Jan Melissen
Associate Professor
- Name
- Prof.dr. J. Melissen
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9300
- j.melissen@fgga.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-1312-0808

Jan Melissen is a Senior Fellow International Relations and Diplomacy at ISGA. He is lecturing Diplomacy Theory and Practice and Diplomacy and Communication in the Master of Science International Relations and Diplomacy (MIRD).
More information about Jan Melissen
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PhD candidates
Jan Melissen is Senior Fellow International Relations and Diplomacy at ISGA and a full Professor in the Department of Political Science, University of Antwerp. He is also Faculty Fellow with the Centre for Public Diplomacy at the University of Southern California, LA. Jan is founding Editor-in-Chief of The Hague Journal of Diplomacy and Series Editor of Brill Diplomatic Studies. In 2022 he received the International Studies Association Distinguished Scholar Award in Diplomatic Studies. Earlier in his career Jan held various management positions at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ and he was Director of the Centre for the Study of Diplomacy at the University of Leicester. He was a visiting professor at China’s Foreign Affairs University and the Korea Institute of International Economic Policy. Jan has done commissioned research on change and innovation in diplomacy for governments in Europe and the Asia-Pacific. He has published more than ten books and after 2010 his work has appeared in Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, Global Affairs, Global Policy, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, International Affairs, International Studies Review, and European Foreign Affairs. His main publications can be found here.
Associate Professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Melissen J., Du S. & Goswami A. (2023), Public diplomacy. In: James P. (Ed.), Oxford bibliographies in international relations. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
- Melissen J. (2022), Consular diplomacy in the era of growing mobility. In: Lequesne C. (Ed.), Ministries of foreign affairs in the world: actors of state diplomacy. Diplomatic Studies no. 18. Boston/Leiden: Brill Nijhoff. 251-262.
- Melissen J. (2022), Consular diplomacy in the era of growing mobility. In: Lequesne C. (Ed.), Ministries of foreign affairs in the world: actors of state diplomacy. Diplomatic Studies no. 18. Boston/Leiden: Brill Nijhoff. 251-262.
- Melissen J. (1 November 2022), The diplomatic elite, the people at home and democratic renewal. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy Blog. The Hague: Leiden University, FGGA, ISGA. [blog entry].
- Sharp P., Melissen J. & Zhang Q. (2021), China's global diplomacy: introduction to the special issue, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 16(2-3): 195-202.
- Postema S. & Melissen J. (2021), UN celebrity diplomacy in China: activism, symbolism and national ambition online, International Affairs 97(3): 667-684.
- Postema S.P.S. & Melissen J. (2021), UN celebrity diplomacy in China: activism, symbolism and national ambition online, International Affairs 97(3): 667-684.
- Melissen J. (2020), Consular diplomacy's first challenge: Communicating assistance to nationals abroad, Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies 7(2): 1-12.
- Melissen J. (27 April 2020), Nationals in Crisis and Diplomacy's Domestic Communication Challenge. DevPolicy Blog. Canberra, Australia: Australian National University. [blog entry].
- Melissen J. & Wang J. (2019), Introduction: Debating Public Diplomacy, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 14(1-2): 1-5.
- Keulenaar E.V. de & Melissen J. (2019), Critical Digital Diplomacy and How Theory Can Inform Practice. In: Stanzel Volker (Ed.), New Realities in Foreign Affairs: Diplomacy in the 21st Cenury no. 23. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 63-70.
- Melissen J. & Wang J. (Eds.) (2019), Debating Public Diplomacy: Now and Next. Leiden and Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
- Bos M. & Melissen J. (2019), Rebel diplomacy and digital communication: public diplomacy in the Sahel, International Affairs 95(6): 1331–1348.
- Kamphof R. & Melissen J. (2018), SDGs, Foreign Ministries and the Art of Partnering with the Private Sector, Global Policy 9(3): 327-335.
- Melissen J. (2018), Public Diplomacy. In: Kerr P. & Wiseman G. (Eds.), Diplomacy in a Globalizing World: Theories and Practices. New York: Oxford University Press. 199-218.
- De Keulenaar E.V. & Melissen J. (2018), Critical Digital Diplomacy and How Theory Can Inform Practice no. 11. Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik). [working paper].
- Melissen J. & Kim H. (2018), South Korean Diplomacy Between Domestic Challenges and Soft Power no. 23. Sejong City: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) (KIEP). [policy paper].
- Melissen J. (2018), Fake News - and what (not) to do about it. The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'. [policy paper].
- Kamphof R. & Melissen J. (2018), Foreign Ministries and SDG Partnerships with the Private Sector no. 22 SWP Working Papers. Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) (SWP). [working paper].
