Julia Cramer
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr.ir. J. Cramer
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- j.cramer@biology.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-4756-0043

Julia Cramer is a quantum physicist and science communication researcher, interested in the boundary between fundamental science and society. She is fascinated about communicating science to the (non-obvious) publics. Her research focus is on Quantum and Society.
More information about Julia Cramer
See also
Julia Cramer in NRC: ‘My goal is to bring quantum technology into society’
Article about the Leiden Tutoring Program in weekly Mare (in Dutch)
New Scientist about the Gala for Quantum and Society 2024 (in Dutch)
Julia Cramer on the position of women in science on NPO Radio 1 (in Dutch)
Communicating about the impact of quantum technologies is key
Quantum is for everybody. Julia Cramer in New Scientist (in Dutch)
Julia Cramer is an assistant professor ‘Quantum & Society’ at Science Communication and Society, IBL, and the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION). Julia's research is focused on the impact of quantum science and technology on society from a science communication perspective.
Julia studied Applied Physics at Delft University of Technology and ETH Zurich. She obtained her PhD (funded by the Casimir Prize) in 2016 on ‘Quantum Error Correction with Spins in Diamond’ at QuTech at Delft University of Technology. During her PhD she was one of the Faces of Science of the KNAW and she participated in the theater show Science Battle. She is fascinated about communicating science to the (non-obvious) publics. During her PhD in quantum science, Julia realized a great challenge and opportunity to connect to society in an early stage. Therefore, she is involved in National and European groups focusing on the impact of quantum technology on society.
Currently, Julia is one of the members of Quantum Delta NL, focusing on the Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects (ELSA) of quantum technology. From September 2023, she will be chair of the Young Academy Leiden. Moreover, she is board member of the Dutch Physics Association (NNV), co-founder of Women in Quantum Development (WIQD), former member of the CBS communicatie-adviesraad and member of the Physics Scientific Advisory Board of the Lorentz Center.
The research group Quantum and Society focuses on studying the boundary between quantum technology and society. We focus on:
- Content analyzes of existing communication about quantum science and technology such as outreach by experts, media coverage, explanation and background in policy documents.
- Development of measuring instruments for research into the attitude of specific societal groups towards quantum technology. What are the concerns, questions and expectations of the technology?
- Research into the effect of empirically developed interventions on the attitude of participants in such interventions.
Assistant professor
- Science
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Quantum Matter & Optics
Assistant professor
- Science
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- Meinsma A. L., Rothe T., Reijnierse W. G., Smeets I. & Cramer J. (2025), Quantum in the Media: A Content Analysis of Dutch Newspapers, Science Communication : .
- Merbel A.E. van de, Peer J., Willems S.J.W. & Cramer J. (2024), ‘Quantum technology will change my life.’ Citizens’ attitudes and knowledge of quantum science and technology, Journal of Physics Communications 8: 075005.
- Cramer J., Yazilitas D., Bruynzeel A.B., Romp S., Smeets I. & Bruyckere P. De (2024), The effect of tutoring primary school pupils by university students on STEM interest: a pre-registered randomised controlled trial, Cogent Education 11(1): 2408834 .
- Meinsma A.L., Kristensen S.W., Reijnierse W.G., Smeets I. & Cramer J. (2023), Is everything quantum ‘spooky and weird’?: An exploration of popular communication about quantum science and technology in TEDx talks, Quantum Science and Technology 8(3): 035004.
- Cramer J., Feng L. & Mans U. (2023), Lessons from AI: communication. [white paper].
- Cramer J., Feng L. & Mans U. (2023), Lessons from AI: communication. [white paper].
- Bruijnzeel A.B., Yazilitas D., Smeets I., Bruyckere P. de & Cramer J. (2022), How diverse is diversity? : An exploration of references to diversity in the recent literature in STEM higher education, European Journal of Stem Education 7(1): 12.
- Rodrigues Dos Santos Russo P., Bergsvik R., Cramer J., Kerkhoven A. & Oever S. van den (2022), Public engagement at research institutes in the Netherlands: fertile territory or terra nullius?. In: Entradas M. & Bauer M.W. (Eds.), Public communication of research universities. London: Routledge. 1-15.
- Feenstra L., Cramer J. & Logman P.S.W.M. (2021), A Lego® Mach–Zehnder interferometer with an Arduino detector, Physics Education 56(2): 023004.
- Kristensen S.W., Cramer J., McCollam A., Reijnierse W.G. & Smeets I. (2021), The matter of complex anti-matter: the portrayal and framing of physics in Dutch newspapers, Journal of Science Communication 20(7): A02.
- Moraga Calderon T.S., Buisman H.P. & Cramer J. (2020), The relevance of learning quantum physics from the perspective of the secondary school student: A case study , European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 8(1): 32-50.
- Grimmon A.S., Cramer J., Yazilitas D., Smeets I. & De Bruyckere P. (2020), Interest in STEM among children with a low socio-economic status: Further support for the STEM-CIS-instrument through the adapted Dutch STEM-LIT measuring instrument, Cogent Education 7(1): 1745541.
- Cramer J., De Bruyckere P., Bruynzeel A., Yazilitas D. & Smeets I., Het Leidse tutorprogramma (Leiden University). [web article].
- Dam S.B. van, Cramer J., Taminiau T.H. & Hanson R. (2019), Multipartite entanglement generation and contextuality tests using non-destructive three-qubit parity measurements, Physical Review Letters 123(5): 050401.
- Cramer J., Grimmon A., De Bruyckere P. & Yazilitas D. (2019), "Wetenschappers die vinden zeg maar alles uit” Hoe maken we de bètawetenschappen bereikbaar en interessant voor kinderen op scholen in krachtwijken?, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 85(12): 12-15.
- Cramer J., Russo P. & Sarperi S. (2018), Wat moet ik met het publiek? De houding van senior academici in de natuur- en sterrenkunde tegenover outreachactiviteiten, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 84(4): 124-126.
- Kalb N., Cramer J., Twitchen D.J., Markham M., Hanson R. & Taminiau T.H. (2016), Experimental creation of quantum Zeno subspaces by repeated multi-spin projections in diamond, Nature Communications 7: 13111.
- Cramer J., Kalb N., Rol M.A., Hensen B., Blok M.S., Markham M., Twitchen D.J., Hanson R. & Taminiau T.H. (2016), Repeated quantum error correction on a continuously encoded qubit by real-time feedback, Nature Communications 7: 11526.
- Saira O.-P., Groen J.P., Cramer J., Meretska M., Lange G. de & DiCarlo L. (2014), Entanglement Genesis by Ancilla-Based Parity Measurement in 2D Circuit QED, Physical Review Letters 112(7): 070502.
- Taminiau T.H., Cramer J., Sar T. van der, Dobrovitski V.V. & Hanson R. (2014), Universal control and error correction in multi-qubit spin registers in diamond, Nature Nanotechnology 9(3): 171-176.
- Groen J.P., Ristè D., Tornberg L., Cramer J., Groot P.C. de, Picot T., Johansson G. & DiCarlo L. (2013), Partial-Measurement Backaction and Nonclassical Weak Values in a Superconducting Circuit, Physical Review Letters 111(9): 090506.
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