Huib Intema
IT Research and Education Developer
- Name
- H.T. Intema
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 8497
- 0000-0002-5880-2730

IT Research and Education Developer
- Science
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht
- Oei M.S.S.L., Hardcastle M.J., Timmerman R., Gast A.R.D.J.G.I.B., Botteon A., Rodriguez A.C., Stern D., Calistro Rivera G., Weeren R.J. van, Röttgering H.J.A., Intema H.T., de Gasperin F. & Djorgovski S.G. (2024), Black hole jets on the scale of the cosmic web, Nature 633(8030): 537-541.
- Shulevski A., Brienza M., Massaro F., Morganti R., Intema H.T., Oosterloo T., De Gasperin F., Rajpurohit K., Pasini T., Kutkin A., Vohl D., Adams E.A.K., Adebahr B., Brüggen M., Hess K.M., Loose M.G., Oostrum L.C. & Ziemke J. (2024), LOFAR discovery and wide-band characterisation of an ultra-steep spectrum AGN radio remnant associated with Abell 1318, Astronomy & Astrophysics 682: A171.
- Gloudemans A.J., Saxena A., Intema H., Callingham J.R., Duncan K.J., Röttgering H.J.A., Belladitta S., Hardcastle M.J., Harikane Y. & Spingola C. (2023), No strong radio absorption detected in the low-frequency spectra of radio-loud quasars at z > 5.6, Astronomy and Astrophysics 678: A128.
- Kurahara K., Akahori T., Kale R., Akamatsu H., Fujita Y., Gu L., Intema H.T., Nakazawa K., Okabe N., Omiya Y., Parekh V., Shimwell T.W., Takizawa M. & Weeren R.J. van (2023), Diffuse radio source candidate in CIZA J1358.9-4750, Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan 75(Supplement 1): S138-S153.
- Mroczkowski T., Donahue M., Marrewijk J. van, Clarke T.E., Hoffer A., Intema H.T., Di Mascolo L., Popping G., Pratt G.W., Sun M. & Voit M. (2022), The strongest cool core in REXCESS: missing X-ray cavities in RXC J2014.8-2430, Astronomy and Astrophysics 665: A48.
- Ray P.S., Nieder L., Clark C.J., Ransom S.M., Cromartie H.T., Frail D.A., Mooley K.P., Intema H.T., Jagannathan P., Demorest P., Stovall K., Halpern J.P., Deneva J., Guillot S., Kerr M., Swihart S.J., Bruel P., Stappers B.W., Lyne A., Mickaliger M., Camilo F., Ferrara E.C., Wolff M.T. & Michelson P.F. (2022), Discovery, timing, and multiwavelength observations of the black widow millisecond pulsar PSR J1555-2908, The Astrophysical Journal 927(2): 216.
- Shao Y., Wagg J., Wang R., Momjian E., Carilli C.L., Walter F., Riechers D.A., Intema H.T., Weiss A., Brunthaler A. & Menten K.M. (2022), The radio spectral turnover of radio-loud quasars at z > 5, Astronomy and Astrophysics 659: A159.
- Dabhade P., Shimwell T.W., Bagchi J., Saikia D.J., Combes F., Gaikwad M., Röttgering H.J.A., Mohapatra A., Ishwara-Chandra C.H., Intema H.T. & Raychaudhury S. (2022), Barbell-shaped giant radio galaxy with ~100 kpc kink in the jet, Astronomy and Astrophysics 668: A64.
- Mooley K.P., Margalit B., Law C.J., Perley D.A., Deller A.T., Lazio T.J.W., Bietenholz M.F., Shimwell T.W., Intema H.T., Gaensler B.M., Metzger B.D., Dong D.Z., Hallinan G., Ofek E.O. & Sironi L. (2022), Late-time evolution and modeling of the off-axis gamma-ray burst candidate FIRST J141918.9+394036, The Astrophysical Journal 924(1): 16.
- Ruiter I. de, Leseigneur G., Rowlinson A., Wijers R.A.M.J., Drabent A., Intema H.T. & Shimwell T.W. (2021), Limits on long-time-scale radio transients at 150 MHz using the TGSS ADR1 and LoTSS DR2 catalogues, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508(2): 2412-2425.
- Saponara J., Benaglia P., Andruchow I., Ishwara-Chandra C.H. & Intema H.T. (2021), Investigation of the double-lobed sources of the Cygnus constellation core, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 38: e044.
- Benaglia P., Ishwara-Chandra C.H., Paredes J.M., Intema H.T., Colazo M.E. & Isequilla N.L. (2021), Radio counterparts of gamma-ray sources in the Cygnus Region, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 252(2): 17.
