Kutsal Yesilkagit
Professor International Governance
- Name
- Prof.dr. A.K. Yesilkagit
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9382
- a.k.yesilkagit@fgga.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-9660-7859

As a professor of International Governance Kutsal Yesilkagit is driven by the desire to understand how political-administrative systems function. His work is all about doing research and teaching on how politicians, civil servants, and public institutions affect the outcomes of policies, societal events and thereby eventually affect the lives of individual citizens and private groups.
More information about Kutsal Yesilkagit
Kutsal Yesilkagit is professor of International Governance at the Institute of Public Administration.
As a professor of public administration Kutsal Yesilkagit is driven by the desire to understand how political-administrative systems function. His work is all about doing research and teaching on how politicians, civil servants, and public institutions affect the outcomes of policies, societal events and thereby eventually affect the lives of individual citizens and private groups.
Nowadays, particular challenges to our societies and the institutions constituting them comes from the internationalisation of demographic, social, and economic problems. National states are in a process of adapting to varieties of post-national, international modes of governance, i.e. finding ways to cooperate and coordinate efforts in cross-border fashions to steer and solve, amongst others, our energy, climate, trade, security, and inequality problems. It are these issues that Yesilkagit addresses together with his Leiden and international colleagues, working closely together in international and European research networks.
Professor International Governance
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
- Christensen J, Kuipers S.L. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2024), Politiek en wetenschap in crisisbesluitvorming tijdens Covid : lessen voor de toekomst . In: M’hamdi H.I, Rotteveel A., Rerimassie V. & Haverkamp B. (Eds.), Maatschappelijke meerstemmigheid onder druk: waarborgen van pluralisme tijdens een gezondheidscrisis. Den Haag: Boom. 259-318.
- Staatscommissie Rechtsstaat, Kummeling H., Çapkurt F., Hertogh M., Abdoeljamil C., González Pérez E., Numann E., Vendrik K., Vliet D. & Yesilkagit K. (2024), De gebroken belofte van de rechtsstaat: tien verbetervoorstellen met oog voor de burger. Den Haag: Staatscommissie Rechtsstaat.
- Carroll B.J. Brummel L. Toshkov D.D. Yesilkagit K. (2024), Multilevel governance and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic literature review, Regional & Federal Studies : 1-22.
- Brummel L., Toshkov. D., Carroll B. & Yesilkagit K. (2024), Polarisatie in de provincie Zuid-Holland: Resultaten van een enquête-onderzoek naar dimensies van politieke polarisatie in de provincie Zuid-Holland uitgevoerd in de periode mei 2023 . Den Haag: Universiteit Leiden.
- Toshkov D.D., Carroll B.J. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2022), Government capacity, societal trust or party preferences: what accounts for the variety of national policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe?, Journal of European Public Policy 29(7): 1009-1028.
- Kuipers S.L., Yesilkagit A.K. & Carroll B.J. (2020), Ministerial influence on the machinery of government: insights on the Inside [Structure and Organization of Goverment Project] (translation: Kuipers S.L., Yesilkagit A.K. & Carroll B.J.), West European Politics : .
- Christensen J. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2018), International public administrations: a critique, Journal of European Public Policy 26(6): 946-961.
- Kuipers S.L., Yesilkagit A.K. & Carroll B.J. (2017), Coming to Terms with Termination of Public Organizations, Public Organization Review : .
- Bruning M.R., Rap S.E., Klep K.F.M., Bouterse M., Verkroost D.S., Mesman J., Yesilkagit A.K., Castermans A.G., Liefaard T., leeuwen C.M.M. van, Pattyn V.E. & Amoureus C.M. (2017), Evaluatie Wet Kinderombudsman. Reeks evaluatie regelgeving no. 41. Den Haag: ZonMw.
- Kuipers S.L., Yesilkagit A.K. & Carroll B.J. (2017), Organizational Demography. In: Farazmand A. (Ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance: Springer.
- Osch D.A.G.T. van & Yesilkagit A.K. (2016), Managing Public Accountabilities in Transgovernmental Networks. ECPR General Conference. Trento, Italy: ECPR- Standing group on the European Union.
- Yesilkagit K. (2016), To merge or not to merge: The institutional re-design of telecommunications regulation in the Netherlands. In: Aubin D. & Verhoest K. (Eds.), Multi-Level Regulation in the Telecommunications Sector. London: Springer. 108-136.
- Bach T., Ruffing E. & Yesilkagit K. (2015), The Differential Empowering Effects of Europeanization on the Autonomy of National Agencies, Governance 28(3): 285-304.
- Thiel S. van & Yesilkagit A.K. (2014), Does task matter? The effect of task on the establishment, autonomy and control of semi-autonomous agencies, International Review of Administrative Sciences 80(2): 318-340.
