Karsten Lambers
Professor Digital and Computational Archaeology
- Name
- Prof.dr. K. Lambers
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6510
- k.lambers@arch.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-6432-0925

Karsten Lambers is Professor of Digital and Computational Archaeology at the Faculty of Archaeology.
More information about Karsten Lambers
Current PhD candidates
See also
My research considers computational methods (e.g., Machine Learning) that enable the (semi-) automated extraction of meaningful archaeological entities from large bodies of digital data from different sources as a starting point for archaeological analysis and heritage management. Examples include the detection of burial mounds in remote sensing data and the detection of archaeological concepts in excavation reports. I also study human-environmental interaction with a focus on resource use and landscape change.
Since 1993 I have regularly participated in archaeological fieldwork (survey, excavation), studying mainly prehistoric periods in Central Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) and Latin America (Bolivia, Peru, Mexico). My involvement in surveying tasks during many of these projects inspired me to explore remote sensing and digital image analysis for archaeological purposes, which eventually facilitated my specialization in digital and computational archaeology. In my research, I have extensively collaborated with computer scientists, geomatic engineers, geographers, geophysicists and palaeoecologists.
Teaching activities
My teaching deals with digital data and computational tools that we use in archaeology and the impact this has on the wider field of archaeological inquiry. I combine theoretical and practical perspectives through a mix of lectures, written and practical assignments, linking my teaching to ongoing research wherever possible. An important element of my teaching is the individual guidance of students during their thesis research.
Curriculum vitae
I graduated in American Anthropology (MA, University of Bonn, 1998) and in Prehistoric Archaeology (PhD, University of Zurich, 2005). My PhD dissertation on the Nasca geoglyphs of Palpa, Peru, was awarded the Best Thesis Award of 2005 by the Faculty of Arts, University of Zurich. Further recognition of the collaborative research in which I have been involved includes two EUROPA NOSTRA awards (2020 and 2022) and my affiliated memberschip of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI Berlin, since 2022).
Before joining Leiden University in 2015, I held research and teaching positions at ETH Zurich (1999-2004), the University of Zurich (2004), the German Archaeological Institute (2005-2007), the University of Konstanz (2008-2013) and the University of Bamberg (2010-2015).
At the Leiden Faculty of Archaeology, I have served as chair of the Department of Archaeological Sciences (2017-2019), as chair of the Digital Archaeology Research Group (since 2016) and as member of the Research Committee (2016 and since 2023). On the university level, I am a member of the SAILS network (Society Artificial Intelligence and Life Science) and of the steering committee of ARCHON, the Dutch inter-university research and graduate school for archaeology.
Professor Digital and Computational Archaeology
- Faculteit Archeologie
- Archaeological Sciences
- Digital Archaeology
- Karimi Moayed N., Vandenberghe D., Deforce K., Kaptijn E., Lambers K., Verschoof-van der Vaart W., De Clercq W. & De Grave J. (2024), Optical dating of charcoal kiln remains from WWII: a test of accuracy, Quaternary Geochronology 83: 101582.
- Kaptijn E., Bourgeois Q., Verschoof-van der Vaart W. & Lambers K. (2024), Erfgoed gezocht: grafheuvels, zichtbare restanten van een prehistorisch landschap. In: Amkreutz L. & Vaart-Verschoof S. van der (Eds.), Bronstijd: vuur van verandering. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 109-110.
- Bourgeois Q., Kaptijn E., Verschoof-van der Vaart W. & Lambers K. (2024), Assessing the quality of citizen science in archaeological remote sensing: results from the Heritage Quest project in the Netherlands, Antiquity 98(402): 1662-1678.
- Abderhalden-Raba A., Della Casa P., Kothieringer K., Lambers K., Maechtle B., Ranzinger M. & Roepke A. (2024), TERRA : zur longue durée der Kulturlandschaft im Raum Ramosch. In: Prähistorische Archäologie Universität Zürich & Archäologischer Dienst Graubünden (Eds.), Die Mottata bei Ramosch: Aspekte einer prähistorischen Siedlungslandschaft im Unterengadin. Archäologie Graubünden Sonderheft no. 12. Chur: Somedia Buchverlag. 118-135.