- Norris R.P., Intema H.T., Kapińska A.D., Koribalski B.S., Lenc E., Rudnick L., Alsaberi R.Z.E., Anderson C., Anderson G.E., Crawford E., Crocker R., English J., Filipović M.D., Galvin T.J., Hopkins A.M., Hurley-Walker N., Inoue S., Luken K., Macgregor P.J., Manojlović P., Marvil J., O'Brien A.N., Park L., Raja W., Shobhana D., Venturi T., Collier J.D., Hale C., Hotan A., Moss V. & Whiting M. (2021), Unexpected circular radio objects at high Galactic latitude, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 38: e003.
- Mandal S., Prandoni I., Hardcastle M.J., Shimwell T.W., Intema H.T., Tasse C., Weeren R.J. van, Algera H.S.B., Emig K.L., Rottgering H.J.A., Schwarz D.J., Siewert T.M., Best P.N., Bonato M., Bondi M., Jarvis M.J., Kondapally R., Leslie S.K., Mahatma V.H., Sabater J., Retana-Montenegro E. & Williams W.L. (2021), Extremely deep 150 MHz source counts from the LoTSS deep fields, Astronomy and Astrophysics 648: A5.
- Ghirardini V., Bulbul E., Hoang D.N., Klein M., Okabe N., Biffi V., Brüggen M., Ramos-Ceja M.E., Comparat J., Oguri M., Shimwell T.W., Basu K., Bonafede A., Botteon A., Brunetti G., Cassano R., de Gasperin F., Dennerl K., Gatuzz E., Gastaldello F., Intema H.T., Merloni A., Nandra K., Pacaud F., Predehl P., Reiprich T.H., Robrade J., Rottgering H.J.A., Sanders J., Weeren R.J. van & Williams W.L. (2021), Discovery of a supercluster in the eROSITA final equatorial depth survey: X-ray properties, radio halo, and double relics, Astronomy and Astrophysics 647: A4.
- de Gasperin F., Williams W.L., Best P., Brüggen M., Brunetti G., Cuciti V., Dijkema T.J., Hardcastle M.J., Norden M.J., Offringa A., Shimwell T., Weeren R. van, Bomans D., Bonafede A., Botteon A., Callingham J.R., Cassano R., Chyży K.T., Emig K.L., Edler H., Haverkorn M., Heald G., Heesen V., Iacobelli M., Intema H.T., Kadler M., Małek K., Mevius M., Miley G., Mingo B., Morabito L.K., Sabater J., Morganti R., Orrú E., Pizzo R., Prandoni I., Shulevski A., Tasse C., Vaccari M., Zarka P. & Rottgering H.J.A. (2021), The LOFAR LBA sky survey: I. Survey description and preliminary data release, Astronomy and Astrophysics 648: 1-18 (A104).
- Hoang D.N., Zhang X., Stuardi C., Shimwell T.W., Bonafede A., Brüggen M., Brunetti G., Botteon A., Cassano R., de Gasperin F., Di Gennaro G., Hoeft M., Intema H.T., Rajpurohit K., Rottgering H.J.A., Simionescu A. & Weeren R.J. van (2021), A 3.5 Mpc long radio relic in the galaxy cluster ClG 0217+70, Astronomy and Astrophysics 656: A154.
- Zhang X., Simionescu A., Stuardi C., Weeren R.J. van, Intema H.T., Akamatsu H., Plaa J. de, Kaastra J.S., Bonafede A., Brüggen M., ZuHone J. & Ichinohe Y. (2021), Deep Chandra observations of merging galaxy cluster ZwCl 2341+0000, Astronomy and Astrophysics 656: A59.
- Zhang X., Simionescu A., Stuardi C., Weeren R.J. van, Intema H.T., Akamatsu H., Plaa J. de, Kaastra J., Bonafede A., Brüggen M., Zuhone J. & Ichinohe Y. (2021), Deep Chandra observations of double relic cluster ZwCl 2341+0000. Galaxy Cluster Formation II (GCF 2021), Virtual. 14 June 2021 - 18 June 2021. [conference poster].
- Raja R., Rahaman M., Datta A., Weeren R.J. van, Intema H.T. & Paul S. (2021), A low-frequency radio halo survey of the South Pole Telescope SZ-selected clusters with the GMRT, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500(2): 2236-2249.
- Gendron Marsolais M., Hlavacek Larrondo J., Hull C., Perley R., Rudnick L., Kraft R., Fabian A.C., Roediger E., Weeren R.J. van, Richard Laferrière A., Arakawa N., Clarke T.E., Sebastian B., Mroczkowski T., Sheldahl E., Blundell K., Nyland K., Sanders J., Peters W. & Intema H.T. (2021), High dynamic range JVLA observations of Perseus Cluster Radio Galaxies, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. 237th American Astronomical Society Meeting 11 January 2021 - 15 January 2021 no. 53. Washington D.C.: AAS Publishing. 203.03.
