Irene Groot
Professor Surface and interface science
- Name
- Prof.dr. I.M.N. Groot
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7361
- 0000-0001-9747-3522
Irene Groot investigates the structure-activity relationship of catalysts under industrial conditions using operando scanning probe microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and surface X-ray diffraction. She focuses on industrial processes related to sustainable energy and materials production.
More information about Irene Groot
PhD candidates
Irene Groot was born in Amsterdam. In 1999 she moved to Leiden to study chemistry. During her studies she did two research projects. The first one was performed at Leiden Observatory in the group of Ewine van Dishoeck. Here, Irene studied the physical behavior of CO and CO2 ices under interstellar conditions. Infrared spectra of the ices obtained in the laboratory were compared to spectra from space, thereby shedding light on the composition of ices present in the interstellar medium.
Irene performed her second research project at the University of California, Santa Barbara (USA) in the group of Alec Wodtke. Here, she participated in designing and building an ultrahigh vacuum set-up for the studies of inelastic scattering of HCl from Au(111) using supersonic molecular beams and resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopy.
After returning to Leiden, Irene started her PhD in 2005 under the supervision of Aart Kleyn and Geert-Jan Kroes. In this project she investigated the dissociation of hydrogen on bare and CO-precovered ruthenium, and on stepped platinum surfaces. This research was performed both experimentally, using supersonic molecular beams, and theoretically, using density functional theory and dynamics calculations.
After obtaining her PhD in 2009, Irene moved to the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin, where she worked as a postdoc with an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship in the group of Hajo Freund. Here, Irene investigated the CO oxidation reaction in the mbar regime on metal oxide model catalysts using scanning tunneling microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, and gas chromatography.
In 2013 Irene obtained a Veni fellowship, with which she started working at the Leiden Institute of Physics in the group of Joost Frenken. Here, she studied the chlorine production reaction on ruthenium dioxide catalysts using high-pressure, high-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. When Joost Frenken left at the end of 2013, Irene took over the catalysis activities of the group, including operando scanning probe microscopy, surface X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and optical microscopy.
In July 2015, Irene moved to the Leiden Institute of Chemistry where she held a tenure-track position in the Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Group to continue her research in heterogeneous catalysis using imaging techniques under industrial conditions of high pressures and temperatures. In June 2018, Irene obtained tenure and became associate professor. As of March 2024, Irene has been appointed Professor of Surface and Interface Science. Her current research topics include high-pressure surface science aimed at fundamental understanding of heterogeneous catalysis, development of operando and in situ equipment, and growth and characterization of 2-dimensional materials on (liquid) metal surfaces.
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
Nationality: Dutch
Date of birth: 23 December 1980
2009 PhD, Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, The Netherlands, 10 December 2009. Thesis title: “The fight for a reactive site”
Advisors: Prof. A.W. Kleyn and Prof. G.J. Kroes
2005 MSc in Chemistry, Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Current and previous research positions
2024 – now Full Professor of Surface and Interface Science, Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, The Netherlands
2018 – 2024 Associate Professor (tenured), Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, The Netherlands
2015 – 2018 Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, The Netherlands
2014 – 2015 Research Assistant Professor, Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden University, The Netherlands
2013 – 2016 Postdoctoral researcher (Veni), Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden University (Prof. J.W.M. Frenken)
2010 – 2012 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany (Prof. H.J. Freund)
Grants, awards, recognitions since 2010
2023 H2020 CL4 grant ‘2D Engine’ (k€ 520)
2023 TKI Chemie PPP grant with Leiden Probe Microscopy (k€ 45)
2021 ESRF PhD student grant (k€ 200)
2020 H2020-MSCA ITN ‘StiBNite’ (k€ 228)
2020 NWO-ENW XL ‘Nanoplastics’ (k€ 431)
2020 H2020-EIC-FET ProAct ‘DirectSepa (k€ 146)
2019 NWO FOM grant (k€ 225)
2018 NWO Aspasia Prize (k€ 200)
2018 NWO Vidi Fellowship (k€ 800)
2016 EU FET Open Grant ‘LMCat’ (programme leader) (k€ 652)
2016 NWO-CW NCI-TA Grant with B.M. Weckhuysen (Utrecht), Shell, DSM-Resolve and LPM (k€ 447)
2016 ESRF PhD student grant (k€ 102)
2016 NWO-EW Supercomputing grant
2016 July and November: Beam time at ESRF Grenoble
2015 NWO-CW CatC1Chem Grant with L.B.F. Juurlink (k€ 267)
2015 NWO-EW Supercomputing grant
2015 Beam time at ESRF Grenoble
2015 Finalist Gerhard Ertl Young Scientist Award
2012 NWO/STW Veni Fellowship (k€ 250)
2012 Qualified in global competition to visit the Lindau Noble Laureate Meeting
2010 Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (k€ 80)
Contribution to teaching and supervision
- Courses for BSc MST and LST: Chemie en Fysica van Vaste Stoffen, Examples from Sustainable Industry
- Courses for MSc Chemistry and Physics at Leiden University: Heterogeneous Catalysis, Catalytic Surface Science, and Surface Science.
