Maarten Kossmann
Professor of Berber Studies
- Name
- Prof.dr. M.G. Kossmann
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2649
- 0000-0002-7878-5544

Maarten Kossmann is a Professor of Berber Studies at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. He works on Amazigh (Berber) languages, esp. language description; language history; oral literature. In addition, he is interested in its wider context, such as Amazigh relations to (sub)-Saharan languages (esp. Songhay), its interaction with dialectal Arabic, and the influence of Moroccan heritage languages on Dutch.
More information about Maarten Kossmann
Fields of interest
- Amazigh (Berber) synchronic linguistics, esp. of eastern Morocco
- Amazigh (Berber) historical reconstruction
- Amazigh (Berber) in contact with Arabic and with sub-Saharan languages
- Moroccan heritage language influence on Dutch
- Language contact in Northern Africa and the Sahel zone, esp. involving Berber
- Historical and typological comparison of Berber languages
- Descriptive linguistics (esp. Berber and Songhay)
- Berber oral literature
Teaching activiteis
- General linguistics courses on phonetics, stylistics, language and history, language contact
- Courses on African and north-African languages and linguistics
Curriculum vitae
2017-present | Professor of Berber studies |
1994 | hD Defense in Leiden (promotores: F. Kortlandt and H. Stroomer) |
1990-1994 | PhD position in Leiden |
1989 | First publication on Amazigh linguistics |
Key publications
Books by Maarten Kossman |
2019. (with Khalid Mourigh). An Introduction to Tarifiyt Berber (Nador, Morocco) (Lehrbücher Orientalischer Sprachen IV, Vol. 1). Münster: Ugarit Verlag, 218 p. |
2013 The Arabic Influence on Northern Berber (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics 67). Leiden & Boston: Brill, 461 p. |
2013 A Grammatical Sketch of Ghadames Berber (Libya) (Berber Studies 40). Köln: Rüdiger Köppe, 200 p. |
2011 A Grammar of Ayer Tuareg (Niger) (Berber Studies 30). Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 188 p. |
2005 Berber Loanwords in Hausa (Berber Studies 12). Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 228 p. |
2004 De Menseneetster. Berbersprookjes uit Noord-Marokko. Amsterdam: Bulaaq, 287 p. |
2000 Esquisse grammaticale du rifain oriental (SELAF 387/M.S. 16). Paris & Louvain: Peeters, 215 p. |
2000 A Study of Eastern Moroccan Fairy Tales (Folklore Fellows’ Communications, 274). Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 152 p. |
1999 Essai sur la phonologie historique du berbère (Grammatische Analysen Afrikanischer Sprachen 12), Köln: Rüdiger Köppe, 316 p. |
1997 Grammaire du parler berbère de Figuig (Maroc oriental) (SELAF 364/M.S. 10), Paris & Louvain: Peeters, 554 p. (= PhD, Leiden 1994). |
1997 (with Abdelkader Bezzazi). Berber sprookjes uit Noord-Marokko (opgetekend door Abdelkader Bezzazi, uit het Berber vertaald en uitgeleid door Maarten Kossmann). Amster-dam: Bulaaq, 164 p. + Compact Disc. |
1996 (with Dirk Boutkan): Het Stadsdialekt van Tilburg: Klank- en Vormleer. (Cahiers van het P.J. Meertens Instituut 7). Amsterdam: Meertens Instituut, 102 p. |
Professor of Berber Studies
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL T&C van Afrika
Associate professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL T&C van Afrika
- Kossmann M.G. (2025), Review of: Serreli V. (2024), Language, Society and Ideologies in Multilingual Egypt. Arabic and Berber in the Siwa oasis. Anthropological Linguistics no. 8: De Gruyter Mouton. Mediterranean Language Review 31: 122-125.
- Kossmann M.G. (2024), A partial reconstruction of Berber (Amazigh) deictics, Linguistique et Langues Africaines 9(2): 1-27 (2).
- Kossmann M.G. (2024), The use of the bare aorist in figuig Berber (Eastern Morocco). In: Korangy A. & Bensoukas K. (Eds.), The Handbook of Berber Linguistics. Springer Handbooks in Languages and Linguistics. Singapore: Springer Nature. 547-569.