- Albert J.G., Oei M.S.S.L., Weeren R.J. van, Intema H.T. & Rottgering H.J.A. (2020), A probabilistic approach to direction-dependent ionospheric calibration, Astronomy and Astrophysics 633: A77.
- Albert J.G., Weeren R.J. van, Intema H.T. & Rottgering H.J.A. (2020), Probabilistic direction-dependent ionospheric calibration for LOFAR-HBA, Astronomy and Astrophysics 635: A147.
- Xie C., Weeren R.J. van, Lovisari L., Andrade-Santos F., Botteon A., Brüggen M., Bulbul E., Churazov E., Clarke T. E., Forman W.R., Intema H.T., Jones C., Kraft R.P., Lal D.V., Mroczkowski T. & Zitrin A. (2020), The discovery of radio halos in the frontier fields clusters Abell S1063 and Abell 370, Astronomy and Astrophysics 636: A3.
- Gendron-Marsolais M., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Weeren R.J. van, Clarke T., Fabian A.C., Intema H.T., Taylor G.B., Blundell K.M. & SandersJ.S. (2020), Probing the non-thermal emission in the Perseus cluster with the JVLA. Asada K., de Gouveia Dal Pino E., Giroletti M., Nagai H. & Nemmen R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. IAU Symposium 342 – Perseus in Sicily: from black hole to cluster outskirts 13 May 2018 - 18 May 2018 no. 14. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 44-52.
- Gendron-Marsolais M., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Weeren R.J. van, Rudnick L., Clarke T.E., Sebastian B., Mroczkowski T., Fabian A.C., Blundell K.M., Sheldahl E., Nyland K., Sanders J.S., Peters W.M. & Intema H.T. (2020), High-resolution VLA low radio frequency observations of the Perseus cluster: radio lobes, mini-halo, and bent-jet radio galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499(4): 5791-5805.
- Shao Y., Wagg J., Wang R., Carilli C.L., Riechers D.A., Intema H.T., Weiss A. & Menten K.M. (2020), Observations by GMRT at 323 MHz of radio-loud quasars at z > 5, Astronomy and Astrophysics 641: A85.
- Brienza M., Morganti R., Harwood J., Duchet T., Rajpurohit K., Shulevski A., Hardcastle M.J., Mahatma V., Godfrey L.E.H., Prandoni I., Shimwell T.W. & Intema H.T. (2020), Radio spectral properties and jet duty cycle in the restarted radio galaxy 3C388, Astronomy and Astrophysics 638: A29.
- Ignesti A., Shimwell T., Brunetti G., Gitti M., Intema H.T., Weeren R.J van, Hardcastle M.J., Clarke A.O., Botteon A., Gennaro G. Di, Brüggen M., Browne I.W.A., Mandal S., Röttgering H.J.A., Cuciti V., Gasperin F. de, Cassano R. & Scaife A.M.M. (2020), The great Kite in the sky: a LOFAR observation of the radio source in Abell 2626, Astronomy and Astrophysics 643: A172.
- Mandal S., Intema H.T., Weeren R.J. van, Shimwell T.W., Botteon A., Brunetti G., Gasperin F. de, Brüggen M., Di Gennaro G., Kraft R., Rottgering H.J.A., Hardcastle M. & Tasse C. (2020), Revived fossil plasma sources in galaxy clusters, Astronomy and Astrophysics 634: A4.
- Raja R., Rahaman M., Datta A., Burns J.O., Alden B., Intema H.T., Weeren R.J. van, Hallman E.J., Rapetti D. & Paul S. (2020), Probing the origin of diffuse radio emission in the cool core of the Phoenix galaxy cluster, The Astrophysical Journal 889(2): 128.
- Fallows R.A., Forte B., Astin I., Allbrook T., Arnold A., Wood A., Dorrian G., Mevius M., Rothkaehl H., Matyjasiak B., Krankowski A., Anderson J.M., Asgekar A., Avruch I.M., Bentum M., Bisi M.M., Butcher H.R., Ciardi B., Dabrowski B., Damstra S., Gasperin F. de, Duscha S., Eislöffel J., Franzen T.M.O., Garrett M.A., Grießmeier J.M., Gunst A.W., Hoeft M., Hörandel J.R., Iacobelli M., Intema H.T., Koopmans L.V.E., Maat P., Mann G., Nelles A., Paas H., Pandey V.N., Reich W., Rowlinson A., Ruiter M., Schwarz D.J., Serylak M., Shulevski A., Smirnov O.M., Soida M., Steinmetz M., Thoudam S., Toribio M.C., Ardenne A. van, Bemmel I.M. van, Wiel M.H.D. van der, Haarlem M.P. van, Vermeulen R.C., Vocks C., Wijers R.A.M.J., Wucknitz O., Zarka P. & Zucca P. (2020), A LOFAR observation of ionospheric scintillation from two simultaneous travelling ionospheric disturbances, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 10: 10.
