Universiteit Leiden

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Lisanne van Houtum

PhD candidate/guest

Dr. L.A.E.M. van Houtum
+31 71 527 2727

Lisanne van Houtum is working as a PhD candidate and involved in the RE-PAIR study (NWO Vici-project of Bernet Elzinga) at the Clinical Psychology Unit of Leiden University. This study examines the bidirectional interplay between parent-adolescent interactions  and depressive symptoms in adolescents.

More information about Lisanne van Houtum

Lisanne van Houtum is working as a PhD candidate and involved in the RE-PAIR study (NWO Vici-project of Bernet Elzinga) at the Clinical Psychology Unit of Leiden University. This study examines the bidirectional interplay between parent-adolescent interactions  and depressive symptoms in adolescents.

Summary CV

She received her BSc in Psychobiology (2012) and her MSc in Neuroscience (2014) from the University of Amsterdam. From 2014-2015 she was involved in an fMRI research of food evaluation and food choice in children and teenagers with obesity at UMC Utrecht. From 2016-2017 she was employed at Utrecht University as a junior researcher where she focused on odor perception and emotion.


Lisanne is involved as PhD candidate in the RE-PAIR study. Her fMRI-project focuses on identifying (dysfunctional) processes in the social brain, which may influence daily parent-adolescent interactions (as assessed by lab interactions and EMA) and vice versa, and might contribute to the development and maintenance of depressive symptoms in adolescents.

PhD candidate/guest

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Klinische Psychologie

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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