Ignas Snellen
Scientific director / Professor of Observational astrophysics
- Name
- Prof.dr. I.A.G. Snellen
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5838
- snellen@strw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-1624-3667

Ignas Snellen is a Full Professor at Leiden University. His main area of research is extrasolar planets.
More information about Ignas Snellen
Former PhD candidates
Ignas Snellen is Professor in Astronomy at Leiden University. After concluding his PhD research in Leiden in 1997, he worked for three years as a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge, after which he became an astronomy lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. He returned to Leiden University in 2004.
His main area of research is extrasolar planets. Snellen's group develops observation and data-reduction techniques for ground-based telescopes, particularly geared to be used for the future extremely large telescopes (ELT). Important successes have been reached using high-dispersion spectroscopy, in which the planet light is separated from the much brighter starlight using its unique spectral features combined with time-differential and/or spatial separation techniques - techniques often developed in his team.
Snellen's team has also developed a new camera-system to find the brightest transiting planets in the sky, MASCARA, of which the first system is operational on La Palma.
Scientific director / Professor of Observational astrophysics
- Science
- Sterrewacht
- Grasser N., Snellen I.A.G., Landman R., González Picos D. & Gandhi S. (2024), Peering above the clouds of the warm Neptune GJ 436 b with CRIRES+, Astronomy & Astrophysics 688: A191.
- Gandhi S.N., Landman R., Snellen I.A.G., Welbanks L., Madhusudhan N. & Brogi M. (2024), Revealing H2O dissociation in WASP-76 b through combined high- and low-resolution transmission spectroscopy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 530(3): 2885-2894.
- González Picos D., Snellen I.A.G., Regt S. de, Landman R., Zhang Y., Gandhi S.N., Ginski C., Kesseli A.Y., Mollière P. & Stolker T. (2024), The ESO SupJup survey: II. The 12C/13C isotope ratios of three young brown dwarfs with CRIRES+, Astronomy & Astrophysics 689: A212.
- Regt S. de, Gandhi S.N., Snellen I.A.G., Zhang Y., Ginski C., González Picos D., Kesseli A.Y., Landman R., Mollière P., Nasedkin E., Sánchez-López A. & Stolker T. (2024), The ESO SupJup Survey. I: chemical and isotopic characterisation of the late L-dwarf DENIS J0255-4700 with CRIRES+, Astronomy & Astrophysics 688: A116.
- Kesseli A.Y., Beltz H., Rauscher E. & Snellen I.A.G. (2024), Up, up, and away: winds and dynamical structure as a function of altitude in the ultrahot Jupiter WASP-76b, The Astrophysical Journal 975(1): 9.
- Zhang Y., Xuan W., Snellen I. & Mawet D. (2024), Atmospheric characterization of super-Jovian exoplanets through the high-res eyes of CRIRES and KPIC, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts. AASTCS 10: Extreme Solar Systems V 16 March 2024 - 21 March 2024. Bulletin of the AAS no. 56. Christchurch, New Zealand: AAS Publishing . 626.03.
- Dorval P. & Snellen I.A.G. (2024), Mitigating stellar activity in radial velocity measurements through the spectral tracking of starspots, Astronomy & Astrophysics 684: A152.
- Zhang Y., González Picos D., Regt S. de, Snellen I.A.G., Gandhi S., Ginski C., Kesseli A.Y., Landman R., Mollière P., Nasedkin E., Sánchez-López A., Stolker T., Inglis J., Knutson H.A., Mawet D., Wallack N. & Xuan J.W. (2024), The ESO SupJup Survey. III. Confirmation of 13CO in YSES 1 b and atmospheric detection of YSES 1 c with CRIRES+, Astronomical Journal 168(6): 246.
- Zieba S., Zwintz K., Kenworthy M.A., Hey D., Murphy S.J., Kuschnig R., Abe L., Agabi A., Mekarnia D., Guillot T., Schmider F.-X., Stee P., De Pra Y., Buttu M., Crouzet N.M., Mellon S., Bailey J., Stuik R., Dorval P., Talens G.J., Crawford S., Mamajek E., Laginja I., Ireland M., Lomberg B., Kuhn R., Snellen I.A.G., Kalas P., Wang J.J., Stevenson K.B., de Mooij E., Lagrange A.-M., Lacour S., Nowak M., Strøm P.A., Hui Z. & Wang L. (2024), The β Pictoris b Hill sphere transit campaign: II. Searching for the signatures of the β Pictoris exoplanets through time delay analysis of the δ Scuti pulsations, Astronomy & Astrophysics 687: A309.
- Landman R., Stolker T., Snellen I.A.G., Costes J., Regt S. de, Zhang Y., Gandhi S.N., Molliere P., Kesseli A., Vigan A. & Sanchez-López A. (2024), β Pictoris b through the eyes of the upgraded CRIRES+: atmospheric composition, spin rotation, and radial velocity, Astronomy and Astrophysics 682: A48.
- Gandhi S.N., Kesseli A., Zhang Y., Louca A.J., Snellen I.A.G., Brogi M., Miguel Y., Casasayas-Barris N., Pelletier S., Landman R., Maguire C. & Gibson N.P. (2023), Retrieval survey of metals in six ultrahot Jupiters: trends in chemistry, rain-out, ionization, and atmospheric dynamics, Astronomical Journal 165(6): 242.
- Kesseli A., Gandhi S.N. & Snellen I.A.G. (2023), Winds and dynamics revealed by high-resolution transmission spectroscopy, American Astronomical Society meeting abstracts. American Astronomical Society Meeting #241 8 January 2023 - 12 January 2023. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society no. 55. Washington: AAS Publishing. 350.07.
- Gandhi S.N., Kesseli A., Snellen I.A.G., Brogi M., Wardenier J., Parmentier V., Welbanks L. & Savel A. (2023), Spatially-resolving the terminator: variation of Fe, temperature and winds in WASP-76b across planetary limbs and orbital phase, American Astronomical Society meeting abstracts. American Astronomical Society Meeting #241 8 January 2023 - 12 January 2023. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society no. 55. Washington: AAS Publishing. 324.03.
- Palma-Bifani P., Chauvin G., Bonnefoy M., Rojo P.M., Petrus S., Rodet L., Langlois M., Allard F., Charnay B., Desgrange C., Homeier D., Lagrange A.-M., Beuzit J.-L., Baudoz P., Boccaletti A., Chomez A., Delorme P., Desidera S., Feldt M., Ginski C., Gratton R., Maire A.-L., Meyer M., Samland M., Snellen I.A.G., Vigan A. & Zhang Y. (2023), Peering into the young planetary system AB Pic: atmosphere, orbit, obliquity, and second planetary candidate, Astronomy and Astrophysics 670: A90.
- Skaf N., Boccaletti A., Pantin E., Thebault P., Kral Q., Danielski C., Galicher R., Milli J., Lagrange A.-M., Baruteau C., Kenworthy M.A., Absil O., Langlois M., Olofsson J., Chauvin G., Huelamo N., Delorme P., Charnay B., Guyon O., Bonnefoy M., Cantalloube F., Hoeijmakers H.J., Käufl U., Kasper M., Maire A.-L., Mâlin M., Siebenmorgen R., Snellen I.A.G. & Zins G. (2023), The β Pictoris system: Setting constraints on the planet and the disk structures at mid-IR wavelengths with NEAR, Astronomy and Astrophysics 675: A35.
- Landman R., Snellen I.A.G., Keller C.U., N'Diaye M., Fagginger Auer F. & Desgrange C. (2023), Trade-offs in high-contrast integral field spectroscopy for exoplanet detection and characterisation: young gas giants in emission, Astronomy and Astrophysics 675: A157.
- Temmink M. & Snellen I.A.G. (2023), Occurrence rate of hot Jupiters orbiting red giant stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics 670: A26.
- Gandhi S.N., Regt S. de, Snellen I.A.G., Zhang Y., Rugers B., Leur N. van & Bosschaart Q. (2023), JWST measurements of ^13C, ^18O, and ^17O in the atmosphere of super-Jupiter VHS 1256 b, Astrophysical Journal Letters 957(2): L36.
- Zilinskas M., Miguel Y., Buchem C.P.A. van & Snellen I.A.G. (2023), Observability of silicates in volatile atmospheres of super-Earths and sub-Neptunes: exploring the edge of the evaporation desert, Astronomy and Astrophysics 671: A138.
- Casasayas Barris N., Borsa F., Palle E., Allart R., Bourrier V., Gonzalez Hernandez J.I., Kesseli A.Y., Sánchez-López A., Zapatero Osorio M.R., Snellen I.A.G., Orell-Miquel J., Stangret M., Esparza-Borges E., Lovis C., Hooton M.J., Lend M., Smith A.M.S., Pepe F., Rebolo R., Cristiani S., Santos N.C., Adibekyan V., Alibert Y., Cristo E., Demangeon O.D.S., Figueira P., Di Marcantonio P., Martins C.J.A.P., Micela G., Seidel J.V., Azevedo Silva T., Sousa S.G., Sozzetti A., Suárez Mascareño A. & Tabernero H.M. (2022), Transmission spectroscopy of MASCARA-1b with ESPRESSO: challenges of overlapping orbital and Doppler tracks, Astronomy and Astrophysics 664: A121.
- Zhang Y., Snellen I.A.G., Wyttenbach A., Nielsen L.D., Lendl M., Casasayas-Barris N., Chaverot G., Kesseli A.Y., Lovis C., Pepe F.A., Psaridi A., Seidel J.V., Udry S. & Ulmer-Moll S. (2022), Transmission spectroscopy of the ultra-hot Jupiter MASCARA-4 b: disentangling the hydrostatic and exospheric regimes of ultra-hot Jupiters, Astronomy and Astrophysics 666: A47.
