Jochanan Veerbeek
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. J. Veerbeek
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3399
- 0000-0001-9280-9066

Jochanan Veerbeek is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Education and Child Studies, Leiden University. The research of Jochanan Veerbeek is focused on process-oriented testing, which entails the assessment of cognitive processes and strategies a child uses to solve a task.
More information about Jochanan Veerbeek
Short CV
Jochanan Veerbeek studied at Leiden University, where he first studied Psychology (2009-2012) and continued in the Child and Adolescent Psychology master (2012-2014). After obtaining his master, he worked with children learning and developmental challenges at the Feuerstein Centrum Nederland/Cordaan (2014-2019). Additionally, he worked as a lecturer for Developmental and Educational Psychology at Leiden University (2014-2018). He obtained his PhD at Leiden University with his dissertation “Hidden Treasures: Uncovering task solving processes in dynamic testing”.
The research of Jochanan Veerbeek is focused on process-oriented testing, which entails the assessment of cognitive processes and strategies a child uses to solve a task. His interest includes the effects of training on these processes, as is measured in process-oriented dynamic testing. To assess children’s cognitive processes, he uses computerized tests, computer-automated scoring algorithms, and logfile analysis.
Assistant professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Leer/Gedragsproblemen in het onderwijs
- Veerbeek J. & Vogelaar B. (2024), Dynamic testing of instructional needs: a training-only graduated prompts approach, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment : 1-14.
- Kovalcíková I., Veerbeek J., Vogelaar B, Klimovic M. & Gogová E. (2024), Tracing progress in children’s executive functioning and language abilities related to reading comprehension via ExeFun-READ intervention, Education Sciences 14(3): 237.
- Espin C.A. & Veerbeek J. (2024), Continue Voortgangsmonitoring (CVM): voortgangsmonitoring en besluitvorming voor leerlingen met leerproblemen, Remediaal. Tijdschrift voor leer- en gedragsproblemen in het vo/bve 24(1): 4-11.
- Graafeiland N. van, Veerbeek J., Janssen B. & Vogelaar B. (2023), Discovering learning potential in secondary education using a dynamic screening instrument, Education Sciences 13: 1-17.
- Veerbeek J. & Vogelaar B. (2023), Computerized process-oriented dynamic testing of children’s ability to reason by analogy using log data, European Journal of Psychological Assessment 39(4): 280-288.
- Veerbeek J., Helder A., van Dijken M. & Espin C.A. (2023), Obtaining digital process data from a computerized CBM maze task. Pacific Coast Research Conference 1 February 2023 - 3 February 2023.
- Veerbeek J. & Vogelaar B. (2023), Computerized process-oriented dynamic testing of children’s ability to reason by analogy using log data, European Journal of Psychological Assessment 39(4): 280-288.
- Veerbeek J. & Vogelaar B. (2023), Computerized process-oriented dynamic testing of children’s ability to reason by analogy using log data. ENPAIR, 3rd Network Meeting and Conference 14 April 2023 - 15 April 2023 no. 3. Halle (Saale), Germany.
- Veerbeek J., Helder A. & Espin C.A. (2022), Using digital process data from a computerized CBM maze reading task. EARLI SIG 27 30 August 2022 - 1 September 2022.
- Veerbeek J. (2022), Teachers’ data-based decision-making in education: what data can you use? . EuroScience Open Forum 2022 13 July 2022 - 16 July 2022.
- Espin C. & Veerbeek J. (2022), Teachers’ data-based decision-making in education: Monitoring a student’s learning journey and improving the chances of success. Part of panel: Educational research to improve education as a driving force for empowerment, inclusion, and equality. ESOF: Euroscience Open Forum.
- Vogelaar B., Veerbeek J., Splinter S.E. & Resing W.C.M. (2021), Computerized dynamic testing of children's potential for reasoning by analogy: the role of executive functioning, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 37: 632–644.
- Kovalčíková I., Veerbeek J., Vogelaar B., Prídavková A., Ferjenčík J., Šimčíková E. & Tomková B. (2021), Domain-specific stimulation of executive functioning in low-performing students with a Roma background: cognitive potential of mathematics, Education Sciences 11(6): 285.
- Espin C.A. & Veerbeek J (2021), Do CBM maze scores reflect reading comprehension: scrambled maze studies .
- Veerbeek J. & Vogelaar B. (2020), Hoogbegaafdheid en dynamisch testen: De perfecte match?, Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek 59(5): 4-10.
- Veerbeek J. (11 April 2019), Hidden treasures: Uncovering task solving processes in dynamic testing (Dissertatie. Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Resing W.C.M., Verhaegh J. & Vogelaar B.
- Veerbeek J., Vogelaar B. & Resing W.C.M. (2019), Process-oriented dynamic testing in a complex figure task, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 18(1): 67-80.
- Veerbeek J., Vogelaar B., Verhaegh J. & Resing W.C.M. (2019), Process assessment in dynamic testing using electronic tangibles, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 35(1): 127-142.
- Resing W.C.M., Touw K.W.J., Veerbeek J. & Elliott J.G. (2017), Progress in the inductive strategy-use of children from different ethnic backgrounds: A study employing dynamic testing, Educational Psychology 37(2): 173-191.
- Veerbeek J., Verhaegh J., Elliott J.G. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Process oriented measurement using electronic tangibles, Journal of Education and Learning 6(2): 155-170.
- Veerbeek J., Hessels M.G.P., Vogelaar S. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Pretest versus no pretest: An investigation into the problem-solving processes in a dynamic testing context, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 16(3): 260-280.
- Stad F.E., Vogelaar B., Veerbeek J. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Young children’s transfer of series completion in a dynamic test setting: does cognitive flexibility play a role?, International Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology 4(4): 199.
- voluntary work in (professional intervision about) dynamic assessment