: tijdschrift voor wereldliteratuur 19: 31-44.
- Crevel M. van (2000), Review of: Li X., Essays, Interviews, Recollectionw and Unpublished Material of Gu Cheng, 20th-Century Chinese Poet: The Poetics of Death no. 2. China Information xiv.
- Crevel M. van (2000), Review of: Zhang Y. (2000), China in a Polycentric World: Essays in Chinese Comparative Literature no. 1. China Information XIV.
- Crevel M. van (2000), Review of: Barme G., In the Red: On Contemporary Chinese Culture no. 2. China Information xiv.
- Crevel M. van (2000), Fringe Poetry, But Not Prose: Works by Xi Chuan and Yu Jian, Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese 3(2): 7-42.
- Crevel M. van (1999), Xi Chuan's Salute, Renditions (51): 91-102.
Crevel M. van (1999), Translator's Introduction to Xi Chuan's
, Renditions (51): 87-90. - Crevel M. van (1999), Poëzie door Sun Wenbo, Het Trage Vuur (7): 62-65.
- Crevel M. van (1999), Poëzie door Xi Chuan, Armada: tijdschrift voor wereldliteratuur (15): 74-94.
- Crevel M. van (1999), Niet wie ik ben maar wat ik zie: over Xi Chuan's Tegenspoed, Armada: tijdschrift voor wereldliteratuur (15): 67-73.
- Crevel M. van (1999), Een verlegen adelaar (over Xi Chuan's Wat de adelaar zegt), Raster (88): 161-164.
- Crevel M. van & Hillenius B. (1999), Een Chinees gezicht [Faces of China] (TV documentary on Chinese poets Mang Ke, Xi Chuan and Yu Jian), NPS broadcasting company / VPRO Het uur van de wolf 19 april: .
- Crevel M. van (1999), Poëzie door Xi Chuan, Raster (88): 165-177.
- Crevel M. van (1999), Duoduo de zaogi Shige [Duoduo's Early Poetry] (in het Chinees), Shi tansuo (Poetic Explorations) (2): 175-186.
Crevel M. van (1999), Xi Chuan's
: Avant-garde Poetry in a Changing China, Modern Chinese Literature & Culture 11(2): 107-149. - Crevel M. van (1999), Review of: Louie K. (1999), The literature of China in the twentieth century no. 1. NN: NN. Asian Studies Review 23: 104-107.
- Crevel M. van (1998), Poëzie door Bei Dao, Duoduo. In: Bronkhorst D. (Ed.), Vrijheid hoe maak je het. Breda: De Geus. 135-173.
- Crevel M. van (1998), Shiyan de fanwei: Haizi, Yu Jian de Shi ji gita [Dimensions of an Experiment: Haizi's and Yu Jian's Poetry, and Other Things] (in het Chinees). In: Han X. (Ed.), Xiandai Han shi: fansi yu qinsuo. Beijing: Zuojia. 396-410.
- Crevel M. van (1998), "Afterword"to Xi CHuan's 'The Monster', HEAT (8): 113-114.
- Crevel M. van (1998), International Symposium on Modern Chinese Poetry, IIAS Newsletter (Special Issue, The Asia-Pacific War 60 Years On: History and Memory) (14): 32-32.
- Crevel M. van (1998), Poëzie door Zhai Yongring, Het Trage Vuur (5): 69-74.
- Crevel M. van (1998), Poëzie door Sun Wenbo, Poetry International : 1-24.
- Crevel M. van (1998), Poetry by Xi Chuan, HEAT (8): 112-113.
- Crevel M. van (1997), Poezie door Xi Chuan. In: Idema W.L. (Ed.), Vijfhonderd opzichters doven de lichten van vijfhonderd bibliotheken. Leiden: Plantage. 68-75.
- Crevel M. van (8 November 1997), Een onbreekbare geest in een gebroken lichaam: gevangenisbrieven van Wei Jingsheng. Vrij Nederland: 44-47.
- Crevel M. van (21 June 1997), Een opgewekt gebrek aan eerbied: de gedichten van Yu Jian. Vrij Nederland: 58-61.
- Crevel M. van (1997), Introduction to Sun Wenbo's The Program, HEAT (5): 145-146.
- Crevel M. van (1997), Poëzie door Sun Wenbo, Het Trage Vuur (3): 59-61.
- Crevel M. van (1997), Ba Jin, 'De Generaal', Het Trage Vuur (2): 3-11.
- Crevel M. van (1997), Poetry by Sun Wenbo, HEAT (5): 147-149.
- Crevel M. van (1996), Underground Poetry in Beijing in the 1960s and 1970s, Modern Chinese Literature & Culture 9(2): 169-219.
- Hockx M.L.L.G. & Crevel M. van (1996), Duoduo, Ik begrijp het niet. Collected newspaper columns. Amsterdam: NN.
- Crevel M. van (1996), Er is geen nieuwe dag. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff.
- Crevel M. van (1996), vertaling van Bei Dao, Op weg naar de winter. In: NN NN (Ed.), De vrijheid verteld. Amsterdam: Amnesty International/Meulenhoff. 45-46.
- Crevel M. van (1996), Vertaling van Xi Chuan, Eerbewijs, Arabian Humanities 6(1996): 563-573.
- Crevel M. van (1996), Language Shattered: Contemporary Chinese Poetry and Duoduo. Leiden: CNWS.
- Crevel M. van (29 June 1996), De knetterende novellen van Han Shaogong: het verschil tussen os en vliegtuig. Vrij Nederland: 56-58.
- Crevel M. van (1996), Vertaling van Duoduo, gedichten, Poetry International. . Rotterdam.
- Crevel M. van (1996), De poëzie van Xi Chuan, Arabian Humanities 6(1996): 560-562.
- Crevel M. van (1996), Vertaling van Duoduo, gedichten, Revolver 4: 32-39.
- Crevel M. van (1996), Vertaling van Bei Dao, Een maan op het papier, Het Trage Vuur 1: 31-39.
- Crevel M. van (1996), De poezie van Xi Chuan, Arabian Humanities 6: 560-562.
- Crevel M. van (1996), Inleiding van Xi Chuans poëzie, Poëziekrant : 42-42.
- Crevel M. van (11 February 1995), Bei Dao is China een doorn in het oog. Vrij Nederland: 92-93.
- Crevel M. van (2 September 1995), Vertaling van gedichten van Duoduo. Vrij Nederland: 54-55.
- Crevel M. van (1995), vertaling van "Sumo", "Liften", "Tatoeages", "Hotel". In: , Duoduo, Tatoeages. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff.
- Crevel M. van (1995), Vertaling van gedichten van Xi Chuan, Poetry International. . Rotterdam 1-24.
- Crevel M. van (10 October 1995), Vertaling van gedichten van Duoduo. De tweede Ronde. Tijdschrift voor literatuur: 167-169.
- Crevel M. van (2 September 1995), Duoduo en de verkettering van taal: de mate van zomaar. Vrij Nederland: 54-55.
- Crevel M. van (1995), De Noormannen in Duoduo's poëzie, Raster 71: 103-107.
- Crevel M. van (10 October 1995), Vertaling van een gedicht van Duoduo. Avenue.
- Occasional lectures, publications, translation and interpreting, consultancy
- Secretary to the Board