Karin van der Hiele
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. K. van der Hiele
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6642
- hiele@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-1567-0627

Short CV
Karin van der Hiele obtained her master’s degree in cognitive psychology at Leiden University in 1999 (cum laude). She continued her studies at the Eindhoven University of Technology where she obtained a Professional Doctorate in Engineering in the field of user-system interaction (2001).
After working as a user researcher for a year, she started as a PhD student at Leiden University Medical Centre (neurology) and Leiden University (psychology) in 2003. She was also active as a neuropsychologist at the memory clinic of the Leiden University Medical Centre. In 2007 she finished her dissertation entitled: ‘EEG markers of cognitive decline and dementia’.
Since 2008 she is employed as an assistant professor neuropsychology at Leiden University. While working at Leiden University, Karin has also worked as a researcher for the Dutch National MS Foundation and as a (neuro)psychologist at Basalt Rehabilitation.
Karin van der Hiele’s current research interest concerns work participation in patients with a chronic neurological disorder, such as multiple sclerosis and migraine. Work participation is very important for a person’s quality of life and has great societal value. Karin is interested in examining what factors enable work participation and work functioning, and in treating work-related challenges. She coordinated a three-year study into predictors of employment status and work absenteeism in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS@Work study), in collaboration with the Dutch National Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.The project was embedded within the TopZorg programme of the Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital (lead by prof. Leo Visser).
Karin is currently involved as a senior researcher within the ''Don't be Late'' project (a Dutch National Research Agenda project lead by prof. Hanneke Hulst). This project is (among others) aimed at examining the effects of a lifestyle intervention and a work coach intervention in improving quality of life in persons with multiple sclerosis with mild cognitive problems.
Karin is the scientific supervisor of Kamala Broekman (Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland) who is examining the effectiveness of EMDR in managing epilepsy-related anxiety in patients with epilepsy.
- Internship coordinator Master Clinical Neuropsychology
- Coordinator Bachelor course ''Clinical Neuropsychology''
- Co-coordinator Master course ''Intervention strategies in Clinical Neuropsychology''
- Lecturer in Bachelor and Master courses in Clinical Neuropsychology
- Thesis supervisor
- Nationale Wetenschapsagenda (NWA) (2020). Don’t be late! Postponing cognitive decline and preventing early unemployment in patients with multiple sclerosis (1.6 M Euro), co-applicant and co-work package leader.
- National Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (2019). Psychological predictors of work functioning patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (117.982 Euro), co-applicant.
- Teva Pharmaceuticals (2016). A prospective study on employment status and work absenteeism in healthy individuals. (26.965 Euro), co-applicant
- ZonMw TopZorg grant (2015). Patient perspectives on cognition, employment status and work absenteeism in relapsing-remitting Multiple Scerosis. (402.835 Euro), co-applicant
- Teva Pharmaceuticals (2014). MS Choices study (27.000 Euro), co-applicant
- Teva Pharmaceuticals (2013). Employment status and work absenteeism in relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis (200.000 Euro), co-applicant
- Grants for meetings
Supervised PhD candidates
- S. Saddal, Don’t be late! The effect of a work coaching intervention on quality of life and work outcomes in people with multiple sclerosis. 2022-present time
- J. Aarts, Don’t be late! The effect of a lifestyle intervention on quality of life, cognition, and brain measures in people with multiple sclerosis. 2022- present time
- E.E.A. van Egmond, Psychological predictors of work functioning patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, 2020-present time.
- D.A.M. van Gorp, Predictors of employment status and work absenteeism in relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis (MS@Work study), 2015-present time.
- Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO)
- Basic course in regulation and organisation of clinical research (BROK)
Assistant Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Gezondheids, Medische- Neuropsychologie
- Dam M. van, Krijnen E.A., Nauta I.M., Fuchs T.A., Jong B.A. de, Klein M., Hiele K. van der, Schoonheim M.M. & Hulst H.E. (2024), Identifying and understanding cognitive profiles in multiple sclerosis: a role for visuospatial memory functioning, Journal of Neurology : .
- Waskowiak P.T., Jong B.A. de, Uitdehaag B.M.J., Saddal S.R.D., Aarts J., Roovers A.A.M., Oirschot P. van, Groot V. de , Schaafsma F.G., Hiele K. van der, Ruitenberg M.F.L., Schoonheim M.M., Widdershoven G.A.M., Veen S. van der, Schippers E.C.F., Klein M. & Hulst H.E. (2024), Don’t be late! Timely identification of cognitive impairment in people with multiple sclerosis: a study protocol, BMC Neurology 24: 26.
