Jacques van Dongen
Professor emeritus Medical Immunology
- Name
- Prof.dr. J.J.M. van Dongen
- j.j.m.van_dongen@lumc.nl
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Jacques J.M. van Dongen is professor of Medical Immunology at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). Based on his 35-year experience in Medical Immunology at Erasmus MC, he was recruited to LUMC in 2016 to build an LUMC-wide immune monitoring program. He coordinated 7 European research networks in hemato-oncology and medical immunology, including 4 EU-supported consortia. In 2016 he received an ERC Advanced Grant for diagnosis and monitoring of cancer via circulating immune cells. In 2016 he was also awarded with a Doctor Honoris Causa at the Silesian University of Medicine in Katowice, Poland. In 2018, he received the Berend Houwen Award from the International Society of Laboratory Hematology for his innovative contributions to diagnostic flow cytometry.
Immune monitoring program
The immune monitoring program consists of translational research focusing on the dissection of cellular, functional and molecular genetic processes during normal and aberrant immune cell differentiation/maturation and on the development and clinical evaluation of novel diagnostic strategies and methods in medical immunology. This program will support the monitoring of immune cell populations in health and disease, such as in immune therapies with antibodies, checkpoint inhibitors and cellular therapies as well as in vaccination and cancer treatment. Ultimately, this research will benefit patients by improving clinical diagnosis and allowing personalized medicine with adaptations in individual treatment strategies according to the immune monitoring results.
Flow cytometry plays a key role in dissecting circulating immune cells. This is why all flow cytometers, cell sorters and CyTOF instruments have been combined into one central facility. This allows a more standardized management of these instruments, which play a key role in the immune monitoring program at LUMC. Together with prof. Frank Staal, Jacques J.M. van Dongen coordinates this Flow cytometry Core Facility (FCF).
Academic career
Prof. Van Dongen obtained his MD degree in 1981 and was recognized as Medical Immunologist in 1988. On June 20th, 1990, he received his PhD at Erasmus MC, entitled “Human T-cell differentiation: Basic aspects and their clinical applications”. He held his inaugural lecture on “Medical Immunology: from basic research to patient care” at Erasmus MC on May 14, 1992. On November 10th, 2017, he was officially appointed Professor Medical Immunology at LUMC, after an inaugural lecture entitled “Immune monitoring in patient care. How to use the immune system for diagnosis and disease monitoring”.
Prof. Van Dongen contributed to ~700 manuscripts and book chapters, including ~450 SCI publications (with ~26,000 citations, ~59 citations per paper and h-index of 86). He is inventor on 18 patent (applications): 14/18 granted; all licensed. He coordinates or coordinated 7 European networks in the field of diagnostics in hemato-oncology and immunology, including 4 EU-supported consortia. Three of these EU-supported consortia obtained long-term sustainability based on revenues from collectively filed and owned patents. He is the founding chairman of these three consortia, EuroClonality (1996-2011), EuroMRD (2001-2017) and EuroFlow (2006-now), which are united in the European Scientific foundation of Laboratory Hemato-Oncology (ESLHO).
Prizes and honourable appointments
Nov. 1987: Research Prize 1987 by the Erasmus University Rotterdam, NL
Feb. 1988: Clinical Society Prize 1987 by the Clinical Society Rotterdam (Klinisch Genootschap Rotterdam), NL
April 1989: Bekalis Prize on Leukemia Research 1988 by the Bekalis Foundation, Brussels, BE
June 1990: Cum laude Ph.D. degree at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL
Dec. 1992: Sandoz Research Prize for best Ph.D. thesis in Applied Immunology 1989-1992, NL
Nov. 1994: Van Vlissingen Prize by the Ank van Vlissingen Foundation, Utrecht, NL
Sept. 2001: Botkin Award, St. Petersburg, RUS
Nov. 2002: Leukaemia Research Fund, Annual Guest Lecture 2002, London, GB
Dec. 2002: Katelyn Pasley Memorial Lecture (as Visiting Professor), University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY
Dec. 2006: Medal “Friend of the Child Health Centre” of Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, PL
Dec. 2010: Van Loghem Laureate, Dutch Society for Immunology, Noordwijkerhout, NL
June 2014 Hirszfeld Award of Polish Immunology Society
June 2016 Honorary Doctorate Med University Silesia, Poland
May 2018: Berend Houwen Award by the International Society of Laboratory Hematology
Professor emeritus Medical Immunology
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Immunologie
- Paardekooper, L.M.; Fillié-Grijpma, Y.E.; Sluijs-gelling, A.J. van der; Zlei, M.; Doorn, R. van; Vermeer, M.H.; Paunovic, M.; Titulaer, M.J.; Maarel, S.M. van der; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Verschuuren, J.J.; Huijbers, M.G. & T2B Consortium (2023), Autoantibody subclass predominance is not driven by aberrant class switching or impaired B cell development, Clinical Immunology 257.
- Delgado, A.H.; Fluxa, R.; Perez-Andres, M.; Diks, A.M.; Gaans van den Brink, J.A.M. van; Barkoff, A.M.; Blanco, E.; Torres-Valle, A.; Berkowska, M.A.; Grigore, G.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A. & ERISCOPE Consortium (2023), Automated EuroFlow approach for standardized in-depth dissection of human circulating B-cells and plasma cells, Frontiers in Immunology 14.
- Diks, A.M.; Graaf, H. de; Teodosio, C.; Groenland, R.J.; Mooij, B. de; Ibrahim, M.; Hill, A.R.; Read, R.C.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Berkowska, M.A. & IMI-2 PERISCOPE Consortium (2023), Distinct early cellular kinetics in participants protected against colonization upon Bordetella pertussis challenge, The Journal of Clinical Investigation 133(5).
- Lubbers, B.R.; Dombrink, I.; Kalina, T.; Hofmans, M.; Bruun, M.S.; Stanworth, S.J.; Béné, M.C.; Döhner, K.; Brüggemann, M.; Macintyre, E. & Dongen, J.J.M. van (2023), Experience with IVDR implementation in three diagnostic laboratories, HemaSphere 7(4).
- Torres-Valle, A.; Aragon, L.; Silva, S.L.; Serrano, C.; Marcos, M.; Melero, J.; Bonroy, C.; Arenas-Caro, P.P.; Casado, D.M.; Olaizola, P.M.R.; Neirinck, J.; Hofmans, M.; Arriba, S. de; Jara, M.; Prieto, C.; Sousa, A.E.; Prada, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Pérez-Andrés, M.; Orfao, A. & EuroFlow Consortium (2023), In-depth blood immune profiling of Good syndrome patients, Frontiers in Immunology 14.
- Verbeek, M.W.C.; Rodríguez, B.S.; Sedek, L.; Laqua, A.; Buracchi, C.; Buysse, M.; Reiterová, M.; Oliveira, E.; Morf, D.; Alink, S.R.O.; Barrena, S.; Kohlscheen, S.; Nierkens, S.; Hofmans, M.; Fernandez, P.; Costa, E.S. de; Mejstrikova, E.; Szczepanski, T.; Slota, L.; Brüggemann, M.; Gaipa, G.; Grigore, G.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A. & Velden, V.H.J. van der (2023), Minimal residual disease assessment in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia by semi-automated identification of normal hematopoietic cells, Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry.
- Jiménez, C.; Hernández-Sánchez, M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Díez, P. (2023), Multi-omics data integration: key to thoroughly understanding the immune system, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 11.
- Schilhabel, A.; Szczepanowski, M.; Gastel-Mol, E.J. van; Schillalies, J.; Ray, J.; Kim, D.; Nováková, M.; Dombrink, I.; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Boettcher, S.; Brüggemann, M.; Kneba, M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Langerak, A.W. & Ritgen, M. (2023), Patient specific real-time PCR in precision medicine, Frontiers in Oncology 12.
- Pan, K. van der; Khatri, I.; Jager, A.L. de; Louis, A.; Kassem, S.; Naber, B.A.E.; Laat, I.F. de; Hameetman, M.; Comans, S.E.T.; Orfao, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Díez, P.; Teodosio, C. & TiMaScan & EuroFlow Consortia (2023), Performance of spectral flow cytometry and mass cytometry for the study of innate myeloid cell populations, Frontiers in Immunology 14.
- Covens, K.; Verbinnen, B.; Jong, B.G. de; Moens, L.; Wuyts, G.; Verheyen, G.; Nys, K.; Cremer, J.; Smulders, S.; Schrijvers, R.; Weinhaeusel, A.; Vermeire, S.; Verschueren, P.; Langhe, E.D.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Zelm, M.C. van & Bossuyt, X. (2023), Plasma cells are not restricted to the CD27+phenotype, Frontiers in Immunology 14.
- Cordes, M.; Cante-Barrett, K.; Akker, E.B. van den; Moretti, F.A.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Vloemans, S.A.; Garcia-Perez, L.; Teodosio, C.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Pike-Overzet, K.; Reinders, M.J.T. & Staal, F.J.T. (2022), Single-cell immune profiling reveals thymus-seeding populations, T cell commitment, and multilineage development in the human thymus, Science Immunology 7(77).