- Zhang Y., Snellen I.A.G., Brogi M. & Birkby J.L. (2022), VLT/CRIRES science verification observations: A hint of C18O in the young brown dwarf 2M0355, Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 6(9): 194.
- Zhang Y., Snellen I.A.G. & Mollière P. (2022), Isotopologue ratios in exoplanet atmospheres: potential tracers of planet formation. American Astronomical Society Meeting #240 12 June 2022 - 16 June 2022 no. 54: American Astronomical Society. 208.04.
- Gandhi S.N., Kesseli A.Y., Snellen I.A.G., Brogi M., Wardenier J.P., Parmentier V., Welbanks L. & Savel A.B. (2022), Spatially resolving the terminator: variation of Fe, temperature, and winds in WASP-76 b across planetary limbs and orbital phase, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515(1): 749-766.
- Webb R.K., Gandhi S.N., Brogi M., Birkby J.L., Mooij E. de, Snellen I.A.G. & Zhang Y. (2022), Water observed in the atmosphere of tau Boötis Ab with CARMENES/CAHA, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514(3): 4160-4172.
- Gandhi S.N., Kesseli A., Snellen I.A.G., Brogi M., Wardenier J., Parmentier V. & Welbanks L. (2022), Spatially-resolved high-resolution retrievals of Ultra-hot Jupiters. AASTCS 9: Exoplanets IV, Las Vegas. 1 May 2022 - 6 May 2022. [conference poster].
- Regt S. de, Kesseli A.Y., Snellen I.A.G., Merritt S.R. & Chubb K.L. (2022), A quantitative assessment of the VO line list: inaccuracies hamper high-resolution VO detections in exoplanet atmospheres, Astronomy and Astrophysics 661: A109.
- Kesseli A.Y., Snellen I.A.G., Casasayas-Barris N., Mollière P. & Sánchez-López A. (2022), An atomic spectral survey of WASP-76b: resolving chemical gradients and asymmetries, Astronomical Journal 163(3): 107.
- Sanchez Lopez A., Landman R., Molliere P., Casasayas Barris N., Kesseli A.Y. & Snellen I.A.G. (2022), Evidence for strong C/O gradients in the atmosphere of WASP-76 b?. In: Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. no. 54 Las Vegas: AAS Publishing. 108.03.
- Sanchez Lopez A., Snellen I.A.G., Lopez Puertas M. & Funke B. (2022), Discriminating between hazy and clear hot Jupiter atmospheres with CARMENES, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. American Astronomical Society: Exoplanets IV 1 May 2022 - 6 May 2022 no. 54. Las Vegas: AAS Publishing. 102.30.
- Sánchez-López A., Lin L., Snellen I.A.G., Casasayas-Barris N., García Muñoz A., Lampón M. & López-Puertas M. (2022), Detection of Paschen beta absorption in the atmosphere of KELT-9 b. : A new window into the atmospheres of ultra-hot Jupiters, Astronomy and Astrophysics 666: L1.
- López-Puertas M., Sanchez Lopez A., García-Comas M., Funke B., Fouchet T. & Snellen I.A.G. (2022), A revision of the CH4 concentration in Jupiter's upper atmosphere from near-IR measurements, EPSC Abstracts. 16th Europlanet Science Congress 2022 18 September 2022 - 23 September 2022. Granada: EPSC Abstracts. EPSC2022-975.
- Sánchez-López A., López-Puertas M., García-Comas M., Funke B., Fouchet T. & Snellen I.A.G. (2022), The CH4 abundance in Jupiter's upper atmosphere, Astronomy and Astrophysics 662: A91.
- Sánchez-López A., Landman R., Mollière P., Casasayas-Barris N., Kesseli A.Y. & Snellen I.A.G. (2022), Searching for the origin of the Ehrenreich effect in ultra-hot Jupiters: Evidence for strong C/O gradients in the atmosphere of WASP-76 b?, Astronomy and Astrophysics 661: A78.
- Boccaletti A., Chauvin G., Wildi F., Milli J., Stadler E., Diolaiti E., Gratton R., Vidal F., Loupias M., Langlois M., Cantalloube F., N'Diaye M., Gratadour D., Ferreira F., Tallon M., Mazoyer J., Segransan D., Mouillet D., Beuzit J.-L., Bonnefoy M., Galicher R., Vigan A., Snellen I.A.G., Feldt M., Desidera S., Rousseau S., Baruffolo A., Goulas C., Baudoz P., Bechet C., Benisty M., Bianco A., Carry B., Cascone E., Charnay B., Choquet E., Christiaens V., Cortecchia F., Di Capprio V., De Rosa A., Desgrange C., D'Orazi V., Douté S., Frangiamore M., Gendron E., Ginski C., Huby E., Keller C.U., Kulcsár C., Landman R., Lagarde S., Lagadec E., Lagrange A.-M., Lombini M., Kasper M., Ménard F., Magnard Y., Malaguti G., Maurel D., Mesa D., Morgante G., Pantin E., Pichon T., Potier A., Rabou P., Rochat S., Terenzi . l ., Thiébaut E., Tallon-Bosc I., Raynaud H.-F., Rouan D., Sevin A., Schiavone F., Schrieber L. & Zanutta A. (2022), Upgrading the high contrast imaging facility SPHERE: science drivers and instrument choices. Evans C.J., Bryant J.J. & Motohara K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the SPIE. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX 17 July 2022 - 22 July 2022 no. 12184. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). 121841S.
- Kesseli A. & Snellen I.A.G. (2022), Mapping weather on WASP-76b with high-resolution transmission spectroscopy, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. AASTCS 9: Exoplanets IV 1 May 2022 - 6 May 2022 no. 54. Washington: AAS Publishing. 102.184.
- Kesseli A. & Snellen I.A.G. (2022), Resolving chemical gradients in exoplanet atmospheres with high-resolution spectroscopy, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. American Astronomical Society Meeting #240 12 June 2022 - 16 June 2022 no. 54. Washington: AAS Publishing. 217.04.
- Girard J.H., Haffert S.Y., Bae J., Zeidler P., Boer J. de, Bohn A., Holstein R.G. van, Brinchmann J., Snellen I.A.G., Bacon R. & Keller C.U. (2021), Planet formation with all flavors of adaptive optics: VLT/MUSE's laser tomography adaptive optics to directly image young accreting exoplanets. Schreiber L., Schmidt D. & Vernet E. (Eds.), Proceedings Volume 11448, Adaptive Optics Systems VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020 14 December 2020 - 18 December 2020 no. 11448: SPIE. 1144808.
- Casasayas-Barris N., Orell-Miquel J., Stangret M., Nortmann L., Yan F., Oshagh M., Palle E., Sanz-Forcada J., López-Puertas M., Nagel E., Luque R., Morello G., Snellen I.A.G., Zechmeister M., Quirrenbach A., Caballero J.A., Ribas I., Reiners A., Amado P.J., Bergond G., Czesla S., Henning T., Khalafinejad S., Molaverdikhani K., Montes D., Perger M., Sanchez Lopez A. & Sedaghati E. (2021), CARMENES detection of the Ca II infrared triplet and possible evidence of He I in the atmosphere of WASP-76b, Astronomy and Astrophysics 654: A163.
- Casasayas Barris N., Orell Miquel J., Stangret M., Nortmann L., Yan F., Palle E., Snellen I.A.G., Oshagh M. & Sánchez Lopez A. (2021), The atmosphere of WASP-76b seen with CARMENES: looking for CaII IRT and HeI, ESPC Abstracts. 15th Europlanet Science Congress 13 September 2021 - 24 September 2021 no. 15: Europlanet Society. EPSC2021-622.
- Addison B.C., Knudstrup E., Wong I., Hébrard G., Dorval P., Snellen I., Albrecht S., Bello-Arufe A., Almenara J.M., Boisse I., Bonfils X., Dalal S., Demangeon O.D.S., Hoyer S., Kiefer F., Santos N.C., Nowak G., Luque R., Stangret M., Palle E., Tronsgaard R., Antoci V., Buchhave L.A., Günther M.N., Daylan T., Murgas F., Parviainen H., Esparza-Borges E., Crouzet N., Narita N., Fukui A., Kawauchi K., Watanabe N., Rabus M., Johnson M.C., Otten G.P.P.L., Jan Talens G., Cabot S.H.C., Fischer D.A., Grundahl F., Fredslund Andersen M., Jessen-Hansen J., Pallé P., Shporer A., Ciardi D.R., Clark J.T., Wittenmyer R.A., Wright D.J., Horner J., Collins K.A., Jensen E.L.N., Kielkopf J.F., Schwarz R.P., Srdoc G., Yilmaz M., Senavci H.V., Diamond B., Harbeck D., Komacek T.D., Smith J.C., Wang S., Eastman J.D., Stassun K.G., Latham D.W., Vanderspek R., Seager S., Winn J.N., Jenkins J.M., Louie D.R., Bouma L.G., Twicken J.D., Levine A.M. & McLean B. (2021), TOI-1431b/MASCARA-5b: a highly irradiated ultrahot Jupiter orbiting one of the hottest and brightest known exoplanet host stars, Astronomical Journal 162(6): 292.
- Addison B., Knudstrup E., Wong I., Hebrard G., Dorval P., Snellen I.A.G., Albrecht S., Almenara J.-M., Boisse I. & Bonfils X. (2021), TOI-1431b/MASCARA-5b: an ultra-hot Jupiter orbiting one of the hottest & brightest known exoplanet host stars. TESS Science Conference II (TSC2), Virtual. 2 August 2021 - 6 August 2021. [conference poster].