- Aarts J., Saddal S.R.D., Bosmans J.E., Groot V. de, Jong B.A. de, Klein M., Ruitenberg M.F.L., Schaafsma F.G., Schippers E.C.F., Schoonheim M.M., Uitdehaag B.M.J., Veen S. van der, Waskowiak P.T., Widdershoven G.A.M., Hiele K. van der & Hulst H.E. (2024), Don’t be late! Postponing cognitive decline and preventing early unemployment in people with multiple sclerosis: a study protocol, BMC Neurology 24: 28.
- Egmond E.E.A. van, Hiele K. van der, Rooij M.J. de Gorp D.A.M. van, Jongen P.J., Klink J.J.L. van der, Reneman M.F., Beenakker E.A.C., Eijk J.J.J. van, Frequin S.T.F.M. , Gans K. de, Hoitsma E., Gerlach O.H.H., Mostert J.P., Verhagen W.I.M., Visser L.H. & Middelkoop H.A.M. (2024), Longitudinal determinants of employment status in people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, IBRO neuroscience reports 16: 518-526.
- Wegen J. van, Egmond E.E.A. van, Benedict R.H.B., Beenakker E.A.C., Eijk J.J.J. van, Frequin S.T.F.M., Gans K. van, Gerlach O.H.H., Gorp D.A.M. van, Hengstman G.J.D., Jongen P.J., Klink J.J.L. van der, Reneman M.F., Verhagen W.I.M., Middelkoop H.A.M., Visser L.H., Hulst H.E. & Hiele K. van der (2022), Subjective cognitive impairment is related to work status in people with multiple sclerosis, IBRO Neuroscience Reports 13: 513-522.
- Wegen J. van, Egmond E.E.A. van, Benedict R.H.B., Beenakker E.A.C., Eijk J.J.J. van, Frequin S.T.F.M., Gans K. de, Gerlach O.H.H., Gorp D.A.M. van, Hengstman G.J.D., Jongen P.J., Klink J.J.L. van der, Reneman M.F., Verhagen W.I.M., Middelkoop H.A.M., Visser L.H., Hulst H.E. & Hiele K. van der (2022), Subjective cognitive impairment is related to work status in people with multiple sclerosis, IBRO Neuroscience Reports 13: 513-522.
- Egmond E.E.A. van, Hiele K. van der, Gorp D.A.M. van, Jongen P.J., Klink J.J.L. van der, Reneman M.F., Beenakker E.A.C., Eijk J.J.J. van, Frequin S.T.F.M., Gans K. de, Geel B.M. van, Gerlach O.H.H., Hengstman G.J.D., Mostert J.P., Verhagen W.I.M., Middelkoop H.A.M. & Visser L.H. (2022), Work difficulties in people with multiple sclerosis: the role of anxiety, depression and coping, Multiple Sclerosis Journal - Experimental, Translational and Clinical 8(3): 205521732211162.
- Ballegooijen H. van, Hiele K. van der, Enzinger C., Voer G. de & Visser L.H. (2022), The longitudinal relationship between fatigue, depression, anxiety, disability, and adherence with cognitive status in patients with early multiple sclerosis treated with interferon beta-1a, eNeurologicalSci 28: 100409.
- Ham I.J.M. van der, Koutzmpi V., Kuil M.N.A. van der & Hiele K. van der (2022), Spatial navigation performance in people with multiple sclerosis-a large-scale online study, Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 58: 103423.
- Musa Salech G., Lillo P., Van der Hiele K., Méndez-Orellana C., Ibáñez A. & Slachevsky A. (2022), Apathy, executive function, and emotion recognition re the main drivers of functional ompairment in behavioral variant of Frontotemporal Dementia, Frontiers in Neurology 12: 1-12 (734251).
- Egmond E.E A. van, Gorp D.A.M. van, Jongen P.J., Klink J.J.L. van der, Reneman M.F., Arnoldus E.P.J., Beenakker E.A.C., Eijk J.J.J. van, Frequin S.T.F.M., Gerlach O.H.H., Hengstman G.J.D., Moll J.W.B., Verhagen W.I.M., Middelkoop H.A.M., Visser L.H. & Hiele K. van der (2022), Self-reported work productivity in people with multiple sclerosis and its association with mental and physical health, Disability and Rehabilitation 44(23): 7096-7105.