- Kossmann M.G. (2024), Clitic fronting in Tamashek (Mali Tuareg), Langues et Littératures 29(1): 1-39.
- Kossmann M.G. (2023), On the semantics of Tarifiyt verbs of seeing, Journal of African Languages and Literatures 4: 1-27.
- Raia A., Ngom F. Kaag M.M.A. & Kossmann M.G. (2023), Introduction to travelling Islam, Islamic Africa 14: 1-4.
- Raia A.., Ngom F., Kaag M.M.A. & Kossmann M.G. (2023), Special issue: Travelling Islam: the circulation of ideas in Africa, Islamic Africa 14: 1-4.
- Kossmann M.G. (2021), Proto-Berber phonological reconstruction: an update, Linguistique et Langues Africaines 6: 11-42.
- Kossmann M.G. (2021), Moroccan indefinite determiners in Dutch, The Mouth: Critical Studies on Language, Culture and Society 8: 132-155.
- Kossmann M.G. (2021), "Devenir" en rifain. In: Merolla D., Caubet D., Naït Zerad K. & Cassuto P. (Eds.) Les Études Berbères à l'ère de l'institutionnalisation de tamaziɣt: Mélanges en l'honneur de Salem Chaker et Abdellah Bounfour.. Tira-Langues Littératures et Civilisations Berberes / Tira-Languages Berber Literatures and Civilizations Paris: L'Harmattan. 181-195.
- Kossmann M.G. (2021), On the reconstruction of 'one' in Berber, Études et Documents Berbères 45-46: 215-237.
- Mourigh K. & Kossmann M.G. (2020), An Introduction to Tarifiyt Berber (Nador, Morocco). Münster: Ugarit Verlag.
- Kossmann M.G. (2020), Berber. In: Vossen R. & Dimmendaal G.J. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of African Languages. Oxford Handbooks in Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 281-289.
- Dorleijn M., Kossmann M.G. & Nortier J.M. (2020), Urban youth speech styles in multilingual settings. In: Adamou E. & Matras Y. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language Contact. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. 366-384.
- Kossmann M.G. (2020), Sub-Saharan influence on Tuareg morphology – Case of full reduplication, Frankfurter Afrikanistische Blätter 27/28: 109-118.
- Wal G.J. van der, Smits H.J., Petrollino S., Nyst V.A.S. & Kossmann M.G. (Eds.) (2020), Essays on African languages and linguistics : in honour of Maarten Mous. ASC occasional publication no. 41. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL).
- Kossmann M.G. (2020), Sibilants in Libyco-Berber, Journal of the American Oriental Society 140(4): 875-888.
- Kossmann M.G. (2019), The Amazigh word for fire. In: Boukhris F., El Moujahid E. & Bennis S. (Eds.), Langues et société au Maroc: mélanges en hommage au Professeur Ahmed Boukous. Rabat: Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe. 369-374.
- Kossmann M.G. & Souag L. (2019), Sud oranais : linguistique. In: Chaker S. (Ed.), Encyclopédie berbère: siga - syphax no. XLIII. Leuven/Parijs: Peeters. 7603-7610.
- Kossmann M.G. (2019), Is Dutch Straattaal a mixed multiethnolect? A Moroccan perspective, Applied Linguistics Review 10(3): 293–316.
- Kossmann M.G. & Suchard B.D. (2018), A reconstruction of the system of verb aspects in proto-Berbero-Semitic, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 81(1): 41-56.
- Kossmann M.G. (2018), Préface. In: Adardâk Sharîf (Ed.), Ishkâliyat al-aqalliyât al-lughawiyyah bi-l-maghrib: Amâzighiyyat "Sanhâja Srayir namûdhajan. 5-8.
- Kossmann M.G. (2018), Zenaga reflexes of Berber final weak verbs, Folia Orientalia 55: 161-194.
- Kossmann M.G. (2017), Personal pronouns in the Ayt Seghrushen Berber variety of the province of Taza. In: Allati A. (Ed.), "Auréoles berbères". Mélanges offerts à Michael Peyron no. 47. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. 253-265.