- Pasmans, H.; Berkowska, M.A.; Diks, A.M.; Mooij, B. de; Groenland, R.J.; Rond, L. de; Nicolaie, M.A.; Burg, S.H. van der; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Klis, F.R.M. van der & Buisman, A.M. (2022), Characterization of the early cellular immune response induced by HPV vaccines, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Roukens, A.H.E.; Pothast, C.R.; Konig, M.; Huisman, W.; Dalebout, T.; Tak, T.; Azimi, S.; Kruize, Y.; Hagedoorn, R.S.; Zlei, M.; Staal, F.J.T.; Bie, F.J. de; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Arbous, S.M.; Zhang, J.L.H.; Verheij, M.; Prins, C.; Does, A.M. van der; Hiemstra, P.S.; Vries, J.J.C. de; Janse, J.J.; Roestenberg, M.; Myeni, S.K.; Kikkert, M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Smits, H.H.; Jochems, S.P.; Collaboration BEAT-COVID Grp & Collaboration COVID-19 LUMC Grp (2022), Prolonged activation of nasal immune cell populations and development of tissue-resident SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8(+) T cell responses following COVID-19, Nature Immunology 23.
- Neirinck, J.; Emmaneel, A.; Buysse, M.; Philippé, J.; Gassen, S. van; Saeys, Y.; Bossuyt, X.; Buyser, S. de; Burg, M. van der; Pérez-Andrés, M.; Orfao, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Lambrecht, B.N.; Kerre, T.; Hofmans, M.; Haerynck, F. & Bonroy, C. (2022), The Euroflow PID Orientation Tube in the diagnostic workup of primary immunodeficiency, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Neirinck, J.; Emmaneel, A.; Buysse, M.; Philippe, J.; Gassen, S. van; Saeys, Y.; Bossuyt, X.; Buyser, S. de; Burg, M. van der; Perez-Andres, M.; Orfao, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Lambrecht, B.N.; Kerre, T.; Hofmans, M.; Haerynck, F. & Bonroy, C. (2022), The Euroflow PID Orientation Tube in the diagnostic workup of primary immunodeficiency, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Pan, K. van der; Kassem, S.; Khatri, I.; Ru, A.H. de; Janssen, G.M.C.; Tjokrodirijo, R.T.N.; Makindji, F. al; Stavrakaki, E.; Jager, A.L. de; Naber, B.A.E.; Laat, I.F. de; Louis, A.; Bossche, W.B.L. van den; Vogelezang, L.B.; Balvers, R.K.; Lamfers, M.L.M.; Veelen, P.A. van; Orfao, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Teodosio, C. & Diez, P. (2022), Quantitative proteomics of small numbers of closely-related cells, Frontiers in Medicine 9.
- Bras, A.E.; Matarraz, S.; Nierkens, S.; Fernandez, P.; Philippe, J.; Aanei, C.M.; Mello, F.V. de; Burgos, L.; Sluijs-Gelling, A.J. van der; Grigore, G.E.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A.; Velden, V.H.J. van der & EuroFlow Consortium (2022), Quality assessment of a large multi-center flow cytometric dataset of acute myeloid leukemia patients-A EuroFlow study, Cancers 14(8).
- Dekker, J.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Reinders, M.J.T. & Khatri, I. (2022), pmTR database, Genes and Immunity 23(2): 99-110.
- Sedek, L.; Flores-Montero, J.; Sluijs, A. van der; Kulis, J.; Marvelde, J. te; Philippe, J.; Boettcher, S.; Bitter, M.; Caetano, J.; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Sonneveld, E.; Buracchi, C.; Santos, A.H.; Lima, M.; Szczepanski, T.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Orfao, A. (2022), Impact of pre-analytical and analytical variables associated with sample preparation on flow cytometric stainings obtained with EuroFlow Panels, Cancers 14(3).
- Brouwer, N.; Matarraz, S.; Nierkens, S.; Hofmans, M.; Novakova, M.; Costa, E.S. da; Fernandez, P.; Bras, A.E.; Mello, F.V. de; Mejstrikova, E.; Philippe, J.; Grigore, G.E.; Pedreira, C.E.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A.; Velden, V.H.J. van der & EuroFlow Consortium (2022), Immunophenotypic analysis of acute megakaryoblastic leukemia, Cancers 14(6).
- Zlei, M.; Sidorov, I.A.; Joosten, S.A.; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Myeni, S.K.; Pothast, C.R.; Brouwer, C.S. de; Boomaars-van der Zanden, A.L.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Morales, S.T.; Wessels, E.; Janse, J.J.; Goeman, J.J.; Cobbaert, C.M.; Kroes, A.C.M.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Roestenberg, M.; Visser, L.G.; Kikkert, M.; Feltkamp, M.C.W.; Arbous, S.M.; Staal, F.J.T.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Roukens, A.H.E.; Vries, J.J.C. de; Collaboration BEAT-COVID & Collaboration LUMC COVID (2022), Immune determinants of viral clearance in hospitalised COVID-19 patients, Cells 11(17).
- Munoz-Garcia, N.; Moran-Plata, F.J.; Villamor, N.; Lima, M.; Barrena, S.; Mateos, S.; Caldas, C.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A. & Almeida, J. (2022), High-sensitive TRBC1-based flow cytometric assessment of T-Cell clonality in T alpha beta-Large granular lymphocytic leukemia, Cancers 14(2).
- Bottcher, S.; Engelmann, R.; Grigore, G.; Fernandez, P.; Caetano, J.; Flores-Montero, J.; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Novakova, M.; Philippe, J.; Ritgen, M.; Burgos, L.; Lecrevisse, Q.; Lange, S.; Kalina, T.; Velasco, J.V.; Rodriguez, R.F.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Pedreira, C.E. & Orfao, A. (2022), Expert-independent classification of mature B-cell neoplasms using standardized flow cytometry, Blood Advances 6(3): 976-992.
- Pan, K. van der; Bruin-Versteeg, S. de; Damasceno, D.; Hernandez-Delgado, A.; Sluijs-Gelling, A.J. van der; Bossche, W.B.L. van den; Laat, I.F. de; Diez, P.; Naber, B.A.E.; Diks, A.M.; Berkowska, M.A.; Mooij, B. de; Groenland, R.J.; Bie, F.J. de; Khatri, I.; Kassem, S.; Jager, A.L. de; Louis, A.; Almeida, J.; Gaans-van den Brink, J.A.M. van; Barkoff, A.M.; He, Q.S.; Ferwerda, G.; Versteegen, P.; Berbers, G.A.M.; Orfao, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Teodosio, C.; TiMaScan Consortium; IM12 Consortium; PERISCOPE Consortium & EuroFlow Consortium (2022), Development of a standardized and validated flow cytometry approach for monitoring of innate myeloid immune cells in human blood, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Dombrink, I.; Lubbers, B.R.; Simulescu, L.; Doeswijk, R.; Tkachenko, O.; Dequeker, E.; Fraser, A.G.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Cobbaert, C.; Bruggemann, M. & Macintyre, E. (2022), Critical implications of IVDR for innovation in diagnostics , HemaSphere 6(6).
- Oliveira, E.; Costa, E.S.; Ciudad, J.; Gaipa, G.; Sedek, L.; Barrena, S.; Szczepanski, T.; Buracchi, C.; Silvestri, D.; Siqueira, P.F.R.; Mello, F.V.; Torres, R.C.; Oliveira, L.M.R.; Fay-Neves, I.V.C.; Sonneveld, E.; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Mejstrikova, E.; Ribera, J.M.; Conter, V.; Schrappe, M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Land, M.G.P.; Orfao, A. & EuroFlow Consortium (2022), Bone marrow stromal cell regeneration profile in treated B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients, Cancers 14(13).
- Arends, E.J.; Zlei, M.; Tipton, C.M.; Cotic, J.; Osmani, Z.; Bie, F. de; Kamerling, S.; Maurik, A. van; Dimelow, R.; Gregan, Y.I.; Fox, N.L.; Rabelink, T.; Roth, D.; Sanz, I.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Kooten, C. van & Teng, Y.K.O. (2022), BELIMUMAB DISRUPTS MEMORY B-CELL TRAFFICKING IN PATIENTS WITH SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81: 324-325.
- Diks, A.M.; Versteegen, P.; Teodosio, C.; Groenland, R.J.; Mooij, B. de; Buisman, A.M.; Torres-Valle, A.; Perez-Andres, M.; Orfao, A.; Berbers, G.A.M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Berkowska, M.A. (2022), Age and primary vaccination background influence the plasma cell response to pertussis booster vaccination, Vaccines 10(2).
