Decolonizing European Anthropology?
As convener for the EASA Network for the Anthropology of Race and Ethnicity, Jasmijn Rana organized a two-day symposium on Decolonizing European Anthropology. It brought together anthropologists from different European countries and non-European anthropologists working in and on Europe. Discussions focussed on the current state vis-à-vis a politics and analytics of “race,” “ethnicity,” “diversity,” and “inclusion”, and on the continuities and convergences of decolonizing European anthropology. The symposium also proved to be a great space to share experiences on research and teaching in European academia.
Together with Anouk de Koning and ABv (Dutch Association for Anthropology), one afternoon of the symposium was dedicated to three interactive workshops on decolonizing the classroom. -
As part of the conference Prof. dr. Fatima El-Tayeb (University of California San Diego) delivered a keynote lecture at Museum Volkenkunde, entitled Queer Diasporic Spacetime and People of Color Formations: A View from (De)colonial Europe. -
Historian Karwan Fatah-Black provided the conference participants with a walk through the historic centre of Leiden in which he discussed the slavery heritage of the city. The walk was based on his book Sporen van de Slavernij in Leiden (Leiden LUP, 2017).
For more information, see EASA ARE