- Kossmann M.G. (2017), La place du parler des Senhaja de Sraïr dans la dialectologie berbère. In: Vicente Á., Caubet D. & Naciri-Azzouz A. (Eds.), La région du Nord-Ouest marocain. Parlers et pratiques sociales et culturelles. no. 12. Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza. 93-105.
- Kossmann M.G. (2017), Berber-Arabic Language Contact. In: Aronoff M. (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Kossmann M.G. (2017), Key and the use of Moroccan function words in Dutch internet discourse, Nederlandse Taalkunde 22(2): 223-248.
- Mourigh K. & Kossmann M.G. (2017), Moroccan Berber songs about the refugee trail, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 107: 221-234.
- Kossmann M.G. (Ed.) (2017), . Journal of Language Contact. Leiden: Brill.
- Kossmann M.G. (Ed.) (2017), . ASINAG. Rabat: Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe.
- Kossmann M.G. (15 November 2017), Hoe Marokkaanse jongeren het Nederlands verrijken. Leiden Islam Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Kossmann M.G. (2016), Yes/No interrogatives in Moroccan Dutch. Grigore G. & Biţună G. (Eds.), Arabic Varieties: Far and Wide. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of AIDA – Bucharest, 2015.. . Bucharest: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti. 351-358.
- Kossmann M.G. (2016), Rwina. In: Reuneker A., Boogaart R. & Lensink S. (Eds.), Aries netwerk. Een constructicon.. Leiden 129-131.
- Kossmann M.G. (2016), On word order in Figuig Berber narratives: The uses of pre- and postverbal lexical subjects, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 106: 115-146.
- Kossmann M.G. (Ed.) (2016), . Journal of Language Contact. Leiden: Brill.
- Kossmann M.G. (Ed.) (2016), . ASINAG. Rabat: Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe.
- Kossmann M.G. (2015), On the origin of the negative aspectual stems in Berber, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 165(2): 256-277.
- Kossmann M.G. (2015), The interplay of style, information structure and definiteness: Double indirect objects in Figuig Berber narratives, Corpus 14: 59-80.
- Kossmann M.G. (2015), Contact-Induced Change. In: Baerman M. (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Inflection. Oxford etc.: Oxford University Press. 251-271.
- Kossmann M.G. (2015), The Ancient Berber Word for ‘Egg’, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 105: 381-386.
- Kossmann M.G. (2015), Deixis in Figuig Berber narrative texts, Folia Orientalia 52: 203-232.
- Kossmann M.G. (2015), The use of the ventive marker dd in Figuig Berber narratives, Nordic Journal of African Studies 23(4): 241-291.
- Kossmann M.G. (2015), A Tasawaq (Northern Songhay, Niger) text with grammatical notes, Linguistic Discovery 13(1): 82-118.
- Kossmann M.G. (2015), Review of: Casajus D. (2015), L’alphabet touareg. Paris: CNRS Editions. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 36(2): 291-295.
- Kossmann M.G. (2015), Review of: Klute G. (2013), Tuareg-Aufstand in der Wüste. Ein Beitrag zur Anthropologie der Gewalt und des Krieges.. Siegener Beiträge zur Soziologie no. 12. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 36(2): 287-289.
- Kossmann M.G. (Ed.) (2015), . Journal of Language Contact. Leiden: Brill.
- Kossmann M.G. (Ed.) (2015), . ASINAG. Rabat: Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe.
- Kossmann M.G. (2014), On substratum: The history of the focus marker d in Jijel Arabic (Algeria). In: Féral C. de, Kossmann M.G. & Tosco M. (Eds.), In and Out of Africa. Languages in Question. In Honour of Robert Nicolaï. Volume 2: Language Contact and Language Change in Africa.. Bibliothèque des Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique de Louvain no. 132. Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters. 127-140.
- Kossmann M.G. & Elghamis R. (2014), Preliminary notes on Tuareg in Arabic script from Niger. In: Mumin M. & Versteegh C.H.M. (Eds.), The Arabic Script in Africa. Studies in the Use of a Writing System.. Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics no. 71. Leiden and Boston: Brill. 79-89.
- De Féral C., Kossmann M.G. & Tosco M. (Eds.) (2014), In and Out of Africa. Languages in Question. In Honour of Robert Nicolaï. Volume 2: Language Contact and Language Change in Africa. Bibliothèque des Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique de Louvain no. 132. Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters.