- Bossche, W.B.L. van den; Vincent, A.J.P.E.; Teodosio, C.; Koets, J.; Taha, A.; Kleijn, A.; Bruin, S. de; Dik, W.A.; Damasceno, D.; Almeida, J.; Dippel, D.W.J.; Dirven, C.M.F.; Orfao, A.; Lamfers, M.L.M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & TiMaScan Res Grp (2021), Monocytes carrying GFAP detect glioma, brain metastasis and ischaemic stroke, and predict glioblastoma survival, Brain Communications 3(1).
- Khatri, I.; Berkowska, M.A.; Akker, E.B. van den; Teodosio, C.; Reinders, M.J.T. & Dongen, J.J.M. van (2021), Population matched (pm) germline allelic variants of immunoglobulin (IG) loci, Genes and Immunity 22.
- Lubbers, B.R.; Schilhabel, A.; Cobbaert, C.M.; Gonzalez, D.; Dombrink, I.; Bruggemann, M.; Bitter, W.M. & Dongen, J.J.M. van (2021), The new EU regulation on in vitro diagnostic medical devices: implications and preparatory actions for diagnostic laboratories, HemaSphere 5(5).
- Munoz-Garcia, N.; Lima, M.; Villamor, N.; Moran-Plata, F.J.; Barrena, S.; Mateos, S.; Caldas, C.; Balanzategui, A.; Alcoceba, M.; Dominguez, A.; Gomez, F.; Langerak, A.W.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A. & Almeida, J. (2021), Anti-TRBC1 antibody-based flow cytometric detection of T-cell clonality, Cancers 13(17).
- Kolijn, P.M.; Muggen, A.F.; Ljungstrom, V.; Agathangelidis, A.; Wolvers-Tettero, I.L.M.; Beverloo, H.B.; Pal, K.; Hengeveld, P.J.; Darzentas, N.; Hendriks, R.W.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Rosenquist, R. & Langerak, A.W. (2021), Consistent B cell receptor immunoglobulin features between siblings in familial chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Frontiers in Oncology 11.
- Verbeek, M.W.C.; Buracchi, C.; Laqua, A.; Nierkens, S.; Sedek, L.; Flores-Montero, J.; Hofmans, M.; Costa, E.S. de; Novakova, M.; Mejstrikova, E.; Barrena, S.; Kohlscheen, S.; Szczepanowski, M.; Kulis, J.; Oliveira, E.; Jugooa, R.; Jong, A.X. de; Szczepanski, T.; Philippe, J.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A.; Bruggemann, M.; Gaipa, G. & Velden, V.H.J. van der (2021), Flow cytometric minimal residual disease assessment in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia patients treated with CD19-targeted therapies, British Journal of Haematology 197(1).
- Ferreira-Facio, C.D.; Botafogo, V.; Ferrao, P.M.; Canellas, M.C.; Milito, C.B.; Romano, S.; Lopes, D.V.; Teixeira, L.C.; Oliveira, E.; Bruno-Riscarolli, E.; Mello, F.V.; Siqueira, P.F.R.; Moura, P.; Macedo, F.N.; Forny, D.N.; Simiao, L.; Pureza, A.L.; Land, M.G.P.; Pedreira, C.E.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A. & Costa, E.S. da (2021), Flow cytometry immunophenotyping for diagnostic orientation and classification of pediatric cancer based on the EuroFlow Solid Tumor Orientation Tube (STOT), Cancers 13(19).
- Najidh, S.; Tensen, C.P.; Sluijs-Gelling, A.J. van der; Teodosio, C.; Cats, D.; Mei, H.L.; Kuipers, T.B.; Out-Luijting, J.J.; Zoutman, W.H.; Hall, T. van; Orfao, A.; Almeida, J.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Vermeer, M.H. (2021), Improved Sezary cell detection and novel insights into immunophenotypic and molecular heterogeneity in Sezary syndrome, Blood 138(24): 2539-2554.
- Khatri, I.; Diks, A.M.; Akker, E.B. van den; Oosten, L.E.M.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Reinders, M.J.T.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Berkowska, M.A. (2021), Longitudinal dynamics of human B-cell response at the single-cell level in response to Tdap vaccination, Vaccines 9(11).
- Khatri, I.; Berkowska, M.A.; Akker, E.B. van den; Teodosio, C.; Reinders, M.J.T. & Dongen, J.J.M. van (2021), Reply to the Commentary on population matched (pm) germline allelic variants of immunoglobulin (IG) loci: relevance in infectious diseases and vaccination studies in human populations.
- Kassem, S.; Pan, K. van der; Jager, A.L. de; Naber, B.A.E.; Laat, I.F. de; Louis, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Teodosio, C. & Diez, P. (2021), Proteomics for low cell numbers: how to optimize the sample preparation workflow for mass spectrometry analysis, Journal of Proteome Research 20(9): 4217-4230.
- Khatri, I.; Staal, F.J.T. & Dongen, J.J.M. van (2021), Blocking of the high-affinity interaction-synapse between SARS-CoV-2 spike and human ACE2 proteins likely requires multiple high-affinity antibodies, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Arends, E.J.; Zlei, M.; Tipton, C.M.; Osmani, Z.; Kamerling, S.; Rabelink, T.; Sanz, I.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Kooten, C. van & Teng, Y.K.O. (2021), BELIMUMAB ADD-ON THERAPY MOBILISES MEMORY B CELLS INTO THE CIRCULATION OF PATIENTS WITH SLE, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80: 585-585.
- Diks, A.M.; Overduin, L.A.; Leenen, L.D. van; Slobbe, L.; Jolink, H.; Visser, L.G.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Berkowska, M.A. (2021), B-cell immunophenotyping to predict vaccination outcome in the immunocompromised, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Pontes, R.M. de; Flores-Montero, J.; Sanoja-Flores, L.; Puig, N.; Magalhaes, R.P.J. de; Corral-Mateos, A.; Salgado, A.B.; Garcia-Sanchez, O.; Perez-Moran, J.; Mateos, M.V.; Burgos, L.; Paiva, B.; Marvelde, J. te; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Aguilar, C.; Barez, A.; Garcia-Mateo, A.; Labrador, J.; Leoz, P.; Aguilera-Sanz, C.; Durie, B.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Maiolino, A.; Costa, E.S. da; Orfao, A. & EuroFlow Consortium (2021), B-cell regeneration profile and minimal residual disease status in bone marrow of treated multiple myeloma patients, Cancers 13(7).
- Fosse, N.A. du; Bronsgeest, K.; Arbous, M.S.; Zlei, M.; Myeni, S.K.; Kikkert, M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Staal, F.J.T.; Hoorn, M.L.P. van der & Akker, T. van den (2021), Detailed immune monitoring of a pregnant woman with critical Covid-19, Journal of Reproductive Immunology 143.
- Pino-Molina, L. del; Lopez-Granados, E.; Lecrevisse, Q.; Canizales, J.T.; Perez-Andres, M.; Blanco, E.; Wentink, M.; Bonroy, C.; Nechvatalova, J.; Milota, T.; Kienzler, A.K.; Philippe, J.; Sousa, A.E.; Burg, M. van der; Kalina, T.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A. & EuroFlow PID Consortium (2021), Dissection of the pre-germinal center B-cell maturation pathway in common variable immunodeficiency based on standardized flow cytometric EuroFlow tools, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Diks, A.M.; Khatri, I.; Oosten, L.E.M.; Mooij, B. de; Groenland, R.J.; Teodosio, C.; Perez-Andres, M.; Orfao, A.; Berbers, G.A.M.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Berkowska, M.A. (2021), Highly sensitive flow cytometry allows monitoring of changes in circulating immune cells in blood after Tdap booster vaccination, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Damasceno, D.; Almeida, J.; Teodosio, C.; Sanoja-Flores, L.; Mayado, A.; Perez-Pons, A.; Puig, N.; Arana, P.; Paiva, B.; Solano, F.; Romero, A.; Matarraz, S.; Bossche, W.B.L. van den; Flores-Montero, J.; Durie, B.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A. & TiMaScan Study Grp (2021), Monocyte subsets and serum inflammatory and bone-associated markers in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and multiple myeloma, Cancers 13(6).
- Overduin, L.A.; Soentjens, P.H.P.; Goeman, J.J.; Berkowska, M.A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Visser, L.G. (2020), Redefining non-inferiority in anamnestic antibody responses using the mean increase of log-transformed antibody titers after revaccination, Vaccines 8(4).
- Overduin, L.A.; Soentjens, P.H.P.; Goeman, J.J.; Berkowska, M.A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Visser, L.G. (2020), Redefining non-inferiority in anamnestic antibody responses using the mean increase of log-transformed antibody titers after revaccination, Vaccines 8(4).
- Garcia-Perez, L.; Eggermond, M. van; Roon, L. van; Vloemans, S.A.; Cordes, M.; Schambach, A.; Rothe, M.; Berghuis, D.; Lagresle-Peyrou, C.; Cavazzana, M.; Zhang, F.; Thrasher, A.J.; Salvatori, D.; Meij, P.; Villa, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Zwaginga, J.J.; Burg, M. van der; Gaspar, H.B.; Lankester, A.; Staal, F.J.T. & Pike-Overzet, K. (2020), Successful preclinical development of gene therapy for recombinase-activating gene-1-deficient SCID, Molecular Therapy - Methods and Clinical Development 17: 666-682.