- Hiele K. van der, Gorp D.A.M. van, Egmond E.E.A. van, Jongen P.J., Reneman M.F., Van der Klink J., Arnoldus E., Beenakker E., Van Eijk J., Frequin S., Fe Gans K., Hengstman G., Hoitsma E., Gerlach O., Verhagen W., Heerings M., Middelkoop H.A.M. & Visser L.H. (2021), Self-reported occupational functioning in persons with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: does personality matter?, Journal of the Neurological Sciences 427: 117561.
- Van Egmond E.E.A., Van Gorp D., Honan C., Heerings M., Jongen P., Van der Klink J., Reneman M., Beenakker E., Frequin S., De Gans K., Hengstman G., Hoitsma E., Mostert J., Verhagen W., Zemel D., Middelkoop H.A.M., Visser L. & Van der Hiele K. (2021), A Dutch validation study of the Multiple Sclerosis Work difficulties questionnaire in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis, Disability and Rehabilitation 43(13): 1924-1933.
- Dongen L. van, Westerik B., Hiele K. van der, Visser L.H., Schoonheim M.M., Douw L., Twisk J.W.R., Jong B.A. de, Geurts J.J.G. & Hulst H.E. (2020), Introducing Multiple Screener: an unsupervised digital screening tool for cognitive deficits in MS, Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 38: 101479.
- Hiele K. van der, Egmond E. van, Jongen P., Klink J. van der, Beenakker E., Eijk J. van, Frequin S.T.F.M., Hoitsma E., Mostert J.P., Verhagen W.I.M., Gorp D.A.M. van, Middelkoop H.A.M. & Visser L. (2020), Empathy in multiple sclerosis - correlates with cognitive, psychological and occupational functioning, Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 41: 102036.
- Van der Hiele K. Van Egmond E. Van Gorp D.A.M. (2020), Werken met multiple sclerose, Quintesse : 14-20.
- Van Gorp D.A.M., Van der Hiele K., Heerings M.A.P., Jongen P.J., Van der Klink J.J.L., Reneman M.F., Arnoldus E.P.J., Beenakker E.A.C., Van Eijk J.J.J., Frequin S.T.F.M., De Gans K., Hoitsma E., Mostert J.P., Verhagen W.I.M., Zemel D., Visser L.H. & Middelkoop H.A.M. (2019), Cognitive functioning and employment status in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: a 2-year longitudinal study, Neurological Sciences 40(12): 2555–2564.
- Van Gorp D.A.M., Van der Hiele K., Middelkoop H.A.M. & Visser L.H. (2019), The relation between cognitive functioning and work outcomes in patients with Multiple Sclerosis: a systematic literature review, Current Research in Neurology and Neurosurgery 2(1): 011-029.
- Van der Hiele K., Van Gorp D.A.M., Heerings M.A.P., Jongen P.J., Van der Klink J.J.L., Beenakker E.A.C., Van Eijk J.J.J., Frequin S.T.F.M., Van Geel B.M., Hengstman G.J.D., Hoitsma E., Mostert J.P., Verhagen W.I.M., De Gans K., Zemel D., Middelkoop H.A.M. & Visser L.H. (2019), Caregiver strain among life partners of persons with mild disability due to relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 31: 5-11.
- Van der Hiele K., Hoogervorst E.L.J., Bouma P. & Hulst H.E. (2019), De onzichtbare “last” van cognitieve problemen bij multiple sclerose, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 163(25): 42-46.
- Gorp D.A.M. van, Klink J.J.L. van der, Abma F.I., Jongen P.J., Lieshout I. van, Arnoldus E.P.J., Beenakker E.A.C., Bos H.M., Eijk J.J.J. van, Fermont J., Frequin S.T.F.M., Gans K. de, Hengstman G.J.D., Hupperts R.M.M., Mostert J.P., Pop P.H.M., Verhagen W.I.M., Zemel D., Heerings M.A.P., Reneman M.F., Middelkoop H.A.M., Visser L.H. & Hiele K. van der (2018), The capability set for work - correlates of sustainable employability in workers with Multiple Sclerosis, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 16: e113.
- Meide H. van der, Gorp D. van, Hiele K. van der & Visser L. (2018), “Always looking for a new balance”: toward an understanding of what it takes to continue working while being diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, Disability and Rehabilitation 40(21): 2545-2552.