- Brogaard K., Pakštienė E., Grundahl F., Mikolaitis Š., Tautvaišienė G., Slumstrup D., Talens G.J.J., VandenBerg D.A., Miglio A., Arentoft T., Kjeldsen H., Janulis R., Drazdauskas A., Marchini A., Minkevičiūtė R., Stonkutė E., Bagdonas V., Fredslund Andersen M., Jessen-Hansen J., Pallé P.L., Dorval P., Snellen I.A.G., Otten G.P.P.L. & White T.R. (2021), Properties of the Hyades, the eclipsing binary HD 27130, and the oscillating red giant ɛ Tauri, Astronomy and Astrophysics 645: A25.
- Kenworthy M.A., Mellon S.N., Bailey J.I., Stuik R., Dorval P., Talens G.J.J., Crawford S.R., Mamajek E.E., Laginja I., Ireland M., Lomberg B., Kuhn R.B., Snellen I.A.G., Zwintz K., Kuschnig R., Kennedy G.M., Abe L., Agabi A., Mekarnia D., Guillot T., Schmider F., Stee P., de Pra Y., Buttu M., Crouzet N., Kalas P., Wang J.J., Stevenson K., Mooij E. de, Lagrange A.-M., Lacour S., Lecavelier des Etangs A., Nowak M., Strøm P.A., Hui Z. & Wang L. (2021), The β Pictoris b Hill sphere transit campaign: I. Photometric limits to dust and rings, Astronomy and Astrophysics 648: A15.
- Kesseli A.Y. & Snellen I.A.G. (2021), Confirmation of asymmetric iron absorption in WASP-76b with HARPS, Astrophysical Journal Letters 908(1): L17.
- Landman R., Sanchez Lopez A., Mollière P., Kesseli A.Y., Louca A.J. & Snellen I.A.G. (2021), Detection of OH in the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76b, Astronomy and Astrophysics 656: A119.
- Landman R., Sánchez López A., Mollière P., Kesseli A.Y., Louca A.J. & Snellen I.A.G. (2021), Detection of OH at the evening terminator of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76b, European Planetary Science Congress. 15th Europlanet Science Congress 13 September 2021 - 24 September 2021: Europlanet Society. EPSC2021-222.
- Schröder K.P., Mittag M., Flor Torres L.M., Jack D. & Snellen I.A.G. (2021), Fast synthetic spectral fitting for large stellar samples: a critical test with 25 bright stars of known rotation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501(4): 5042-5050.
- Serindag D.B., Snellen I.A.G. & Mollière P. (2021), Measuring titanium isotope ratios in exoplanet atmospheres, Astronomy and Astrophysics 655: A69.
- Serindag D.B., Nugroho S.K., Mollière P., Mooij E.J.W. de, Gibson N.P. & Snellen I.A.G. (2021), Is TiO emission present in the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-33b? : A reassessment using the improved ExoMol TOTO line list, Astronomy and Astrophysics 645: A90.
- Snellen I.A.G., Snik F., Kenworthy M.A., Albrecht S., Anglada-Escudé G., Baraffe I., Baudoz P., Benz W., Beuzit J.-L., Biller B., Birkby J.L., Boccaletti A., Boekel R. van, Boer J. de, Brogi M., Buchhave L., Carone L., Claire M., Claudi R., Demory B.-O., Désert J.-M., Desidera S., Gaudi B.S., Gratton R., Gillon M., Grenfell J.L., Guyon O., Henning T., Hinkley S., Huby E., Janson M., Helling C., Heng K., Kasper M., Keller C.U., Krause O., Kreidberg L., Madhusudhan N., Lagrange A.-M., Launhardt R., Lenton T.M., Lopez-Puertas M., Maire A.-L., Mayne N., Meadows V., Mennesson B., Micela G., Miguel Y., Milli J., Min M., Mooij E. de, Mouillet D., N'Diaye M., D'Orazi V., Palle E., Pagano I., Piotto G., Queloz D., Rauer H., Ribas I., Ruane G., Selsis F., Sozzetti A., Stam D., Stark C.C., Vigan A. & Visser P. de (2021), Detecting life outside our solar system with a large high-contrast-imaging mission, Experimental Astronomy : .
- Yan F., Wyttenbach A., Casasayas-Barris N., Reiners A., Pallé E., Henning T., Mollière P., Czesla S., Nortmann L., Molaverdikhani K., Chen G., Snellen I.A.G., Zechmeister M., Huang C., Ribas I., Quirrenbach A., Caballero J.A., Amado P.J., Cont D., Khalafinejad S., Khaimova J., López-Puertas M., Montes D., Nagel E., Oshagh M., Pedraz S. & Stangret M. (2021), Detection of the hydrogen Balmer lines in the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-33b, Astronomy and Astrophysics 645: A22.
- Stolker T., Haffert S.Y., Kesseli A.Y., Holstein R.G. van, Aoyama Y., Brinchmann J., Cugno G., Girard J.H., Marleau G.-D., Meyer M.R., Milli J., Quanz S.P., Snellen I.A.G. & Todorov K.O. (2021), Characterizing the protolunar disk of the accreting companion GQ Lupi B, Astronomical Journal 162(6): 286.
- Cugno G., Patapis P., Stolker T., Quanz S.P., Boehle A., Hoeijmakers H.J., Marleau G.-D., Mollière P., Nasedkin E. & Snellen I.A.G. (2021), Molecular mapping of the PDS70 system: no molecular absorption signatures from the forming planet PDS70 b, Astronomy and Astrophysics 653: A12.
- López-Puertas M., Sánchez-López A., García-Comas M., Funke B., Fouchet T. & Snellen I.A.G. (2021), CH4 abundance in Jupiter's upper atmosphere: a re-analysis of the ISO/SWS 3.3 mu_m non-LTE emission, EPCS Abstracts. 15th Europlanet Science Congress 13 September 2021 - 24 September 2021 no. 15: Europlanet Society. EPSC2021-408.
- Sánchez López A., Landman R., Casasayas Barris N., Kesseli A.Y. & Snellen I.A.G. (2021), Spatial characterization of the trailing and leading limbs of WASP-76b: detection of H2O and HCN at high-resolution, EPC Abstracts. 15th Europlanet Science Congress 13 September 2021 - 24 September 2021 no. 15: Europlanet Society. EPSC2021-563.
- Xie C., Haffert S.Y., Boer J. de, Kenworthy M.A., Brinchmann J., Girard J., Snellen I.A.G. & Keller C.U. (2021), A MUSE view of the asymmetric jet from HD 163296, Astronomy and Astrophysics 650: L6.
- Zhang Y., Snellen I.A.G. & Mollière P. (2021), The 12CO/13CO isotopologue ratio of a young, isolated brown dwarf: possibly distinct formation pathways of super-Jupiters and brown dwarfs, Astronomy and Astrophysics 656: A76.
- Zhang Y., Snellen I.A.G., Bohn A.J., Mollière P., Ginski C., Hoeijmakers H.J., Kenworthy M.A., Mamajek E.E., Meshkat T., Reggiani M. & Snik F. (2021), The 13CO-rich atmosphere of a young accreting super-Jupiter, Nature 595(7867): 370-372.
- Quanz S.P., Absil O., Benz W., Bonfils X., Berger J.-P., Defrère D., Dishoeck E.F. van, Ehrenreich D., Fortney J., Glauser A., Grenfell J.L., Janson M., Kraus S., Krause O., Labadie L., Lacour S., Line M., Linz H., Loicq J., Miguel Y., Pallé E., Queloz D., Rauer H., Ribas I., Rugheimer S., Selsis F., Snellen I.A.G., Sozzetti A., Stapelfeldt K.R., Udry S. & Wyatt M. (2021), Atmospheric characterization of terrestrial exoplanets in the mid-infrared: biosignatures, habitability, and diversity, Experimental Astronomy : .
- Pope B.J.S., Bedell M., Callingham J.R., Vedantham H.K., Snellen I.A.G., Price-Whelan A.M. & Shimwell T.W. (2020), No massive companion to the coherent radio-emitting M dwarf GJ 1151, Astrophysical Journal Letters 890(2): L19.
- Vedantham H.K., Callingham J.R., Shimwell T.W., Tasse C., Pope B.J.S., Bedell M., Snellen I.A.G., Best P., Hardcastle M.J., Haverkorn Van Rijsewijk M., Mechev A., O'Sullivan S.P., Rottgering H.J.A. & White G.J. (2020), Coherent radio emission from a quiescent red dwarf indicative of star-planet interaction, Nature Astronomy 4: 577-583.
- Zhang Y., Snellen I.A.G., Mollière P., Alonso-Floriano F.J., Webb R.K., Brogi M. & Wyttenbach A. (2020), Search for He I airglow emission from the hot Jupiter τ Boo b, Astronomy and Astrophysics 641: A161.
- Xie C., Haffert S.Y., Boer J. de, Kenworthy M.A., Brinchmann J., Girard J., Snellen I.A.G. & Keller C.U. (2020), Searching for proto-planets with MUSE, Astronomy and Astrophysics 644: A149.