- Bras, A.E.; Osmani, Z.; Haas, V. de; Jongen-Lavrencic, M.; Marvelde, J.G. te; Zwaan, C.M.; Mejstrikova, E.; Fernandez, P.; Szczepanski, T.; Orfao, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Velden, V.H.J. van der (2020), Standardised immunophenotypic analysis of myeloperoxidase in acute leukaemia, British Journal of Haematology 193(5).
- Paiva, B.; Puig, N.; Cedena, M.T.; Rosinol, L.; Cordon, L.; Vidriales, M.B.; Burgos, L.; Flores-Montero, J.; Sanoja-Flores, L.; Lopez-Anglada, L.; Maldonado, R.; Cruz, J. de la; Gutierrez, N.C.; Calasanz, M.J.; Martin-Ramos, M.L.; Garcia-Sanz, R.; Martinez-Lopez, J.; Oriol, A.; Blanchard, M.J.; Rios, R.; Martin, J.; Martinez-Martinez, R.; Sureda, A.; Hernandez, M.T.; Rubia, J. de la; Krsnik, I.; Moraleda, J.M.; Palomera, L.; Bargay, J.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A.; Mateos, M.V.; Blade, J.; San-Miguel, J.F.; Lahuerta, J.J.; GEM & PETHEMA Programa Estudio Terapeuti (2020), Measurable residual disease by next-generation flow cytometry in multiple myeloma, Journal of Clinical Oncology 38(8): 784-+.
- Bossche, W.B.L. van den; Rykov, K.; Teodosio, C.; Have, B.L.E.F. ten; Knobben, B.A.S.; Sietsma, M.S.; Josiassen, K.; Bruin-Versteeg, S. de; Orfao, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Raay, J.J.A.M. van (2020), Flow cytometric assessment of leukocyte kinetics for the monitoring of tissue damage (vol 197, pg 224, 2018), Clinical Immunology 213.
- Kalina, T.; Bakardjieva, M.; Blom, M.; Perez-Andres, M.; Barendregt, B.; Kanderova, V.; Bonroy, C.; Philippe, J.; Blanco, E.; Pico-Knijnenburg, I.; Paping, J.H.M.P.; Wolska-Kusnierz, B.; Pac, M.; Tkazcyk, J.; Haerynck, F.; Akar, H.H.; Formankova, R.; Freiberger, T.; Svatori, M.; Sediva, A.; Arriba-Mendez, S.; Orfao, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Burg, M. van der (2020), EuroFlow standardized approach to diagnostic immunopheneotyping of severe PID in newborns and young children, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Grosserichter-Wagener, C.; Franco-Gallego, A.; Ahmadi, F.; Moncada-Velez, M.; Dalm, V.A.S.H.; Rojas, J.L.; Orrego, J.C.; Vargas, N.C.; Hammarstrom, L.; Schreurs, M.W.J.; Dik, W.A.; Hagen, P.M. van; Boon, L.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Burg, M. van der; Pan-Hammarstrom, Q.; Franco, J.L. & Zelm, M.C. van (2020), Defective formation of IgA memory B cells, Th1 and Th17 cells in symptomatic patients with selective IgA deficiency, Clinical & Translational Immunology 9(5).
- Khatri, I.; Staal, F.J.T. & Dongen, J.J.M. van (2020), Blocking of the high-affinity interaction-synapse between SARS-CoV-2 spike and human ACE2 proteins likely requires multiple high-affinity antibodies, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Bernatowska, E.; Skomska-Pawliszak, M.; Wolska-Kusnierz, B.; Pac, M.; Heropolitanska-Pliszka, E.; Pietrucha, B.; Bernat-Sitarz, K.; Dabrowska-Leonik, N.; Bohynikova, N.; Piatosa, B.; Lutynska, A.; Augustynowicz, E.; Augustynowicz-Kopec, E.; Korzeniewska-Kosela, M.; Krasinska, M.; Krzysztopa-Grzybowska, K.; Wieteska-Klimczak, A.; Ksiazyk, J.; Jackowska, T.; Burg, M. van den; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Casanova, J.L.; Picard, C. & Mikoluc, B. (2020), BCG Moreau vaccine safety profile and NK cells-double protection against disseminated BCG infection in retrospective study of BCG vaccination in 52 Polish children with severe combined immunodeficiency, Journal of Clinical Immunology 40(1): 138-146.
- Lhermitte, L.; Barreau, S.; Morf, D.; Fernandez, P.; Grigore, G.; Barrena, S.; Bie, M. de; Flores-Montero, J.; Bruggemann, M.; Mejstrikova, E.; Nierkens, S.; Burgos, L.; Caetano, J.; Gaipa, G.; Buracchi, C.; Costa, E.S. da; Sedek, L.; Szczepanski, T.; Aanei, C.M.; Sluijs-Gelling, A. van der; Delgado, A.H.; Fluxa, R.; Lecrevisse, Q.; Pedreira, C.E.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A.; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Bitter, W.M.; Lubbers, B.R.; Teodosio, C.I.; Zlei, M.; Sluijs-gelling, A.J. van der; Bruin-Versteeg, S. de; Burg, M. van der; Schilham, M.W.; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Langerak, A.W.; Marvelde, J. te; Bras, A.E.; Schilperoord-Vermeulen, J.; Jugooa, R.; Heezen, K.C.; Orfao, A.; Almeida, J.; Vidriales, M.B.; Flores-Montero, J.; Perez-Andres, M.; Matarraz, S.; Martin, L.; Lecrevisse, Q.; Perez-Moran, J.J.; Puig, N.; Almeida, A.M.; Silva, M.G. da; Faria, T.; Ritgen, M.; Szczepanowski, M.; Kohlscheen, S.; Laqua, A.; Harbst, E.; Finke, J.; Asnafi, V.; Lhermitte, L.; Duroyon, E.; Trka, J.; Hrusak, O.; Kalina, T.; Mejstrikova, E.; Novakova, M.; Thurner, D.; Kanderova, V.; Szczepanski, T.; Sedek, L.; Bulsa, J.; Slota, L.; Kulis, J.; Pedreira, C.E.; Costa, E.S. da; Nierkens, S.; Jong, A. de; Koning, A. de; Lima, M.; Santos, A.H.; Bottcher, S.; Lange, S.; Engelmann, R.; Paape, D.; Machka, C.; Gaipa, G.; Burracchi, C.; Bugarin, C.; Lopez-Granados, E.; Molina, L.D.; Campos-Guyotat, L.; Aanei, C.; San Miguel, J.F.; Paiva, B.; Burgos, L.; Villamor-Casas, N.; Magnano, L.; Philippe, J.; Bonroy, C.; Denys, B.; Willems, A.; Breughe, P.; Wolf, J. de; Sousa, A.E.; Silva, S.L.; Fernandez, P.; Morf, D. & EuroFlow Consortium (2020), Automated identification of leukocyte subsets improves standardization of database-guided expert-supervised diagnostic orientation in acute leukemia, Modern Pathology 34.
- Botafogo, V.; Perez-Andres, M.; Jara-Acevedo, M.; Barcena, P.; Grigore, G.; Hernandez-Delgado, A.; Damasceno, D.; Comans, S.; Blanco, E.; Romero, A.; Arriba-Mendez, S.; Gastaca-Abasolo, I.; Pedreira, C.E.; Gaans-van den Brink, J.A.M. van; Corbiere, V.; Mascart, F.; Els, C.A.C.M. van; Barkoff, A.M.; Mayado, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Almeida, J.; Orfao, A. & EuroFlow PERISCOPE Consortia (2020), Age distribution of multiple functionally relevant subsets of CD4+T cells in human blood using a standardized and validated 14-color EuroFlow immune monitoring tube, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Meijers, R.W.J.; Muggen, A.F.; Leon, L.G.; Bie, M. de; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Hendriks, R.W. & Langerak, A.W. (2020), Responsiveness of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to B-cell receptor stimulation is associated with low expression of regulatory molecules of the nuclear factor-kappa B pathway, Haematologica 105(1): 182-192.