- Van den Berg J., Dogge B., Kist N., Kok R. & Van der Hiele K. (2017), Gender differences in cognitive functioning in older alcohol-dependent patients, Substance Use & Misuse 52(5): 574-580.
- Hiele K. van der, Gorp D.A.M. van, Benedict R.H.B., Jongen P.J., Arnoldus E.P.J., Beenakker E.A.C., Bos H.M., Eijk J.J.J. van, Fermont J., Frequin S.T.F.M., Geel B.M. van, Hengstman G.J.D., Hoitsma E., Hupperts R.M.M., Mostert J.P., Pop P.H.M., Verhagen W.I.M., Zemel D., Frndak S.E., Heerings M.A.P., Middelkoop H.A.M. & Visser L.H. (2016), Coping strategies in relation to negative work events and accommodations in employed Multiple Sclerosis patients, Multiple Sclerosis Journal - Experimental, Translational and Clinical 2: 1-9.
- Van der Hiele K., Gorp D.A.M. van, Benedict R.H.B., Jongen P.J., Arnoldus E.P.J., Beenakker E.A.C., Bos H.M., Eijk J.J.J. van, Fermont J., Frequin S.T.F.M., Geel B.M. van, Hengstman G.J.D., Hoitsma E., Hupperts R.M.M., Mostert J.P., Pop P.H.M., Verhagen W.I.M., Zemel D., Frndak S.E., Heerings M.A.P., Middelkoop H.A.M. & Visser L.H. (2016), Coping strategies in relation to negative work events and accommodations in employed multiple sclerosis patients, Multiple Sclerosis Journal - Experimental, Translational and Clinical 2016(2): 1-9.
- Van der Hiele K., Gorp D.A.M. van, Lieshout I. van, Jongen P.J., Heerings M.A.P., Middelkoop H.A.M. & Visser L.H. (2016), Factoren van invloed op arbeidsparticipatie bij patiënten met Multiple Sclerose, Tijdschrift voor Neurologie en Neurochirurgie 117(1): 5-10.
- Visser L.H., Heerings M.A., Jongen P.J. & Hiele K. van der (2016), Perspectives and experiences of Dutch multiple sclerosis patients and multiple sclerosis-specialized neurologists on injectable disease-modifying treatment, Patient Preference and Adherence 2016(10): 659-667.
- Cavallo M., Hunter E.M., Van der Hiele K. & Angilletta C. (2016), Computerized structured cognitive training in patients affected by early-stage Alzheimer’s disease is feasible and effective: A randomized controlled study, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 31(8): 868-876.
- Van der Hiele K., Van Gorp D.A., Van Lieshout I., Jongen P.J., Heerings M.A., Middelkoop H.A. & Visser L.H. (2016), Factoren van invloed op arbeidsparticipatie bij patiënten met multiple sclerose, Tijdschrift voor Neurologie en Neurochirurgie 117: 5-10.
- Van der Hiele K., Van Gorp D.A.M., Heerings M.A.P., Van Lieshout I., Jongen P.J., Reneman M.F., Van der Klink J.J.L., Vosman F., Middelkoop H.A.M. & Visser L.H. (2015), The MS@Work study: A 3-year prospective observational study on factors involved with work participation in patients with relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis, BMC Neurology 15: e134.
- Van der Hiele K., Van Gorp D., Ruimschotel R., Kamminga N., Visser L. & Middelkoop H. (2015), Work participation and executive abilities in patients with relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis, PLoS ONE 10(6): e0129228.
- Hart E.P., Dumas E.M., Van Zwet E.W., Van der Hiele K., Jurgens C.K., Middelkoop H.A., Van Dijk J.G. & Roos R.A. (2015), Longitudinal pilot-study of sustained attention to response task and P300 manifest and pre-manifest Huntington's disease, Neuropsychology 9(1): 10-20.
- Van der Hiele K., Middelkoop H.A.M., Ruimschotel R., Kamminga N.G.A. & Visser L.H. (2014), A pilot study on factors involved with work participation in the early stages of multiple sclerosis, PLoS ONE 9(8): e105673.
- Visser L.H. & Van der Hiele K. (2014), Self-reports of executive functioning in multiple sclerosis: To trust or not to trust, Neurodegenerative Disease Management 4(2): 109-111.
- Hiele K. van der, Spliethoff-Kamminga N.G., Ruimschotel R.P., Middelkoop H.A.M. & Visser L.H. (2012), The relationship between self-reported executive performance and psychological characteristics in multiple sclerosis, European Journal of Neurology 19(4): 562-569.