- Cappetta M., Saglia R.P., Birkby J.L., Koppenhoefer J., Pinfield D.J., Hodgkin S.T., Cruz P., Kovács G., Sipőcz B., Barrado D., Nefs B., Pavlenko Y.V., Fossati L., Burgo C., Martín E.L., Snellen I.A.G., Barnes J., Campbell D., Catalan S., Gálvez-Ortiz M.C., Goulding N., Haswell C., Ivanyuk O., Jones H., Kuznetsov M., Lodieu N., Marocco F., Mislis D., Murgas F., Napiwotzki R., Palle E., Pollacco D., Sarro Baro L., Solano E., Steele P., Stoev H., Tata R. & Zendejas J. (2020), Erratum: The first planet detected in the WTS: an inflated hot-Jupiter in a 3.35 day orbit around a late F-star, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497(1): 916.
- Wyttenbach A., Mollière P., Ehrenreich D., Cegla H.M., Bourrier V., Lovis C., Pino L, Allart R., Seidel J.V., Hoeijmakers H.J., Nielsen L.D., Lavie B., Pepe F., Bonfils X. & Snellen I.A.G. (2020), Mass-loss rate and local thermodynamic state of the KELT-9 b thermosphere from the hydrogen Balmer series, Astronomy and Astrophysics 638: A87.
- Wyttenbach A., Mollière P.M., Ehrenreich D., Cegla H., Bourrier V., Lovis C., Pino L., Allart R., Seidel J., Hoeijmakers J., Nielsen L., Lavie B., Pepe F., Bonfils X. & Snellen I.A.G. (2020), Measuring and modeling the Balmer series in hot gaseous giant exoplanets, EPSC Abstracts. Europlanet Science Congress 2020 21 September 2020 - 9 October 2020 no. 14: Europlanet Society. EPSC2020-115.
- Dorval P., Talens G.J.J., Otten G.P.P.L., Brahm R., Jordán A., Torres P., Vanzi L., Zapata A., Henry T., Paredes L., Jao W.C., James H., Hinojosa R., Bakos G.A., Csubry Z., Bhatti W., Suc V., Osip D., Mamajek E.E., Mellon S.N., Wyttenbach A., Stuik R., Kenworthy M.A., Bailey J., Ireland M., Crawford S., Lomberg B., Kuhn R. & Snellen I.A.G. (2020), MASCARA-4 b/bRing-1 b: a retrograde hot Jupiter around a bright A-type star, Astronomy and Astrophysics 635: A60.
- Ahlers J.P., Kruse E., Colón K.D., Dorval P., Talens G.J., Snellen I.A.G., Albrecht S., Otten G., Ricker G., Vanderspek R., Latham D., Seager S., Winn J., Jenkins J.M., Haworth K., Cartwright S., Morris R., Rowden P., Tenenbaum P. & Ting E.B. (2020), Gravity-darkening analysis of the misaligned hot Jupiter MASCARA-4 b, The Astrophysical Journal 888(2): 63.
- Haffert S.Y., Holstein R.G. van, Ginski C., Brinchmann J., Snellen I.A.G., Milli J. Stolker T., Keller C.U. & Girard J. (2020), CS Cha B: a disc-obscured M-type star mimicking a polarised planetary companion, Astronomy and Astrophysics 640: L12.
- Haffert S.Y., Harris R.J., Zanutta A., Pike F.A., Bianco A., Redaelli E., Benoit A., MacLachlan D.G., Ross C.A., Gris-Sánchez I., Trappen M.D., Xu Y., Blaicher M., Maier P., Riva G., Sinquin B., Kulcsár C., Bharmal N.A., Gendron E., Staykov L., Morris T.J., Barboza S., Muench N., Bardou L., Prengère L., Raynaud H.-F., Hottinger P., Anagnos T., Osborn J., Koos C., Thomson R.R., Birks T.A., Snellen I.A.G. & Keller C.U. (2020), Diffraction-limited integral-field spectroscopy for extreme adaptive optics systems with the multicore fiber-fed integral-field unit, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 6(4): 045007.
- Molliere P., Stolker T., Lacour S., Otten G.P.P.L., Shangguan J., Charnay B., Molyarova T., Nowak M., Henning Th., Marleau G.D., Semenov D.A., Dishoeck E.F. van, Eisenhauer F., Garcia P., Garcia Lopez R., Girard J.H., Greenbaum A.Z., Hinkley S., Kervella P., Kreidberg L., Maire A.L., Nasedkin E., Pueyo L., Snellen I.A.G., Vigan A., Wang J., Zeeuw P.T. de & Zurlo A. (2020), Retrieving scattering clouds and disequilibrium chemistry in the atmosphere of HR 8799e, Astronomy and Astrophysics 640: A131.
- Sánchez-López A., López-Puertas M., Snellen I.A.G., Nagel E., Bauer F.F., Pallé E., Tal-Or L., Amado P.J., Caballero J.A., Czesla S., Nortmann L., Reiners A., Ribas I., Quirrenbach A., Aceituno J., Béjar V.J.S., Casasayas-Barris N., Henning Th., Molaverdikhani K., Montes D., Stangret M., Zapatero Osorio M.R. & Zechmeister M. (2020), Discriminating between hazy and clear hot-Jupiter atmospheres with CARMENES, Astronomy and Astrophysics 643: A24.
- Snellen I.A.G., Guzman-Ramirez L., Hogerheijde M.R., Hygate A.P.S. & Tak F.F.S. van der (2020), Re-analysis of the 267 GHz ALMA observations of Venus: no statistically significant detection of phosphine, Astronomy and Astrophysics 644: L2.
- Webb R.K., Brogi M., Gandhi S., Line M.R., Birkby J.L., Chubb K.L., Snellen I.A.G. & Yurchenko S.N. (2020), A weak spectral signature of water vapour in the atmosphere of HD 179949 b at high spectral resolution in the L band, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494(1): 108-119.
- Kesseli A.Y., Snellen I.A.G., Alonso Floriano F.J., Mollière P.M. & Serindag D.B. (2020), A search for FeH in hot-Jupiter atmospheres with high-dispersion spectroscopy, Astronomical Journal 160(5): 228.
- Boccaletti A., Chauvin G., Mouillet D., Absil O., Allard F., Antoniucci S., Augereau J.C., Barge P., Baruffolo A., Baudino J.L., Baudoz P., Beaulieu M., Benisty M., Beuzit J.L., Bianco A., Biller B., Bonavita B., Bonnefoy M., Bos S., Bouret J.C., Brandner W., Buchschache N., Carry B., Cantalloube F., Cascone E., Carlotti A., Charnay B., Chiavassa A., Choquet E., Clenet Y., Crida A., Boer J. de, Caprio V. de, Desidera S., Desert J.M., Delisle J.B., Delorme P., Dohlen K., Doelman D.S., Dominik C., Orazi V.D., Dougados C., Doute S., Fedele D., Feldt M., Ferreira F., Fontanive C., Fusco T., Galicher R., Garufi A., Gendron E., Ghedina A., Ginski C., Gonzalez J.F., Gratadour D., Gratton R., Guillot T., Haffert S.Y., Hagelberg J., Henning T., Huby E., Janson M., Kamp I., Keller C., Kenworthy M.A., Kervella P., Kral Q., Kuhn J., Lagadec E., Laibe G., Langlois M., Lagrange A.M., Launhardt R., Leboulleux L., Coroller H.Le., Causi G.Li., Loupias M., Maire A.L., Marleau G., Martinache F., Martinez P., Mary D., Mattioli M., Mazoyer J., Meheut H., Menard F., Mesa D., Meunier N., Miguel Y., Milli J., Min M., Molliere P.M., Mordasini C., Moretto G., Mugnier L., Arena G.Muro., Nardetto N., Diaye M.N., Nesvadba N., Pedichini F., Pinilla P., Por E.H., Potier A., Quanz S., Rameau J., Roelfsema R., Rouan D., Rigliaco E., Salasnich B., Samland M., Sauvage J.F., Schmid H.M., Segransan D., Snellen I.A.G., Snik F., Soulez F., Stadler E., Stam D., Tallon M., Thebault P., Thiebaut E., Tschudi C., Udry S., Holstein R.G. van, Vernazza P., Vidal F., Vigan A., Waters R., Wildi F., Willson M., Zanutta A., Zavagno A. & Zurlo A. (2020), SPHERE+: imaging young Jupiters down to the snowline. arXiv. [white paper].
- Haffert S.Y., Harris R.J., Zanutta A., Pike F.A., Bianco A., Redaelli E., Benoit A., MacLachlan D.G., Ross C.A., Gris-Sanchez I., Trappen M.D., Xu Y., Blaicher M., Maier P., Riva G., Sinquin B., Kulcsar C., Bharmal N.A., Gendron E., Staykov L., Morris T.J., Barboza S., Muench N., Bardour L., Prengere L., Raynaud H.-F., Hottinger P., Anagnos T., Osborn J., Koos C., Thompson R.R., Birks T.A., Snellen I.A.G., Keller C.U., Close L. & Males J.R. (2020), Multi-core fibre-fed integral-field unit (MCIFU): overview and first-light. Schreiber L., Schmidt D. & Vernet E. (Eds.), Proceedings Volume 11448, Adaptive Optics Systems VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020 14 December 2020 - 18 December 2020 no. 11448: SPIE. 114484M.
- Yan F., Casasayas-Barris N., Molaverdikhani K., Alonso-Floriano F.J., Reiners A., Pallé E., Henning Th., Mollière P.M., Chen G., Nortmann L., Snellen I.A.G., Ribas I., Quirrenbach A., Caballero J.A., Amado P.J., Azzaro M., Bauer F.F., Cortés Contreras M., Czesla S., Khalafinejad S., Lara L.M., López-Puertas M., Montes D., Nagel E., Oshagh M., Sánchez-López A., Stangret M. & Zechmeister M. (2019), Ionized calcium in the atmospheres of two ultra-hot exoplanets WASP-33b and KELT-9b, 632: A69.