- Raja R., Rahaman M., Datta A., Burns J.O., Intema H.T., Weeren R.J. van, Hallman E.J., Rapetti D. & Paul S. (2020), Diffuse radio emission in the galaxy cluster SPT-CL J2031-4037: a steep-spectrum intermediate radio halo?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493(1): L28-L32.
- Kolokythas K., O'Sullivan E., Giacintucci S., Worrall D.M., Birkinshaw M., Raychaudhury S., Horellou C., Intema H. & Loubser I. (2020), Evidence of AGN feedback and sloshing in the X-ray luminous NGC 1550 galaxy group, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496(2): 1471-1487.
- Choudhuri S., Ghosh A., Roy N., Bharadwaj S., Intema H.T. & Ali S.S. (2020), All-sky angular power spectrum - I. Estimating brightness temperature fluctuations using the 150-MHz TGSS survey, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494(2): 1936-1945.
- Šlaus B., Smolčić V., Novak M., Fotopoulou S., Ciliegi P., Jurlin N., Ceraj L., Tisanić K., Birkinshaw M., Bremer M., Chiappetti L., Horellou C., Huynh M., Intema H.T., Kolokythas K., Pierre M., Raychaudhury S. & Rottgering H.J.A. (2020), The XXL Survey. XLI. Radio AGN luminosity functions based on the GMRT 610 MHz continuum observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics 638: A46.
- Quiroga Nunez L.H., Intema H.T., Callingham J.R., Villadsen J., Langevelde H.J. van, Jagannathan P., Shimwell T.W. & Boven E.P. (2020), Differences in radio emission from similar M dwarfs in the binary system Ross 867-8, Astronomy and Astrophysics 633: A130.
- Benaglia P., Ishwara-Chandra C.H., Intema H.T., Colazo M.E. & Gaikwad M. (2020), Cygnus survey with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope at 325 and 610 MHz: The catalog, Astronomy and Astrophysics 642: A136.
- Benaglia P., Becker M. de, Ishwara-Chandra C.H., Intema H.T. & Isequilla N.L. (2020), Megahertz emission of massive early-type stars in the Cygnus region, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 37: e030.
- Botteon A., Weeren R.J. van, Brunetti G., Gasperin F. de, Intema H.T., Osinga E., Di Gennaro G., Shimwell T.W., Bonafede A., Brüggen M., Cassano R., Cuciti V., Dallacasa D., Gastaldello F., Mandal S., Rossetti M. & Rottgering H.J.A. (2020), A giant radio bridge connecting two galaxy clusters in Abell 1758, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499(1): L11-L15.
- Botteon A., Shimwell T.W., Bonafede A., Dallacasa D., Gastaldello F., Eckert D., Brunetti G., Venturi T., Weeren R.J. van, Mandal S., Brüggen M., Cassano R., Gasperin F. de, Drabent A., Dumba C., Intema H.T., Hoang D.N., Rafferty D., Röttgering H.J.A., Savini F., Shulevski A., Stroe A. & Wilber A. (2019), The spectacular cluster chain Abell 781 as observed with LOFAR, GMRT, and XMM-Newton, 622: A19.
- Savini F., Bonafede A., Brüggen M., Rafferty D., Shimwell T.W., Botteon A., Brunetti G., Intema H.T., Wilber A., Cassano R., Vazza F., Weeren R.J. van, Cuciti V., Gasperin F. de, Röttgering H.J.A., Sommer M., Bîrzan L. & Drabent A. (2019), A LOFAR study of non-merging massive galaxy clusters, 622: A24.
- Chakraborty A., Datta A., Choudhuri S., Roy N., Intema H.T., Choudhury M., Datta K.K., Pal S., Bharadwaj S., Dutta P. & Choudhury T.R. (2019), Detailed study of the ELAIS N1 field with the uGMRT - I. Characterizing the 325 MHz foreground for redshifted 21 cm observations, Monthly Notices of the RAS (0035-8711) 487(3): 4102-4113.
- Gu L., Akamatsu H., Shimwell T.W., Intema H.T., Weeren R.J. van, Gasperin F. de, Mernier F., Mao J., Urdampilleta I., Plaa J. de, Parekh V., Röttgering H.J.A. & Kaastra J.S. (2019), Observations of a pre-merger shock in colliding clusters of galaxies, Nature Astronomy 3: 838-843.