- Hiele K. van der, Spliethoff-Kamminga N.G.A., Ruimschotel R.P., Middelkoop H.A.M. & Visser L.H. (2012), Daily hassles in Dutch Multiple Sclerosis patients, Journal of the Neurological Sciences 320(1-2): 85-90.
- Hart E.P., Dumas E.M., Reijntjes R.H., Hiele K. van der, Bogaard S.J., Middelkoop H.A.M., Roos R.A. & Van Dijk G.J. (2012), Deficient sustained attention to response task and P300 characteristics in early Huntington's disease, Journal of Neurology 259(6): 1191-1198.
- Van der Hiele K., Reijntjes R.H., Vein A.A., Westendorp R.G., Van Buchem M.A., Bollen E.L., Middelkoop H.A.M. & Van Dijk J.G. (2011), Electromyographic activity in the EEG in Alzheimer's disease: noise or signal?, International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2011: 547024, 6 p.
- Jurgens C.K., Van der Hiele K., Reijntjes R.H., Van de Wiel L., Witjes-Ané M.N., Van der Grond J., Roos R.A., Middelkoop H.A.M. & Van Dijk J.G. (2011), Basal ganglia volume is strongly related to P3 event-related potential in premanifest Huntington's disease, European Journal of Neurology 18(8): 1105-1108.
- Jong L.W. de, Van der Hiele K., Veer I.M., Houwing J.J., Westendorp R.G.J., Bollen E.L., Bruin P.W. de, Middelkoop H.A.M., Buchem M.A. van & Grond J. van der (2008), Strongly reduced volumes of putamen and thalamus in Alzheimer's disease: an MRI study, Brain 131((pt 12)): 3277-3285.
- Van der Hiele K., Bollen E.L.E.M., Vein A.A., Reijntjes R.H.A.M., Westendorp R.G.J., Buchem M.A. van, Middelkoop H.A.M. & Dijk J.G. van (2008), EEG markers of future cognitive performance in the elderly, Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 25(2): 83-89.
- Van der Hiele K., Middelkoop H.A. & Dijk J.G. van (2008), Het ‘zwakke plekken’ -EEG als voorspeller van de ziekte van Alzheimer, Neuropraxis 5(12): 154-159.
- Van der Hiele K., Jurgens C.K., Vein A.A., Reijntjes R.H.A.M., Witjes-Ané M.N., Roos R.A.C., Dijk J.G. van & Middelkoop H.A.M. (2007), Memory activation reveals abnormal EEG in preclinical Huntington's disease, Movement Disorders 22(5): 690-695.
- Hiele K. van der (29 November 2007), EEG during memory activation: a study of early functional brain changes in Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease (Dissertatie. Neuropsychology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Middelkoop H.A.M. & Dijk J.G. van.
- Van der Hiele K., Vein A.A., Reijntjes R.H.A.M., Westendorp R.G.J., Bollen E.L.E.M., Buchem M.A. van, Dijk J.G. van & Middelkoop H.A.M. (2007), EEG correlates in the spectrum of cognitive decline, Clinical Neurophysiology 118(9): 1931-1939.
- Van der Hiele K., Vein A.A., Welle Van der A, Grond J. van der, Westendorp R.G.J., Bollen E.L.E.M., Buchem M.A. van, Dijk J.G. van & Middelkoop H.A.M. (2007), EEG and MRI correlates of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease, Neurobiology of Aging 28(9): 1322-1329.
- Van der Hiele K., Vein A.A., Kramer C.G.S., Reijntjes R.H.A.M., Buchem M.A. van, Westendorp R.G.J., Bollen E.L.E.M., Dijk J.G. van & Middelkoop H.A.M. (2007), Memory activation enhances EEG abnormality in mild cognitive impairment, Neurobiology of Aging 28(1): 85-90.
- Fronczek R., Van der Hiele K., Dijk J.G. van, Middelkoop H.A.M. & Lammers G.J. (2004), Measuring daytime sleepiness in narcolepsy:sustained attention reponse task (SART) versus multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), Advances in Neurology : .
- Van der Hiele K., Vein A.A., Dijk J.G. van & Middelkoop H.A.M. (2004), Kwantitatieve elektroencefalografie als hulpmiddel bij de vroege diagnostiek van Alzheimer-type dementie, Neuropraxis 8(2): 41-47.