Ionica Smeets
Professor Science communication
- Name
- I. Smeets
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 1119
- 0000-0003-1743-9493
Ionica Smeets is a communication scholar who wants to improve the interaction between science and society by studying how science communication works. The general public knows her for her popular science columns, blogs, books and television work. She has also written several books on science communication.
More information about Ionica Smeets
PhD Candidates
Ionica Smeets’ main research interest is bridging the gap between experts and the general public. She believes it is important to connect citizens and science, because science is a part of society. Researchers should both communicate their results to the public in the best possible way and listen to what society demands from them.
Ionica Smeets did her PhD in pure mathematics. The transition from this rather abstract field to science communication provides her with a broader outlook on science and an understanding of what science means and how it is performed in different fields.
After a postdoc in Public Understanding of Science, Smeets left the academic world for a few years. She worked as an independent science journalist, obtaining practical experience in communicating science with the general public. She appeared on the Dutch television show ‘Zomergasten’ and made her own science show ‘Eureka’. She also wrote a number of books including: ‘Het exacte verhaal’, a practical guide for scientists on science communication, ‘Zoete kinderen eten geen suiker’, about parenting myths that are disproved by science, ‘Ik was altijd heel slecht in wiskunde’ (with Jeanine Daems) and ‘Vallende kwartjes’ (with Bas Haring). During her time as a mathematician she wrote a popular mathematics blog called ‘Wiskundemeisjes’ with Jeanine Deams. This blog received various awards, including two Dutch Bloggies and the Mr. K.J. Cath-prize.
In 2015 Ionica Smeets decided to come back to the university to do research on effective science communication and to provide students of the science faculty with a firm foundation in science communication.
Examples of Smeets’ current research are the effect of exaggeration in press releases on media coverage of health research, participants experiences in citizen science projects, differences in interpretation of jargon between laymen and experts and developing evidence-based outreach material. She is the figurehead of route ‘Building blocks of matter and fundaments of space and time’ from the Dutch national research agenda
The main research themes of her group are:
• Authenticity in informal learning.
• Bridging the gap between experts and the general public.
Their mission is understanding how science communication works to improve the interaction between science and society in order to emancipate society, especially disadvantaged groups.
Professor Science communication
- Science
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- Meinsma A.L., Kristensen S.W., Reijnierse W.G., Smeets I. & Cramer J. (2023), Is everything quantum ‘spooky and weird’?: An exploration of popular communication about quantum science and technology in TEDx talks, Quantum Science and Technology 8(3): 035004.
- Lungu D.A., Røislien J., Berg S.H., Smeets I., Shortt M.T., Thune H. & Røislien K.K. (2023), Assessing the effect of nonvisual information factors in pandemic-related video communication: randomized controlled between-subjects experiment, Journal of Medical Internet Research 25: e42528.
- Bossema F.G., Zwetsloot C.P.A.. & Smeets I. (2023), Math in the city: designing a math trail for high school students. In: Hartkopf A.M. (Ed.), Handbook of mathematical science communication. World Scientific Series on Science Communication no. 3 53-72.
- Verkade A. & Smeets I (2023), Nationaal expertisecentrum wetenschap & samenleving – plan van aanpak. Den Haag: Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap.
- Hooykaas M.J.D., Schilthuizen M., Albers C.J. & Smeets I. (2022), Species identification skills predict in-depth knowledge about species, PLoS ONE 17(4): e0266972.
- Røislien J., O'Hara J.K., Smeets I., Brønnick K., Berg S.H., Shortt M.T., Lungu D.A., Thune H. & Wiig S. (2022), Creating effective, evidence-based video communication of public health science (COVCOM Study): protocol for a sequential mixed methods effect study, JMIR Research Protocols 11(3): e34275.
- Hooykaas M.J.D., Holierhoek M.G., Westerveld J.S., Schilthuizen M. & Smeets I. (2022), Animal biodiversity and specificity in children’s picture books, Public Understanding of Science 31(5): 671-688.
- Driessen J.E.P., Vos D.A.C., Smeets I. & Albers C.J. (2022), Misleading graphs in context: less misleading than expected, PLoS ONE 17(6): e0265823.
- Erinma O., Rodrigues Dos Santos Russo P.M. & Smeets I. (2022), "The future is now": a European perspective on the future of science communication, Journal of Science Communication 21(5): .
- Bruijnzeel A.B., Yazilitas D., Smeets I., Bruyckere P. de & Cramer J. (2022), How diverse is diversity? : An exploration of references to diversity in the recent literature in STEM higher education, European Journal of Stem Education 7(1): 12.
- Wijnker W., Smeets I., Burger P.J. & Willems S.J.W. (2022), Debunking strategies for misleading bar charts, Journal of Science Communication 21(7): A07.
- Smeets I., Willems S.J.W., Burger J.P. & Wijnker W. (20 December 2022), Op deze vier manieren kun je misleidende grafieken succesvol debunken. Nieuwscheckers. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Kristensen S.W., Cramer J., McCollam A., Reijnierse W.G. & Smeets I. (2021), The matter of complex anti-matter: the portrayal and framing of physics in Dutch newspapers, Journal of Science Communication 20(7): A02.