- Dam, L.S. van; Oskam, J.M.; Kamerling, S.W.A.; Arends, E.J.; Bredewold, O.W.; Berkowska, M.A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Rabelink, T.J.; Kooten, C. van & Teng, Y.K.O. (2020), Highly sensitive flow cytometric detection of residual B-cells after rituximab in anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies-associated vasculitis patients, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Linskens, E.; Diks, A.M.; Neirinck, J.; Perez-Andres, M.; Maertelaere, E. de; Berkowska, M.A.; Kerre, T.; Hofmans, M.; Orfao, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Haerynck, F.; Philippe, J. & Bonroy, C. (2020), Improved standardization of flow cytometry diagnostic screening of primary immunodeficiency by software-based automated gating, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Pfeifer, H.; Cazzaniga, G.; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Cayuela, J.M.; Schafer, B.; Spinelli, O.; Akiki, S.; Avigad, S.; Bendit, I.; Borg, K.; Cave, H.; Elia, L.; Reshmi, S.C.; Gerrard, G.; Hayette, S.; Hermanson, M.; Juh, A.; Jurcek, T.; Chillon, M.C.; Homburg, C.; Martinelli, G.; Kairisto, V.; Lange, T.; Lion, T.; Mueller, M.C.; Pane, F.; Rai, L.; Damm-Welk, C.; Sacha, T.; Schnittger, S.; Touloumenidou, T.; Valerhaugen, H.; Vandenberghe, P.; Zuna, J.; Serve, H.; Herrmann, E.; Markovic, S.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Ottmann, O.G. (2020), Standardisation and consensus guidelines for minimal residual disease assessment in Philadelphia-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph+ALL) by real-time quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR of e1a2 BCR-ABL1 (vol 32, pg 345, 2019), Leukemia 34(7): 1970-1970.
- Dam, L. van; Oskam, J.; Kamerling, S.; Arends, E.; Bredewold, E.; Berkowska, M.; Dongen, J. van; Rabelink, T.; Kooten, C. van & Teng, O. (2019), Minimal Residual Autoimmunity After Rituximab in ANCA-associated Vasculitis Patients, Arthritis and Rheumatology 71.
- Diks, A.M.; Bonroy, C.; Teodosio, C.; Groenland, R.J.; Mooij, B. de; Maertelaere, E. de; Neirynck, J.; Philippe, J.; Orfao, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Berkowska, M.A. (2019), Impact of blood storage and sample handling on quality of high dimensional flow cytometric data in multicenter clinical research, Journal of Immunological Methods 475.
- Sanoja-Flores, L.; Flores-Montero, J.; Puig, N.; Contreras-Sanfeliciano, T.; Pontes, R.; Corral-Mateos, A.; Garcia-Sanchez, O.; Diez-Campelo, M.; Magalhaes, R.J.P. de; Garcia-Martin, L.; Alonso-Alonso, J.M.; Garcia-Mateo, A.; Aguilar-Franco, C.; Labrador, J.; Barez-Garcia, A.; Maiolino, A.; Paiva, B.; San Miguel, J.; Costa, E.S. da; Gonzalez, M.; Mateos, M.V.; Durie, B.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A.; Bitter, W.M.; Lubbers, B.R.; Meij, A.S.M. van der; Teodosio, C.I.; Zlei, M.; Sluijs-Gelling, A.J. van der; Burg, M. van der; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Langerak, A.W.; Marvelde, J. te; Schilperoord-Vermeulen, J.; Blijkerk, A.; Heezen, K.C.; Almeida, J.; Vidriales, M.B.; Perez-Andres, J.F.M.M.; Matarraz, S.; Blanco, E.; Martin, L.; Lecrevisse, Q.; Perez-Moran, J.J.; Puig, N.; Almeida, A.M.; Silva, M.G. da; Faria, T.; Bruggemann, M.; Ritgen, M.; Szczepanowski, M.; Kohlscheen, S.; Steinert, A.; Harbst, E.; Finke, J.; Asnafi, V.; Lhermitte, L.; Duroyon, E.; Trka, J.; Hrusak, O.; Kalina, T.; Mejstrikova, E.; Novakova, M.; Thurner, D.; Kanderova, V.; Szczepanski, T.; Sedek, L.; Bulsa, J.; Slota, L.; Kulis, J.; Pedreira, C.E.; Costa, E.S. da; Nierkens, S.; Jong, A. de; Koning, A. de; Lima, M.; Santos, A.H.; Bottcher, S.; Lange, S.; Engelmann, R.; Paape, D.; Machka, C.; Gaipa, G.; Burracchi, C.; Bugarin, C.; Lopez-Granados, E.; Molina, L.D.; Vlkova, M.; Nechvatalova, J.; Roussel, M.; Campos-Guyotat, L.; Aanei, C.; Burgos, L.; Villamor-Casas, N.; Magnano, L.; Philippe, J.; Bonroy, C.; Denys, B.; Willems, A.; Breughe, P.; Wolf, J. de; Sousa, A.E.; Silva, S.L.; Fernandez, P.; Morf, D. & EuroFlow Consortium (2019), Blood monitoring of circulating tumor plasma cells by next generation flow in multiple myeloma after therapy.
- Glier, H.; Novakova, M.; Marvelde, J. te; Bijkerk, A.; Morf, D.; Thurner, D.; Rejlova, K.; Lange, S.; Finke, J.; Sluijs-Gelling, A. van der; Sedek, L.; Flores-Montero, J.; Bottcher, S.; Fernandez, P.; Ritgen, M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A.; Velden, V.H.J. van der & Kalina, T. (2019), Comments on EuroFlow standard operating procedures for instrument setup and compensation for BD FACS Canto II, Navios and BD FACS Lyric instruments, Journal of Immunological Methods 475.
- Fernandes, R.A.; Perez-Andres, M.; Blanco, E.; Jara-Acevedo, M.; Criado, I.; Almeida, J.; Botafogo, V.; Coutinho, I.; Paiva, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A.; Faria, E. & EuroFlow Consortium (2019), Complete Multilineage CD4 Expression Defect Associated With Warts Due to an Inherited Homozygous CD4 Gene Mutation, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Blanco, E.; Perez-Andres, M.; Arriba-Mendez, S.; Serrano, C.; Criado, I.; Pino-Molina, L. del; Silva, S.; Madruga, I.; Bakardjieva, M.; Martins, C.; Serra-Caetano, A.; Romero, A.; Contreras-Sanfeliciano, T.; Bonroy, C.; Sala, F.; Martin, A.; Bastida, J.M.; Lorente, F.; Prieto, C.; Davila, I.; Marcos, M.; Kalina, T.; Vlkova, M.; Chovancova, Z.; Cordeiro, A.I.; Philippe, J.; Haerynck, F.; Lopez-Granados, E.; Sousa, A.E.; Burg, M. van der; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A. & EuroFlow PID Grp (2019), Defects in memory B-cell and plasma cell subsets expressing different immunoglobulin-subclasses in patients with CVID and immunoglobulin subclass deficiencies, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 144(3): 809-824.
- Wentink, M.W.J.; Kalina, T.; Perez-Andres, M.; Molina, L.D.; IJspeert, H.; Kavelaars, F.G.; Lankester, A.C.; Lecrevisse, Q.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A.; Burg, M. van der & EuroFlow PID Consortium (2019), Delineating Human B Cell Precursor Development With Genetically Identified PID Cases as a Model, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Sedek, L.; Theunissen, P.; Costa, E.S. da; Sluijs-Gelling, A. van der; Mejstrikova, E.; Gaipa, G.; Sonsala, A.; Twardoch, M.; Oliveira, E.; Novakova, M.; Buracchi, C.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A.; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Szczepanski, T. & EuroFlow Consortium (2019), Differential expression of CD73, CD86 and CD304 in normal vs. leukemic B-cell precursors and their utility as stable minimal residual disease markers in childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Journal of Immunological Methods 475.
- Damasceno, D.; Teodosio, C.; Bossche, W.B.L. van den; Perez-Andres, M.; Arriba-Mendez, S.; Munoz-Bellvis, L.; Romero, A.; Blanco, J.F.; Remesal, A.; Puig, N.; Matarraz, S.; Vicente-Villardon, J.L.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Almeida, J.; Orfao, A. & TiMaScan Study Grp (2019), Distribution of subsets of blood monocytic cells throughout life.
- Dongen, J.J.M. van; O'Gorman, M.R.G. & Orfao, A. (2019), EuroFlow and its activities: Introduction to the special EuroFlow issue of The Journal of Immunological Methods, Journal of Immunological Methods 475.
- Dongen, J.J.M. van; Burg, M. van der; Kalina, T.; Perez-Andres, M.; Mejstrikova, E.; Vlkova, M.; Lopez-Granados, E.; Wentink, M.; Kienzler, A.K.; Philippe, J.; Sousa, A.E.; Zelm, M.C. van; Blanco, E.; Orfao, A. & EuroFlow Consortium (2019), EuroFlow-Based Flowcytometric Diagnostic Screening and Classification of Primary Immunodeficiencies of the Lymphoid System, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Flores-Montero, J.; Grigore, G.; Fluxa, R.; Hernandez, J.; Fernandez, P.; Almeida, J.; Munoz, N.; Bottcher, S.; Sedek, L.; Velden, V. van der; Barrena, S.; Hernandez, A.; Paiva, B.; Lecrevisse, Q.; Lima, M.; Santos, A.H.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Orfao, A. (2019), EuroFlow Lymphoid Screening Tube (LST) data base for automated identification of blood lymphocyte subsets, Journal of Immunological Methods 475.