- Dorval P., Talens G.J.J., Otten G., Mellon S., Stuik R., Bailey J.I., Albrecht S., Pollacco D., Palle E., McCormac J., Brahm R., Jordán A., Crawford S., Ireland M., Lomberg B.B.D., Kuhn R., Snellen I.A.G., Kenworthy M.A. & Mamajek E. (2019), MASCARA and bRing, finding bright transiting planets and synergies with TESS, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts. AAS Meeting Extreme Solar Systems IV 19 August 2019 - 23 August 2019 no. 51: American Astronomical Society. 302.11.
- Dorval P., Talens G.J.J., Otten G., Mellon S., Stuik R., Bailey J., Albrecht S., Pollaco D., Palle E., McCormac J., Brahm R., Jordan A., Crawford S., Ireland M., Lomberg B., Kuhn R., Snellen I.A.G., Kenworthy M.A. & Mamajek E. (2019), The MASCARA and bRing photometric monitoring networks, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 15 September 2019 - 20 September 2019 no. 13: EPSC. EPSC-DPS2019-1525.
- Eylen V. van, Albrecht S., Huang X., MacDonald M.G., Dawson R.I., Cai X., Foreman-Mackey D., Lundkvist M.S., Aguirre V.S., Snellen I. & Winn J.N. (2019), The Orbital Eccentricity of Small Planet Systems, Astronomical Journal 157(2): 61.
- Haffert S.Y., Bohn A.J., Boer J.de, Snellen I.A.G., Brinchmann J., Girard J.H., Keller C.U. & Bacon R. (2019), Two accreting protoplanets around the young star PDS 70, Nature Astronomy 3: 749-754.
- Ridden-Harper A.R., Snellen I.A.G., Keller C.U. & Mollière P.M. (2019), Search for gas from the disintegrating rocky exoplanet K2-22b, 628: A70.
- Serindag D.B. & Snellen I.A.G. (2019), Testing the Detectability of Extraterrestrial O_2 with the Extremely Large Telescopes Using Real Data with Real Noise, Astrophysical Journal Letters 871(1): L7.
- Serindag D. & Snellen I.A.G. (2019), Prospects for detecting extraterrestrial O_2 with the ELTs, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts. AAS Meeting Extreme Solar Systems IV 19 August 2019 - 23 August 2019 no. 51: American Astronomical Society. 331.17.
- Sluijs L. van, Mooij E. de, Kenworthy M.A., Celeste M., Hooton M.J., Mamajek E.E., Sipőcz B., Snellen I.A.G., Ridden-Harper A.R. & Wilson P.A. (2019), Spectroscopic transit search: a self-calibrating method for detecting planets around bright stars, 626: A97.
- Alonso-Floriano F.J., Sánchez-López A., Snellen I.A.G., López-Puertas M., Nagel E., Amado P.J., Bauer F.F., Caballero J.A., Czesla S., Nortmann L., Pallé E., Salz M., Reiners A., Ribas I., Quirrenbach A., Aceituno J., Anglada-Escudé G., Béjar V.J.S., Guenther E.W., Henning T., Kaminski A., Kürster M., Lampón M., Lara L.M., Montes D., Morales J.C., Tal-Or L., Schmitt J.H.M.M., Osorio M.R.Zapatero & Zechmeister M. (2019), Multiple water band detections in the CARMENES near-infrared transmission spectrum of HD 189733 b, 621: A74.
- Alonso-Floriano F.J., Snellen I.A.G., Czesla S., Bauer F.F., Salz M., Lampón M., Lara L.M., Nagel E., López-Puertas M., Nortmann L., Sánchez-López A., Sanz-Forcada J., Caballero J.A., Reiners A., Ribas I., Quirrenbach A., Amado P.J., Aceituno J., Anglada-Escudé G., Béjar V.J.S., Brinkmöller M., Hatzes A.P., Henning T., Kaminski A., Kürster M., Labarga F., Montes D., Pallé E., Schmitt J.H.M.M. & Osorio M.R.Zapatero (2019), He I λ 10 830 Å in the transmission spectrum of HD209458 b, 629: A110.
- Sánchez-López A., Alonso-Floriano F.J., López-Puertas M., Snellen I.A.G., Funke B., Nagel E., Bauer F.F., Amado P.J., Caballero J.A., Czesla S., Nortmann L., Pallé E., Salz M., Reiners A., Ribas I., Quirrenbach A., Anglada-Escudé G., Béjar V.J.S., Casasayas-Barris N., Galadí-Enríquez D., Guenther E.W., Henning T., Kaminski A., Kürster M., Lampón M., Lara L.M., Montes D., Morales J.C., Stangret M., Tal-Or L., Sanz-Forcada J., Schmitt J.H.M.M., Osorio M.R.Zapatero & Zechmeister M. (2019), Water vapor detection in the transmission spectra of HD 209458 b with the CARMENES NIR channel, 630: A53.
- López-Puertas M., Sánchez-López A., Alonso-Floriano F.J., Snellen I.A.G., Nagel E., Bauer F., Nortmann L., Amado P.J., Caballero J.A., Quirrenbach A., Ribas I. & Reiner A. (2019), Water vapour detection in hot Jupiters with the CARMENES NIR channel, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 15 September 2019 - 20 September 2019 no. 2019: EPSC. EPSC-DPS2019-361.
- Hjorth M., Albrecht S., Talens G.J.J., Grundahl F., Justesen A.B., Otten G.P.P.L., Antoci V., Dorval P., Foxell E., Fredslund Andersen M., Murgas F., Palle E., Stuik R., Snellen I.A.G. & Van Eylen V. (2019), MASCARA-3b. A hot Jupiter transiting a bright F7 star in an aligned orbit, 631: A76.
- Mollière P.M., Wardenier J.P., Boekel R. van, Henning T., Molaverdikhani K. & Snellen I.A.G. (2019), petitRADTRANS. A Python radiative transfer package for exoplanet characterization and retrieval, 627: A67.
- Wilson P.A., Kerr R., Lecavelier des Etangs A., Bourrier V., Vidal-Madjar A., Kiefer F. & Snellen I.A.G. (2019), Detection of nitrogen gas in the β Pictoris circumstellar disc, 621: A121.
- Mather J., Arenberg J., D'Amico S., Cash W., Greenhouse M., Harness A., Hoerbelt T., Kain I., Kausch W., Kimeswenger S., Lisse C., Martin S., Noll S., Peretz E., Przybilla N., Seager S., Shaklan S., Snellen I.A.G. & Willems P. (2019), Orbiting Starshade: Observing Exoplanets at visible wavelengths with GMT, TMT, and ELT, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 51(7): 048.
- Mollière P.M. & Snellen I.A.G. (2019), Detecting isotopologues in exoplanet atmospheres using ground-based high-dispersion spectroscopy, 622: A139.
- Ridden-Harper A., Snellen I.A.G., Keller C.U., Mollière P., Mooij E.J.W. de, Jayawardhana R., Kok R. de, Hoeijmakers H.J., Brogi M., Fridlund M., Vermeersen B. & Westrenen W. (2019), Insights into Terrestrial Planet Compositions and Geophysics from Observations of Magma Worlds, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts. AAS Meeting Extreme Solar Systems IV 19 August 2019 - 23 August 2019 no. 51: American Astronomical Society. 313.05.
- López A.S., Alonso Floriano F.J., Javier A., Snellen I.A.G., Lopez Puertas M., Nagel E., Hoeijmakers H.J., Bauer F., Amado P., Caballero J.A., Quirrenbach A., Ribas I. & Reiners A. (2018), Water detection in the near infrared in HD 189733 b with CARMENES, European Planetary Science Congress. European Planetary Science Congress 2018 16 September 2018 - 21 September 2018 no. 12 EPSC2018-987.
- Brandl B.R., Quanz S., Snellen I.A.G., Dishoeck E.F. van, Pontoppidan K., Floch E. le, Bettonvil F.C.M., Boekel R. van, Glauser A. & Hurtado Galleguillos N.P. (2018), The Mid-IR ELT Imager and Spectrograph (METIS) and its Science Goals in the Context of AKARI, The Cosmic Wheel and the Legacy of the AKARI Archive: From Galaxies and Stars to Planets and Life. 4th AKARI International Conference: The Cosmic Wheel and the Legacy of the AKARI archive: from galaxies and stars to planets and life 17 October 2017 - 20 October 2017 no. JAXA-SP-17-009E: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). 41-47.
- Brandl B.R., Absil O., Agócs T., Baccichet N., Bertram T., Bettonvil F., Boekel R. van, Burtscher L., Dishoeck E.F. van, Feldt M., Garcia P.J.V., Glasse A., Glauser A., Güdel M., Haupt C., Kenworthy M.A., Labadie L., Laun W., Lesman D., Pantin E., Quanz S.P., Snellen I.A.G., Siebenmorgen R. & Winckel H. van (2018), Status of the mid-IR ELT imager and spectrograph (METIS). Evans C.J., Simard L. & Takami H. (Eds.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 June 2018 - 15 June 2018 no. 10702: SPIE. 107021U.
- Burggraaff O., Talens G.J.J., Spronck J., Lesage A.-L., Stuik R., Otten G.P.P.L., Van Eylen V., Pollacco D. & Snellen I.A.G. (2018), Studying bright variable stars with the Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA (MASCARA), Astronomy and Astrophysics 617: A32.