- Nieuwenhuyse O., Hiatlih K., Hakki R., Al-Fakhri A., Verlinden J., Lambers K., Joosten K., Mara H. & Ngan-Tillard D. (2023), Focus Raqqa: inventory of Museum collections and reconstruction of missing tablets. Hayajneh H. (Ed.), Cultural Heritage: At the Intersection of the Humanities and the Sciences: Proceedings of the International Humboldt-Kolleg (Jordan, 16-18 April 2019). Cultural Heritage: At the Intersection of the Humanities and the Sciences 16 April 2019 - 18 April 2019. Berlin: Lit-Verlag. 495-505.
- Lambers K. (2023), Introduction: Leiden perspectives on digital archaeology. In: Kalayci T., Lambers K. & Klinkenberg V. (Eds.), Digital Archaeology: Promises and Impasses. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 51. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 9-15.
- Kalayci T., Lambers K. & Klinkenberg V. (Eds.) (2023), Digital Archaeology: Promises and Impasses. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 51. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Kosanic A., Lambers K., Galata S., Kothieringer K. & Abderhalden A. (2023), Importance of cultural ecosystem services for cultural identity and wellbeing in the Lower Engadine, Switzerland, Land 12: 2156.
- Kaptijn E., Verschoof-van der Vaart W., Lambers K., Bourgeois Q. & Kramer R. (2023), Burgerwetenschap in de Gelderse archeologie. In: Verhoeven D., Gubbels M., Bierens de Haan J.C., Brusse P., Cruyningen P. van, Egeraat M. van, Kastelein D., Noordzij A. & Verstegen W. (Eds.). Bijdragen en Mededelingen Gelre no. 114. Arnhem: Vereniging Gelre. 55-74.
- Kothieringer K., Seregély T., Jansen D., Steup R., Schäfer A., Lambers K. & Fuchs M. (2023), Mid‐ to Late Holocene landscape dynamics and rural settlement in the uplands of northern Bavaria, Germany, Geoarchaeology 38(2): 220-245.
- Schneider A., Gussone M., Müller-Wiener M., Lambers K., Ullrich B., Kniess R., Kniess S. & Dorrestein J.P. (2023), Understanding complexity: the case-study of al-Ḥīra, Iraq. Wunderlich T., Hadler H. & Blankenfeldt R. (Eds.), Advances in on- and offshore archaeological prospection: proceedings of the 15th international conference on archaeological prospection. . Kiel: Kiel University Publishing. 253-256.
- Bubenzer O., Casselmann C., Faßbinder J., Fischer P., Forbriger M., Hecht S., Lambers K., Linzen S., Mächtle B., Schlütz F., Siart C., Sonnemann T.F., Stolz C., Vött A., Werban U., Werther L. & Zielhofer C. (2022), Feldmethoden. In: Stolz C. & Miller C.E. (Eds.), Geoarchäologie. Berlin: Springer Spektrum. 255-286.
- Brandsen A., Verberne S., Lambers K & Wansleeben M. (2022), Can BERT dig it? Named entity recognition for information retrieval in the archaeology domain, Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 15(3): 1-18.
- Verschoof-van der Vaart W.B. & Lambers K. (2021), Applying automated object detection in archaeological practice: A case study from the southern Netherlands, Archaeological Prospection 29(1): 15-31.
- Brandsen A., Verberne S., Lambers K. & Wansleeben M. (2021), Usability evaluation for online professional search in the Dutch archaeology domain. arXiv. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Lambers K. (2021), The geoglyphs of Palpa, Peru: documentation, analysis and interpretation Forschungen zur Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen no. 2. Bonn: Kommission für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen.
- Lambers K. & Sauerbier M. (2021), Virtual flight over the Palpa geoglyps and geoglyph database (data file). Berlin: IANUS - Forschungsdatenzentrum Archäologie & Altertumswissenschaften. [dataset].