- Course for HRSMC PhD and MSc students: Methods in Inorganic Chemistry
- Courses for Pre-University College at Leiden University
(Co-)supervision of 14 PhD students and 3 postdoctoral fellows since 2015.
Other responsibilities since 2010
- Guest Editor of Surfaces (2023)
- Member of Raad van Toezicht Leidse Instrumentmakers School (2022 onwards)
- Member of the board of the Dutch Catalysis Society (2020 onwards)
- Member of the review panel Materials Science of the Swedish Research Council (2020)
- Member of the NWO Veni review committees of Physics and of Applied Sciences (2017, 2018, 2022)
- Member of the NWO Natuurkunde Groot review committee (2018)
- Member of the board of the Surface Science Division of the American Vacuum Society (2019 onwards); Program Chair (2023); Chair (2024)
- Member of the board of the Dutch Nano, Quantum and Materials Physics research community (2018-onwards)
- Board of RISE
- Editor of the book: Operando research in heterogeneous catalysis, editors J.W.M. Frenken and I.M.N. Groot, Springer Verlag, in press
- Chair of the symposium Catalytic Surface Science of the Condensed Matter Division Meeting of the European Physical Society in Groningen, 3-9 September 2016
- Chair of the jury of the poster prize at Physics@FOM 2016
- Programme committee of European Conference on Surface Science 2016
- Chair of the Gordon Research Seminar Dynamics at Surfaces, 2011
- External member to PhD committee in Sweden
- Reviewer for Science, Nature Communications, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Catalysis, Review of Scientific Instruments, Catalysis Today, New Journal of Physics, and Surface Science
- Reviewer for Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
- Reviewer for Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), European Research Council (starting and advanced grants), Alexander von Humboldt foundation, Islandic Research Fund
Publication record including five recent representative publications
53 papers with >1180 citations, H-index 19 (Web of Science)
Full publication record: Leiden University
- S. Wenzel, D. Boden, R. van Lent, E. Motaee, M.K. Prabhu, H. Achour, and I.M.N. Groot, Spectroscopic investigation of a Co(0001) model catalyst during exposure to H2 and CO at near-ambient pressures, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 25094 (2023). DOI: 10.1039/D3CP02739B
Chosen as HOT paper and for front cover - I.M.N. Groot, Investigation of Active Catalysts at Work, Acc. Chem. Res. 54, 4334 (2021). DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.1c00429
Invited paper - M. Jankowski, M. Saedi, F. la Porta, A.C. Manikas, C. Tsakonas, J.S. Cingolani, M. Andersen, J.M. de Voogd, G.J.C. van Baarle, K. Reuter, C. Galiotis, G. Renaud, O.V. Konovalov and I.M.N. Groot, Real-time monitoring and tailoring of graphene growth on liquid copper, ACS Nano 15, 9638 (2021). DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c10377
Chosen as ESRF Highlight - R.V. Mom, J. Louwen, J.W.M. Frenken, I.M.N. Groot, In situ observations of an active MoS2 model hydrodesulfurization catalyst, Nature Commun. 10, 2546 (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-10526-0
- Spronsen M.A. van, Frenken J.M.W., Groot I.M.N., Surface science under reaction conditions: CO oxidation on Pt and Pd model catalysts. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2017, 46, 4347-4374. DOI: 10.1039/C7CS00045F
Presentations including five presentations at international conferences since 2014
~40 invited presentations at universities, companies and institutes, and invited, keynote and plenary lectures at international conferences since 2014
- American Chemical Society Meeting (2015, 2017, 2022, 2023)
- In situ Microscopy meeting of the Royal Society (UK, 2019)
- Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Conference (March 2016)
- Annual meeting of the German Physical Society (March 2015)
- American Vacuum Society Meeting (2014, 2019)
Professor Surface and interface science
- Science
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Energy & Sustainability
- Boden D., Meyer J. & Groot I.M.N. (2025), The effect of NO and CO on the Rh(100) surface at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, Surface Science 754: 122679.