- Casasayas-Barris N., Pallé E., Yan F., Chen G., Albrecht S., Nortmann L., Van Eylen V., Snellen I.A.G., Talens G.J.J., González Hernández J.I., Rebolo R. & Otten G.P.P.L. (2018), Na I and Hα absorption features in the atmosphere of MASCARA-2b/KELT-20b, Astronomy and Astrophysics 616: A151.
- Dorval P., Snik F., Piskunov N., Navarro R., Kragt J., Horst R., Kunst P., Snellen I.A.G., Naylor T. & Thompson S. (2018), Analysis of the polarimetric performance of the HARPS3 Cassegrain adaptor unit. Evans C.J., Simard L. & Takami H. (Eds.), Proceedings Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 June 2018 - 15 June 2018 no. 10702: SPIE. 107026B.
- Van Eylen V., Agentoft C., Lundkvist M.S., Kjeldsen H., Owen J.E., Fulton B.J., Petigura E. & Snellen I.A.G. (2018), An asteroseismic view of the radius valley: stripped cores, not born rocky, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479(4): 4786-4795.
- Haffert S.Y., Wilby M.J., Keller C.U., Snellen I.A.G., Doelman D.S., Por E.H., Kooten M. van, Bos S.P. & Wardenier J. (2018), On-sky results of the Leiden EXoplanet Instrument (LEXI). Close L.M., Schreiber L. & Schmidt D. (Eds.), Proceedings Adaptive Optics Systems VI. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 June 2018 - 15 June 2018 no. 10703: SPIE. 1070323.
- Hoeijmakers H.J., Snellen I.A.G. & Terwisga S.E. van (2018), Searching for reflected light from τ Bootis b with high-resolution ground-based spectroscopy: Approaching the 10-5 contrast barrier, Astronomy and Astrophysics 610: A47.
- Hoeijmakers H.J., Schwarz H., Snellen I.A.G., Kok R.J. de, Bonnefoy M., Chauvin G., Lagrange A.M. & Girard J.H. (2018), Medium-resolution integral-field spectroscopy for high-contrast exoplanet imaging. Molecule maps of the β Pictoris system with SINFONI, Astronomy and Astrophysics 617: A144.
- Salz M., Czesla S., Schneider P.C., Nagel E., Schmitt J.H.M.M., Nortmann L., Alonso-Floriano F.J., López-Puertas M., Lampón M., Bauer F.F., Snellen I.A.G., Pallé E., Caballero J.A., Yan F., Chen G., Sanz-Forcada J., Amado P.J., Quirrenbach A., Ribas I., Reiners A., Béjar V.J.S., Casasayas-Barris N., Cortés-Contreras M., Dreizler S., Guenther E.W., Henning T., Jeffers S.V., Kaminski A., Kürster M., Lafarga M., Lara L.M., Molaverdikhani K., Montes D., Morales J.C., Sánchez-López A., Seifert W., Zapatero Osorio M.R. & Zechmeister M. (2018), Detection of He I λ 10830 A absorption on HD 189733 b with CARMENES high-resolution transmission spectroscopy, Astronomy and Astrophysics 620: A97.
- Ridden-Harper A.R., Keller C.U., Min M., Lieshout R. van & Snellen I.A.G. (2018), Chromatic transit light curves of disintegrating rocky planets, Astronomy and Astrophysics 618: A97.
- Snellen I.A.G. & Brown A.G.A. (2018), The mass of the young planet Beta Pictoris b through the astrometric motion of its host star, Nature Astronomy 2: 883-886.
- Talens G.J.J., Justesen A.B., Albrecht S., McCormac J., Van Eylen V., Otten G.P.P.L., Murgas F., Palle E., Pollacco D., Stuik R., Spronck J.F.P., Lesage A.-L., Grundahl F., Fredslund Andersen M., Antoci V. & Snellen I.A.G. (2018), MASCARA-2 b. A hot Jupiter transiting the mV = 7.6 A-star HD 185603, Astronomy and Astrophysics 612: A57.
- Talens G.J.J., Deul E.R., Stuik R., Burggraaff O., Lesage A.-L., Spronck J.F.P., Mellon S.N., Bailey III J.I., Mamajek E.E., Kenworthy M.A. & Snellen I.A.G. (2018), Data calibration for the MASCARA and bRing instruments, Astronomy and Astrophysics 619: A154.
- Snellen I.A.G., Miguel Y. & et al (2018), A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL, Experimental Astronomy 46(1): 135-209.
- Nortmann L., Pallé E., Salz M., Sanz-Forcada J., Nagel E., Alonso-Floriano F.J., Czesla S., Yan F., Chen G., Snellen I.A.G., Zechmeister M., Schmitt J.H.M.M., López-Puertas M., Casasayas-Barris N., Bauer F.F., Amado P.J., Caballero J.A., Dreizler S., Henning T., Lampón M., Montes D., Molaverdikhani K., Quirrenbach A., Reiners A., Ribas I., Sánchez-López A., Schneider P.C. & Zapatero Osorio M.R. (2018), Ground-based detection of an extended helium atmosphere in the Saturn-mass exoplanet WASP-69b, Science 362(6421): 1388-1391.
- Talens G.J.J., Albrecht S., Spronck J.F.P., Lesage A., Otten G.P.P.L., Stuik R., Van Eylen V., Van Winckel H., Pollacco D., McCormac J., Grundahl F., Fredslund Andersen M., Antoci V. & Snellen I.A.G. (2017), MASCARA-1 b. A hot Jupiter transiting a bright m_V 8.3 A-star in a misaligned orbit, 606: A73.
- Talens G.J.J., Spronck J.F.P., Lesage A., Otten G.P.P.L., Stuik R., Pollacco D. & Snellen I.A.G. (2017), The Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA (MASCARA). Finding transiting exoplanets around bright (m_V < 8) stars, 601: A11.
- Birkby J.L., Kok R.J. de, Brogi M., Schwarz H. & Snellen I.A.G. (2017), Discovery of Water at High Spectral Resolution in the Atmosphere of 51 Peg b, Astronomical Journal 153(3): 138.
- Snellen I.A.G. (2017), Astronomy: Earth's seven sisters, Nature 542: 421-423.
- Lovis C., Snellen I.A.G., Mouillet D., Pepe F., Wildi F., Astudillo-Defru N., Beuzit J.-L., Bonfils X., Cheetham A., Conod U., Delfosse X., Ehrenreich D., Figueira P., Forveille T., Martins J.H.C., Quanz S.P., Santos N.C., Schmid H.-M., Ségransan D. & Udry S. (2017), Atmospheric characterization of Proxima b by coupling the SPHERE high-contrast imager to the ESPRESSO spectrograph, 599: A16.
- Noack L., Snellen I.A.G. & Rauer H. (2017), Water in Extrasolar Planets and Implications for Habitability, Space Science Reviews 212(1-2): 877-898.
- Snellen I.A.G., Desert J.-M., Waters L.B.F.M., Robinson T., Meadows V., Dishoeck E.F. van, Brandl B.R., Henning T., Bouwman J., Lahuis F., Min M., Lovis C., Dominik C., Van Eylen V., Sing D., Anglada-Escude G., Birkby J.L. & Brogi M. (2017), Detecting Proxima b's Atmosphere with JWST Targeting CO2 at 15 μm Using a High-pass Spectral Filtering Technique, Astronomical Journal 154(2): 77.
- Brogi M., Kok R., Albrecht S., Snellen I.A.G., Birkby J. & Schwarz H. (2016), Rotation and Winds of Exoplanet HD 189733 b Measured with High-dispersion Transmission Spectroscopy, The Astrophysical Journal 817: 106.
- Stuik R., Talens G.-J.J., Otten G.P.P.L., Lesage A., Spronck J.F.P., Pollacco D. & Snellen I.A.G. (2016), The first year of operation of MASCARA: on-sky results and the upcoming southern station, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. no. 9906 990665.
- Thompson S.J., Queloz D., Baraffe I., Brake M., Dolgopolov A., Fisher M., Fleury M., Geelhoed J., Hall R., González Hernández J.I., Horst R. ter, Kragt J., Navarro R., Naylor T., Pepe F., Piskunov N., Rebolo R., Sander L., Ségransan D., Seneta E., Sing D., Snellen I., Snik F., Spronck J., Stempels E., Sun X., Santana Tschudi S. & Young J. (2016), HARPS3 for a roboticized Isaac Newton Telescope. no. 9908: Proc. SPIE. id. 99086F.
- Schwarz H., Ginski C., Kok R.J. de, Snellen I.A.G., Brogi M. & Birkby J.L. (2016), The slow spin of the young substellar companion GQ Lupi b and its orbital configuration, Astronomy and Astrophysics 593: A74.
- Ridden-Harper A.R., Snellen I.A.G., Keller C.U., Kok R.J. de, Di Gloria E., Hoeijmakers H.J., Brogi M., Fridlund M., Vermeersen B. & Westrenen W. (2016), Search for an exosphere in sodium and calcium in the transmission spectrum of exoplanet 55 Cancri e, Astronomy and Astrophysics 593: A129.
- Haffert S.Y., Wilby M.J., Keller C.U. & Snellen I.A.G. (2016), The Leiden EXoplanet Instrument (LEXI): a high-contrast high-dispersion spectrograph, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. no. 9908 990867.
- Hoeijmakers H.J, Kok R.J. de, Snellen I.A.G, Brogi M., Birkby J.L. & Schwarz H. (2015), A search for TiO in the optical high-resolution transmission spectrum of HD 209458b: Hindrance due to inaccuracies in the line database, Astronomy and Astrophysics 575: A20.
