Liesbeth van der Heide
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. E.J. van der Heide
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9506
- 0000-0001-5791-3933

Liesbeth van der Heide is a researcher and lecturer at Leiden University, Institute of Security and Global Affairs.
More information about Liesbeth van der Heide
Liesbeth van der Heide is a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), Leiden University since 2011. She also works as a Senior Research Fellow at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) where she coordinates ICCT's activities in the field of (counter-) terrorism in prison.
Currently she is working on a project that focuses on prisons in North-Africa and South East Asia and includes implementing threat and risk assessment measures to identify and assess violent extremism.
Her fields of interest are: terrorism and stability in the Sahel (Mali); the overlap and fusion of (non)violent jihadist, separatist and rebel movements; (de)radicalisation and reintegration; and effective counter-terrorism. She currently coordinates a two-year research project for the National Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism and Security (NCTV) regarding the effectiveness of the reintegration of terrorists in the Netherlands. She teaches Master-level courses on Security and Intelligence and Security and the Rule of Law. Previously she managed several research projects, including research for the Dutch National Police on lone actor terrorism; research for the General Intelligence and Security Service in the Netherlands regarding a fear-management based approach to counter-terrorism; a research project for the Ministry of Security and Justice on the integrity-crime nexus. In 2013 she was a Research Fellow at the Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law. She is a member of the Dutch Flemish Network for Radicalization and Terrorism Research.
Assistant professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Intelligence
External PhD candidate
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Schuurman B.W. & Heide E.J. van der (30 October 2019), De gevangenisbrieven van Mohammed B. Interviewed by Melissen Hans Jaap for De Groene Amsterdammer. [interview].
- Heide E.J. van der (30 March 2017), TERUG IN NEDERLAND, HOE RE-INTEGREER JE EEN TERRORIST?. [lecture].
- Heide E.J. van der (23 November 2017), Hallo Nederland - Omroep MAX. for Hallo Nederland (NOS op 3). [interview].
- Heide E.J. van der (29 March 2017), The phenomenon of the returnees: knowledge and challenges. [lecture].
- Heide E.J. van der & Buuren G.M. van (17 February 2017), Social Media & Propaganda. Free Press Unlimited. [lecture].
- Heide E.J. van der & Schuurman B.W. (17 July 2017), What characterizes ''best practices''? The design and criteria of (successful) programs of CVE. CVE Conference 2017. [lecture].
- Heide E.J. van der (22 June 2017), Rehabilitation and Reintegration of VEO and FTF within a Criminal Justice System. Asser Institute and Washington College of Law. [lecture].
- Heide E.J. van der (5 September 2017), Specialized Risk Assessment Tools, Intake and Classification. Expert Meeting 'Efforts to Address Radicalization in Prisons'. [lecture].
- Heide E.J. van der (8 November 2017), Evaluating DDR Programs - panel member. Elliot School of International Affairs - George Washington University, Washington, DC. [lecture].
- Heide E.J. van der (20 November 2017), Children of the Caliphate. Violence Prevention Network. [lecture].
- Heide E.J. van der (18 November 2016), Radicalisering. [lecture].
- Heide E.J. van der (22 April 2013), Dreiging in Leiden. Interview. [interview].
- Weggemans D.J. & Heide E.J. van der (11 April 2013), National Trauma, Coping and Criminal Justice in Context; the Breivik Case. ICCT Expert-meeting. Nieuwspoort Den Haag. [lecture].
- Heide E.J. van der & Weggemans D.J. (13 June 2013), Terrorists on Trial: The Breivik Case. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Criminologie - jaarlijks congres. Leiden. [lecture].
- Heide E.J. van der & Weggemans D.J. (22 November 2013), Dealing with terrorism trials: a resilience-oriented approach?. [lecture].
- Heide E.J. van der, Weggemans D.J. & Graaf B.A. de (11 April 2013), Terrorists on Trial - the case of Anders Behring Breivik. ICCT Expert Meeting. Den Haag. [lecture].
- Weggemans D.J. & Heide E.J. van der (26 August 2012), Breivik, oude vaders, liegende kinderen. Toelichting onderzoek. [interview].
- Heide E.J. van der & Buuren G.M. van (9 February 2012), Lone wolf terrorism: myth or reality?. Studium Generale. Groningen. [lecture].
- Graaf B.A. de & Heide E.J. van der (29 October 2012), Has Security Become the New Religion? An Analysis of the Risks and Pitfalls of Securitization. John Knox Conference 'Churches and the Rule of Law'. Genève. [lecture].
- Heide E.J. van der & Weggemans D.J. (2012), Lone wolf terrorisme: Communiceren & Angst Verminderen. Vereniging Beveiligingsmanagers Nederland. [lecture].
- Coordinator aanpak preventie, polarisatie en radicalisering
- Raadslid
- Research Fellow