- Melissen J. & Kim H. (27 August 2018), Learning from South Korean Diplomatic Experimentation. CPD Blog. Los Angeles: Centre on Public Diplomacy, University of Southern California. [blog entry].
- Melissen J. & Okano-Heijmans M. (2018), Introduction. Diplomacy and the Duty of Care, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 13(2): 137-145.
- Melissen J. & Keulenaar E.V. de (2017), Critical Digital Diplomacy as a Global Challenge: The South Korean Experience, Global Policy 8(3): 294-302.
- Melissen J. & Zweers W. (2017), High Stakes of the Small EU Partnership Instrument on the Eve of the 2017 Mid-Term Review, European Foreign Affairs Review 22(2): 147-158.
- Melissen J. & De Keulenaar E.V. (2017), The Case for Critical Digital Diplomacy no. 7. Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) (SWP). [working paper].
- Melissen J. & Caesar-Gordon M. (2017), The Impact of the Digital Revolution on Foreign Ministries' Duty of Care no. 8. Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) (SWP). [working paper].
- Melissen J. & Kamphof R. (28 September 2017), SDGs can be a test for European public-private partnerships. EURACTIV, Opinon.
- Melissen J. & Zweers W. (23 August 2017), The time is right for better EU relations with non-western strategic powers, Opinion.
- Hofmeister W. & Melissen J. (2016), Rethinking International Institutions: Diplomacy and Impact on Emerging World Order. Singapore and The Hague: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Netherlaands Institute of international Relations "Clingendael".
- Melissen J. & Caesar-Gordon M. (2016), "Digital Diplomacy" and the securing of nationals in a citizen-centric world, Global Affairs 3(2): 321-330.
- Melissen J. & Hocking B. (2016), Digital Diplomacy: Diplomatic Structure in the Digital Age, Public Diplomacy Quarterly 17(3): .
- Melissen J. & Hocking B. (2016), Digital Diplomacy: Diplomatic Structure in the Digital Age, Public Diplomacy Quarterly 17(3): .
- Melissen J. & Sohn Y. (2015), Understanding Public Diplomacy in East Asia: Middle Powers in a Troubled Region.
- Hocking B. & Melissen J. (2015), Diplomacy in the Digital Age. The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'.
- Melissen J. & Sohn Y. (2015), Leveraging Middle Power Diplomacy in East Asia. Seoul: East Asia Institute (EAI). [policy paper].
- Melissen J. (12 December 2015), "Digital making": it's about to get serious. CPD Blog. Los Angeles: Centre on Public Diplomacy, University of Southern California. [blog entry].
- Melissen J. (2015), Practitioners need more than a laptop and mobile phone, Diplomat Magazine 2(2): 65-100.
- Huijgh E. & Melissen J. (2015), Publieksdiplomatie. Beste Praktijken, Nieuwe Strategie. Den Haag: Nederlands Instituut voor de Internationale Betrekkingen Clingendael.
- Melissen J. & Slotman J. (2015), Netwerken als grondslag van de diplomatie. Verkenning van de netwerkpraktijken op het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Den Haag: Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen 'Clingendael'.
- Hooghe I. de & Melissen J. (2014), The Chinese Dream and Successful Communication with the World, Global Review : 17-27.
- Melissen J. (11 August 2014), MH17 and the diplomacy of business going Dutch. EURACTIV, Opinion.
- Davis Cross M.K. & Melissen J. (Eds.) (2013), European Public Diplomacy: Soft Power at Work. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Melissen J. (2013), Conclusions and Recommendations on Public Diplomacy in Europe. In: Davis Cross M.K. & Melissen J. (Eds.), European Public Diplomacy: Soft Power at Work. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 205-212.
- Melissen J. (2013), Public Diplomacy. In: Cooper F., Heine J. & Thakur R. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 436-452.
- Melissen J. (2013), Public Diplomacy. In: Kerr P. & Wiseman G. (Eds.), Diplomacy in a Globalizing World: Theories and Practices. New York: Oxford University Press. 192-208.
- Huijgh E., Gregory B. & Melissen J. (2013), Public Diplomacy. In: Armstrong D. (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Melissen J. (2013), Public Diplomacy: The European Perspective, Public Diplomacy Quarterly 14(1): 205-11.
- Hocking B., Melissen J., Riordan S. & Sharp P. (2013), Integrative Diplomacy in the 21st Century, China International Strategic Review : 53-88.
- Davis Cross M. & Melissen J. (2013), Communicating Europe: At Home in Tomorrow's World no. 24. The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael' (Clingendael Institute). [policy paper].
- Hocking B., Melissen J., Riordan S. & Sharp P. (2013), Whither Foreign Ministries in a Post-Western World no. 20. The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael' (Clingendael Institute). [policy paper].
