Universiteit Leiden

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Ineke Sluiter

Professor of Greek Language and Literature / Academy Professor (KNAW)

Prof.dr. I. Sluiter
+31 71 527 3311

Ineke Sluiter is Professor of Greek language and literature. Her research focuses on Ancient ideas on language, public debates and the use of value discourse, and connection between classics and the modern world. She is a member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities, and the Academia Europaea.

More information about Ineke Sluiter

Fields of interest

  • Ancient ideas on language
  • Public debates and the use of value discourse
  • Connection between classics and the modern world


  • Anchoring Innovation, the new research agenda of a consortium of OIKOS researchers. See ru.nl/oikos.
  • Spinoza project on the contributions of Humanities research to cognition studies and vice versa. Notably, a cognitive approach to Greek tragedy. Conference on ‘Minds on Stage’ (coorganized with dr Felix Budelmann, Oxford) planned for 2016.
  • Co-editor (with Albert Rijksbaron) of the new digital open-access Greek-Dutch dictionary; for a pilot, see woordenboekgrieks.nl.
  • Studies in ancient commentary culture.
  • The Penn-Leiden Colloquia on Ancient Values: a long-term research project on the discourse of 'values' (e.g. courage, free speech, badness) in the ancient world . Currently, co-editing (with Jeremy McInerney) the volume on ‘Landscapes of Value’, to appear with Brill, Leiden in 2016.

Curriculum Vitae

Ineke Sluiter (Amsterdam 1959) studied Classics at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, where she also defended her PhD thesis (cum laude; Ancient Grammar in Context. Contributions to the Study of Ancient Linguistic Thought. Amsterdam: VU University Press 1990). After a post-doc fellowship from the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences and research fellowships at Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies (Washington DC, 1994/5) and the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, 1996/7), she was appointed Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia).
In 1999 she was appointed Full Professor on the chair of Greek language and literature at Leiden University. From 2000-2011, she was the academic director of OIKOS, National Research School in Classical Studies, the Netherlands. Currently, she is an OIKOS Board member, chair of the teaching committee, and academic director of the research agenda ‘Anchoring Innovation’.

Ineke Sluiter has won several prizes and awards both for her research and teaching, and has given several prestigious lectures (e.g. on the occasion of the 430th dies natalis of Leiden Univ.). She is a member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities, and the Academia Europaea. Some of her lectures are available as audio-books, either streamed or on cd.

In 2018 she was elected vice-President of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (2018-2020) and President elect for 2020-2022.

Teaching activities

Recent courses include:

  • "Matricide three times over" (on the Orestes/Electra plays by Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides)
  • "Plato and the poets"
  • Homer (including taking part with a student/faculty team in the Homer Multitext Project in Washington DC
  • "Socrates: drama, philosophy, society" (central text: Aristophanes’ Clouds)

Professor of Greek Language and Literature / Academy Professor (KNAW)

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Centre for the Arts in Society
  • Griekse T&C

Work address

Arsenaalstraat 1
2311 CT Leiden
Room number A0.24



  • Stichting Nederlandse Biografieprijs jurylid
  • Univ. Leiden voorzitter jury Legatum Stolpianum
  • KHMW jurylid Mercator Sapiens premie
  • ILFU (International Literature Festival Utrecht) voorzitter RvT
  • Radboud University lid Advisory Board Radboud Univ. Press
  • Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics member SAB
  • Universität Basel lid Scientific Advisory Board Altertumswissenschaften
  • Paleis op de Dam lid van de paleiscommissie
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