Kimia Heidary
PhD candidate/guest
- Name
- Mr.drs. K. Heidary
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-1976-927X
In March 2020, Kimia Heidary joined Leiden Law School's Department of Business Studies to begin her PhD research on online price discrimination. Before coming to Leiden University, Kimia obtained her bachelor's degree in Law at Utrecht University (2016), a master's degree in Persuasive Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam (2017) and a master's degree in Private Law (specialising in Intellectual Property Law) at Utrecht University (2019).
In her research, Kimia Heidary addresses the practice of online price discrimination. The title of her PhD project is 'An empirical legal examination of online price discrimination, justice, and regulation'. The research aims to investigate how online price discrimination is perceived by consumers and regulatory actors and its implications for consumer behaviour and market regulation.
Heidary's PhD research falls under Empirical Legal Studies and involves both quantitative and qualitative research methods. With her background in Law and Communication Science, Heidary alternates between the two disciplines in order to answer her research questions and analyse the practical implications of regulating online price discrimination in Dutch society.
PhD candidate/guest
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut Fiscale en Economische vakken
- Bedrijfswetenschappen
- Heidary K. & Pluut H. (2025), All is (not) fair in personalized pricing: antecedents and outcomes of consumer fairness perceptions, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management : .
- Heidary K. (2024), Prijspersonalisatie en privaatrecht. In: Leuyerink R., Bartels S.E. & Boom W.H. van (Eds.), Prijs en privaatrecht. Serie Onderneming en Recht no. 149. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. 369-388.
- Rest J.I. van der & Heidary K. (2024), Personalised pricing under the current European legal framework: a call for ethics, sustainability and responsibility in the age of artificial intelligence, Research in Hospitality Management 14(1): 1-8.
- Heidary K. (27 February 2024), The Digital Services Act is here: what about its enforcement?. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden: Leiden University (Leiden University). [blog entry].
- Heidary K., Rest J.I. van der & Custers B.H.M. (2024), Discrimination grounds and personalized pricing: Consumer perceptions of of fairness, norm alignment, legality, and trust in markets, Internet Policy Review 13(4): 1-37.
- Heidary K. (2024), Het verrichten van kwalitatief empirisch-juridisch onderzoek naar praktijkperspectieven: Een verkennend onderzoek naar online prijsdiscriminatie, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht 2024(9-10): 288-297 (NTBR 2024/33).
- Heidary K. & Pistora D. (2023), Juicy stories: niet langer alleen de vruchten plukken, Ars Aequi 72(2): 83 (AA20230083).
- Groothoff B., Heidary K. & Kouwenberg M. (2023), Van scriptie naar studentartikel: een handreiking, Ars Aequi 72(4): 298-302 (AA20230298).
- Groenewoud D. & Heidary K. (2023), Kunst met een kleine letter k: een interview met rechtbanktekenares Renée van den Kerkhof, Ars Aequi 72(7/8): 600-605 (AA20230600).
- Heidary K. & Maathuis E. (2023), Een stokje steken voor staken, Ars Aequi 72(9): 611 (AA20230611).
- Hartman L.G.L. & Heidary K. (2022), Het verschil tussen kunnen en willen, Ars Aequi 71(4): 251 (AA20220251).
- Heidary K., Custers B.H.M., Pluut H. & Rest J.I. van der (2022), A qualitative investigation of company perspectives on online price discrimination, Computer Law and Security Review 46: 105734.
- Mak V., Veldt G.M. & Heidary K. (2022), European Consumer Protection 2.0 [organizer of panel] (International Conference for Empirical Legal Studies). [other].
- Heidary K. (29 July 2022), Personalised pricing is happening: here’s what you need to know. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. [blog entry].
- Rest J.I. van der, Sears A.M., Kuokkanen H. & Heidary K. (2022), Algorithmic pricing in hospitality and tourism: call for research on ethics, consumer backlash and CSR, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights 5(4): 771-781.
- Heidary K. & Custers B.H.M. (2021), Online prijsdiscriminatie: algoritmische prijspersonalisatie in het licht van het discriminatieverbod en consumentenbescherming, Nederlands Juristenblad 96(30): 2507-2513 (NJB 2021/2282).
- Heidary K. (3 December 2020), E-commerce and consumer data: Is regulation needed?. Leiden Law Blog. [blog entry].
- Redacteur