- Hoang D.N., Shimwell T.W., Weeren R.J. van, Brunetti G., Röttgering H.J.A., Andrade-Santos F., Botteon A., Brüggen M., Cassano R., Drabent A., Gasperin F. de, Hoeft M., Intema H.T., Rafferty D.A., Shweta A. & Stroe A. (2019), Radio observations of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 520, 622: A20.
- Hoang D.N., Shimwell T.W., Weeren R.J. van, Brunetti G., Röttgering H.J.A., Andrade-Santos F., Botteon A., Brüggen M., Cassano R., Drabent A., Gasperin F. de, Hoeft M., Intema H.T., Rafferty D.A., Shweta A. & Stroe A. (2019), Radio observations of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 520 (Corrigendum), 624: C1.
- Tisanić K., Smolčić V., Delhaize J., Novak M., Intema H.T., Delvecchio I., Schinnerer E., Zamorani G., Bondi M. & Vardoulaki E. (2019), The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: Average radio spectral energy distribution of highly star-forming galaxies, 621: A139.
- Knowles K., Baker A.J., Bond J.R., Gallardo P.A., Gupta N., Hilton M., Hughes J.P., Intema H.T., López-Caraballo C.H., Moodley K., Schmitt B.L., Sievers J., Sifón C. & Wollack E. (2019), GMRT 610 MHz observations of galaxy clusters in the ACT equatorial sample, Monthly Notices of the RAS (0035-8711) 486(1): 1332-1349.
- Kolokythas K., O'Sullivan E., Intema H.T., Raychaudhury S., Babul A., Giacintucci S. & Gitti M. (2019), The complete local volume groups sample - III. Characteristics of group central radio galaxies in the Local Universe, Monthly Notices of the RAS (0035-8711) 489(2): 2488-2504.
- Hajela A., Mooley K.P., Intema H.T. & Frail D.A. (2019), A GMRT 150 MHz search for variables and transients in Stripe 82, Monthly Notices of the RAS (0035-8711) 490(4): 4898-4906.
- Mandal S., Intema H.T., Shimwell T.W., Weeren R.J.van, Botteon A., Röttgering H.J.A., Hoang D.N., Brunetti G., Gasperin F. de, Giacintucci S., Hoekstra H., Stroe A., Brüggen M., Cassano R., Shulevski A., Drabent A. & Rafferty D. (2019), Ultra-steep spectrum emission in the merging galaxy cluster Abell 1914, 622: A22.
- Shimwell T.W., Tasse C., Hardcastle M.J., Mechev A.P., Williams W.L., Best P.N., Röttgering H.J.A., Callingham J.R., Dijkema T.J., Gasperin, Hoang D.N., Hugo B., Mirmont M., Oonk J.B.R., Prandoni I., Rafferty D., Sabater J., Smirnov O., Weeren R.J.van, White G.J., Atemkeng M., Bester L., Bonnassieux E., Brüggen M., Brunetti G., Chyży K.T., Cochrane R., Conway J.E., Croston J.H., Danezi A., Duncan K., Haverkorn M., Heald G.H., Iacobelli M., Intema H.T., Jackson N., Jamrozy M., Jarvis M.J., Lakhoo R., Mevius M., Miley G.K., Morabito L., Morganti R., Nisbet D., Orrú E., Perkins S., Pizzo R.F., Schrijvers C., Smith D.J.B., Vermeulen R., Wise M.W., Alegre L., Bacon D.J., Bemmel I.M.van, Beswick R.J., Bonafede A., Botteon A., Bourke S., Brienza M., Calistro Rivera G., Cassano R., Clarke A.O., Conselice C.J., Dettmar R.J., Drabent A., Dumba C., Emig K.L., Enßlin T.A., Ferrari C., Garrett M.A., Génova-Santos R.T., Goyal A., Gürkan G., Hale C., Harwood J.J., Heesen V., Hoeft M., Horellou C., Jackson C., Kokotanekov G., Kondapally R., Kunert-Bajraszewska M., Mahatma V., Mahony E.K., Mandal S., McKean J.P., Merloni A., Mingo B., Miskolczi A., Mooney S., Nikiel-Wroczyński B., O'Sullivan S.P., Quinn J., Reich W., Roskowiński C., Rowlinson A., Savini F., Saxena A., Schwarz D.J., Shulevski A., Sridhar S.S., Stacey H.R., Urquhart S., Wiel M.H.D. van der, Varenius E., Webster B. & Wilber A. (2019), The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. II. First data release, 622: A1.
- Mechev A.P., Shimwell T.W., Plaat A., Intema H., Varbanescu A.L. & Rottgering H.J.A. (2019), Scalability model for the LOFAR direction independent pipeline, Astronomy and Computing 28: 100293.
