Johan Christensen
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. J. Christensen
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9500
- 0000-0002-2582-7827

Johan Christensen's research focuses on the role of experts and expertise in public policy-making, both at the national and European levels.
More information about Johan Christensen
Johan Christensen is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Public Administration. His research focuses on the role of experts and expertise in bureaucracies and public policy-making, both at the national and European levels. His first book "The power of Economists within the State" was published by Stanford University Press in 2017, and his newest book "Expertise, Policy-making and Democracy" will be published in Fall 2022.
Christensen received his PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence in 2013. Before joining the Institute, he was a postdoctoral fellow in sociology and organizational studies at Stanford University.
Christensen is currently teaching courses on international public administration.
Christensen co-directs the ‘Power of Evidence’ Research Programme. Starting in 2023, he will co-direct the international research project “INFLUEX: The influence of experts on public policy”.
Associate professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
- Christensen J, Kuipers S.L. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2024), Politiek en wetenschap in crisisbesluitvorming tijdens Covid : lessen voor de toekomst . In: M’hamdi H.I, Rotteveel A., Rerimassie V. & Haverkamp B. (Eds.), Maatschappelijke meerstemmigheid onder druk: waarborgen van pluralisme tijdens een gezondheidscrisis. Den Haag: Boom. 259-318.
- Christensen J. & Hesstvedt S. (2024), Comparing ministerial evidence cultures: a quantitative analysis, Policy and Society : puae033.
- Christensen J. (2024), Adviescolleges voor de toekomst. In: Heringa A.W. & Schinkelshoek J. (Eds.), Wie dan leeft.... Montesquieu-reeks no. 24. Den Haag: Uitgeverij Boom. 45-54.
- Christensen J., Voet J. van der & Hart Paul 't (2024), Politiek-ambtelijke verhoudingen. In: Groeneveld S. & Voet J. van der (Eds.), Publiek management: Bewegen tussen bestuur en organisatie. Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho. 29-46.
- Holst C. & Christensen J. (2023), The epistemic quality of expert bodies: from normative-theoretical concept to empirical measurement, Acta Politica : .
- Christensen J. & Hesstvedt S. (2023), The influence of expert groups: a citation analysis, Journal of European Public Policy : .
- Christensen J. (2022), Studying expert influence: a methodological agenda, West European Politics : .
- Christensen J. & Forato S. (2022), Explaining the role of expertise in the state: the case of Italy, Political Research Exchange 4(1): .
- Christensen J., Holst C. & Molander A. (2022), Expertise, policy-making and democracy. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Christensen J. (2022), When bureaucratic expertise comes under attack, Public Administration : .
- Christensen J. & Gornitzka Å. (2022), Expertise in EU policy-making. In: Graziano P.R. & Tosun J. (Eds.), Elgar encyclopedia of European Union public policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 148-157.
- Christensen J. (2022) Jens Maesse, Stephan Pühringer, Thierry Rossier and Pierre Benz (eds), Power and influence of economists: contributions to the social studies of economics. Review of: Maesse J., Pühringer S., Rossier T. & Benz P. (2022), Power and influence of economists: contributions to the social studies of economics. Abingdon: Routledge. OEconomia 12(2): 325-329.
- Christensen J. & Mandelkern R. (2021), The technocratic tendencies of economists in government bureaucracy, Governance : .
- Hesstvedt S. & Christensen J. (2021), Political and administrative control of expert groups - a mixed‐methods study, Governance : .
- Christensen J. (2021), Review of: Littoz-Monnet A. (2020), Governing through expertise: the politics of bioethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Swiss Political Science Review 27(3): 685-688.
- Christensen J. (2020), Expert knowledge and policymaking: a multi-disciplinary research agenda, Policy & Politics : .
- Bekerom P. van den, Voet J. van der & Christensen J. (2020), Are Citizens More Negative About Failing Service Delivery by Public Than Private Organizations? Evidence From a Large-Scale Survey Experiment, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory : 1–22.
- Christensen J. & Holst C. (2020), How Do Advocacy Think Tanks Relate to Academic Knowledge? The Case of Norway, Scandinavian Political Studies 43(3): 223-239.
- Christensen J. & Holst C. (2020), The Europeanization of National Knowledge Regimes. In: Abazi V., Adriaensen J. & Christiansen T. (Eds.), The Contestation of Expertise in the European Union: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Christensen J. & Holst C. (2020), Ekspertenes inntog. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.
- Renå H. & Christensen J. (2019), Learning from crisis: The role of enquiry commissions, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management : .
- Christensen J. (2019), Representative Bureaucracy, International Organizations and Public Service Bargains, Public Administration : .
- Bekerom P. van den, Voet J. van der & Christensen J. (2019), Prestatiepercepties van burgers over publieke en private dienstverlening. Den Haag: Universiteit Leiden.
- Krick E., Christensen J. & Holst C. (2019), Between ‘Scientization’ and a ‘Participatory Turn'. Tracing shifts in the governance of policy advice, Science and Public Policy 46(6): 927-939.
- Christensen J. & Serrano Velarde K. (2019), The role of advisory commissions in the emergence of cross-cutting policy issues: comparing innovation policy in Norway and Germany, European Politics and Society 20(1): 49-65.
- Christensen J. & Hesstvedt S. (2019), Expertization or greater representation? Evidence from Norwegian advisory commissions, European Politics and Society 20(1): 83-100.
- Christensen J. (2018), Economic knowledge and the scientization of policy advice, Policy Sciences 51(3): 291-311.
- Christensen J. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2018), International public administrations: a critique, Journal of European Public Policy 26(6): 946-961.
- Christensen J. (2018), Economists in Government Bureaucracies. In: Byrkjeflot H. & Engelstad F. (Eds.), Bureaucracy and Society in Transition: Comparative Perspectives. Comparative Social Research no. 33: Emerland Publishing. 139-156.
- Christensen J., Wille A.C. & Bovens M. (2017), De opmars van de politieke experts, Idee: wetenschappelijk tijdschrift D66 2017(4): 32-35.
- Christensen J., Gornitzka Å. & Holst C. (2017), Knowledge regimes in the Nordic countries. In: Knutsen O. (Ed.), The Nordic Models in Political Science: Challenged, but Still Viable?. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 239-254.
- Christensen J., Bekerom P.E.A. van den & Voet J. van der (2017), Representative Bureaucracy and Specialist Knowledge in the European Commission, Public Administration 95(2): 450–467.
- Christensen J. (2017), The Power of Economists within the State. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
- Christensen J. & Holst C. (2017), Advisory commissions, academic expertise and democratic legitimacy: the case of Norway, Science and Public Policy 44(6): 821-833.
- Christensen J. (2015), The Organization of Professional Expertise in the European Commission, Politics and Governance 3(1): 13-25.
- Christensen Johan (2015), Recruitment and expertise in the European Commission, West European Politics 38(3): 649-678.
- Christensen J. (2013), Bureaucracies, Neoliberal Ideas, and Tax Reform in New Zealand and Ireland, Governance 26(4): 563-584.
- Christensen J. (2012), Bringing the bureaucrats back in: neo-liberal tax reform in New Zealand, Journal of Public Policy 32(1): 141-168.