- Kossmann M.G. (2014) Review of Mena Lafkioui: African Arabic: Approaches to Dialectology. Review of: Lafkioui M. (2013), African Arabic: Approaches to Dialectology.. Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs. no. 258. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. Bibliotheca Orientalis 70(5-6): 801-803.
- Kossmann M.G. (2014), Derivational gender in Moroccan Berber: examples from Ayt Seghrushen, STUF – Language Typology and Universals 67(1): 21-33.
- Kossmann M.G. (Ed.) (2014), . Journal of Language Contact. Leiden: Brill.
- Kossmann M.G. (Ed.) (2014), . ASINAG. Rabat: Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe.
- Kossmann M.G. (2013), A Grammatical Sketch of Ghadames Berber (Libya). Berber Studies no. 40. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
- Kossmann M.G. (2013), The Arabic Influence on Northern Berber. Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics. Leiden & Boston: Brill.
- Kossmann M.G. (2013), Borrowing (chapter 15). In: Owens J. (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Arabic Linguistics. Oxford etc.: Oxford University Press. 349-368.
- Kossmann M.G. (2013) Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst. 2011. The (Hi)story of Nobiin – 1000 Years of Language Change. Review of: Bechhaus-Gerst M. (2011), The (Hi)story of Nobiin – 1000 Years of Language Change. Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 34(2): 301-307.
- Kossmann M.G. (2013) Review of: Anja Fischer: Sprechkunst de Tuareg. Interaktion und Soziabilität bei Saharanomaden. Review of: (2012), Sprechkunst der Tuareg. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 102: 473-475.
- Kossmann M.G. (2013), Pharyngealization and the vowel system of Tasawaq (Northern Songhay), Nordic Journal of African Studies 21(1): 21-33.
- Kossmann M.G. (Ed.) (2013), . Journal of Language Contact. Leiden: Brill.
- Kossmann M.G. (Ed.) (2013), . ASINAG. Rabat: Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe.
- Kossmann M.G. (2012), Berber. In: Frajzyngier Z. & Shay E. (Eds.), The Afroasiatic Languages. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press. 18-101.
- Amha A., Ameka F.K. & Kossmann M.G. (Eds.) (2012), (Co-)Editor. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics.
- Kossmann M.G. (2012), Some new etymologies for glottal-stop initial Zenaga Berber words, Folia Orientalia 49: 245-251.
- Kossmann M.G. (2012), Berber-Arabic code-switching in Imouzzar du Kandar (Morocco), STUF – Language Typology and Universals 65(4): 369-382.
- Kossmann M.G. (Ed.) (2012), . Journal of Language Contact. Leiden: Brill.
- Kossmann M.G. (Ed.) (2012), . ASINAG. Rabat: Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe.
- Kossmann M.G. (2011), A Grammar of Ayer Tuareg (Niger). Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
- Kossmann M.G. (2011), The names of King Antef’s dogs. Mettouchi A. (Ed.), « Parcours berbères ». Mélanges offerts à Paulette Galand-Pernet et Lionel Galand pour leur 90e anniversaire.. . Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. 79-84.
- Amha A., Ameka F.K. & Kossmann M.G. (Eds.) (2011), (Co-)Editor. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics.
- Kossmann M.G. (2011) Review of Romanisierung in Afrika, ed. by Thomas Stolz, Dik Bakker and Rosa Salas Paloma. Review of: Stolz T. & Bakker D. (2009), Romanisierung in Afrika. Der Einfluss des Französischen, Portugiesischen und Spanischen auf die indigenen Sprachen Afrikas. Bochum: Brockmeyer. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 31/2: 297-299.
- Kossmann M.G. (2011) Review of Wörterbuch zur Sprache und Kultur der Twareg by Hans Ritter. Review of: Ritter H. (2009), Wörterbuch zur Sprache und Kultur der Twareg. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 31/2: 294-297.
- Kossmann M.G. (2011) Review of Reem Bassiouney: Arabic Sociolinguistics. Review of: (2009), Arabic Sociolingustics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 53: 80-85.
- Kossmann M.G. (2011), Adjectives in Northern Songhay, Afrika und Uebersee 90: 109-132.