- Tinetti G., Drossart P., Eccleston P., Hartogh P., Isaak K., Linder M., Lovis C., Micela G., Ollivier M., Puig L., Snellen I.A.G. & et al (2015), The EChO science case, Experimental Astronomy 40: 329-391.
- Schwarz H., Brogi M., Kok R.J. de, Birkby J. & Snellen I.A.G. (2015), Evidence against a strong thermal inversion in HD 209458b from high-dispersion spectroscopy, Astronomy and Astrophysics 576: A111.
- Puig L., Isaak K., Linder M., Escudero I., Crouzet P., Walker R., Ehle M., Hübner J., Timm R., Vogeleer B., Drossart P., Hartogh P., Lovis C., Micela G., Ollivier M., Ribas I., Snellen I., Swinyard B., Tinetti G. & Eccleston P. (2015), The phase 0/A study of the ESA M3 mission candidate EChO, Experimental Astronomy 40: 393-425.
- Di Gloria E., Snellen I.A.G. & Albrecht S. (2015), Using the chromatic Rossiter-McLaughlin effect to probe the broadband signature in the optical transmission spectrum of HD 189733b, Astronomy and Astrophysics 580: A84.
- Snellen I.A.G, Kok R.J. de, Birkby J.L, Brandl B.R., Brogi M., Keller C.U., Kenworthy M.A., Schwarz H. & Stuik R. (2015), Combining high-dispersion spectroscopy with high contrast imaging: Probing rocky planets around our nearest neighbors, Astronomy and Astrophysics 576: A59.
- Birkby J., Cappetta M., Cruz P., Koppenhoefer J., Ivanyuk O., Mustill A., Hodgkin S., Pinfield D., Sipőcz B., Kovács G., Saglia R., Pavlenko Y., Barrado D., Bayo A., Campbell D., Catalan S., Fossati L., Gálvez-Ortiz M., Kenworthy M., Lillo-Box J., Martín E., Mislis D., Mooij E., Nefs S., Snellen I., Stoev H., Zendejas J., Burgo C., Barnes J., Goulding N., Haswell C., Kuznetsov M., Lodieu N., Murgas F., Palle E., Solano E., Steele P. & Tata R. (2014), WTS-2 b: a hot Jupiter orbiting near its tidal destruction radius around a K dwarf, Monthly Notices of the RAS 440: 1470-1489.
- Werkhoven T.I.M. van, Brogi M., Snellen I.A.G. & Keller C.U. (2014), Analysis and interpretation of 15 quarters of Kepler data of the disintegrating planet KIC 12557548 b, Astronomy and Astrophysics 561: A3.
- Rauer H., Catala C., Aerts C., Appourchaux T., Benz W., Brandeker A., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Deleuil M., Gizon L., Goupil M., Güdel M., Janot-Pacheco E., Mas-Hesse M., Pagano I., Piotto G., Pollacco D., Santos Ċ., Smith A., Suárez J., Szabó R., Udry S., Adibekyan V., Alibert Y., Almenara J., Amaro-Seoane P., Eiff M., Asplund M., Antonello E., Barnes S., Baudin F., Belkacem K., Bergemann M., Bihain G., Birch A., Bonfils X., Boisse I., Bonomo A., Borsa F., Brandão I., Brocato E., Brun S., Burleigh M., Burston R., Cabrera J., Cassisi S., Chaplin W., Charpinet S., Chiappini C., Church R., Csizmadia S., Cunha M., Damasso M., Davies M., Deeg H., Díaz R., Dreizler S., Dreyer C., Eggenberger P., Ehrenreich D., Eigmüller P., Erikson A., Farmer R., Feltzing S., Oliveira Fialho F., Figueira P., Forveille T., Fridlund M., García R., Giommi P., Giuffrida G., Godolt M., Silva J., Granzer T., Grenfell J., Grotsch-Noels A., Günther E., Haswell C., Hatzes A., Hébrard G., Hekker S., Helled R., Heng K., Jenkins J., Johansen A., Khodachenko M., Kislyakova K., Kley W., Kolb U., Krivova N., Kupka F., Lammer H., Lanza A., Lebreton Y., Magrin D., Marcos-Arenal P., Marrese P., Marques J., Martins J., Mathis S., Mathur S., Messina S., Miglio A., Montalban J., Montalto M., Monteiro M., Moradi H., Moravveji E., Mordasini C., Morel T., Mortier A., Nascimbeni V., Nelson R., Nielsen M., Noack L., Norton A., Ofir A., Oshagh M., Ouazzani R., Pápics P., Parro V., Petit P., Plez B., Poretti E., Quirrenbach A., Ragazzoni R., Raimondo G., Rainer M., Reese D., Redmer R., Reffert S., Rojas-Ayala B., Roxburgh I., Salmon S., Santerne A., Schneider J., Schou J., Schuh S., Schunker H., Silva-Valio A., Silvotti R., Skillen I., Snellen I., Sohl F., Sousa S., Sozzetti A., Stello D., Strassmeier K., Svanda M., Szabó G., Tkachenko A., Valencia D., Van Grootel V., Vauclair S., Ventura P., Wagner F., Walton N., Weingrill J., Werner S., Wheatley P. & Zwintz K. (2014), The PLATO 2.0 mission, Experimental Astronomy 38: 249-330.
- Stuik R., Lesage A., Jakobs A., Spronck J. & Snellen I. (2014), MASCARA: data handling, processing, and calibration, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. no. 9152 0.
- Swinyard B., Tessenyi M., Tinetti G., Waldmann I., Eccleston P., Ferlet M., Irshad R., Lim T., Middleton K., Bradshaw T., Crook M., Hunt T., Winter B., Bryson I., Bezawada N., Taylor W., Bowles N., Pascale E., Morgante G., Pace E., Adriani A., Reess J., Drossart P., Foresto V., Ollivier M., Ottensamer R., Rataj M., Ramos Zapata G., Schrader J., Selig A., Isaak K., Linder M., Puig L., Hartogh P., Lovis C., Micela G., Ribas I., Snellen I. & Beaulieu J. (2014), Design and performance of the Exo-planet Characterisation Observatory (EChO) integrated payload, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. no. 9143 2.
- Spronck J., Lesage A., Stuik R., Bettonvil F. & Snellen I. (2014), MASCARA: opto-mechanical design and integration, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. no. 9147 56.
- Birkby J., Snellen I., Kok R., Brogi M., Schwarz H., Albrecht S. & Mooij E. (2014), Detecting water at high-spectral resolution in hot Jupiter atmospheres, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#223. no. 223 #230.04.
- Snellen I. (2014), Characterizing atmospheres of transiting planets from the ground. Apai D. & Gabor P. (Eds.), Search for Life Beyond the Solar System. Exoplanets, Biosignatures {\amp} Instruments. 3.
- Lesage A., Spronck J., Stuik R., Bettonvil F., Pollaco D. & Snellen I. (2014), MASCARA: the multi-site all-sky CAameRA: concept and first results, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. no. 9145 14.
- Birkby J., Snellen I., Brandl B., Kok R. de, Brogi M. & Schwarz H. (2014), The fast spin of the young exoplanet beta Pic b, Thirty years of Beta Pic and Debris Disks Studies. 30.
- Spronck J., Lesage A., Stuik R., Bettonvil F. & Snellen I. (2014), Finding planets transiting the brightest stars with MASCARA. Apai D. & Gabor P. (Eds.), Search for Life Beyond the Solar System. Exoplanets, Biosignatures {\amp} Instruments. 3P.
- Crossfield I., Birkby J., Brogi M., Showman A., Krick J., Hansen B., Hall J., Fortney J., Harrington J., Heng K., Lopez-Morales M., Cubillos P., Snellen I., Cowan N., Rodler F. & Benneke B. (2014), Bright Hot Jupiters: Phase Curves and Doppler Spectroscopy. [other].
- Albrecht S., Winn J., Torres G., Fabrycky D., Setiawan J., Gillon M., Jehin E., Triaud A., Queloz D., Snellen I. & Eggleton P. (2014), The BANANA Project. V. Misaligned and Precessing Stellar Rotation Axes in CV Velorum, 785: 83.
- Snellen I., Brandl B., Kok R., Brogi M., Birkby J. & Schwarz H. (2014), Fast spin of the young extrasolar planet {$β$} Pictoris b, 509: 63-65.
- Kok R.J. de, Birkby J., Brogi M., Schwarz H., Albrecht S., Mooij E. & Snellen I.A.G. (2014), Identifying new opportunities for exoplanet characterisation at high spectral resolution, Astronomy and Astrophysics 561: A150.
- Brogi M., Kok R., Birkby J.L., Schwarz H. & Snellen I.A.G. (2014), Carbon monoxide and water vapor in the atmosphere of the non-transiting exoplanet HD 179949 b, Astronomy and Astrophysics 565: A124.
- Puig L., Isaak K., Linder M., Escudero I., Crouzet P., Walker R., Ehle M., Hübner J., Timm R., Vogeleer B., Drossart P., Hartogh P., Lovis C., Micela G., Ollivier M., Ribas I., Snellen I., Swinyard B., Tinetti G. & Eccleston P. (2014), The phase 0/A study of the ESA M3 mission candidate EChO, Experimental Astronomy : .
- Snellen I. (2014), High-dispersion spectroscopy of extrasolar planets: from CO in hot Jupiters to O2 in exo-Earths, Royal Society of London Philosophical Transactions Series A 372: 30075.
