Blogging on Diplomacy in the City of Peace and Justice
The Hague Diplomacy Blog is the new monthly blog of The Hague Journal of Diplomacy (HJD), the ISGA-based research journal for the study of diplomacy.
This a blog on the diplomatic aspects of issues in international politics will bring the scholarly work of the journal to a wide readership. HJD Co-Editor-in-Chief Jan Melissen suggests that debating diplomacy for a global audience in the City of Peace and Justice makes a lot of sense.
The Hague Diplomacy Blog
The Hague Diplomacy Blog also has academic ambitions. It strives to trigger debates, introduce new concepts, explore innovative methodologies, and identify novel topics of academic inquiry. The blog will host both policy makers and scholars, established academic and early career researchers, all those who are eager to discuss the various ways in which diplomacy shapes international politics, diplomatic innovation in fast-changing political and social contexts and, among other things, the intersection of technology and diplomacy.
November issue by Andrew Cooper
The November issue in this monthly series, by Canadian scholar Andrew Cooper, deals with a topic that is often in the headlines: challenges for diplomatic practice in the age of populism. Strongmen of different ideological persuasions, in the East, Global South and at the heart of the Western alliance, have often taken the diplomacy of the Netherlands and other countries by surprise. Cooper examines the nature of the challenge, and he suggests responses in order to revitalize diplomatic practices in countries that defend a liberal international order.
Read the monthly The Hague Diplomacy blog here or follow The Hague Journal of Diplomacy on @Hague_Jour_Dipl (Twitter) or LinkedIn.