- Kossmann M.G. (2010), Grammatical notes on the Berber dialect of Igli (Sud oranais, Algeria). Stroomer Harry, Kossmann M.G., Ibriszimow Dymitr & Vossen R. (Eds.), Études berbères V. Essais sur des variations dialectales et autres articles. 5. Bayreuth-Frankfurt-Leidener Kolloquium zur Berberologie, Leiden. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. 69-120.
- Kossmann M.G. (2010), On relative clauses in Northern Songhay: Tuareg and Songhay components. Ziegelmeyer G. & Cyffer N. (Eds.), Aspects of Co- and Subordination. Case Studies from African, Slavonic, and Turkic Languages. . Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe. 251-267.
- Stroomer H.J., Kossmann M.G., Ibriszimow D. & Vossen R. (Eds.) (2010), Études berbères V. Essais sur des variations dialectales et autres articles. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
- Ameka F.K., Amha A. & Kossmann M.G. (Eds.) (2010), . Journal of African Languages and Linguistics.
- Kossmann M.G. (2010) Review of Wilhelm Möhlig (ed.): Cultural change in the prehistory of arid Africa. Review of: Möhlig W.J.G. (2007), Cultural Change in the Prehistory of Arid Africa. no. 1. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 31: 109-114.
- Kossmann M.G. (2010) Review of J. Chetrit: Diglossie, hybridisation et diversité intra-linguistique. Études socio-pragmatiques sur les langues juives, le judéo-arabe et le judéo-berbère. Review of: Chetrit J. (2007), Diglossie, hybridisation et diversité intra-linguistique. Études socio-pragmatiques sur les langues juives, le judéo-arabe et le judéo-berbère.. Paris & Louvain: Éditions Peeters. Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 52: 94-96.
- Kossmann M.G. (2010) Review of Georgine Ayoub and Jérôme Lentin (eds): Linguistique arabe. Review of: Ayoub G. & Lentin J. (2008), Linguistique arabe (Cahiers de linguistique de l'INALCO, No 5). Paris: Publications Langues O'. Bibliotheca Orientalis lxvii/1-2: 211-213.
- Kossmann M.G. (2010), Parallel System Borrowing: Parallel morphological systems due to the borrowing of paradigms, Diachronica 27(3): 459-487.
- Schadeberg T.C. & Kossmann M.G. (2010), Participant reference in the Ebang verbal complex, Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 31(1): 79-100.
- Kossmann M.G. (2009), Tarifiyt Berber Vocabulary. In: Haspelmath M. & Tadmor U. (Eds.), World Loanword Database (WOLD). München: Max Planck Digital Library. 1533 entries.
- Kossmann M.G. (2009), Loanwords in Tarifiyt, a Berber language of Morocco. In: Haspelmath M. & Tadmor U. (Eds.), Loanwords in the World's Languages. A Comparative Handbook. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 191-214.
- Kossmann M.G. (2009), La flexion du prétérit d'état en berbère : questions de morphologie comparée. In: Chaker S., Mettouchi A. & Philippson G. (Eds.), Etudes de phonétique et linguistiques berbères. Hommage à Naïma Louali (1961-2005). Paris, Louvain & Walpole MA: Peeters. 155-176.
- Dugoujon J.M., Coudray C., Torroni A, Cruciani F, Scozzari R, Moral P., Louali N. & Kossmann M.G. (2009), The Berber and the Berbers: Genetic and linguistic diversities. In: d'Errico F. & Hombert J-M. (Eds.), Becoming Eloquent. Advances in the emergence of languages, human cognition, and modern cultures. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 123-146.
- Kossmann M.G. & Lafkioui M. (2009), Les inaccomplis du tarifit. Bouhjar A. & Souifi H. (Eds.), L'amazighe dans l'Oriental et le Nord du Maroc: variation et convergence. L'amazighe dans l'Oriental et le Nord du Maroc: variation et convergence. Colloque en hommage à Naïma Louali (1961-2005), Oujda. Rabat: Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe. 101-108.
- Ameka F.K., Amha A. & Kossmann M.G. (Eds.) (2009), . Journal of African Languages and Linguistics.