- Abderhalden-Raba A., Della Casa P., Kothieringer K., Lambers K., Mächtle B., Ranzinger M. & Röpke A. (2021), Neue Untersuchungen zu den (prä-)historischen Terrassen von Ramosch, Archäologie Graubünden 4: 61-70.
- Dietre B., Reitmaier T., Walser C., Warnk T., Unkel I., Hajdas I., Lambers K., Reidl D. & Haas J.N. (2020), Steady transformation of primeval forest into subalpine pasture during the Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age (2300−1700 BC) in the Silvretta Alps, Switzerland, The Holocene 30(3): 355-368.
- Lambers K. (2020), Walking and marking the desert: geoglyphs in arid South America. In: Klinkenberg M.V., Oosten R.M.R. van & Driel-Murray C. van (Eds.), A Human Environment. Studies in honour of 20 years Analecta editorship by prof. dr. Corrie Bakels. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 50. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 89-106.
- Verschoof W.B., Lambers K., Kowalczyk W.J. & Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2020), Combining Deep Learning and Location-Based Ranking for Large-Scale Archaeological Prospection of LiDAR Data from The Netherlands, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9(5): 293.
- Brandsen A., Verberne S., Lambers K. & Wansleeben M. (2020), Creating a Dataset for Named Entity Recognition in the Archaeology Domain. Calzolari N., Béchet F., Blache P., Choukri K., Cieri C., Declerck T., Goggi S., Isahara H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J. & Piperidis S. (Eds.), Conference Proceedings LREC 2020. The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) 2020 11 May 2020 - 16 May 2020. Marseilles: The European Language Resources Association. 4573–4577.
- Brandsen A., Lambers K., Verberne S. & Wansleeben M. (2019), User Requirement Solicitation for an Information Retrieval System Applied to Dutch Grey Literature in the Archaeology Domain, Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology 2(1): 21-30.
- Verschoof-Van der Vaart W.B. & Lambers K. (2019), Learning to Look at LiDAR: The Use of R-CNN in the Automated Detection of Archaeological Objects in LiDAR Data from the Netherlands, Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology 2(1): 31-40.
- Lambers K., Verschoof-Van der Vaart W.B. & Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2019), Integrating Remote Sensing, Machine Learning, and Citizen Science in Dutch Archaeological Prospection, Remote Sensing 11(7): 794.
- Scherjon F., Romanowska I. & Lambers K. (2019), Digitally Teaching Digital Skills: Lessons Drawn from a Small Private Online Course (SPOC) on ‘Modelling and Simulation in Archaeology’ at Leiden University, Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology 2(1): 79-88.
- Lambers K. (2018), Airborne and spaceborne remote sensing and digital image analysis in archaeology. In: Siart C., Forbriger M. & Bubenzer O. (Eds.), Digital Geoarchaeology: New Techniques for Interdisciplinary Human-Environmental Research. Natural Science in Archaeology. Cham: Springer. 109-122.
- Verschoof W.B., Lambers K. & Lew M. (2018), The use of R-CNNs in the automated detection of archaeological objects in remotely sensed data. LCDS meeting, Leiden. 19 October 2018 - 19 October 2018. [conference poster].
- Lambers K. (2018), Die Geoglyphen von Nasca und Palpa: Neue Ansätze zu ihrer Interpretation, Antike Welt 2018(1): 20-23.
- Kothieringer K. Seregély T. Lambers K. (2018), Settlement and landscape history of the northern Franconian Jura during the Bronze and Iron Ages, Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 48(1): 57-69.
- Dietre B., Walser C., Kofler W., Kothieringer K., Hajdas I., Lambers K., Reitmaier T. & Haas J.N. (2017), Neolithic to Bronze Age (4850–3450 cal. BP) fire management of the Alpine Lower Engadine landscape (Switzerland) to establish pastures and cereal fields, The Holocene 27(2): 181-196.
- Lambers K. (2017), Los geoglifos: imágenes y escenarios en el desierto de Nazca y Palpa / The geoglyphs: images and settings in the desert of Nazca and Palpa. In: Pardo C. & Fux P. (Eds.), Nasca. Lima: Asociación Museo de Arte de Lima. 112-123, 363-366.