- Cappetta M., Saglia R., Birkby J., Koppenhoefer J., Pinfield D., Hodgkin S., Cruz P., Kovács G., Sipőcz B., Barrado D., Nefs B., Pavlenko Y., Fossati L., Burgo C., Martín E., Snellen I., Barnes J., Campbell D., Catalan S., Gálvez-Ortiz M., Goulding N., Haswell C., Ivanyuk O., Jones H., Kuznetsov M., Lodieu N., Marocco F., Mislis D., Murgas F., Napiwotzki R., Palle E., Pollacco D., Sarro Baro L., Solano E., Steele P., Stoev H., Tata R. & Zendejas J. (2014), Erratum: The first planet detected in the WTS: an inflated hot-Jupiter in a 3.35 d orbit around a late F star, Monthly Notices of the RAS 444: 3150-3150.
- Brogi M., Snellen I.A.G., Kok R., Albrecht S., Birkby J.L. & Mooij E. de (2013), Detection of Molecular Absorption in the Dayside of Exoplanet 51 Pegasi b?, The Astrophysical Journal 767: 27.
- Kok R., Brogi M., Snellen I.A.G., Birkby J.L., Albrecht S. & Mooij E. de (2013), Detection of carbon monoxide in the high-resolution day-side spectrum of the exoplanet HD 189733b, Astronomy and Astrophysics 554: A82.
- Birkby J., Kok R., Brogi M., Mooij E., Schwarz H., Albrecht S. & Snellen I. (2013), Detection of water absorption in the day side atmosphere of HD 189733 b using ground-based high-resolution spectroscopy at 3.2 μm, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 436(1): L35-L39.
- Snellen I. (2013), Characterization of exoplanet atmospheres using high-dispersion spectroscopy with the E-ELT and beyond, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences. no. 47 11001.
- Drossart P., Hartogh P., Isaak K., Lovis C., Micela G., Ollivier M., Ribas I., Snellen I., Swinyard B., Tinetti G., Puig L., Linder M., EChO Science Team & EChO ESA Study Team (2013), The Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory (EChO) : an ESA mission to characterize exoplanets, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts. no. 45 #211.25.
- Snellen I., Stuik R., Otten G., Bettonvil F., Navarro R., Kenworthy M., Mooij E., Horst R., Poole R. le, Lesage A. & Spronck J. (2013), MASCARA: The Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences. no. 47 3008.
- Kok R., Birkby J., Brogi M., Snellen I., Albrecht S., Mooij E. & Schwarz H. (2013), Exploring the atmosphere of HD 189733b at high spectral resolution, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts. no. 45 #105.02.
- Mooij E. de, Brogi M., Kok R. de, Snellen I.A.G., Kenworthy M.A. & Karjalainen R. (2013), The GROUSE project. III. Ks-band observations of the thermal emission from WASP-33b, Astronomy and Astrophysics 550: A54.
- Mooij E. de, Brogi M., Kok R., Snellen I.A.G., Croll B., Jayawardhana R., Hoekstra H., Otten G.P.P.L., Bekkers D., Haffert S. & Houdt J. van (2013), Search for Rayleigh Scattering in the Atmosphere of GJ1214b, The Astrophysical Journal 771: 109.
- Snellen I.A.G., Kok R., Poole R.S. le, Brogi M. & Birkby J.L. (2013), Finding Extraterrestrial Life Using Ground-based High-dispersion Spectroscopy, The Astrophysical Journal 764: 182.
- Nefs S., Birkby J., Snellen I., Hodgkin S., Sipőcz B., Kovács G., Mislis D., Pinfield D. & Martin E. (2013), A highly unequal-mass eclipsing M-dwarf binary in the WFCAM Transit Survey, 431: 3240-3257.
- Snellen I.A.G., Stuik R., Navarro R., Bettonvil F.C.M., Kenworthy M.A., Mooij E., Otten G.P.P.L., Horst R. & Poole R.S. le (2012), Ground-based search for the brightest transiting planets with the Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA: MASCARA, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes Instrumentation 1 July 2012 - 6 July 2012 no. 8444: SPIE. 844401.
- Brogi M., Keller C.U., Juan Ovelar M. de, Kenworthy M.A., Kok R.J. de, Min M. & Snellen I.A.G. (2012), Evidence for the disintegration of KIC 12557548 b, Astronomy and Astrophysics 545: L5.
- Morganti R., Rottgering H.J.A., Snellen I.A.G., Miley G.K., Barthel P., Best C.M. de, Bruggen M., Brunetti G., Chyzy K., Conway J.E., Jarvis M.J. & Lehnert M.D. (2010), Continuum surveys with LOFAR and synergy with future large surveys in the 1-2 GHz band. [other].
- Albrecht S.H., Reffert S., Snellen I.A.G. & Winn J.N. (2009), Misaligned spin and orbital axes cause the anomalous precession of DIHerculis, 461: 373-376.
- Hekker S., Snellen I.A.G., Aerts C., Quirrenbach H.A., Reffert S. & Mitchell D.S. (2008), Precise radial velocities of giant stars. IV. A correlation between surface gravity and radial velocity variation and a statistical investigation of companion properties, Astronomy & Astrophysics 480: 215-222.
- Rigby E.E., Best P.N. & Snellen I.A.G. (2008), A sample of mJy radio sources at 1.4 GHz in the Lynx and Hercules fields - II. Cosmic evolution of the space density of FR I radio sources, 385: 310-334.
- Snellen I.A.G., Albrecht S.H., Mooij E.J.W. de & Poole R.S. le (2008), Groundbased detection of sodium in the transmission spectrum of exoplanet HD 209458b, Astronomy & Astrophysics 487: 357-362.
- Vries N. de, Snellen I.A.G., Schilizzi R.T., Lehnert M.D. & Bremer M.N. (2007), Complete identification of the Parkes half-Jansky sample of GHz peaked spectrum radio galaxies, Astronomy & Astrophysics 464: 879-883.
- Matthews B., Greaves J., Holland W., Wyatt M.C., Barlow M.J., Bastien P., Beichman C.A., Biggs A., Butner H.M., Dent W.R.F., Francesco J. di, Dominik C., Fissel L., Friberg P., Gibb A.G., Halpern M., Ivison R.J., Jayawardhana R., Jenness T., Johnstone D., Kavelaars J., Marshall J.L., Phillips N., Schieven G., Snellen I.A.G., Walker H.J., Ward-Thompson D., Weferling B., White G.J., Yates J., Zhu M. & Craigon A. (2007), An Unbiased Survey of 500 Nearby Stars for Debris Disks: A JCMT Legacy Program, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 119: 842-854.
- Albrecht S.H., Reffert S., Snellen I.A.G., Quirrenbach H.A. & Mitchell E. (2007), The spin axes orbital alignment of both stars within the eclipsing binary system V1143 Cyg, Astronomy & Astrophysics 474: 565-573.
- Rigby E.E., Snellen I.A.G. & Best P.N. (2007), A sample of mJy radio sources at 1.4 GHz in the Lynx and Hercules fields - I. Radio imaging, multicolour photometry and spectroscopy, 380: 1449-1466.
- Snellen I.A.G., Burg R.F.J. & Hoon M.D.J. de (2007), A search for transiting extrasolar planet candidates in the OGLE-II microlens database of the galactic plane, Astronomy & Astrophysics 476: 1357-1363.
- Snellen I.A.G. & Covino E. (2007), K-band transit and secondary eclipse photometry of exoplanet OGLE-TR-113b, 375: 307-312.
- Vink J., Snellen I.A.G., Mack K.H. & Schilizzi R.T. (2006), The X-ray properties of young radio-loud AGN, 367: 928-936.
- Snellen I.A.G. (2005), High-precision K-band photometry of the secondary eclipse of HD 209458, 363: 211-215.
- Rottgering H.J.A., Intema H.T., Vir Lal D., Miley G.K., Rhao P. & Snellen I.A.G. (2005), 150 MHz observations with the Westerbork and GMRT radio telescopes of Abell 2256 and the Bootes field: ultra-steep spectrum radio sources as probes of cluster and galaxy evolution, Astronomical Notes = Astronomische Nachrichten 326: 621-621.
- Snellen I.A.G., Mack K.H., Schilizzi R.T. & Tschager W. (2004), The CORALZ sample - I. Young radio-loud active galactic nuclei at low redshift, 348: 227-234.
- Tschager W., Schilizzi R.T., Röttgering H.J.A., Snellen I.A.G., Miley G.K. & Perley R.A. (2003), A Population Study of Faint Compact Steep Spectrum Radio Sources: Self-Similar Growth, Publ. Astron. Soc. Australia 20: 75-78.
- Tschager W., Schilizzi R.T., Röttgering H.J.A., Snellen I.A.G., Miley G.K. & Perley R.A. (2003), The determination of the spectral turnover in faint Compact Steep-Spectrum radio sources using the VLA at 74 MHz, Astronomy & Astrophysics 402: 171-179.
- Vermeulen R.C., Pihlström Y.M., Tschager W., Vries W.H. de, Conway J.E., Barthel P.D., Baum S.A., Braun R., Bremer M.N., Miley G.K., O'Dea C.P., Röttgering H.J.A., Schilizzi R.T., Snellen I.A.G. & Taylor G.B. (2003), Observations of H I absorbing gas in compact radio sources at cosmological redshifts, Astronomy & Astrophysics 404: 861-870.
- Snellen I.A.G., Lehnert M.D., Bremer M.N. & Schilizzi R.T. (2003), Fundamental galaxy parameters for radio-loud active galactic nuclei and the black hole-radio power connection, 342: 889-900.
- Snellen I.A.G., Mack K.H., Schilizzi R.T. & Tschager W. (2003), Constraining the Evolution of Young Radio-Loud AGN, Publ. Astron. Soc. Australia 20: 38-41.