- Davis Cross M. & Melissen J. (22 October 2013), EU leaders should change tone when talking to the rest of the world, Opinion.
- Hocking B., Melissen J., Riordan S. & Sharp P. (2012), Mapping Futures for Diplomacy, International Politics Quarterly 33(4): 65-88.
- Melissen J. (2012), El auge de la diplomácia publica: teoría y practica, Revista Mexicana de Politica Exterior (96): 75-109.
- Hocking B., Melissen J., Riordan S. & Sharp P. (2012), Futures for Diplomacy: Integrative Diplomacy for the 21st Century. The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'.
- Hocking B., Melissen J., Riordan S. & Sharp P. (30 November 2012), New role of the diplomat in the new global order. The China Daily, Opinion.
- Hocking B., Melissen J., Riordan S. & Sharp P. (25 November 2012), The hidden potential of Europe's waning power. The Korea Herald, Opinion.
- Hocking B., Melissen J., Riordan S. & Sharp P. (14 November 2012), A Europe in crisis in need of diplomatic reform. The Japan Times, Opinion.
- Lee S.J. & Melissen J. (2011), Public Diplomacy and Soft Power in East Asia. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Melissen J. (2011), Concluding Reflections on Soft Power and Public Diplomacy in East Asia. In: Lee S.J. & Melissen J. (Eds.), Public Diplomacy and Soft Power in East Asia. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 247-262.
- Melissen J. & Fernández A.M. (Eds.) (2011), Consular Affairs and Diplomacy no. 7. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Nijhoff.
- Melissen J. (2011), Introduction: The Consular Dimension of Diplomacy. In: Melissen J. & Fernández A.M. (Eds.), Consular Affairs and Diplomacy no. 7. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Nijhoff. 1-20.
- Van Bergeijk A.G., Okano-Heijmans M. & Melissen J. (Eds.) (2011), Economic Diplomacy: Economic and Political Perspectives. Leiden, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff.
- Bergeijk P.A.G. van, Okano-Heijmans M. & Melissen J. (2011), Economic Diplomacy: The Issues. In: Bergeijk P.A.G. van, Okano-Heijmans M. & Melissen J. (Eds.), Economic Diplomacy: Economic and Political Perspectives. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Nijhoff. 1-6.
- Murray S., Sharp P., Wiseman G., Criekemans D. & Melissen J. (2011), The Present and Future of Diplomacy and Diplomatic Studies, International Studies Review 13(4): 709-728.
- Bergeijk P. van & Melissen J. (2010), Economische diplomaten en diplomatieke economen, Internationale Spectator 64(2): 68-69.
- Melissen J. (2009), Management van de globalisering anno 2009: global governance en vermaatschappelijkte diplomatie, Internationale Spectator 63(1): 3-7.
- Ceuster K. de & Melissen J. (Eds.) (2008), Ending the North Korean Nuclear Crisis: Six Parties, Six Perspectives. The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'.
- Melissen J. (14 March 2008), Why the Dutch must win hearts and minds. Financial Times, Opinion.
- Criekemans D., Duran M. & Melissen J. (2008), Vlaanderen en Catalonie. Voorhoedelopers in Europese substatelijke diplomatie, Internationale Spectator 59(7/8): 389-394.
- Huijgh E. & Melissen J. (2008), De publieksdiplomatie van Quebec. Brussel: Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Departement Internationale Vraagstukken.
- Melissen J. (Ed.) (2007), Diplomatic Studies no. 1-13. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Nijhoff.
- Melissen J. & Heijmans M. (2007), MFAs and the Rising Challenge of Consular Affairs: Cinderella in the Limelight. In: Rana K.S. & Kurbalija J. (Eds.), Foreign Ministries: Managing Diplomatic Networks and Optimizing Value. Malta and Geneva: DiploFoundation. 192-206.
- Heijmans M. & Melissen J. (2007), Consulaire zaken en diplomatie. Buitenlandse zaken met binnenlandse prioriteiten. Den Haag: Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen 'Clingendael'.
- Melissen J. (2006), How has place branding developed during the year that Place Branding has been in publication?, Place Branding 2(1): 10-12.
- Melissen J. (2005), The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Melissen J. (2005), The New Public Diplomacy: Between Theory and Practice. In: Melissen J. (Ed.), The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 3-27.
- D'Hooghe I. & Melissen J. (2005), Publieksdiplmatie op herhaling. Pleidooi voor een internationale aanpak, Internationale Spectator 59(7/8): 390-393.
- Melissen J. (2004), Summit Diplomacy Coming of Age. In: Jonsson C. & Langhorne R. (Eds.), Diplomacy: Sage.