- Prabhu M.K. & Groot I.M.N. (2024), Atomic-level insights into single-layer Co-promoted MoS2 clusters supported on a rutile TiO2(110) model oxide support, Surface Science 739: 122385.
- Rein V., Gao H., Heenen H.H., Sghaier W., Manikas A.C., Tsakonas C., Saedi M., Margraf J.T., Galiotis C., Renaud G., Konovalov O.V., Groot I.M.N., Reuter K. & Jankowski M. (2024), Operando Characterization and Molecular Simulations Reveal the Growth Kinetics of Graphene on Liquid Copper During Chemical Vapor Deposition, ACS Nano 18(19): 12503-12511.
- Cavinato L.M., Kost V., Campos‐Jara S., Ferrara S. Chowdhury S., Groot I.M.N., Da Ros T. & Costa R.D. (2024), Blue‐Emitting Boron‐ and Nitrogen‐Doped Carbon Dots for White Light‐Emitting Electrochemical Cells, Advanced Optical Materials 12(27): 2400618.
- Wenzel S., Boden D. & Groot I.M.N. (2024), Gold oxide formation on Au(111) under CO oxidation conditions at room temperature, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26(36): 23623-23630.
- Prabhu M.K., Louwen J.N., Vogt E.T.C. & Groot I.M.N. (2024), Hydrodesulfurization of methanethiol over Co-promoted MoS2 model catalysts, Nature Communications 15(1): 7170.
- Sfougkaris I., Tsakonas C., Manikas A.C., Pastore C.M.G., Pavlou C., Groot I.M.N., Saedi M., van Baarle G.J.C., de Voogd M., Rein V., Jankowski M., Konovalov O.V., Renaud G & Galiotis C. (2024), Mechanical Integrity and Reinforcement Efficiency of Graphene Grown on Liquid Copper by Chemical Vapor Deposition, Advanced Materials Interfaces 11(22): 2400193.
- Konovalov O., Rein V., Saedi M., Groot I.M.N., Renaud G. & Jankowski M. (2024), Tripling of the scattering vector range of X-ray reflectivity on liquid surfaces using a double-crystal deflector, Journal for Applied Crystallography 57(Part 2): 258-265.
- Rein V., Letellier F., Jankowski M., Voogd J.M. de, Prabhu M.K., Yalo L., Baarle G.van, Renaud G., Saedi M., Groot I.M.N. & Konovalov O.V. (2024), In situ characterisation of graphene growth on liquid copper-gallium alloys: Paving the path for cost-effective synthesis, Applied Surface Science 657: 159723.
- Belova V., Jankowski M., Saedi M., Groot I.M.N., Renaud G. & Konovalov O.V. (2023), Employing surface curvature for spatially resolved X‐Ray reflectivity: graphene domains on liquid copper, Advanced Materials Interfaces 10(15): 2300053.
- Prabhu M.K. & Groot I.M.N. (2023), From a Co-Mo precursor to 1H and 1T Co-promoted MoS2: exploring the effects of gas pressure, Frontiers in Physics 11: 1240731.
- Wenzel S., Boden D., Lent R. van, Motaee E., Prabhu M.K., Achour H. & Groot I.M.N. (2023), Spectroscopic investigation of a Co(0001) model catalyst during exposure to H2 and CO at near-ambient pressures, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25(37): 25094-25104.
- Zhang D., Virchenko V.S., Jansen C., Bakker J.M., Meyer J., Kleyn A.W., Groot I.M.N., Berg O.T. & Juurlink L.B.F. (2023), Characterization of CO adsorbed to clean and oartially Oxidized Cu(211) and Cu(111), The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 127(50): 24158-24167.
- Saedi M., Mohseni S.M. & Groot I.M.N. (2022), Thermodynamic analysis of graphene CVD grown on liquid metal: Growth on liquid metallic gallium or solid gallium oxide skin?, Materials Chemistry and Physics 275: 125203.
- Wenzel S. & Groot I.M.N. (2022), ZnO(101¯0) is unstable in moderate pressures of water, Surface Science 715: 121940.