- Rooij, J. van; Mandaviya, P.R.; Claringbould, A.; Felix, J.F.; Dongen, J. van; Jansen, R.; Franke, L.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Heijmans, B.; Meurs, J.B.J. van & BIOS Consortium (2019), Evaluation of commonly used analysis strategies for epigenome- and transcriptome-wide association studies through replication of large-scale population studies, Genome Biology 20(1).
- Flores-Montero, J.; Kalina, T.; Corral-Mateos, A.; Sanoja-Flores, L.; Perez-Andres, M.; Martin-Ayuso, M.; Sedek, L.; Rejlova, K.; Mayado, A.; Fernandez, P.; Velden, V. van der; Bottcher, S.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Orfao, A. (2019), Fluorochrome choices for multi-color flow cytometry, Journal of Immunological Methods 475.
- Kalina, T.; Brdickova, N.; Glier, H.; Fernandez, P.; Bitter, M.; Flores-Montero, J.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Orfao, A. (2019), Frequent issues and lessons learned from EuroFlow QA, Journal of Immunological Methods 475.
- Pedreira, C.E.; Costa, E.S.; Lecrevise, Q.; Grigore, G.; Fluxa, R.; Verde, J.; Hernandez, J.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A. & EuroFlow (2019), From big flow cytometry datasets to smart diagnostic strategies: The EuroFlow approach, Journal of Immunological Methods 475.
- Novakova, M.; Glier, H.; Brdickova, N.; Vlkova, M.; Santos, A.H.; Lima, M.; Roussel, M.; Flores-Montero, J.; Szczepanski, T.; Bottcher, S.; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Fernandez, P.; Mejstrikova, E.; Burgos, L.; Paiva, B.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A. & Kalina, T. (2019), How to make usage of the standardized EuroFlow 8-color protocols possible for instruments of different manufacturers, Journal of Immunological Methods 475.
- Orfao, A.; Matarraz, S.; Perez-Andres, M.; Almeida, J.; Teodosio, C.; Berkowska, M.A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & EuroFlow (2019), Immunophenotypic dissection of normal hematopoiesis, Journal of Immunological Methods 475.
- Diks, A.M.; Bonroy, C.; Teodosio, C.; Groenland, R.J.; Mooij, B. de; Maertelaere, E. de; Neirynck, J.; Philippe, J.; Orfao, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Berkowska, M.A. (2019), Impact of blood storage and sample handling on quality of high dimensional flow cytometric data in multicenter clinical research, Journal of Immunological Methods 475.
- Bottcher, S.; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Villamor, N.; Ritgen, M.; Flores-Montero, J.; Escobar, H.M.; Kalina, T.; Bruggemann, M.; Grigore, G.; Martin-Ayuso, M.; Lecrevisse, Q.; Pedreira, C.E.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Orfao, A. (2019), Lot-to-lot stability of antibody reagents for flow cytometry, Journal of Immunological Methods 475.
- Velden, V.H.J. van der; Flores-Montero, J.; Perez-Andres, M.; Martin-Ayuso, M.; Crespo, O.; Blanco, E.; Kalina, T.; Philippe, J.; Bonroy, C.; Bie, M. de; Marvelde, J. te; Teodosio, C.; Mateos, A.C.; Kanderova, V.; Burg, M. van der; Hoof, D. van; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Orfao, A. (2019), Optimization and testing of dried antibody tube: The EuroFlow LST and PIDOT tubes as examples, Journal of Immunological Methods 475.
- Diavatopoulos, D.A.; Mills, K.H.G.; Kester, K.E.; Kampmann, B.; Silerova, M.; Heininger, U.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Most, R.G. van der; Huijnen, M.A.; Siena, E.; Mielcarek, N.; Ochs, M.M.; Denoel, P.; Berbers, G.; Buisman, A.M.; Jonge, M.I. de; Fenwick, C.; Gorringe, A.; He, Q.S.; Kelly, D.; Grand, R. le; Locht, C.; Mascart, F.; Mertsola, J.; Orfao, A.; Pantaleo, G.; Pollard, A.J.; Preston, A.; Read, R.; Sebo, P.; Els, C. van; Vecerek, B.; Londono-Hayes, P.; Groot, R. de & PERISCOPE Consortium (2019), PERISCOPE: road towards effective control of pertussis, Lancet Infectious Diseases 19(5): E179-E186.
- Knecht, H.; Reigl, T.; Kotrova, M.; Appelt, F.; Stewart, P.; Bystry, V.; Krejci, A.; Grioni, A.; Pal, K.; Stranska, K.; Plevova, K.; Rijntjes, J.; Songia, S.; Svaton, M.; Fronkova, E.; Bartram, J.; Scheijen, B.; Herrmann, D.; Garcia-Sanz, R.; Hancock, J.; Moppett, J.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Cazzaniga, G.; Davi, F.; Groenen, P.J.T.A.; Hummel, M.; Macintyre, E.A.; Stamatopoulos, K.; Trka, J.; Langerak, A.W.; Gonzalez, D.; Pott, C.; Bruggemann, M.; Darzentas, N. & EuroClonality-NGS Working Grp (2019), Quality control and quantification in IG/TR next-generation sequencing marker identification: protocols and bioinformatic functionalities by EuroClonality-NGS, Leukemia 33(9): 2254-2265.
- Verstegen, R.H.J.; Aui, P.M.; Watson, E.; Jong, S. de; Bartol, S.J.W.; Bosco, J.J.; Cameron, P.U.; Stirling, R.G.; Vries, E. de; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Zelm, M.C. van (2019), Quantification of T-Cell and B-Cell Replication History in Aging, Immunodeficiency, and Newborn Screening, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Blanco, E.; Perez-Andres, M.; Sanoja-Flores, L.; Wentink, M.; Pelak, O.; Martin-Ayuso, M.; Grigore, G.; Torres-Canizales, J.; Lopez-Granados, E.; Kalina, T.; Burg, M. van der; Arriba-Mendez, S.; Santa Cruz, S.; Puig, N.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Orfao, A. (2019), Selection and validation of antibody clones against IgG and IgA subclasses in switched memory B-cells and plasma cells, Journal of Immunological Methods 475.
- Pfeifer, H.; Cazzaniga, G.; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Cayuele, J.M.; Schafer, B.; Spinelli, O.; Akiki, S.; Avigad, S.; Bendit, I.; Borg, K.; Cave, H.; Elia, L.; Reshmi, S.C.; Gerrard, G.; Hayette, S.; Hermanson, M.; Juh, A.; Jurcek, T.; Chillon, M.C.; Homburg, C.; Martinelli, G.; Kairisto, V.; Langen, T.; Lion, T.; Mueller, M.C.; Pane, F.; Rai, L.; Damm-Welk, C.; Sacha, T.; Schnittger, S.; Touloumenidou, T.; Valerhaugen, H.; Vandenberghe, P.; Zuna, J.; Server, H.; Herrmann, E.; Markovic, S.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Ottmann, O.G. (2019), Standardisation and consensus guidelines for minimal residual disease assessment in Philadelphia-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph plus ALL) by real-time quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR of e1a2 BCR-ABL1, Leukemia 33(8): 1910-1922.
- Bruggemann, M.; Kotrova, M.; Knecht, H.; Bartram, J.; Boudjogrha, M.; Bystry, V.; Fazio, G.; Fronkova, E.; Giraud, M.; Grioni, A.; Hancock, J.; Herrmann, D.; Jimenez, C.; Krejci, A.; Moppett, J.; Reigl, T.; Salson, M.; Scheijen, B.; Schwarz, M.; Songia, S.; Svaton, M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Villarese, P.; Wakeman, S.; Wright, G.; Cazzaniga, G.; Davi, F.; Garcia-Sanz, R.; Gonzalez, D.; Groenen, P.J.T.A.; Hummel, M.; Macintyre, E.A.; Stamatopoulos, K.; Pott, C.; Trka, J.; Darzentas, N.; Langerak, A.W. & EuroClonality-NGS Working Grp (2019), Standardized next-generation sequencing of immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor gene recombinations for MRD marker identification in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia; a EuroClonality-NGS validation study, Leukemia 33(9): 2241-2253.
- Overduin, L.A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Visser, L.G. (2019), The Cellular Immune Response to Rabies Vaccination: A Systematic Review.
- Burg, M. van der; Kalina, T.; Perez-Andres, M.; Vlkova, M.; Lopez-Granados, E.; Blanco, E.; Bonroy, C.; Sousa, A.E.; Kienzler, A.K.; Wentink, M.; Mejstriikovaa, E.; Siinkorova, V.; Stuchly, J.; Zelm, M.C. van; Orfao, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & EuroFlow PID Consortium (2019), The EuroFlow PID Orientation Tube for Flow Cytometric Diagnostic Screening of Primary Immunodeficiencies of the Lymphoid System, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Muggen, A.F.; Jong, M. de; Wolvers-Tettero, I.L.M.; Kallemeijn, M.J.; Teodosio, C.; Darzentas, N.; Stadhouders, R.; Ijspeert, H.; Burg, M. van der; Ijcken, W.F.J. van; Verhaar, J.A.N.; Abdulahad, W.H.; Brouwer, E.; Boots, A.M.H.; Hendriks, R.W.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Langerak, A.W. (2019), The presence of CLL-associated stereotypic B cell receptors in the normal BCR repertoire from healthy individuals increases with age, Immunity and Ageing 16(1).
