Universiteit Leiden

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Koos van der Hoeven

Professor Internal Medicine, in particular the organisation of oncological care

Prof.dr.ir. J.J.M. van der Hoeven
+31 71 526 9111

From 2012-2015 head of the department of Clinical Oncology at the Leiden University Medical Center. Since August 2015 full-time head of the department of Medical Oncology at the Radboud University Medical Center. I am still always professor at the LUMC in order to support 6 PhD students to their thesis

More information about Koos van der Hoeven

Organization of health care: oncology

Guiding 6 PhD students to their thesis.
Besides, focus on the organization of health care, especially for oncology

Academic career

1970-1975: Agricultural University Wageningen study Biology
1975- 1981: Vrije Universiteit Medical Center, Amsterdam study Medecine
1981-1986: trainee for medical oncologist at the Vrije Universiteit Medical center and Netherlands Cancer Institute
1986-1988: medical oncologist Vrije Universiteit Medical Center
1988-2007: medical oncologist Ziekenhuis Amstelland
2007-2012: medical oncologist medisch Centrum Alkmaar
Thesis 2004: Prospects for positron emission tomography in the staging and treatment of breast cancer patients
Oration LUMC 2013: Oncology towards 2020: prevention, collaboration and innovation
Oration Radboudumc 2017: Oncologie 3.0


Professor Internal Medicine, in particular the organisation of oncological care

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde
  • Divisie 4
  • Klinische Oncologie
  • Klinische Oncologie algemeen
  • Dutch Institute of Clinical Oncology Bestuurslid
  • Dutch Melanoma Treatment Registry Voorzitter
  • KWF Kankerbestrijding Lid Adviesraad
  • Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde Redacteur
  • Verschillende farmaceutische bedrijven Incidenteel lid adviesraad
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