- Kossmann M.G. (2009) Review of Doris Payne & Mechthild Reh (eds): Advances in Nilo-Saharan Linguistics. Review of: Payne D.L. & Reh M. (2005), Advances in Nilo-Saharan Linguistics no. 1. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 30: 105-108.
- Kossmann M.G. (2009) Review of: Le zarma parlé by Leo Sibomana. Review of: Sibomana L. (2008), Le zarma parlé. Esquisse grammaticale. Lexique. Textes. Berlin: LIT Verlag. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 30/2: 266-268.
- Kossmann M.G. (2009), On genitive linking in Songhay, Afrikanistik Online : .
- Coudray C., Olivieri A., Pala M., Melhaoui M., Cherkaoui M., Kossmann M.G., Chennaoui F., Torroni A. & Dugoujon J.M. (2009), The Complex and Diversified Mitochondrial Gene Pool of Berber Populations, Annals of Human Genetics 73(2): 196-214.
- Kossmann M.G. (2008), Stefan Leonard Elders (1965-2007), Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 29(1): 93-95.
- Kossmann M.G. (2008), Three irregular Berber verbs: 'eat', 'drink', 'be cooked, ripen'. Lubotsky A., Schaeken J. & Wiedenhof J. (Eds.), Evidence and Counter-Evidence. Essays in Honour of Frederik Kortlandt. Volume 2: General Linguistics. . Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi. 225-236.
- Kossmann M.G. (2008), The collective in Berber and language contact. Lafkioui M. & Brugnatelli V. (Eds.), Berber in Contact. Linguistic and Sociolinguistic Perspectives. International Conference Berber in Contact. Linguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives, Milan 28-29 January 2008.. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. 53-62.
- Ameka F.K., Amha A. & Kossmann M.G. (Eds.) (2008), . Journal of African Languages and Linguistics.
- Kossmann M.G. (2008), On the Nature of Borrowing in Cypriot Arabic, Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 49: 5-24.
- Kossmann M.G. (2007), Grammatical borrowing in Tasawaq. In: Matras Y. & Sakel J. (Eds.), Grammatical Borrowing in Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Berlin/New York: Moutin de Gruyter. 75-90.
- Kossmann M.G. (2007), Berber Morphology. In: Kaye A.S. (Ed.), Morphologies of Asia and Africa. Winona Lake IN: Eisenbrauns. 135-147.
- Ameka F.K., Amha A. & Kossmann M.G. (Eds.) (2007), . Journal of African Languages and Linguistics.
- Kossmann M.G. (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Galley M. (2003), Le figuier magique et autres contes algériens dits par Aouda. Paris: Paul Geuthner. Bibliotheca Orientalis 64: 475-477.
- Kossmann M.G. (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Colombel Véronique (2005), La langue ouldémé no. 2. Leuven: Peeters. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 28: 227-229.
- Kossmann M.G. (2007), The borrowing of aspects as lexical tone: y-initial Tuareg verbs in Tasawaq (Northern Songhay), Studies in African Linguistics 36(2): 151-166.
- Kossmann M.G. (2006), Remarks on the History of some Zenaga Pronouns. Ibriszimow D., Vossen R. & Stroomer H.J. (Eds.), Etudes berbères III. Le nom, le pornom et autres articles. . Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. 167-174.
- Kossmann M.G. (2006), La reconstitution des pronoms satellites de la deuxième personne du pluriel en berbère. Allati A. (Ed.), Linguistique amazighe : les nouveaux horizons. . Tétouan: Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de Tétouan. 28-47.
- Kossmann M.G. (2006), Mood/Aspect/Negation Morphemes in Tabelbala Songhay (Algeria), Afrika und Uebersee 87: 131-154.
- Kossmann M.G. (2005), Berber Loanwords in Hausa. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
- Kossmann M.G. & Ibriszimow Dymitr (Eds.) (2005), Werner Vycichl: Berberstudien & A Sketch of Siwi Berber (Egypt). Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
- Kossmann M.G. (2005), Review of: Nicolai Robert (2003), La force des choses ou l'epreuve 'nilo-saharienne'. Questions sur les reconstructions archéologiques et l'évolution des langues. Koln. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 26(1): 99-102.
- Kossmann M.G. (2005) Boekbespreking. Review of: Nicolai R. (2003), La force des choses ou l'épreuve 'nilo-saharienne' no. 1. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 26: 99-102.
