Universiteit Leiden

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Anne Sytske Keijser


Drs. A.S. Keijser
+31 71 527 2217

Anne Sytske Keijser is Lecturer and PhD candidate at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies.

More information about Anne Sytske Keijser

Social media

You can follow drs. Anne Sytske Keijser on Twitter.

Fields of interest

Teaching Modern Chinese as a foreign language;
Literary translation Chinese-Dutch. Chinese literature and film.

Curriculum vitae

MA in Chinese Studies at Leiden University (1986)
China-Netherlands MoE exchange student, Xiamen University (1983-1984)
Netherlands-America Commission for Educational Exchange exchange student, University of Washington, Seattle (1980-1981)

1986-present: Lecturer in modern Chinese, Chinese literature and film, Department of Chinese Studies, Leiden University.

Gao Xingjian, Berg van de Ziel [Soul Mountain], Amsterdam: Meulenhoff 2002 (novel)
Ye Zhaoyan, Nanjing1937, een liefdesgeschiedenis [Nanjing 1937: a Love Story], Amsterdam: Ambo 2003 (novel)

A range of courses in Chinese literature and language acquisition, including
- Introduction to Chinese Literature and Art
- Chinese Literature: Prose through the Ages
- Chinese Literature: Theater and Poetry through the Ages

- Chinese Cinema: Gods, Ghosts and Monsters
- Martial Arts Cinema: Action in Space and Time
- Modern Chinese: first and second year Mandarin courses, third year Newspaper Readings, Literary Translation Chinese-Dutch
- Premodern Chinese: second year courses

Editorial work
Editor, Dutch-Flemish magazine for literary translations from the Chinese, Het trage vuur, 2000-2009

Editor, with Mark Leenhouts, Gao Xingjian, Kramp [Cramp], Amsterdam: Meulenhoff 2001 (short stories)

Administration and service to the profession
Secretary, Board of Examinations, Dept. of Chinese Studies (2005-2009; 2010-present).


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Leiden Institute for Area Studies
  • SAS China

Work address

Herta Mohr
Witte Singel 27A
2311 BG Leiden
Room number 284



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