Isabelle Duijvesteijn
Professor of International Studies and Global History
- Name
- Prof.dr. I.G.B.M. Duijvesteijn
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9325
- 0000-0003-3468-4511

Isabelle Duyvesteyn is Professor of International Studies and Global History at the Leiden University Institute for History and programme chair of International Studies.
More information about Isabelle Duijvesteijn
Telephone number workplace The Hague: 070 800 9325
Internal telephone number workplace The Hague: 8725
Telephone number workplace Leiden: 071 527 2723
Internal telephone number workplace Leiden: 2723
Office hours
By appointment.
Short CV
Isabelle Duyvesteyn is Professor of International Studies / Global History at the Leiden University Institute for History.
She completed her PhD at the Department of War Studies at King’s College in London. Previously she has worked at the Royal Military Academy in the Netherlands and the Netherlands Institute for International Relations. She is a NWO laureate having received both a VIDI and an Aspasia research grant.
Her research interests include the nature of war and peace in the developing world, irregular warfare and strategy, the history of terrorism and counter-terrorism, strategic culture and intelligence and rebel governance.
She is a member of the national Advisory Council for International Affairs assigned to advise the Netherlands government on issues of peace and security, a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Netherlands Defence Academy and a member of several book and journal editorial boards, notably Small Wars and Insurgencies, Leiden University Press, the Journal of Strategic Studies, and the Routledge series on Insurgency, Counter-insurgency and National Interest.
She has published numerous books and articles, please refer to the publications page.
Publication highlights
Isabelle Duyvesteyn, 'Machiavelli and Minor States; Power Politics in the International System'. Inaugural lecture, Leiden University 2017.
Isabelle Duyvesteyn and Bram Peters, 'Fickle Foreign Fighters? A cross-case analysis of seven Muslim foreign fighter mobilizations (1980-2015)', Research Paper ICCT The Hague 2015.
Isabelle Duyvesteyn and Georg Frerks a.o., ‘Reconsidering Rebel Governance’, in: John Idriss Lahai and Tanya Lyons (eds.) African Frontiers (Ashgate: 2015).
Isabelle Duyvesteyn and Luuk Arlar, ‘Nederland en humanitaire interventie’, in: Jacco Pekelder, Remco Raben en Mathieu Segers (red.), De Wereld Volgens Nederland (Amsterdam: Boom 2015), pp. 221-245.
Professor of International Studies and Global History
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- History and International Studies
- Heuser B. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (Eds.) (2025), The Cambridge History of Strategy: Volume I: From Antiquity to the American War of Independence no. I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Heuser B. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (Eds.) (2025), The Cambridge History of Strategy: Volume II; From the Napoleonic Wars to the Present no. II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Heuser B. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2024), Grand patterns of strategy, old and new. In: Black J. (Ed.), The practice of strategy: a global history. Rome: Società Italiana di Storia Militare. 19-36.
- Heuser B. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2024), Grand Patterns of Strategy; Old and New, FVCINA DI MARTE 2024(17): 19-36 (1).
- Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (21 October 2024), . Opinie: Boodschap ‘klaar voor het gevecht’ in Defensienota baart zorgen: Universiteit Leiden. [web article].
- Díaz Pabón F.A. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2023), Civil wars: escalation and de-escalation, Civil Wars 25(2-3): 229-248.
- Zilincik S. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2023), Strategic studies and cyber warfare, Journal of Strategic Studies 46(4): 836-857.
- Duyvesteyn I. & Wal A.M. van der (2022), World history for international studies. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Duyvesteyn I., Wilde J. de & Willigen N. van (2022), Wetenschapstoets Defensienota ‘Sterker Nederland, Veiliger Europa': het doel heiligt de middelen? Of andersom?, Militaire Spectator 191(12): .
- Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. & Termeer A.E.W. (2022), The inclusion of women in Jihad: gendered practices of legitimation in Islamic State recruitment propaganda, Critical Studies on Terrorism 15(2): 463-483.
- Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2022), Review of: Sen R. (2021), A farewell to arms: how rebels retire without getting killed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Perspectives on Politics 20(2): 666-668.
- Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. (2021), Rebels and Conflict Escalation; : Explaining the Rise and Decline in Violence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2021), ‘Neuer Terrorismus? Eine These auf dem Pruefstand‘. In: Kaergel J. (Ed.) Terrorismus im 21. Jahrhundert: Perspektiven. Kontroversen. Blinde Flecken. Berlin: Bundesambt fuer Politisch Bildung.
- Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. & Zilincik S. (2020), Deterrence: a continuation of emotional life with the admixture of violent means. In: Osinga F. & Sweijs T. (Eds.), NL ARMS 2020: Deterrence in the 21st Century - Insights from Theory and Practice. Netherlands annual review of military studies. The Hague: Asser Springer. 455-474.
- Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. & Minatti W. (2019), Concepts of Legitimacy; Congruence and Divergence in the Afghan Conflict, Civil Wars 22(1): 1-25.
- Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. & Schuurman B.W. (2019), Public support and (counter) terrorism. In: Silke A. (Ed.), Routledge handbook of terrorism and counterterrorism. London / New York: Routledge. 416-424.
- Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. (2018), Rebels and Legitimacy; Processes and Practices. London: Routledge.
- Malkki L. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2018), The Fallacy of the New Terrorism Thesis. In: Jackson R. & Sinclair J. (Eds.), Contemporary Debates in Terrorism. London: Routledge.
- Schuurman B. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2018), Public support and (counter)terrorism. In: Silke A. (Ed.), Routledge handbook of terrorism and counter-terrorism. London: Routledge.
- Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2018), The interaction between counterterrorism and terrorist groups. In: Gofas A. (Ed.), Terrorism and European Security Governance. Florence: European University Institute. 6-9.
- Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. & Worrall J.E. (2017), Global Strategic Studies; A Manifesto, Journal of Strategic Studies 40(3): 347-357.
- Duyvesteyn Isabelle (2017), Rebels and Legitimacy; An Introduction, Small Wars and Insurgencies 28(4/5): 669-685.
- Rinelli S. & Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. (2017), The Missing Link: Civil-Military Cooperation and Hybrid Wars. In: Cusumano E. & Corbe M. (Eds.), Civil-Military Response to Hybrid Threats. London: Palgrave. 17-40.
- Duyvesteyn I. (2016), Cyberaanvallen: Organisatie, besluitvorming en strategie, Internationale Spectator 6(70): 1-7.
- Duyvesteijn I. (Ed.) (2016), Leiden University Press (redactieraad): Leiden University.
- Duyvesteyn I. (Ed.) (2016), Atlantisch Perspectief. Atlantisch Perspectief. Den Haag: Stichting Atlantische Commissie.
- Duyvesteijn I. (Ed.) (2016), Small Wars and Insurgencies. Editorial Board. Small Wars and Insurgencies: Taylor & Francis.
- Rich P. & Isabelle Duyvesteyn (Eds.) (2016), Studies in Insurgency, Counterinsurgency and National Security: Routledge.
- Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. & Michaels J.H. (2016), Revitalizing Strategic Studies in an Age of Perpetual Conflict, Orbis 60(1): 22-35.
- Isabelle Duyvesteyn, Frerks G., Kistemaker B., Stel N. & Terpstra N. (2015), Reconsidering rebel governance. In: Lahai J.I. & Lyons T. (Eds.), African frontiers: Insurgency, governance and peacebuilding in postcolonial states. The Ashgate Plus Series in International Relations and Politics. Farnham, Burlington: Ashgate. 31-40.
- Isabelle Duyvesteyn (2015), Tactics for strategy? Violent non-state actors and strategic thinking. Paper Presented at the Conference in Honour of Prof Sir Hew Strachan, Oxford University, 23-24 September 2015. Conference in Honour of Prof Sir Hew Strachan, Oxford University, 23-24 September 2015 23 September 2015 - 24 September 2015.
- Isabelle Duyvesteyn & Peeters B. (2015), Fickle foreign fighters? A cross-case analysis of seven Muslim foreign fighter mobilizations (1980-2015). ICCT Research Papers. The Hague: International Centre for Counter-Terrorism.
- Isabelle Duyvesteyn, De Jong B. & Van Reijn J. (Eds.) (2014), The future of intelligence. Challenges in the 21st century. London: Routledge.
- Duyvensteyn I.G.B.M. (2014), The determinants of the continuation of civil war. In: Newman E. & DeRouen K. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Civil Wars. London: Routledge. 224-236.
- Duyvesteyn Isabelle (2014), Tijd voor een Handboek Cyber Oorlog, Socialisme & Democratie 71(5): 32-37.
- Isabelle Duyvesteyn (2014), Between doomsday and dismissal; Collective defence, cyber war and the parameters of war, Atlantisch Perspectief 2014(Oct.): 20.
- Visser E. & Isabelle Duyvesteyn (2014), The irrelevance of the security dilemma for civil wars, Civil Wars 16(1): 65-85.
- Dimitriu G. & Isabelle Duyvesteyn (2014), Conclusions. It may be 10 September 2001 today. In: Duyvesteyn I., Jong B. de & Reijn J. van (Eds.), The Future of Intelligence: Challenges in the 21st Century. London: Routledge. 149-154.
- Duyvesteyn Isabelle (10 June 2013). Strategisch analfabetisme; De kunst van strategisch denken in moderne militaire operaties. [inaugural address].