- Melissen J. (2004), Where is place branding heading?, Place Branding 1(1): 26-27.
- Melissen J. (2004), Diplomatie en buitenlandse publieke opinie. "public diplomacy" op de werkvloer van de IB, Vrede en Veiligheid 33(1): 35-44.
- Melissen J. (2004), Publieksdiplomatie. Een goede tandem met branding. In: Duijvestijn H.H. & et al. (Eds.), Branding NL. Nederland als merk. Den Haag: SMO. 39-50.
- Melissen J. (2004), Diplomatie en buitenlandse publieke opinie: "public diplomacy" op de werkvloer van de IB, Vrede & Veiligheid 33(1): 35-44.
- Melissen J. (2003), Nederlandse publieksdiplomatie op weg naar nieuw beleid, Internationale Spectator 57(4): 173-178.
- Melissen J. (2003), Publieksdiplomatie in beeld. BZ en de buitenlndse straat. Den Haag: Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen 'Clingendael'.
- Melissen J. & Grinsven P. van (2002), Europese Raad tussen marginale aanpassing en radicale hervorming, Internationale Spectator 56(9): 421-425.
- Melissen J. (2002), Het internationale leiderscircus in een veranderende internationale omgeving, Jason Magazine 27(2): 19-21.
- Melissen J. (2002), Multilaterale top is over zijn hoogtepunt heen, Internationale Spectator 56(1): 1-2.
- Melissen J. (2000), Europese diplomatie. In de schaduw van Westfalen. Assen: Van Gorcum.
- Melissen J. (Ed.) (1999), Innovation in Diplomatic Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Melissen J. (1999), Diplomatie. Raderwerk van de internationale politiek. Assen: Van Gorcum.
- Melissen J. (1999), De diplomatie in de internationale samenleving. In: Melissen J. (Ed.), Diplomatie. Raderwerk van de internationale politiek. Assen: Van Gorcum. 5-20.
- Melissen J. (1999), De institutionalisering van de topconferentie. In: Melissen J. (Ed.), Diplomatie. Raderwerk van de internationale politiek. Assen: Van Gorcum. 56-71.
- Melissen J. (1998), The Politics of US Missile Deployment in Britain, 1955-59, Storia della relazioni internazionale 3(1): 151-185.
- Melissen J. (1997), De diplomatie in de internationale samenleving, Internationale Spectator 51(10): 534-541.
- Melissen J. (1996), Pre-Summit Diplomacy: Britain, the United States and the Nassau Conference, December 1962, Diplomacy & Statecraft 7(3): 632-667.
- Melissen J. (1996), De onstuitbare top. Een verkenning van diplomatie op het hoogste niveau, Transaktie 25(3): 312-336.
- Melissen J. (1996), Diplomatie na de dood, Internationale Spectator 50(1): 3-7.
- Melissen J. (1994), Nuclearizing NATO: the "Anglo-Saxons" and the Fourth Country Problem, 1957-1959, Review of International Studies 20(3): 253-275.
- Melissen J. (1993), The Struggle for Nuclear Partnership: Britain, the United States and the Making of an Ambiguous Alliance, 1952-1959. Groningen: Styx Publications.
- Melissen J. (1993), The Anglo-American Relationship and Britain's Nuclear Policy, 1952-1956. In: Maier K. & Wiggershaus N. (Eds.), Das Nordatlantische Buendnis, 1949-1956: Oldenbourg. 241-262.
- Melissen J. (1992), The Thor Saga: The Anglo-American Relationship, US IRBM Development and the Politics of Deployment in Britain, 1955-1959, The Journal of Strategic Studies 15(2): 172-207.
- Melissen J. (1992), The Restoration of the Nuclear Alliance: Great Britain and Atomic Negotiations with the United States, 1957-58, The Journal of Contemporary British History 6(1): 72-106.
- Melissen J. (1990), Prelude to Interdependence: The Anglo-American Relationship and the Limits of Great Britain's Nuclear Policy, 1952-1957, Arms Control 11(3): 205-231.
- Melissen J. (1990), Cooperación y competencia: relaciones entre Gran Bretaña y los Estados Unidos durante la guerra fría, Revista de Estudios Politicos (68): 227-250.
- Melissen J. (1990), Competitieve samenwerking. Anglo-Amerikaanse betrekkingen in de Koude Oorlog, Transaktie 19(1): 69-91.
- Melissen J. (1989), Windscale en het primaat van Macmillans veiligheidspolitiek, Transaktie 18(1): 29.
- Melissen J. & Zeeman B. (1986), Britain and Western Europe, 1945-51: opportunities lost?, International Affairs 63(1): 81-95.
- Hoogleraar