Liesbeth van der Heide
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. E.J. van der Heide
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9506
- 0000-0001-5791-3933

Liesbeth van der Heide is a researcher and lecturer at Leiden University, Institute of Security and Global Affairs.
More information about Liesbeth van der Heide
Liesbeth van der Heide is a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), Leiden University since 2011. She also works as a Senior Research Fellow at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) where she coordinates ICCT's activities in the field of (counter-) terrorism in prison.
Currently she is working on a project that focuses on prisons in North-Africa and South East Asia and includes implementing threat and risk assessment measures to identify and assess violent extremism.
Her fields of interest are: terrorism and stability in the Sahel (Mali); the overlap and fusion of (non)violent jihadist, separatist and rebel movements; (de)radicalisation and reintegration; and effective counter-terrorism. She currently coordinates a two-year research project for the National Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism and Security (NCTV) regarding the effectiveness of the reintegration of terrorists in the Netherlands. She teaches Master-level courses on Security and Intelligence and Security and the Rule of Law. Previously she managed several research projects, including research for the Dutch National Police on lone actor terrorism; research for the General Intelligence and Security Service in the Netherlands regarding a fear-management based approach to counter-terrorism; a research project for the Ministry of Security and Justice on the integrity-crime nexus. In 2013 she was a Research Fellow at the Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law. She is a member of the Dutch Flemish Network for Radicalization and Terrorism Research.
Assistant professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Intelligence
External PhD candidate
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Santo E.D., Balardo E. & Heide E.J. van der (2022), The usual suspects: foreign intervention and governance structures in Mali, Journal of Modern African Studies : .
- Heide E.J. van der (11 May 2022), A group affair: understanding involvement in terrorism in Mali (Dissertatie. Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Bakker E. & Liem M.
- Heide E.J. van der & Alexander A. (2020), Homecoming: Considerations for Rehabilitating and Reintegrating Islamic State-Affiliated Minors: Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.
- Veer R. van der, Bos O.Y. & Heide E.J. van der (2019), Fusion Centres in Six European Countries: Emergence, Roles and Challenges. The Hague: International Centre for Counter-Terrorism - The Hague.
- Heide E.J. van der & Bergema R. (2019), Terrorism Threat Assessment 2018 – 2019: International Centre for Counter-Terrorism - The Hague.
- Khan M.I. & Heide E.J. van der (2019), IS Hind: Exploring possibilities (International Centre for Counter-Terrorism - The Hague). [other].
- Heide E.J. van der, Zwan M. van der & Leyenhorst M. van (2019), The Practitioners Guide to the Galaxy – A Comparison of Risk Assessment Tools for Violent Extremism: International Centre for Counter-Terrorism - The Hague.
- Veer R. van der, Bos W. & Heide E.J. van der (2019), Fusion Centres in Six European Countries: Emergence, Roles and Challenges: ICCT.
- Heide L. van der, Weggemans D. & Schuurman B. (2018), Deradicalisering, uittreding en re-integratie. In: Bakker E., Muller E.R., Rosenthal U. & Wijk R. de (Eds.), Terrorisme: studies over terrorisme en terrorismebestrijding 419-438.
- Dal Santo E. & Heide E.J. van der (2018), Escalating Complexity in Regional Conflicts: Connecting Geopolitics to Individual Pathways to Terrorism in Mali, African Security 11(2): 1-18.
- Heide E.J. van der & Schuurman B.W. (2018), Reintegrating terrorists in the Netherlands: evaluating the Dutch approach, Journal for Deradicalization (17): 196-239.
- Heide E.J. van der, Winter C. & Maher S. (2018), The Cost of Crying Victory: Policy Implications of the Islamic State’s Territorial Collapse: ICCT.
- Heide E.J. van der & Santo E. dal (2018), Escalating Complexity in Regional Conflicts: Connecting Geopolitics to Individual Pathways to Terrorism in Mali, African Security 11(3): 274-291.
- Sommer B.W. & Heide E.J. van der (2018), Mali, het Franse Afghanistan?, Militaire Spectator 187(5): 277-291.
- Heide E.J. van der & Schuurman B.W. (2018), Re-integratie van delinquenten met een extremistische achtergrond: evaluatie van de Nederlandse aanpak: Institute of Security and Global Affairs.
- Sommer B. & Heide E.J. van der (2018), ‘Mali, waar is de uitgang?’ Militaire oplossingen voor politieke problemen, Atlantisch Perspectief 2018(1): .
- Heide E.J. van der & Geenen J. (2017), Reintegrating Junior Violent Extremists, Crisis Response Journal 13(1): .
- Heide E.J. van der (2017), Waarom eist IS de schietpartij in Las Vegas op?, : .
- Heide E.J. van der (2017), Is British Security up to Israeli standards for preventing London style terror attacks? (The Jerusalem Post). [other].
- Heide E.J. van der (2017), Truckterrorisme nauwelijks te stoppen (TVM). [other].
- Heide E.J. van der (2017), Can ISIS'S indoctrinated kids be saved from a future of violent jihad?, : .
- Heide E.J. van der (2017), Waar zal de volgende oorlog in Europa over gaan?, Vrij Nederland (November 2017): .
