Universiteit Leiden

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Johan Jukema

Professor by special appointment Cardiology, in particular regenerative cardiovascular medicine

Prof.dr. J.W. Jukema
+31 71 526 6695

J. Wouter Jukema is professor and head of the department of cardiology. Also he is co-chair of the Netherlands Heart Institute (NLHI) in Utrecht, the Netherlands, as well as a past “Established Clinical Investigator” of the Netherlands Heart Foundation and past chairman of the Dutch Atherosclerosis Society as well as founding director of the Durrer Center for Cardiogenetic Research in Amsterdam. Prof. Jukema is principal investigator of many major interventional/athero-thrombosis studies, a member of various national and international athero-thrombosis boards and holder of multiple major (a.o. European Union) grants. He published many manuscripts in the leading scientific international journals. He has an H-index of > 135.

More information about Johan Jukema

J. Wouter Jukema is professor and head of the department of cardiology. Also he is co-chair of the Netherlands Heart Institute (NLHI) in Utrecht, the Netherlands, as well as a past “Established Clinical Investigator” of  the Netherlands Heart Foundation and past chairman of the Dutch Atherosclerosis Society as well as founding director of the Durrer Center for Cardiogenetic Research in Amsterdam. 

Prof. Jukema is principal investigator of many major interventional/athero-thrombosis studies, a member of various national and international athero-thrombosis boards and holder of multiple major (a.o. European Union) grants. He published many manuscripts in the leading scientific  international journals. He has an H-index of > 135

Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is very highly prevalent and most often a progressive disease, that puts a high burden of morbidity and mortality on patients.

Unravelling the components of the atherothrombotic components of the disease is essential to retard and eventually repair and regress the disease. We perform multi-disciplinary studies of: vascular biology, lipid modification, diabetes, anti-thrombotics/platelets and (epi)genetics,  in humans as well as in transgenic animals, to achieve these goals.

Academic career

J.Wouter Jukema, absolved Medical School at the Free University in Amsterdam en subsequently moved for his cardiology training to the Leiden University Medical Center.  There he continued his vascular research, leading to his doctoral thesis “the Angiographic Coronary Atherosclerosis Trial “REGRESS”, at the Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of The Netherlands (now Netherlands Heart Institute (NLHI)), in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Thereafter he joined a fellowship provided by the European Society of Cardiology: “Atherosclerosis: nutrition, lipoproteins and genetic backgrounds” at the University of  Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, U.S.A.  (Chairman and director: Prof. Scott M. Grundy, MD, PhD). In 2005 he was appointed Professor of cardiology. The title of his inaugural lecture was “vascular repair: fact or fiction?”.

His current interests, which comprise the majority of topics for his more than 1000 peer reviewed publications (with many in top journals like New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, Nature Genetics, Nature Reviews, Science, Circulation, European Heart Journal) focus on the field of athero-thrombosis and include interventional cardiology as well as atherosclerosis research (vascular biology, lipid modification, diabetes, anti-thrombotics/platelets and genetics) in humans as well as in transgenic animals.

Prizes and honourable appointments

  • “Best Cardiovascular PhD-Thesis in the Netherlands Yearly Contest”, 2nd prize.
  • “C.J. Kok Physics/Chemics/Molecular Biology Price”. Award received at the Leiden University Medical Center
  • “Established Clinical Investigator” of the Netherlands Heart Foundation
  • Boerhaave Penning/Award” for achievements in post academic education in medicine
  • Netherlands Society of Cardiology - Durrer-prize for best clinical science article of 2017
  • Paul Dudley White Award, American Heart Association
  • “Dunselman Penning/Award” for cardiovascular excellence awarded by Working Group Dutch Cardiovascular Centers
  • Member of several international boards en co-editor of international scientific journals

Professor by special appointment Cardiology, in particular regenerative cardiovascular medicine

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde
  • LUMC - Medische Faculteit Leiden
  • Divisie 1
  • Hartziekten
  • European Research Council lid
  • Netherlands Heart Institute (Utrecht) (co)directeur-bestuurder
  • Vascular Research Network lid/adviseur
  • Zon Mw NWD lid
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