Liesbeth Rosen Jacobson
- Name
- Dr. E.W. Rosen Jacobson
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 1293
- 0000-0003-3105-8611

Liesbeth Rosen Jacobson's expertise lies at the intersection of migration history and the decolonisation period in a comparative perspective: in particular, the consequences of the independence of Asian colonies for so-called 'in-between groups' such as people of mixed European-native descent (such as Indo-Europeans, Indische Nederlanders, Anglo-Indians) and Jews. This includes both the situation in the former colony, just after independence, and the reception and integration in the European motherland. Her current research is about whether and how the arrival of postcolonial migrants influenced the professionalisation of social work led by a number of incisive women, in both the Netherlands and England.
More information about Liesbeth Rosen Jacobson
Fields of interest
- Late colonial history, decolonization and postcolonialism, specifically from the perspective of Eurasians
- Migration and social history in general
- Literary and discourse analysis as a method for historical research
Specific fields of research interest are (late) colonial historyin Asia, the decolonization period and postcolonial history as experienced in Europe and Asia, specifically viewed from the perspective of so-called 'hybrid' people in-between like Eurasians or Jews. Migration and social history in general and literary and discourse analysis as a method of historical (comparative) research.
Curriculum Vitae
Bachelor in social history at Leiden University
Research Master History: Migration and Global Interdependence at Leiden University (cum laude)
PhD-project ‘The Eurasian Question The colonial position and postcolonial options of colonial mixed ancestry groups from British India, Dutch East Indies and French Indochina compared, 1900-1975’ published as a book with Verloren in 2018.
From 2018-2019: Teaching at Leiden University and Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Economische en Sociale geschiedenis