Call for papers FGGA Research Symposium - extended!
Are you curious to know more about the research interests of your colleagues? Are you looking for new collaboration? Would you like to share your latest publication or your (ideas for a) new project? Send in your abstract for the FGGA Reseach Symposium before 15 January 2017!
Please join us on Friday 26 January 2018 at the FGGA Research Symposium at LUC
All researchers – from PhD candidates to professors, from all FGGA institutes and centres – are welcome to present their work in an informal and interactive setting.
To guarantee ample room for discussion, discussants who receive the presentation/paper in advance, will be asked to summarize the researcher’s presentation and to initiate the discussion.
In between the sessions and afterwards, there will be enough time to informally get acquainted and exchange ideas during coffee breaks and drinks.
I hope to meet you all!
Kutsal Yesilkagit
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Deadline for sending in your abstract (150-200 words): Monday 15 January 2018
Please send your abstract to Manon Osseweijer: m.osseweijer@fgga.leidenuniv.nl
January 26, 2018
13.30-18.30 (including lunch, drinks afterwards)
LUC, Anna van Buerenplein 301, The Hague (various rooms; to be announced)