Universiteit Leiden

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Jeroen Jansen

Professor Otorhinolaryngology

Prof.dr. J.C. Jansen
+31 71 5 26 91 11

Jeroen Jansen is professor of ENT and Head and Neck surgery in particular Head and Neck Oncology and Skull base Surgery. Jeroen Jansen is a consultant Head and Neck surgeon at Leiden University Medical Center. He is vice-chairman of the department of ENT and chairman of the multidisciplinary head and neck cancer working group of the University Cancer Center Leiden- the Hague.

More information about Jeroen Jansen

Head and neck cancers

Head and neck cancers as a group belong to the most common cancer types in the population. Separately it involves rare cancers in approximately 10 subsites.

The LUMC is one of the 9 tertiary referral centers for head and neck cancer in the Netherlands and the largest center for skull base tumours.

Endoscopic laser surgery of the larynx and the diagnosis and treatment of paragangliomas and schwannomas are the main research interest of this center

Academic career

Since 1991 professor Jansen conducts research on paragangliomas in cooperation with the departments of pathology, human genetics and clinical genetics.

In 2001 he defended his PhD thesis entitled: ‘Paragangliomas of the Head and Neck’.

With the endocrinologist, surgeons and radiotherapists he founded the Paraganglioma Group Leiden in 2007.

The title of his inaugural lecture given on October 18 2019 was: ‘Plus ultra, about the borders of a profession’.

Professor Otorhinolaryngology

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde
  • Divisie 3
  • Keel-Neus-Oorheelkunde



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