- Boden D., Groot I.M.N. & Meyer J. (2022), Elucidating the initial oxidation of Pt(111) using large-scale atomistic thermodynamics: a ReaxFF Study, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 126(47): 20020-20027.
- Gao H., Belova V., La Porta F., Cingolani J.S., Andersen M., Seadi A., Konovalov O.V., Jankowski M., Heenen H.H., Groot I.M.N., Renaud G. & Reuter K. (2022), Graphene at liquid copper catalysts: atomic‐scale agreement of experimental and first‐principles adsorption height, Advanced Science 9(36): 2204684.
- Konovalov O., Belova V., La Porta F., Saedi M., Groot I.M.N., Renaud G., Snigireva I., Snigirev A., Voevodina m., Shen C., Sartori A., Murphy B.M. & Jankowski M. (2022), X-ray reflectivity from curved surfaces as illustrated by a graphene layer on molten copper, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 29: 711-720.
- Jankowski M., Saedi A., La Porta F., Manikas A.C., Tsakonas C., Cingolani J.S., Andersen M., Voogd M. de, Baarle G.J.C. van, Reuter K. Galiotis C., Renaud G., Konovalov O.V. & Groot I.M.N. (2021), Real-time multiscale monitoring and tailoring of graphene growth on liquid copper, ACS Nano 15(7): 12455.
- Prabhu M.K. & Groot I.M.N. (2021), Simultaneous sulfidation of Mo and Co oxides supported on Au(111), Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23(14): 8403-8412.
- Groot & I.M.N. (2021), Investigation of Active Catalysts at Work, Accounts of Chemical Research 54(23): 4334-4341.
- Prabhu M.K. Boden D. Rost M.J. Meyer J. Groot I.M.N. (2020), Structural characterization of a novel two-dimensional material: cobalt sulfide sheets on Au(111), Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11(21): 9038–9044.
- Saedi M., Voogd J.M. de, Sjardin A., Manikas A., Galiotis C., Jankowski M., Renaud G., La Porta F., Konovalov O., Baarle G.J.C. van & Groot I.M.N. (2020), Development of a reactor for the in situ monitoring of 2D materials growth on liquid metal catalysts, using synchrotron x-ray scattering, Raman spectroscopy, and optical microscopy, Review of Scientific Instruments 91(1): 013907.
- Prabhu M.K. & Groot I.M.N. (2020), Low-temperature synthesis strategy for MoS2 slabs supported on TiO2(110), Surfaces 3(4): 605-621.
- Nour Ghassemi E., Smeets E.W.F., Somers M.F., Kroes G.J., Groot I.M.N., Juurlink LB.F. & Füchsel G. (2019), Transferability of the Specific Reaction Parameter Density Functional for H2 + Pt(111) to H2 + Pt(211), The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 123(5): 2973-2986.
- Mom R.V., Louwen J.N., Frenken J.W.M. & Groot I.M.N. (2019), In situ observations of an active MoS2 model hydrodesulfurization catalyst, Nature Communications 10: 2546.
- Mom R.V., Melissen S.T.A.G., Sautet P., Frenken J.W.M., Steinmann S.N. & Groot I.M.N. (2019), The Pressure Gap for Thiols: Methanethiol Self-Assembly on Au(111) from Vacuum to 1 bar, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 123(19): 12382-12389.
- Mom R.V., Vermeer J., Frenken J.W.M. & Groot I.M.N. (2018), Structural Dynamics of Al2O3/NiAl(110) During Film Growth in NO2, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122(2): 788–793.
- Mom R.V., Ivashenko O., Frenken J.W.M., Groot I.M.N. & Sjastad A.O. (2018), Nucleation, alloying, and stability of Co-Re bimetallic nanoparticles on Al2O3/NiAl(110), The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 122(16): 8967-8975.
- Groot I.M.N. (2018), Operando Scanning Probe Microscopy, Surface X-ray Diraction, and Optical Microscopy for Catalysis Studies. In: Wandelt K. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry - Surface Science and Electrochemistry. Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering no. volume 1: Elsevier. 336-353.
- Zheng J., Ivashenko O., Fjellvag H., Groot I.M.N. & Sjastad A.O. (2018), Roadmap for Modeling RhPt/Pt(111) Catalytic Surfaces, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 122(46): 26430-26437.