- Lambers L.S.L., Fassbinder J.W.E., Lambers K. & Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2017), The Iron-Age burial of Epe-Niersen, the Netherlands: results from magnetometry in the range of +/- 1 nT. Jennings B., Gaffney C., Sparrow T. & Gaffney S. (Eds.), 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection. International Conference on Archaeological Prospection 12 September 2017 - 16 September 2017. Oxford: Archaeopress. 132-134.
- Lambers K. (2017), Die Geoglyphen: Bilder und Bühnen in der Wüste. In: Pardo C. & Fux P. (Eds.), Nasca – Peru. Archäologische Spurensuche in der Wüste. Zürich: Scheiddegger & Spiess. 108-119.
- Zingman I., Saupe D., Penatti O.A.B. & Lambers K. (2016), Detection of fragmented rectangular enclosures in very high resolution remote sensing images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54(8): 4580 - 4593.
- Lambers K. & Traviglia A. (2016), Automated detection in remote sensing archaeology: a reading list: Aerial Archaeology Research Group, AARGnews - The newsletter of the Aerial Archaeology Research Group 53: 25-29.
- Traviglia A., Cowley D. & Lambers K. (2016), Finding common ground: human and computer vision in archaeological prospection: Aerial Archaeology Research Group, AARGnews - The newsletter of the Aerial Archaeology Research Group 53: 11-24.
- Kenzler H. & Lambers K. (2015), Challenges and perspectives of woodland archaeology across Europe. Giligny F., Djindjian F., Costa L., Moscati P. & Robert S. (Eds.), CAA2014 21st Century Archaeology: Concepts, Methods, and Tools. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) 22 April 2014 - 25 April 2014. Oxford: Archaeopress. 73-80.
- Zingman I., Saupe D. & Lambers K. (2015), Detection of incomplete enclosures of rectangular shape in remotely sensed images, 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW). Computer Vision Foundation. Boston: IEEE. 87-96.
- Kothieringer K., Walser C., Dietre B., Reitmaier T., Haas J.N. & Lambers K. (2015), High impact: early pastoralism and environmental change during the Neolithic and Bronze Age in the Silvretta Alps (Switzerland/Austria) as evidenced by archaeological, palaeoecological and pedological proxies, Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 59(suppl. 2): 177-198.
- Dietre B., Walser C., Reidl D., Kappelmeyer T., Hajdas I., Kothieringer K., Lambers K., Haas J.N. & Reitmaier T. (2015), Vegetation history, landscape development, and archaeology of the Lower Engadine, Switzerland. Innsbruck: Institute of Botany, University of Innsbruck, Austria, Palyno-Bulletin 3: 75-78.
- Kothieringer K., Lambers K., Seregély T. & Schäfer A. (2014), Settlement and landscape history of the Northern Franconian Jura during the Bronze and Iron Ages, Geophysical research abstracts 16: 13941.
- Zingman I., Saupe D. & Lambers K. (2014), A morphological approach for distinguishing texture and individual features in images, Pattern recognition letters 47: 129-138.
- Dietre B., Walser C., Lambers K., Reitmaier T., Hajdas I. & Haas J.N. (2014), Palaeoecological evidence for Mesolithic to Medieval climatic change and anthropogenic impact on the Alpine flora and vegetation of the Silvretta Massif (Switzerland/Austria), Quaternary International 353: 3-16.
- Zingman I., Saupe D. & Lambers K. (2013), Automated search for livestock enclosures of rectangular shape in remotely sensed imagery. Bruzzone L. (Ed.), Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XIX. Proceedings of SPIE. no. 88920F. Dresden: SPIE.
- Lambers K. & Zingman I. (2013), Texture segmentation as first step towards archaeological object detection in high-resolution satellite images of the Silvretta Alps. Neubauer W., Trinks I., Salisbury R.B. & Einwögerer C. (Eds.), Archaeological Prospection: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference - Vienna, May 29th - June 2nd 2013. . Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences. 327-329.
- Member, Scientific Advisory Board