- Danielsen O. & Yesilkagit K. (2014), The effects of European regulatory networks on the bureaucratic autonomy of national regulatory authorities, Public Organization Review 14(3): 353-371.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2012) The Blame Game: Spin, Bureaucracy, and Self-Preservation in Government. Review of: Hood C., The Blame Game: Spin, Bureaucracy, and Self-Preservation in Government. West European Politics 35(2): 437-438.
- Yesilkagit A.K. & Thiel S. van (2012), Autonomous Agencies and Perceptions of Stakeholder Influence in Parliamentary Democracies, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 22(1): 101-119.
- Thiel S. van & Yesilkagit A.K. (2011), Good neighbours or distant friends? : Trust between Dutch ministries and their executive agencies, Public Management Review 13(6): 783-802.
- Meyer-Sahling J.H. & Yesilkagit K. (2011), Differential legacy effects: three propositions on the impact of administrative traditions on public administration reform in Europe east and west. , 18(2): 311-322.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2011), Institutional compliance, European networks of regulation and the bureaucratic autonomy of national regulatory authorities, 18(7): 962-979.
- Yesilkagit A.K. & Christensen J. G. (2010), Institutional Design and Formal Autonomy: Political versus Historical and Cultural Explanations, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 20(1): 53-74.
- Yesilkagit A.k. (2010), The Limits of Administration: A Response to Christopher Hood, Public Administration Review 70(4): 535-537.
- Bovens M. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2010), The EU as lawmaker: the impact of EU directives on national regulation in The Netherlands, Public Administration 88(1): 57-74.
- Mueller Wolfgang C., Bovens M., Christensen Jorgen G., Jenny M. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2010), Legal Europeanization: comparative perspectives, Public Administration 88(1): 75-87.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2009), Inspecties. In: Bovens M. & Schillemans T. (Eds.), Handboek Publieke verantwoording. Den Haag: LEMMA/Boom. 117-142.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2009), Panellid debat 'Turkije na de locale verkiezingen'. [other].
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2009), The supranational causes of bureaucratic autonomy : national regulatory authorities and European networks of regulation. [working paper].
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2009) The power of the centre: central governments and the macro-implementation of EU public policy- by Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos. Review of: Dimitrakopoulos D.G., The power of the centre: central governments and the macro-implementation of EU public policy 87(4): 987-989.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2009), Transnationalization of National Bureaucracies? Dutch Ministers and Mandarins in the Age of European Governance.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2009), The power of the centre: central governments and the macro-implementation of EU public policy, Public Administration 87(4): 987-989.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2008), Bureaucratic Autonomy and Political Control. . Leiden.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2008), Between Impartiality and Resposiveness. Practices of Indepence of Equality Bodies. . Parijs.
- Yesilkagit A.K. & Van Tiel S. (2008), 'Public Sector Organisations' Perceptions of Vertical and Horizontal Influence: Agencies between Hierarchy and Fragmentation. [working paper].
- Yesilkagit A.K. & Meyer-Sahling J.H. (2008), Historical Legacies and Civil Service Reform: A Comparative Analysis of Dutch and Hungarian Reforms. [working paper].
- Geuijen C.H.M, Hart P. t, Princen S.B.M. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2008), The New Eurocrats: National civil Servants in EU Policy Making. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2008) Policy Transfer in the European Union. Review of: , Policy Transfer in the European Union 86(4): 1134-1136.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2008), Lecture on 'Turkish Politics and the Armed Forces in Turkey'.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2008), Organizer of the COST-Action project's 2008 Management Committee Meeting. [other].
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2008), De verplaatsing van de 'Vierde Macht'. De Europeanisering van het ambtelijk bedrijf. Special issue van Beleid en Maatschappij, Beleid en Maatschappij : 74.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2008), Police demand too much. B en M: tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij.
- Yesilkagit A.K. & Tiel S.van (2008), Political Influence and Bureaucratic Autonomy, Public Organization Review 8(2): 137-153.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2008), Between Impartiality and Responsiveness: Equality Bodies Practices of Independence. Brussel: European Secretariat of Equality Bodies of Equinet.
- t Hart P., Princen S.B.M. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2008), De verplaatsing van de 'Vierde Macht': Inleiding op het Themanummer, Beleid en Maatschappij 35(2): 4-13.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2007), Membership Editorial Board - Beleid en Maatschappij. [other].
- Bovens M.A.P., Yesilkagit A.K. & Haan I. de (2007), Alternatives of Parliamentary Democracy: The Netherlands in a European Comparative Perspective, 1880 to the Present (NWO). [other].
- Thiel S.W. van & Yesilkagit A.K. (2007), Good Neighbours or distant friends? The relationship between Dutch ministeries and their executive bodies.
- t Hart P., Geuijen C.H.M., Princen S.B.M., Yesilkagit A.K. & Mastenbroek E. (2007), The Europeanization of the Civil Service Craft. Utrecht: USBO. [other].
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2007), The Future of Administrative Tradition. Towards Temporal, Multilevel, and Multivariate Perspectives on Reform.