- Frenken J.M.W. & Groot I.M.N. (2017), Live Observations of Catalysts Using High-Pressure Scanning Probe Microscopy. In: Frenken J.M.W. & Groot I.M.N. (Eds.), Operando research in heterogeneous catalysis. Springer Series in Chemical Physics no. 114. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 1-30.
- Frenken J.M.W. & Groot I.M.N. (2017), Operando Research in Heterogeneous Catalysis. Springer Series in Chemical Physics no. 114. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Roobol S.B., Onderwaater W.G., Spronsen M.A. van, Carla F., Balmes O., Navarro V., Vendelbo S., Kooyman P.J., Elkjaer C.F., Helveg S., Felici R., Frenken J.W.M. & Groot I.M.N. (2017), In situ studies of NO reduction by H-2 over Pt using surface X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19(12): 8485-8495.
- Mom R.V., Onderwaater W.G., Rost M.J., Jankowski M., Wenzel S., Jacobse L., Alkemade P.F.A., Vandalon V., Spronsen M.A. van, Weeren M. van, Crama L., Tuijn P.C. van der, Felici R., Kessels W.M.M., Carla F., Frenken J.W.M. & Groot I.M.N. (2017), Simultaneous scanning tunneling microscopy and synchrotron X-ray measurements in a gas environment, Ultramicroscopy 182: 233-242.
- Onderwaater W.G., Taranovskyy A., Baarle G.C. van, Frenken J.W.M. & Groot I.M.N. (2017), In Situ Optical Reflectance Difference Observations of CO Oxidation over Pd(100), The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 121(21): 11407-11415.
- Spronsen M.A. van, Frenken J.W.M. & Groot I.M.N. (2017), Surface science under reaction conditions: CO oxidation on Pt and Pd model catalysts, Chemical Society Reviews 46(14): 4347-4374.
- Spronsen M.A. van, Frenken J.W.M. & Groot I.M.N. (2017), Observing the oxidation of platinum, Nature Communications 8: 429.
- Onderwaater W.G., Taranovskyy A., Bremmer G.M., Baarle G.J.C. van, Frenken J.W.M. & Groot I.M.N. (2017), From dull to shiny: A novel setup for reflectance difference analysis under catalytic conditions, Review of Scientific Instruments 88(2): 023704.
- Frenken J.W.M. & Groot I.M.N. (2017), Seeing dynamic phenomena with live scanning tunneling microscopy, MRS Bulletin 42(11): 834-841.
- Liu B.-H., Groot I.M.N., Pan Q., Shaikhutdinov S. & Freund H.-J. (2017), Ultrathin Zn and ZnO films on Cu(111) as model catalysts, Applied Catalysis A: General 548: 16-23.
- Onderwaater W.G., Tuijn P.C. van der, Mom R.V., Spronsen M.A. van, Roobol S.B., Saedi A., Dnec J., Isern H., Carla F., Dufrane T., Koehler R.C.T., Crama L., Groot I.M.N., Felici R. & Frenken J.W.M. (2016), Combined scanning probe microscopy and x-ray scattering instrument for in situ catalysis investigations, Review of Scientific Instruments 87: 113705.
- Lewandowski M., Groot I.M.N., Qin Z.H., Ossowski T., Pabisiak T., Kiejna A., Pavlovska A., Shaikhutdinov S., Freund H.J. & Bauer E. (2016), Nanoscale Patterns on Polar Oxide Surfaces, Chemistry of Materials 28(20): 7433–7443.
- Mom R.V., Rost M.J., Frenken J.W.M. & Groot I.M.N. (2016), Tuning the properties of molybdenum oxide on Al2O3/NiAl(110): metal versus oxide deposition, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 120(35): 19737–19743.
- Spronsen M.A. van, Baarle G.J.C. van, Herbschleb C.T., Frenken J.W.M. & Groot I.M.N. (2015), High-pressure operando STM studies giving insight in CO oxidation and NO reduction of Pt(110), Catalysis Today 244: 85-95.
- Pan Q., Liu B.H., McBriarty M.E., Martynova Y., Groot I.M.N., Wang S., Bedzyk M.J., Shaikhutdinov S. & Freund H.J. (2014), Reactivity of Ultra-Thin ZnO Films Supported by Ag(111) and Cu(111): A Comparison to ZnO/Pt(111), Catalysis Letters 144(4): 648-655.
