Joeri Morpurgo
- Name
- J. Morpurgo MSc
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727

Joeri started as a PhD researcher at the MultiGreen project in February 2021.
Professional experience
Joeri received his MSc degree at the University of Amsterdam in 2020. During that program, Joeri followed the research major writing three MSc thesis. The first project studied the attributes of facade gardens and their relation to herbivore insects in Amsterdam and The Hague. Followed by a literature thesis on the trait distribution over the rural-urban gradient. His final project is on the relationship between elections and tropical deforestation across the pan-tropics.
Research topic
Infrastructure in the urban environment. Here he asses the opportunities Green infrastructure presents in regards to biodiversity and human health.
- Science
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Industriele Ecologie
- Pierce J.R., Costadone L., Mannetti L., Morpurgo J., Gree C.E., Halder M.D., Guijosa P.A.L., Bogan A.L., Galt R. & Hughes J. (2024), Urban Nature Indexes tool offers comprehensive and flexible approach to monitoring urban ecological performance, npj Urban Sustainability 4: 22.
- Morpurgo J., Huurdeman M.A., Oostermeijer J., Gerard B. & Remme R.P. (2024), Vegetation density is the main driver of insect species richness and diversity in small private urban front gardens, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 101: 128531.
- Jin Y., Yu Z., Yang G., Yao X., Hu M, Remme R.P., Bodegom P.M. van, Morpurgo J., Huang Y., Wang J. & Cui S. (2024), Quantifying physiological health efficiency and benefit threshold of greenspace exposure in typical urban landscapes, Environmental Pollution 362: 124726 (124726).
- Morpurgo J. (2024), ‘In de kleine geveltuintjes vind je een grote biodiversiteit’, Kijk (10): .
- Morpurgo J. (14 November 2024), Joeri onderzocht of een geveltuintje zin heeft: ‘Ik ben verbaasd over hoeveel insecten we aantroffen’. Algemeen Dagblad, Wonen.
- Morpurgo J. 18 December 2024, Building Biodiverse Urban Gardens. Building Biodiverse Urban Gardens [podcast].
- Li C., Steubing B.R.P., Morpurgo J., Tukker A. & Mogollón J.M. (2024), Optimal environmental siting of future wind turbines in the North Sea, Environmental Science and Technology 58(52): 22944-22952.
- Morpurgo J., Helmrich A., Voets D., Alphen C. van & Schuurkamp J. 1 August 2023, Green infrastructure: opportunities, challenges and the CUGIC. Resilient Futures Podcast [podcast].
- Morpurgo J., Kissling W.D., Tyrrell P., Negret P.J., Bodegom P.M. van & Allan J.R.. (2023), The role of elections as drivers of tropical deforestation, Biological Conservation 279: 109832.
- Morpurgo J., Kissling W.D., Tyrrell P., Negret P.J., Bodegom P.M. van & Allan J.R. (2023), Response letter to correspondence letter: “Tropical deforestation: elections vs. bad governance”, Biological Conservation 283: 110054.
- Morpurgo J., Remme R.P. & Bodegom P.M. van (2023), CUGIC: the Consolidated Urban Green Infrastructure Classification for assessing ecosystem services and biodiversity, Landscape and Urban Planning 234: 104726.
- Aten J.J., Joppe R., Dorresteijn R.A., Strymponis O. & Morpurgo J. (11 September 2023), Reportage: Speuren naar Haags groen op plekken waar je echt niet altijd wilt zijn & Report: Tracking down green spaces in The Hague in places you don't always want to be: Leiden University. [web article].
- Regional lead europe