- Wilber A., Brüggen M., Bonafede A., Rafferty D., Shimwell T.W., Weeren R.J. van, Akamatsu H., Botteon A., Savini F., Intema H., Heino L., Cuciti V., Cassano R., Brunetti G., Röttgering H.J.A. & Gasperin F. de (2019), Evolutionary phases of merging clusters as seen by LOFAR, 622: A25.
- Paul S., Salunkhe S., Datta A. & Intema H.T. (2019), Low-frequency radio study of MACS clusters at 610 and 235 MHz using the GMRT, Monthly Notices of the RAS (0035-8711) 489(1): 446-458.
- Gasperin F. de, Dijkema T.J., Drabent A., Mevius M., Rafferty D., Weeren R.J. van, Bruggen M., Callingham J.R., Emig K.L., Heald G., Intema H.T., Morabito L.K., Offringa A.R., Oonk J.B.R., Orru E., Rottgering H.J.A., Sabater J., Shimwell T., Shulevski A. & Williams W. (2019), Systematic effects in LOFAR data: a unified calibration strategy, Astronomy and Astrophysics 622: A5.
- Saxena A., Jagannathan P., Röttgering H.J.A., Best P.N., Intema H.T., Zhang M., Duncan K.J., Carilli C.L. & Miley G.K. (2018), A search for faint high-redshift radio galaxy candidates at 150 MHz, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475(4): 5041-5058.
- Wilber A., Brueggen M., Bonafede A., Savini F., Shimwell T.W., Weeren R.J. van, Rafferty D., Mechev A.P., Intema H.T., Andrade-Santos F., Clarke A.O., Mahony E.K., Morganti R., Prandoni I., Brunetti G., Rottgering H.J.A., Mandal S., Gasperin F. de & Hoeft M. (2018), LOFAR discovery of an ultra-steep radio halo and giant head-tail radio galaxy in Abell 1132, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473(3): 3536-3546.
- Mechev A., Oonk R., Shimwell T., Plaat A., Intema H. & Rottgering H. (2018), Fast and Reproducible LOFAR Workflows with AGLOW, 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science). 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science) 29 October 2018 - 1 November 2018: IEEE. 136-144.
- Gennaro G. di, Weeren R.J. van, Hoeft M., Kang H., Ryu D., Rudnick L., Forman W., Röttgering H.J.A., Brüggen M., Dawson W.A., Golovich N., Hoang D.N., Intema H.T., Jones C., Kraft R.P., Shimwell T.W. & Stroe A. (2018), Deep Very Large Array Observations of the Merging Cluster CIZA J2242.8+5301: Continuum and Spectral Imaging, 865(1): 24.
- Frail D.A., Ray P.S., Mooley K.P., Hancock P., Burnett T.H., Jagannathan P., Ferrara E.C., Intema H.T., Gasperin F. de, Demorest P.B., Stovall K. & McKinnon M.M. (2018), An image-based search for pulsars among Fermi unassociated LAT sources, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475(1): 942-954.
- Heesen V., Croston J.H., Morganti R., Hardcastle M.J., Stewart A.J., Best P.N., Broderick J.W., Brüggen M., Brunetti G., Chyży K.T., Harwood J.J., Haverkorn van Rijsewijk M., Hess K.M., Intema H.T., Jamrozy M., Kunert-Bajraszewska M., McKean J.P., Orrú E., Röttgering H.J.A., Shimwell T.W., Shulevski A., White G.J., Wilcots E.M. & Williams W.L. (2018), LOFAR reveals the giant: a low-frequency radio continuum study of the outflow in the nearby FR I radio galaxy 3C 31, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474(4): 5049-5067.
- Hoang D.N., Shimwell T.W., Weeren R.J.van, Intema H.T., Röttgering H.J.A., Andrade-Santos F., Akamatsu H., Bonafede A., Brunetti G., Dawson W.A., Golovich N., Best P.N., Botteon A., Brüggen M., Cassano R., Gasperin, Hoeft M., Stroe A. & White G.J. (2018), Radio observations of the double-relic galaxy cluster Abell 1240, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478(2): 2218-2233.
- Gasperin F. de, Mevius M., Rafferty D.A., Intema H.T. & Fallows R.A. (2018), The effect of the ionosphere on ultra-low-frequency radio-interferometric observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics 615: A179.
- Brienza M., Morganti R., Murgia M., Vilchez N., Adebahr B., Carretti E., Concu R., Govoni F., Harwood J., Intema H.T., Loi F., Melis A., Paladino R., Poppi S., Shulevski A., Vacca V. & Valente G. (2018), Duty cycle of the radio galaxy B2 0258+35, Astronomy and Astrophysics 618: A45.