- Groot I.M.N., Kleyn A.W. & Juurlink L.B.F. (2013), Separating catalytic activity at edges and terraces on platinum: hydrogen dissociation, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 117(18): 9266-9274.
- Martynova Y., Liu B.H., McBriarty M.E., Groot I.M.N., Bedzyk M.J., Shaikhutdinov S. & Freund H.J. (2013), CO oxidation over ZnO films on Pt(111) at near-atmospheric pressures, Journal of Catalysis 301: 227-232.
- Ueta H., Groot I.M.N., Juurlink L.B.F., Kleyn A.W. & Gleeson M.A. (2012), Evidence of stable high-temperature D-x-CO intermediates on the Ru(0001) surface, The Journal of Chemical Physics 136(11): 114710.
- Lewandowsk M., Groot I.M.N., Shaikhutdinov S. & Freund H.J. (2012), Scanning tunneling microscopy evidence for the Mars-van Krevelen type mechanism of low temperature CO oxidation on an FeO(1 1 1) film on Pt(1 1 1), Catalysis Today 181(1): 52-55.
- Wlodarczyk R., Sierka M., Sauer J., Löffler D., Uhlrich J.J., Yu X., Yang B., Groot I.M.N., Shaikhutdinov S. & Freund H.J. (2012), Tuning the electronic structure of ultrathin crystalline silica films on Ru(0001), Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 85(8): 085403.
- Groot I.M.N., Kleyn A.W. & Juurlink L.B.F. (2011), The energy dependence of the ratio of step and terrace reactivity for H(2) dissociation on stepped platinum, Angewandte Chemie (International Edition) 50(22): 5174-5177.
- Lei Y., Lewandowski M., Sun Y.N., Fujimori Y., Martynova Y., Groot I.M.N., Meyer R.J., Giordano L., Pacchioni G., Goniakowski J., Noguera C., Shaikhutdinov S. & Freund H.J. (2011), CO plus NO versus CO+O-2 Reaction on Monolayer FeO(111) Films on Pt(111), ChemCatChem 3(4): 671-674.
- Hahn C., Shan J.J., Groot I.M.N., Kleyn A.W. & Juurlink L.B.F. (2010), Selective poisoning of active sites for D-2 dissociation on platinum, Catalysis Today 154(1-2): .
- Groot I.M.N., Juanes-Marcos J.C., Diaz C., Somers M.F., Olsen R.A. & Kroes G.J. (2010), Dynamics of dissociative adsorption of hydrogen on a CO-precovered Ru(0001) surface: a comparison of theoretical and experimental results, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12(6): 1331-1340.
- Groot I.M.N., Juanes-Marcos J.C., Olsen R.A. & Kroes G.J. (2010), A theoretical study of H-2 dissociation on (root 3x root 3)R30 degrees CO/Ru(0001), The Journal of Chemical Physics 132(14): 144704.
- Giordano L., Lewandowski M., Groot I.M.N., Sun Y.N., Goniakowski J., Noguera C., Shaikhutdinov S., Pacchioni G. & Freund H.J. (2010), Oxygen-Induced Transformations of an FeO(111) Film on Pt(111): A Combined DFT and STM Study, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 114(49): 21504-21509.
- Weststrate C.J., Lundgren E., Andersen J., Rienks E.D.L., Gluhoi A., Bakker J., Groot I.M.N. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2009), CO adsorption on Au(310) and Au(321): 6-Fold coordinated gold atoms, Surface Science 603(13): 2152-2157.
- Groot I.M.N., Schouten K.J.P., Kleyn A.W. & Juurlink L.B.F. (2008), Dynamics of hydrogen dissociation on stepped platinum, The Journal of Chemical Physics 129: 4.
- Ueta H., Groot I.M.N., Gleeson M.A., Stolte S., McBane G.C. & Kleyn A.W. (2008), CO Blocking of D-2 Dissociative Adsorption on Ru(0001), ChemPhysChem 9(16): 2372-2378.
- Groot I.M.N., Ueta H., Niet M. de, Kleyn A.W. & Juurlink L.B.F. (2007), Supersonic molecular beam studies of dissociative adsorption of H-2 on Ru(0001), The Journal of Chemical Physics 127(24): 244701.
- Broekhuizen F.A. van, Groot I.M.N., Fraser H.J., Dishoeck E.F. van & Schlemmer S. (2006), Infrared spectroscopy of solid CO-CO2 mixtures and layers, Astronomy and Astrophysics 451(2): 723-731.
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