- Kossmann M.G. (2004), Marokkaanse sprookjes. Rieten O. & Strouken I. (Eds.), Spiegeltje, spiegeltje aan de wand. Over sprookjes, broodje-aap en andere volksverhalen. . Utrecht: Nederlands Centrum voor Vokscultuur & Meertens Instituut. 29-34.
- Kossmann M.G. (2004), Is there a Songhay substratum in Gourara Berber?. Naït-Zerrad K., Vossen R. & Ibriszimow D. (Eds.), Nouvelles études berbères. Le verbe et autres articles. Actes du "2. Bayreuth-Frankfurter Kolloquium zur Berberologie". . Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. 51-66.
- Kossmann M.G. (2004), Review of: Sudlow David, The Tamasheq of North-East Burkina Faso. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 25(1): 89-92.
- Kossmann M.G. (2004) Boekbespreking. Review of: Sudlow D. (2001), The Tamasheq of North-East Burkina Faso no. 1. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 25: 89-92.
- Kossmann M.G. (2003), De menseneetster. Berbersprookjes uit Noord-Marokko. Amsterdam: Bulaaq.
- Kossmann M.G. (2003), Broertje en Zusje: een Berberverhaal uit Figuig. Seyed-Gohrab A.A., Haar J.G.J. ter & Kon R.E. (Eds.), "De band met u, mijn vriend, verbreek ik niet". Liber Amicorum voor Kamil Banak. . Leiden: Opl.TCIMO. 81-84.
- Kossmann M.G. (2003), The origin of the Berber 'participle'. Bender M.L., Takács G. & Appleyard D. (Eds.), Selected Comparative-Historical Afrasian Linguistics in the Memory of Igor M. Diakonoff. . München: Lincom Europe. 27-40.
- Kossmann M.G. (2003), Review of: Heath Jeffrey, Jewish and Muslim Dialects of Moroccan Arabic. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 24(2): 190-195.
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- Kossmann M.G. (2002), Deux emprunts à l'égytien ancien en berbère. Nait-Zerrad K. (Ed.), Articles de linguistique berbère ; Mémorial Werner Vycichl. Gedenkbundel. Paris: L'Harmattan. 245-252.
- Kossmann M.G. (2002) Parlers arabes du Fezzân. Review of: Marçais Ph. (2002), Parlers arabes du Fezzân no. 3-4. Genève: Librairie Droz. Bibliotheca Orientalis 59: 408-410.
- Kossmann M.G. (2002), L'origine de l'aoriste intensif en berbère, Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 97: 353-370.
- Kossmann M.G. (2002), The structure of the Berber verb, Sprawozdania z posiedzen komisji naukowych (Polska Akademia Nauk, oddzial w Krakowie) 44(2): 63-67.
- Kossmann M.G. (2002), Person-number inflection in Berber verbs, Sprawozdania z posiedzen komisji naukowych (Polska Akademia Nauk, oddzial w Krakowie) 44(2): 59-62.
- Boutkan D.F.H. & Kossmann M.G. (2001), On the Etymology of 'Silver', NOWELE : North-Western European Language Evolution 38: 3-15.
- Kossmann M.G. (2001), The origin of the glottal stop in Zenaga and its reflexes in the other Berber languages, Afrika und Uebersee 84(1): 61-100.
- Kossmann M.G. (2001), L'origine du vocalisme en zénaga de Mauritanie, Frankfurter Afrikanistische Blätter 13: 83-95.
- Kossmann M.G. (2001), On the Etymology of Dutch zijpe, Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 54: 31-39.
- Kossmann M.G. (2000), Les désinences modales en berbère, Rivista degli Studi Orientali 74: 25-39.
- Kossmann M.G. (2000), Le futur à Ghadamès et l'origine de la conjugaison verbale en berbère. In: Chaker S. & Zaborski A. (Eds.), Etudes berbères et chamito-sémitiques: Mélanges offerts à Karl-G. Prasse. Paris-Louvain: Peeters. 237-262.
- Kossmann M.G. (2000), A Study of Eastern Moroccan Fairy Tales. Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica.
- Kossmann M.G. (2000), Esquisse grammaticale du rifain oriental. Paris/Louvain: Peeters.