- Kokotanekov G., Wise M.W., Vries M. de & Intema H.T. (2018), Signatures of multiple episodes of AGN activity in the core of Abell 1795, Astronomy and Astrophysics 618: A152.
- Horellou C., Intema H.T., Smolčić V., Nilsson A., Karlsson F., Krook C., Tolliner L., Adami C., Benoist C., Birkinshaw M., Caretta C., Chiappetti L., Delhaize J., Ferrari C., Fotopoulou S., Guglielmo V., Kolokythas K., Pacaud F., Pierre M., Poggianti B.M., Ramos-Ceja M.E., Raychaudhury S., Röttgering H.J.A. & Vignali C. (2018), The XXL Survey: XXXIV. Double irony in XXL-North. A tale of two radio galaxies in a supercluster at z = 0.14, Astronomy and Astrophysics 620: A19.
- Choudhuri S., Bharadwaj S., Ali Sk.S., Roy N., Intema H.T. & Ghosh A. (2018), The angular power spectrum measurement of the Galactic synchrotron emission using the TGSS survey. Jelić V. & Hulst T. van der (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Symposium S333 (Peering towards Cosmic Dawn 2 October 2017 - 6 October 2017 no. 333: IAU. 157-161.
- Tisanić K., Smolčić V., Delhaize J., Novak M., Intema H.T., Delvecchio I., Schinnerer E. & Zamorani G. (2018), Average radio spectral energy distribution of highly star-forming galaxies. Jelić V. & Hulst T. van der (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Symposium S333 (Peering towards Cosmic Dawn 2 October 2017 - 6 October 2017 no. 12: IAU. 191-194.
- Gasperin F. de, Intema H.T. & Frail D.A. (2018), A radio spectral index map and catalogue at 147-1400 MHz covering 80 per cent of the sky, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474(4): 5008-5022.
- Collier J.D., Tingay S.J., Callingham J.R., Norris R.P., Filipović M.D., Galvin T.J., Huynh M.T., Intema H.T., Marvil J., O'Brien A.N., Roper Q., Sirothia S., Tothill N.F.H., Bell M.E., For B.-Q., Gaensler B.M., Hancock P.J., Hindson L., Hurley-Walker N., Johnston-Hollitt M., Kapińska A.D., Lenc E., Morgan J., Procopio P., Staveley-Smith L., Wayth R.B., Wu C., Zheng Q., Heywood I. & Popping A. (2018), High-resolution observations of low-luminosity gigahertz-peaked spectrum and compact steep-spectrum sources, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477(1): 578-592.
- Savini F., Bonafede A., Brüggen M., Weeren R.J. van, Brunetti G., Intema H.T., Botteon A., Shimwell T., Wilber A., Rafferty D., Giacintucci S., Cassano R., Cuciti V., Gasperin F. de, Röttgering H.J.A., Hoeft M. & White G. (2018), First evidence of diffuse ultra-steep-spectrum radio emission surrounding the cool core of a cluster, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478(2): 2234-2242.
- Bîrzan L., Rafferty D.A., Brüggen M. & Intema H.T. (2018), Erratum: A Study of High-redshift AGN Feedback in SZ Cluster Samples, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479(3): 2906-2908.
- Aviles G.M., Johnston-Hollitt M., Ferrari C., Venturi T., Democles J., Dallacasa D., Cassano R., Brunetti G., Giacintucci S., Pratt G.W., Arnaud M., Aghanim N., Brown S., Douspis M., Hurier J., Intema H.T., Langer M., Macario G. & Pointecouteau E. (2018), ATCA observations of the MACS-Planck Radio Halo Cluster Project. II. Radio observations of an intermediate redshift cluster sample, Astronomy and Astrophysics 611: A94.
- Walker S., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Gendon-Marsolais M.-L., Fabian A., Intema H.T. & Sanders J. (2018), Discovery of a Giant, 200,000 Light-year Long Wave Rolling Through the Perseus Galaxy Cluster, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts. American Astronomical Society #231 8 January 2018 - 12 January 2018 no. 231: American Astronomical Society. 406.07.
- Mechev A.P., Plaat A., Oonk J.B.R., Intema H.T. & Röttgering H.J.A. (2018), Pipeline Collector: Gathering performance data for distributed astronomical pipelines, Astronomy and Computing 24: 117-128.
- Gendron-Marsolais M., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Weeren R.J. van, Clarke T., Intema H., Russell H., Edge A., Fabian A., Olamaie M., Rumsey C., King L., McNamara B., Fecteau-Beaucage D., Hogan M., Mezcua M., Taylor G., Blundell K. & Sanders J. (2018), Probing the non-thermal emission in Abell 2146 and the Perseus cluster with the JVLA, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts. American Astronomical Society #231 8 January 2018 - 12 January 2018 no. 231: American Astronomical Society. 342.29.