- Hart P. t, Geuijen C.H.M. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2007), Of bureaucrat-diplomatics and street-level entrepreneurs: Differentiated civil service. In: Hart P. 't, Rhodes R.A.W. & Noordegraaf M. (Eds.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 131-159.
- Yesilkagit A.K. & Verhoest K. (2007), Multilevel Regulation of the Utilities Sectors: Telecommunications and Gas in Belgium. [other].
- Yesilkagit A.K. & Thiel S.W. van (2007), Political Influence and Bureaucratic Autonomy: National and Supranational Venues of Influences and Public Sector Organizations in the Netherlands.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2007), Whose regulators? Competing Perspectives on Bureaucratic autonomy.
- Yesilkagit A.K. & Blom-Hansen J. (2007), Supranational governance or National Business-as-usual. The National Administration of EU Structural Funds in the Netherlands and Denmark, Public Administration 85(2): 503-524.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2007), Membership Editorial Board - Public Administration Review (Public Administration Review). [other].
- Christensen J.G. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2006), Delegation and Specialization in Regulatory Administration: A Comparative Analysis of Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands. In: Christensen T. & Laegreid P. (Eds.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 203-234.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2006), Redactiesecretaris Beleid en Maatschappij. [other].
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2006), Reviewer: Public Administration. [other].
- Yesilkagit A.K. & Geuijen K. (2006), Strategic Behavior During the Proposal formation Phase: Move before the Commission Does (UU). [working paper].
- Yesilkagit A.K. & Christensen J.G. (2006), Institutional Design within national Contexts: Agency Independence in Denmark, the Netherlands, and Sweden (1945-2000).
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2006) Public administration and development. Review of: , Public administration and development .
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2006), Games in History. A Framework for Studying Institutional Design in the Public Sector.
- Christensen J.G. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2006), Political Responsiveness and Credibility in Regulatory Administration (University of Bath). [working paper].
- Bakker W.E. & Yesilkagit A.K. (Eds.) (2005), Publieke verantwoording. Regimes van inzicht en rekenschap bij de uitvoering van publieke taken. Amsterdam: Boom.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (Ed.) (2005), Membership Editorial Board - Beleid en Maatschappij. B en M: tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij: Beleid en Maatschappij.
- Yesilkagit A.K. & Christensen J.G. (2005), Delegation and Policy Conflict in Consensus Democracies: Comparing Regulatory Agencies in Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands. [other].
- Bakker W.E. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2005), Schijnwereld van verantwoording bedreigt publieke dienstverlening (USBO-Utrecht). [working paper].
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2005), Regulatory Administrative Organization in the Netherlands 1950 - 2000. An Exploration of Tides of Reform. [other].
- Yesilkagit A.K. & Blom-Hansen J. (2005), Supranational governance or national business-as-usual? The national administration of the EU structural funds on the Netherlands and Denmark, Public Administration Quarterly 86(1): 503-524.
- Princen S.B.M. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2005), Tussen Brussel en de Polder. De Europeanisering van Politiek en Bestuur in Nederland, NIG Annual Work Conference 35(1): 1-12.
- Bovens M.A.P. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2005), De invloed van de Europese richtlijnen op de Nederlandse wetgever, Nederlands Juristenblad 80(10): 520-529.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2005), Turkije in de EU: Kans of bedreiging?
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2004), Offentlige licitationer, underhandsaftaler og konkurrence lovgivning i Holland: Nogle betragtninger om delegation og principal-agentteori. In: Blom-Hansen J., Norgaard A.S. & Pallesen T. (Eds.). Aarhus: Aarhus Universiteitsforlag. 176-187.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2004), Membership Editorial Board - Beleid en Maatschappij. [other].
- Bakker W.E. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2004), Verantwoording tussen droom en drang. Positiebepaling en perspectief. Amsterdam: Boom.
- Princen S.B.M. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2004), Tussen Brussel en de polder: de Europeanisering van politiek en bestuur in Nederland. [working paper].
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2004), The design of public agencies: overcoming agency costs and commitment problems, Public Administration and Development 24(2): 119-127.
- Yesilkagit A.K. & Vries J. de (2004), Reform styles of political and administrative elites in majoritarian and consensus democracies: Public management reforms in New Zealand and the Netherlands, Public Administration 82(4): 951-974.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2004), Bureaucratic Autonomy, Organizational Culture and Habituation: Politicians and Independent Administrative Bodies in the Netherlands, Administration & Society 5(36): 528-552.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (Ed.) (2003), Beleid en Maatschappij. B en M: tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij.
- Vries J. de & Yesilkagit A.K. (2002), The unanticipated consequences of decentralization and reinvention: the case of the province of South Holland, International Review of Administrative Sciences 68(4): 579-597.
- Yesilkagit A.K. (2000), Militairen, islam en securalisme, identiteitspolitiek in Turkije, Justitiële Verkenningen 26(8): 22-32.
- Vries J. de & Yesilkagit A.K. (1999), Core Executives and Party Politics, West European Politics 22(1): 115-137.
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