- Dasilva-Freire, N.; Mayado, A.; Teodosio, C.; Jara-Acevedo, M.; Alvarez-Twose, I.; Matito, A.; Sanchez-Munoz, L.; Caldas, C.; Henriques, A.; Munoz-Gonzalez, J.I.; Garcia-Montero, A.C.; Sanchez-Gallego, J.I.; Escribano, L. & Orfao, A. (2019), Bone Marrow Mast Cell Antibody-Targetable Cell Surface Protein Expression Profiles in Systemic Mastocytosis, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20(3).
- Langerak, A.W.; Ritgen, M.; Goede, V.; Robrecht, S.; Bahlo, J.; Fischer, K.; Steurer, M.; Trneny, M.; Mulligan, S.P.; Mey, U.J.M.; Trunzer, K.; Fingerle-Rowson, G.; Humphrey, K.; Stilgenbauer, S.; Bottcher, S.; Bruggemann, M.; Hallek, M.; Kneba, M. & Dongen, J.J.M. van (2019), Prognostic value of MRD in CLL patients with comorbidities receiving chlorambucil plus obinutuzumab or rituximab, Blood 133(5): 494-497.
- (2019), The Cellular Immune Response to Rabies Vaccination: A Systematic Review, Vaccines 7(3).
- Pott C, Brüggemann M, Ritgen M, van der Velden VHJ, van Dongen JJM & Kneba M. (2019), MRD Detection in B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas Using Ig Gene Rearrangements and Chromosomal Translocations as Targets for Real-Time Quantitative PCR.
- Khatri, I.; Sharma, G. & Subramanian, S. (2019), Composite genome sequence of Bacillus clausii, a probiotic commercially available as Enterogermina (R), and insights into its probiotic properties, BMC Microbiology 19(1).
- Matarraz, S.; Leoz, P.; Fernandez, C.; Colado, E.; Chillon, M.C.; Vidriales, M.B.; Gonzalez, M.; Rivera, D.; Osuna, C.S.; Caballero-Velazquez, T.; Velden, V. van der; Jongen-Lavrencic, M.; Gutierrez, O.; Bermejo, A.Y.; Alonso, L.G.; Garcia, M.B.; Sanchez, C.D.; Garcia-Donas, G.; Mateo, A.G.; Recio, I.; Sanchez-Real, J.; Mayado, A.; Gutierrez, M.L.; Barcena, P.; Barrena, S.; Lopez, A.; Dongen, J. van & Orfao, A. (2018), Basophil-lineage commitment in acute promyelocytic leukemia predicts for severe bleeding after starting therapy, Modern Pathology 31(8): 1318-1331.
- Matarraz, S.; Leoz, P.; Fernandez, C.; Colado, E.; Chillon, C.; Vidriales, B.; Gonzalez, M.; Salvador, C.; Caballero-Velazquez, T.; Velden, V. van der; Bermejo, A.Y.; Gutierrez, O.; Mayado, A.; Gutierrez, L.; Dongen, J. van & Orfao, A. (2018), BASOPHIL-LINEAGE COMMITMENT IN ACUTE PROMYELOCYTIC LEUKEMIA PREDICTS FOR SEVERE BLEEDING AFTER STARTING THERAPY, International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 40: 92-92.
- Flores, L.S.; Flores-Montero, J.; Contreras-Sanfelicia, T.; Corral-Mateos, A.; Puig, N.; Garcia-Sanchez, O.; Diez-Campelo, M.; Pontes, R.; Gonzales, M.; Mateos, M.V.; Durie, B.; Dongen, J. van & Orfao, A. (2018), DETECTION OF CLONAL PLASMA CELL IN PERIPHERAL BLOOD BY NEXT GENERATION FLOW IN MULTIPLE MYELOMA PATIENTS DURING TREATMENT. RELATIONSHIP WITH BONE MARROW AND SERUM IMMUNOFIXATION, International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 40: 126-126.
- Lamfers, M.; Belcaid, Z.; Bossche, W. van den; Kleijn, A.; Berrevoets, C.; Lamers, C.; Teunissen, C.; Noske, D.; Lim, M.; Sleijfer, S.; Debets, R.; Dongen, J. van & Dirven, C. (2018), LOCAL ONCOLYTIC ADENOVIRUS TREATMENT AFFECTS BOTH THE INNATE AND ADAPTIVE ARMS OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM AND PROVIDES AN AVENUE FOR ENHANCING IMMUNOTHERAPIES FOR GBM, Neuro-Oncology 20: 85-85.
- Munoz-Gonzalez, J.I.; Jara-Acevedo, M.; Alvarez-Twose, I.; Merker, J.D.; Teodosio, C.; Hou, Y.L.; Henriques, A.; Roskin, K.M.; Sanchez-Munoz, L.; Tsai, A.G.; Caldas, C.; Matito, A.; Sanchez-Gallego, J.I.; Mayado, A.; Dasilva-Freire, N.; Gotlib, J.R.; Escribano, L.; Orfao, A. & Garcia-Montero, A.C. (2018), Impact of somatic and germline mutations on the outcome of systemic mastocytosis, Blood Advances 2(21): 2814-2828.
- Blanco, E.; Perez-Andres, M.; Arriba-Mendez, S.; Contreras-Sanfeliciano, T.; Criado, I.; Pelak, O.; Serra-Caetano, A.; Romero, A.; Puig, N.; Remesal, A.; Canizales, J.T.; Lopez-Granados, E.; Kalina, T.; Sousa, A.E.; Zelm, M. van; Burg, M. van der; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A. & EuroFlow PID Grp (2018), Age-associated distribution of normal B-cell and plasma cell subsets in peripheral blood, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 141(6): 2208-+.
- Dimier, N.; Delmar, P.; Ward, C.; Morariu-Zamfir, R.; Fingerle-Rowson, G.; Bahlo, J.; Fischer, K.; Eichhorst, B.; Goede, V.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Ritgen, M.; Bottcher, S.; Langerak, A.W.; Kneba, M. & Hallek, M. (2018), A model for predicting effect of treatment on progression-free survival using MRD as a surrogate end point in CLL, Blood 131(9): 955-962.
- Lhermitte, L.; Mejstrikova, E.; Sluijs-Gelling, A.J. van der; Grigore, G.E.; Sedek, L.; Bras, A.E.; Gaipa, G.; Costa, E.S. da; Novakova, M.; Sonneveld, E.; Buracchi, C.; Bacelar, T.D.; Marvelde, J.G.T.; Trinquand, A.; Asnafi, V.; Szczepanski, T.; Matarraz, S.; Lopez, A.; Vidriales, B.; Bulsa, J.; Hrusak, O.; Kalina, T.; Lecrevisse, Q.; Ayuso, M.M.; Bruggemann, M.; Verde, J.; Fernandez, P.; Burgos, L.; Paiva, B.; Pedreira, C.E.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Orfao, A.; Velden, V.H.J. van der & EuroFlow Consortium (2018), Automated database-guided expert-supervised orientation for immunophenotypic diagnosis and classification of acute leukemia, Leukemia 32(4): 874-881.
- Wentink, M.W.J.; Zelm, M.C. van; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Warnatz, K. & Burg, M. van der (2018), Deficiencies in the CD19 complex, Clinical Immunology 195: 82-87.
- Bossche, W.B.L. van den; Rykov, K.; Teodosio, C.; Have, B.L.E.F. ten; Knobben, B.A.S.; Sietsma, M.S.; Josiassen, K.; Bruin-Versteeg, S. de; Orfao, A.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Raay, J.J.A.M. van (2018), Flow cytometric assessment of leukocyte kinetics for the monitoring of tissue damage, Clinical Immunology 197: 224-230.
- Heeringa, J.J.; Rijvers, L.; Arends, N.J.; Driessen, G.J.; Pasmans, S.G.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Jongste, J.C. de & Zelm, M.C. van (2018), IgE-expressing memory B cells and plasmablasts are increased in blood of children with asthma, food allergy, and atopic dermatitis, Allergy 73(6): 1331-1336.
- Laksono, B.M.; Grosserichter-Wagener, C.; Vries, R.D. de; Langeveld, S.A.G.; Brem, M.D.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Katsikis, P.D.; Koopmans, M.P.G.; Zelm, M.C. van & Swart, R.L. de (2018), In Vitro Measles Virus Infection of Human Lymphocyte Subsets Demonstrates High Susceptibility and Permissiveness of both Naive and Memory B Cells, Journal of Virology 92(8).
