Jasmijn Rana
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. J. Rana
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3732
- j.rana@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-5074-126x

Jasmijn Rana is Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University. Her research is characterised by a critical look at the contemporary society in which she examines the interplay of embodied processes of identification and discursive classification systems. She has published on Muslim women, sports, diversity in cultural heritage, embodiment, and decolonizing anthropology. Jasmijn is Principal Investigator of the ERC project “Diversity Outdoors: Embodied Ethnoracial Inequalities and Outdoor Recreation in Europe”.
More information about Jasmijn Rana
Punching Back - Gender, Religion and Belonging in Women-Only Kickboxing
Gendered enskilment: becoming women through recreational running
Secular-religious self-improvement
Moved by the tears of others: emotion networking in the heritage sphere
Ladies-only! Empowerment and Comfort in Gender-segregated Kickboxing in the Netherlands
PhD candidates
Jasmijn Rana is a social and cultural anthropologist trained at Univerdity of Amsterdam (BSc, MSc) and Freie Universitaet Berlin (phD). Her research is characterised by a critical look at the contemporary society in which she examines the interplay of embodied processes of identification and discursive classification systems.
She coordinates the Research Cluster ‘People, Power and Diversity”, chairs the LOVA Network for Feminist Anthropology and Gender Studies” and serves on the Complaints Committee for Unacceptable Behaviour. She currently teaches the courses States and Citizens (CADS), Diversity and Power (CADS) and Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality (LUC).
Jasmijn is Principal Investigator of the ERC project “Diversity Outdoors: Embodied Ethnoracial Inequalities and Outdoor Recreation in Europe”, which undertakes a comparative ethnographic study of groups and activities that counter the lack of diversity in outdoor recreation and theorizes ethnoracial embodiment.
Jasmijn is also a co-coordinator and senior researcher in the project At Home Otherwise: Rethinking Heritage Through Diversity, which investigates diversifying and democratizing heritage through practices of “home-making”.
From September 2022 to August 2024, Jasmijn was a Marie-Sklodowska Curie Global Fellow at University of California, Berkeley (2022-2023) and Leiden University (2023-2024) with the project Embodiment of Racialization: Running Muslim Women and the Sense of Non-Belonging. This ethnographic research takes recreational running as an angle to investigate the effects of racialization on the relation to one’s own body, environment, and to other people.
In 2022, her monograph Punching Back: Gender, Religion and Belonging in Women Only Kickboxing by Berghahn Books. She is currently pursuing a second book project on racial embodiment and possibilities of play among Muslim runners.
Assistant Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Culturele Antropologie/ Ontw. Sociologie
- Rana J. (2024), Sports: Western Europe. Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures. [other].
- Rana J. & Bogert K. van den (2023), Cultuur en religie houden tienermeiden zelf niet af van sporten. Trouw, Opinie.
- Rana J. & Bogert K. van den (20 February 2023), Stop stereotyping ‘girls with a migration background’. Leiden Anthropology Blog. [blog entry].
- Hiemstra M. & Rana J. (2023), Sensing inclusion among visually impaired and guide runners, International Review for the Sociology of Sport : 1-16.
- Rana J. & Koning A. de (2023), Diversiteit in de culturele sector : een aanzet tot zinvoller definieren en meten. Boekman Extra no. 42. Amsterdam: Boekmanstichting.
- Rana J. (2023), Antropología feminista en el mundo: una perspectiva desde los Países Bajos. In: Esteban M.L. & Arakistain M.G (Eds.), La antropología feminista como desafío. Manresa: Bellaterra Edicions. 101-112.
- Heath S. & Rana J. 6 March 2023, Handwraps & Hijabs: Dr Jasmijn Rana on Kickboxing & Piety in the Netherlands. The Familiar Strange 103 [podcast].
- Charlety E.C., Zurné L., Bogert K. van den & Rana J. (2022), In dialogue with Kathrine van den Bogert and Jasmijn Rana, LOVA: Tijdschrift voor feministische antropologie 43: .
- Rana J. (2022), Secular‐religious self‐improvement: Muslim women's kickboxing in the Netherlands, American Ethnologist 49(2): 191-203.
- Rana J. (2022), Punching back: gender, religion and belonging in women-only kickboxing. New York/London: Berghahn Books.
- Rana J. (2022), Review of: Lean N. (2017), The Islamophobia industry: how the right manufactures hatred of Muslims . London: Pluto Press. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 28(3): 1079-1080.
- Rana J. (2022), Gendered enskilment: becoming women through recreational running, The Senses and Society 17(3): 290-302.
- Carter T.F., Heath S., Jacobs S. & Rana J. (2022), Sensory ecologies: the refinement of movement and the senses in sport, The Senses and Society 17(3): 1-12.
- Rana J. (2022), Muslim piety as emphasized femininity in women-only kickboxing, New Diversities : 1-14.
- Rana J (2022), Kickboksende moslima’s in Nederland: religieus, seculier of beide?, ZemZem. Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam 2022(2): 28-35.
- Rana J. & Koning A. de (2022), Diversiteit in de culturele sector: over het ongerief en belang van meten, Boekman 133: 42 (45).
- Rana J. & De Koning A. (15 June 2020), A Call to Action. Leiden Anthropology Blog. [blog entry].
- Rana J. (4 April 2019), The Negative Impact of Unethical and Fraudulent Research: The Case of Soroush. Leiden Anthropology Blog. [blog entry].
- Rana J. (6 June 2019), Verwar wetenschappelijke correctheid niet met politieke correctheid. Leiden Islam Blog. [blog entry].
- Rana J. (2019), Editorial, LOVA: Tijdschrift voor feministische antropologie 40(1): .
- Rana J. (2018), The Continuous Decolonization of Anthropology: The Case of Muslims in Europe, Etnofoor 30(2): .
- Rana J. (2018), Editorial, LOVA: Tijdschrift voor feministische antropologie 39(1): .
- Rana J., Willemsen M. & Dibbits H.C. (2017), Moved by the tears of others: emotion networking in the heritage sphere, International Journal of Heritage Studies 23(10): 977-988.
- Rana J. (2017), Ladies-Only! Empowerment and comfort in gender-segregated kickboxing in the Netherlands. In: Ratna A. & Samie S.F. (Eds.), Race, Gender and Sport: The Politics of Ethnic 'Other' Girls and Women: Routledge. 148-167.
- Rana J. (24 October 2017), Learning and Belonging in Ladies-Only Kickboxing. Learning and Belonging in Ladies-Only Kickboxing. Leiden Anthropology Blog. [blog entry].
- Rana J. (2015), Languaculture in the superdiverse city 'street-language' as intangible heritage, Volkskunde 116(3): 343-+.
- Rana J. (2014), Producing the National, Healthy Citizen: Participation in Ladies-Only Kickboxing Training, Etnofoor 26(2): 33-48.