- Kossmann M.G. (1999), Essai sur la phonologie du proto-berbère. Koeln: Ruediger Koeppe Verlag.
- Kossmann M.G. (1999), Review of: Naït-Zerrad K. (1999), Dictionnaire des racines berbères. Leuven: Peeters Publishers. Afrika und Uebersee 82: 307-309.
- Kossmann M.G. (1999) Naìt-Zerrad: Dictionnaire des racines berbères I. Review of: Nait-Zerrad K. (1999), Dictionnaire des racines berbères (formes attestées) I. Paris/Louvain: Peeters. Afrika und Uebersee 82: 307-309.
- Kossmann M.G. (1999), Commentary on the Berber Forms in Orel and Stolbova, Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 20(2): 203-207.
- Kossmann M.G. (1999), Fadna et Omar, génèse d'un conte berbère, Awal 19: 85-96.
- Kossmann M.G. (1999), Das nordafrikanische Rapunzelmärchen, Rocznik orientalistyczny 52(2): 27-56.
- Kossmann M.G. (1999), Cinq notes de linguistique historique berbère, Etudes et Documents Berbères 17: 131-152.
- Kossmann M.G. & Boutkan D.F.H. (1999), Berber parallels of European substratum words, Journal of Indo-European Studies 27(1&2): 87-100.
- Kossmann M.G. (1998), Sprookjes uit Oost-Marokko in een Europees perspectief, Volkskundig Bulletin 24(2): 332-344.
- Boutkan D.F.H. & Kossmann M.G. (1998), Over sjwa-apocope in het ABN, Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 114: 164-172.
- Boutkan D.F.H. & Kossmann M.G. (1998), Etymologische Betrachtungen zur Dialektgeographie von 'Raupe, Rups', Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 50: 5-11.
- Kossmann M.G. (1997), Le pronom d'objet direct de la troisième personne en berbère. In: Tosco M. & Bausi A. (Eds.), Afroasiatica Neapolitana. Napels: Istituto universitario orientale, Studi Adfricanistici. 69-79.
- Kossmann M.G. & Bezzazi A. (1997), Berber sprookjes uit Noord-Marokko. Amsterdam: Bulaaq.
- Boogert N. van den & Kossmann M.G. (1997), Les premiers emprunts arabes en berbère, Arabica XLIV: 317-322.
- Kossmann M.G. & Stroomer Harry (1997), Berber Phonology, Phonologies of Asia and Africa : 461-475.
- Kossmann M.G. (1996), Het stadsdialekt van Tilburg: klank- en vormleer. Amsterdam: P.J. Meertens Instituut.
- Kossmann M.G. (1996), Grammaire du parler berbère de Figuig (Maroc oriental). Paris-Louvain: Peeters.
- Kossmann M.G. (1996), Review of: Mitchell T.F. & El-Hassan S.A., Modality, Mood and Aspect in Spoken Arabic. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 17(1): 93-95.
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- Kossmann M.G. (1996), Les verbes en i final en zénète, Etudes et Documents Berbères 13: 99-104.
- Kossmann M.G. (1996), Du nouveau à propos du nom de l'aiguille, Etudes et Documents Berbères 14: 97-105.
- Kossmann M.G. (1995), La spirantisation dans les parlers Zénètes. In: Bos P. (Ed.), Langues du Maroc. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press. 11-19.
- Kossmann M.G. (1995), Schwa en berbère, Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 16: 71-82.
- Kossmann M.G. (1994), Amarna-Akkadian as mixed language. In: Bakker P. & Mous M.P.G.M. (Eds.), Mixed languages: 15 Case Studies in Language Intertwining. Mixed languages: 15 Case Studies in Language Intertwining 169-173.
- Kossmann M.G. (1994), La conjugaison des verbes cc a voyelle alternante en berbère, Etudes et Documents Berbères 12: 17-33.
- Kossmann M.G. (1994), Grammaire du berbère de Figuig (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Kortlandt F.H.H.
- Kossmann M.G. (1989), The Case System of West-Semitized Amarna Akkadian, Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux 30: 38-60.
- Kossmann M.G. (1989), L'inaccompli négatif en berbère, Etudes et Documents Berbères 6: 19-29.
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