- Heide E.J. van der & Geenen J.J.G. (2017), Children of the Caliphate: Young IS Returnees and the Reintegration Challenge no. 10 (International Centre for Counter-Terrorism). [working paper].
- Heide E.J. van der & Geenen J.J.G. (2017), Children of the Caliphate: Young IS Returnees and the Reintegration Challenge, Journal of Security and Global Affairs (Special issue SGA Journal): 42-59.
- Bjorgo T., Graaf B.A. de, Heide E.J. van der, Hemmingby C. & Weggemans D.J. (2016), Performing Justice, Coping with Trauma: The Trial of Anders Breivik, 2012. In: Graaf B.A. de & Schmid A. (Eds.), Terrorists on Trial: A Performative Perspective. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 334-367.
- Entenmann E.C., Heide E.J. van der, Weggemans D.J. & Dorsey J. (2016), Rehabilitation for Foreign Fighters? Relevance, Challenges and Opportunities for the Criminal Justice Sector, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism Policy Brief 6(5): 1-28.
- Heide E.J. van der & Entenmann E. (2016), Juvenile Violent Extremist Offenders: Peer Pressure or Seasoned Soldiers? (International Centre for Counter-Terrorism).
- Heide E.J. van der (2016), Jailhouse Islam: recrutering in de cel. [other].
- Heide E.J. van der (24 March 2016), 'Morele veerkracht bepaalt impact'. Het Parool.
- Heide E.J. van der (2016), Beeldvorming en propaganda: hoe IS inspeelt op onze angst, Christen Democratische Verkenningen 2016(1): .
- Heide E.J. van der & Huurman R. (2016), Suburban bliss or disillusionment: why do terrorists quit?, Journal for Deradicalization Fall 2016(8): 1-24.
- Heide E.J. van der & Schuurman B.W. (2016), Foreign fighter returnees & the reintegration challenge no. November 2016. Amsterdam: Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN Centre of Excellence).
- Entenmann E., Heide E.J. van der, Weggemans D.J. & Dorsey J. (2015), Rehabilitation for Foreign Fighters? Relevance, Challenges and Opportunities for the Criminal Justice Sector, 6(5): .
- Heide E.J. van der & Buuren J. van (2015), 'Introduction to Preventism in Security', Security and Human Rights 26: 123-125.
- Heide E.J. van der & Buuren J. van (2015), 'Terrorisme en media: niks nieuws onder de zon. Pleidooi voor een realistische blik op IS en sociale media', Atlantisch Perspectief 39(4): 16-20.
- Heide E.J. van der & Geenen J.J.G. (2015), Preventing Terrorism in the Courtroom - The Criminalisation of Preparatory Acts of Terrorism in the Netherlands, Security and Human Rights 26(2-4): 162-192.
- Heide E.J. van der (6 June 2015), Jailhouse Islam – What to do with terrorists in prison?. Leiden Safety and Security Blog. The Hague: Institute of Security and Global Affairs - Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Heide E.J. van der (2015), Kerken moeten terroristen niet in de kaart spelen (Reformatorisch Dagblad), Reformatorisch Dagblad : .
- Heide E.J. van der & Buuren G.M. van (2015), Terrorisme en media: niks nieuws onder de zon. Pleidooi voor een realistische blik op IS en sociale media, Atlantisch Perspectief 2015(4): .
- Heide E.J. van der (2015), Bijzonder vaak vrienden en broers in terreurgroepen (Linda Nieuws). [other].
- Heide E.J. van der & Buuren G.M. van (2015), Introduction to Preventism in Security, Security and Human Rights 26(2-4): 123-125.
- Heide E.J. van der & Weggemans D.J. (2013), Dealing with Extremism - Trials and Errors. EENET Annual Conference 25 September 2013 - 27 September 2013.
- Heide E.J. van der (2013), Lone Wolves, Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare 36(24): .
- Graaf B.A. de, Heide E.J. van der, Wanmaker S. & Weggemans D.J. (2013), The Anders Behring Breivik Trial: Performing Justice, Defending Democracy, ICCT Perspective : .
- Heide E.J. van der (2013), Cherry-Picked Intelligence. The Weapons of Mass Destruction Dispositive as a Legitimation for National Security in the Post 9/11Age, Historische Sozialforschung / Historical Social Research 38(1): 286-307.
- Heide E.J. van der, Varst L.P. van der, Hoog D. de, Bakker E. & Graaf B.A. de (2012), Onderzoek naar de maatschappelijke effecten van bestuurlijk optreden bij terreurdreiging en extreem geweld. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
- Graaf B.A. de, Heide E.J. van der, Weggemans D.J. & Wanmaker S. (2012), Terrorists on Trial. The Breivik case - Live Blog. [other].
- Heide E.J. van der, Graaf B.A. de, Weggemans D.J. & Wanmaker S. (2012), The 22nd of July trial reaches its final stage, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism : .
- Heide E.J. van der & Varst L.P. van der (2012), Beperken maatschappelijke onrust bij terroristische dreiging en extreem geweld, Magazine Nationale Veiligheid en Crisisbeheersing 10(4): 52-53.
- Coordinator aanpak preventie, polarisatie en radicalisering
- Raadslid
- Research Fellow