- Smeets I. (2021), Vijf grote uitdagingen in de wetenschapscommunicatie, Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap 49(2): 185-197.
- Shortt M.T., Smeets I., Wiig S., Berg S.H., Lungu D A., Thune H. & Røislien J. (2021), Shortcomings in public health authorities’ videos on COVID-19: limited reach and a creative gap, Frontiers in Communication 6: 764220.
- Vendel E. van de & Smeets I. (2021), Rekenen voor je leven. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Nieuwezijds.
- Cheplygina V., Hermans F.F.J., Albers C., Bielczyk N. & Smeets I. (2020), Ten simple rules for getting started on Twitter as a scientist, PLoS Computational Biology 16(2): e1007513.
- Grimmon A.S., Cramer J., Yazilitas D., Smeets I. & De Bruyckere P. (2020), Interest in STEM among children with a low socio-economic status: Further support for the STEM-CIS-instrument through the adapted Dutch STEM-LIT measuring instrument, Cogent Education 7(1): 1745541.
- Hooykaas M.J.D., Schilthuizen M. & Smeets I. (2020), Expanding the role of biodiversity in Laypeople’s lives: The view of communicators, Sustainability 12(7): 2768.
- Willems S., Albers C. & Smeets I. (2020), Variability in the interpretation of probability phrases used in Dutch news articles — a risk for miscommunication, Journal of Science Communication 19(02): A03.
- Evers A.W.M., Colloca L., Blease C., Gaab J., Jensen K.B., Atlas L.Y., Beedie C.J., Benedetti F., Bingel U., Büchel C., Bussemaker J., Colagiuri B., Crum A.J., Finniss D.G., Geers A.L., Howick J., Klinger R., Meeuwis S.H., Meissner K., Napadow V., Petrie K.J., Rief W., Smeets I., Wager T.D., Wanigasekera V., Vase L., Kelley J.M. & Kirsch I. (2020), What should clinicians tell patients about placebo and nocebo effects? Practical considerations based on expert consensus, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 90(1): 49-56.
- Bussemaker M., Evers A.W.M. & Smeets I. (2020), Goede communicatie kan patiënt een boost geven, Medisch Contact 75(7): 34-36.
- Cramer J., De Bruyckere P., Bruynzeel A., Yazilitas D. & Smeets I., Het Leidse tutorprogramma (Leiden University). [web article].
- Hariman M., Vries M.J. de & Smeets I. (2019), Topic modeling for exploring cancer-related coverage in journalistic texts. Atzmueller M. & Duivesteijn W. (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence. BNAIC 2018. 30th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC) 8 November 2018 - 9 November 2018 no. 1021. Cham: Springer. 43-51.
- Hooykaas M.J.D., Schilthuizen M., Aten C., Hemelaar E.M., Albers C.J. & Smeets I. (2019), Identification skills in biodiversity professionals and laypeople: a gap in species literacy, Biological Conservation 238: 108202.
- Bossema F.G., Burger J.P., Bratton L., Challenger A., Adams R.C., Sumner P., Schat J., Numans M.E. & Smeets I. (2019), Expert quotes and exaggeration in health news: a retrospective quantitative content analysis, Wellcome Open Research 4: 56.
- Venhuizen G.J., Hut R., Albers C., Stoof C.R. & Smeets I. (2019), Flooded by jargon: how the interpretation of water-related terms differs between hydrology experts and the general audience, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23: 393-403.
- Driessen Y. & Smeets I. (2019), Ype & Ionica: de verrassende verjaardagen:: en andere nogal logische fotostrips. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Nieuwezijds.
- Smeets I. (2019), Superlogisch: hoe getallen je helpen om de wereld beter te begrijpen. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Nieuwezijds.
- Vries M.J. de, Land-Zandstra A.M. & Smeets I. (2019), Citizen scientists’ preferences for communication of scientific output: a literature review, Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 4(1): 2.
- Schat J., Bossema F.G., Numans M.E., Smeets I. & Burger P. (2018), Overdreven gezondheidsnieuws. Relatie tussen overdrijving in academische persberichten en in nieuwsmedia, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 162(1): D1936.
- Smeets I. (2018), What Do People Like about Mathematics?, ALM International Journal 13(1): 58-64.
- Smeets I. (2017), Gelijk hebben én krijgen. Smeets I. (Ed.), NVVK Congresbundel. NVVK Conference: Vakmedianet. 6-10.
- Hut R.W., Land-Zandstra A.M., Smeets I. & Stoof C. (2016), Geoscience on television: a review of science communication literature in the context of geosciences, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20: 2507-2518.
- Smeets I. (2016), Zoete kinderen eten geen suiker:: en andere opvoedfabeltjes die door de wetenschap zijn ontkracht. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Nieuwezijds.
- Smeets I. (16 June 2010), On continued fraction algorithms (Dissertatie. Mathematical Institute (MI), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Tijdeman R., Kraaikamp C.
- Voorzitter bestuur
- Wetenschapsjournalist, columnist en programma-maker
- Spreker en/of dagvoorzitter
- Scientific Advisory Board
- Redactieraad Delta
- Academic Partner CPB
- Extern lid selectiecommissie Marsilius-Kolleg
- Lid Raad van Toezicht - portefeuille Wetenschapscommunicatie
- Bestuur