- Sanoja-Flores, L.; Flores-Montero, J.; Garces, J.J.; Paiva, B.; Puig, N.; Garcia-Mateo, A.; Garcia-Sanchez, O.; Corral-Mateos, A.; Burgos, L.; Blanco, E.; Hernandez-Martin, J.; Pontes, R.; Diez-Campelo, M.; Millacoy, P.; Rodriguez-Otero, P.; Prosper, F.; Merino, J.; Vidriales, M.B.; Garcia-Sanz, R.; Romero, A.; Palomera, L.; Rios-Tamayo, R.; Perez-Andres, M.; Blanco, J.F.; Gonzalez, M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Durie, B.; Mateos, M.V.; San-Miguel, J.; Orfao, A. & EuroFlow Consortium (2018), Next generation flow for minimally-invasive blood characterization of MGUS and multiple myeloma at diagnosis based on circulating tumor plasma cells (CTPC), Blood Cancer Journal 8.
- Kallemeijn, M.J.; Kavelaars, F.G.; Klift, M.Y. van der; Wolvers-Tettero, I.L.M.; Valk, P.J.M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Langerak, A.W. (2018), Next-Generation Sequencing Analysis of the Human TCR gamma delta plus T-Cell Repertoire Reveals Shifts in V gamma- and V delta-Usage in Memory Populations upon Aging, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Verstegen Ruud H. J., Aui Pei M., Watson Eliza, de Jong Samuel, Bartol Sophinus J. W., Bosco Julian, Cameron Paul, Stirling Robert, de Vries Esther, van Dongen Jacques J. M. & van Zelm Menno C. (2018), NEXT GENERATION TREC ANALYSIS TO QUANTIFY T-CELL PROLIFERATION IN HEALTH, DISEASE AND NEONATAL SCREENING FOR IMMUNODEFICIENCIES, Internal Medicine Journal 48: 30-30.
- Bossche, W.B.L. van den; Kleijn, A.; Teunissen, C.E.; Voerman, J.S.A.; Teodosio, C.; Noske, D.P.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Dirven, C.M.F. & Lamfers, M.L.M. (2018), Oncolytic virotherapy in glioblastoma patients induces a tumor macrophage phenotypic shift leading to an altered glioblastoma microenvironment, Neuro-Oncology 20(11): 1494-1504.
- Criado, I.; Blanco, E.; Rodriguez-Caballero, A.; Alcoceba, M.; Contreras, T.; Gutierrez, M.L.; Romero, A.; Fernandez-Navarro, P.; Gonzalez, M.; Solano, F.; Gomez, C.; Perez-Andres, M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Almeida, J.; Orfao, A.; EuroFlow PID Grp & Primary Hlth Care Grp Salamanca (2018), Residual normal B-cell profiles in monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis versus chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Leukemia 32(12): 2701-2705.
- Najidh Safa, van der Sluijs-Gelling A. J., Zoutman W. H., Tensen C. P., van Hall T. H., Almeida J., van Dongen J. J. M. & Vermeer M. H. (2018), Standardized flow cytometry (EuroFlow) demonstrates heterogeneous T-cell origin of Sezary lymphoma cells, European Journal of Cancer 101: S8-S8.
- van Dongen Jacques J. M., Blanco Elena, Rodriguez-Caballero Arancha, Alcoceba Miguel, Contreras Teresa, Laura Gutierrez Maria, Romero Alfonso, Fernandez-Navarro Paulino, Gonzalez Marcos, Solano Fernando, Gomez Carlos, Perez-Andres Martin, Criado Ignacio, Almeida Julia & Orfao Alberto (2018), UNIQUELY ALTERED RESIDUAL B-CELL PROFILES ARE ASSOCIATED WITH THE TRANSITION BETWEEN MONOCLONAL B-CELL LYMPHOCYTOSIS VS. CHRONIC LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA., International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 40: 149-149.
- Mayado, A.; Teodosio, C.; Dasilva-Freire, N.; Jara-Acevedo, M.; Garcia-Montero, A.C.; Alvarez-Twose, I.; Sanchez-Munoz, L.; Matito, A.; Caldas, C.; Munoz-Gonzalez, J.I.; Henriques, A.; Sanchez-Gallego, J.I.; Escribano, L. & Orfao, A. (2018), Characterization of CD34(+) hematopoietic cells in systemic mastocytosis: Potential role in disease dissemination, Allergy 73(6): 1294-1304.
- Pontes Roberia, Flores-Montero Juan, Sanoja-Flores Luzalba, Puig Noemi, Pessoa Magalhaes Roberto Jose, Corral Mateos Alba, Salgado Anna Beatriz, Maiolino Angelo, Mateos Maria-Victoria, Paiva Bruno, da Costa Elaine Sobral, van Dongen Jacques J. M. & Orfao Alberto (2018), Impact of Treatment on B-Cell Regenerative By Next Generation Flow Cytometry in Patients with Multiple Myeloma, Blood 132.
- Dongen, J.M. van; Coffeng, J.K.; Wier, M.F. van; Boot, C.R.L.; Hendriksen, I.J.M.; Mechelen, W. van; Bongers, P.M.; Beek, A.J. van der; Bosmans, J.E. & Tulder, M.W. van (2017), The cost-effectiveness and return-on-investment of a combined social and physical environmental intervention in office employees, Health Education Research 32(5): 384-398.
- Theunissen, P.M.J.; Sedek, L.; Haas, V. de; Szczepanski, T.; Sluijs, A. van der; Mejstrikova, E.; Novakova, M.; Kalina, T.; Lecrevisse, Q.; Orfao, A.; Lankester, A.C.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Velden, V.H.J. van der & EuroFlow Consortium (2017), Detailed immunophenotyping of B-cell precursors in regenerating bone marrow of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia patients: implications for minimal residual disease detection, British Journal of Haematology 178(2): 257-266.
- Wentink, M.; Dalm, V.; Lankester, A.C.; Schouwenburg, P.A. van; Scholvinck, L.; Kalina, T.; Zachova, R.; Sediva, A.; Lambeck, A.; Pico-Knijnenburg, I.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Pac, M.; Bernatowska, E.; Hagen, M. van; Driessen, G. & Burg, M. van der (2017), Genetic defects in PI3K delta affect B-cell differentiation and maturation leading to hypogammaglobulineamia and recurrent infections, Clinical Immunology 176: 77-86.
- Bruggemann, M.; Knecht, H.; Kotrova, M.; Bartram, J.; Bystry, V.; Darzentas, N.; Davi, F.; Fazio, G.; Fronkova, E.; Garcia-Sanz, R.; Giraud, M.; Grioni, A.; Groenen, P.J.; Hancock, J.; Herrmann, D.; Hummel, M.; Jimenez, C.; Krejci, A.; Pott, C.; Riegl, T.; Salson, M.; Schwarz, M.; Songia, S.; Svenkrtova, A.; Villarese, P.; Cazzaniga, G.; Dongen, J.J. van; Macintyre, E.A.; Mopett, J.; Trka, J. & Langerak, A.W. (2017), MULTI-CENTER VALIDATION OF STANDARDIZED NGS ASSAYS FOR REARRANGED IG / TR MARKER DETECTION IN ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA - A REPORT OF THE EUROCLONALITY-NGS CONSORTIUM, Haematologica 102: 328-328.
- Flores-Montero, J.; Sanoja-Flores, L.; Paiva, B.; Puig, N.; Garcia-Sanchez, O.; Bottcher, S.; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Perez-Moran, J.J.; Vidriales, M.B.; Garcia-Sanz, R.; Jimenez, C.; Gonzalez, M.; Martinez-Lopez, J.; Corral-Mateos, A.; Grigore, G.E.; Fluxa, R.; Pontes, R.; Caetano, J.; Sedek, L.; Canizo, M.C. del; Blade, J.; Lahuerta, J.J.; Aguilar, C.; Barez, A.; Garcia-Mateo, A.; Labrador, J.; Leoz, P.; Aguilera-Sanz, C.; San-Miguel, J.; Mateos, M.V.; Durie, B.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Orfao, A. (2017), Next Generation Flow for highly sensitive and standardized detection of minimal residual disease in multiple myeloma, Leukemia 31(10): 2094-2103.
- Kotrova, M.; Velden, V.H.J. van der; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Formankova, R.; Sedlacek, P.; Bruggemann, M.; Zuna, J.; Stary, J.; Trka, J. & Fronkova, E. (2017), Next-generation sequencing indicates false-positive MRD results and better predicts prognosis after SCT in patients with childhood ALL, Bone Marrow Transplantation 52(7): 962-968.
- Seminars en Educatieve workshops over flowcytometrie
- Founding Chairman (2001); Board member (2016)
- Founding chairman (1996); Board member since 2011
- Chairman. Coordination/management of EU-supported consortia in diagnostic hematology and immunology
- Founding Chairman and current Chairman