- Rajpurohit K., Hoeft M., Weeren R.J. van, Rudnick L., Röttgering H.J.A., Forman W.R., Brüggen M., Croston J.H., Andrade-Santos F., Dawson W.A., Intema H.T., Kraft R.P., Jones C. & Jee M.J. (2018), Deep VLA Observations of the Cluster 1RXS J0603.3+4214 in the Frequency Range of 1-2 GHz, 852(2): 65.
- Saxena A., Marinello M., Overzier R.A., Best P.N., Röttgering H.J.A., Duncan K.J., Prandoni I., Pentericci L., Magliocchetti M., Paris D., Cusano F., Marchi F., Intema H.T. & Miley G.K. (2018), Discovery of a radio galaxy at z = 5.72, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480(2): 2733-2742.
- Brüggen M., Rafferty D., Bonafede A., Weeren R.J. van, Shimwell T.W., Intema H., Röttgering H.J.A., Brunetti G., Di Gennaro G., Savini F., Wilber A., O'Sullivan S., Ensslin T.A., Gasperin F. de & Hoeft M. (2018), Discovery of large-scale diffuse radio emission in low-mass galaxy cluster Abell 1931, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477(3): 3461-3468.
- Hoang N.D., Shimwell T.W., Stroe A., Akamatsu H., Brunetti G., Donnert J.M.F., Intema H.T., Mulcahy D.D., Röttgering H.J.A., Weeren R.J. van, Bonafede A., Brüggen M., Cassano R., Chyży K.T., Enßlin T., Ferrari C., De Gasperin F., Gu L., Hoeft M., Miley G.K., Orrú E., Pizzo R. & White G.J. (2017), Deep LOFAR observations of the merging galaxy cluster CIZA J2242.8+5301, 471: 1107-1125.
- Albert J., Sifon Andalaft C.J., Stroe A., Mernier F.D.M., Intema H.T., Rottgering H.J.A. & Brunetti G. (2017), Complex diffuse emission in the z = 0.52 cluster PLCK G004.5-19.5, 607: A4.
- Calistro Rivera G.E., Williams W.L., Hardcastle M.J., Duncan K.J., Rottgering H.J.A., Best P.N., Brüggen M., Chyży K.T., Conselice C.J., Gasperin F. de, Engels D., Gürkan G., Intema H.T., Jarvis M.J., Mahony E.K., Miley G.K., Morabito L.K., Prandoni I., Sabater J., Smith D.J.B., Tasse C., Werf P.P. van der & White G.J. (2017), The LOFAR window on star-forming galaxies and AGNs - curved radio SEDs and IR-radio correlation at 0, 469: 3468-3488.
- Walker S.A., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Gendron-Marsolais M., Fabian A.C., Intema H.T., Sanders J.S., Bamford J.T. & Weeren R.J. van (2017), Is there a giant Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the sloshing cold front of the Perseus cluster?, 468: 2506-2516.
- Hurley-Walker N. & Intema H.T. (2017), Applying SPAM to the extended MWA. [other].
- Parekh V., Dwarakanath K.S., Kale R. & Intema H.T. (2017), A study of diffuse radio sources and X-ray emission in six massive clusters, 464: 2752-2765.
- Jamrozy M., Machalski J., Nikiel-Wroczyński B. & Intema H.T. (2017), Reassessment of an Origin of the Radio Structure of J1420-0545, 850: 7.
- Bîrzan L., Rafferty D.A., Brüggen M. & Intema H.T. (2017), A study of high-redshift AGN feedback in SZ cluster samples, 471: 1766-1787.
- Brown M.J.I., Moustakas J., Kennicutt R.C., Bonne N.J., Intema H.T., Gasperin F. de, Boquien M., Jarrett T.H., Cluver M.E., Smith J.-D.T., Cunha E., Imanishi M., Armus L., Brandl B.R. & Peek J.E.G. (2017), Calibration of Ultraviolet, Mid-infrared, and Radio Star Formation Rate Indicators, 847: 136.
- Choudhuri S., Bharadwaj S., Ali S.S., Roy N., Intema H.T. & Ghosh A. (2017), The angular power spectrum measurement of the Galactic synchrotron emission in two fields of the TGSS survey, 470: L11-L15.
- Miettinen O., Delvecchio I., Smolcić V., Aravena M., Brisbin D., Karim A., Magnelli B., Novak M., Schinnerer E., Albrecht M., Aussel H., Bertoldi F., Capak P.L., Casey C.M., Hayward C.C., Ilbert O., Intema H.T., Jiang C., Le Fèvre O., McCracken H.J., Munoz Arancibia A.M., Navarrete F., Padilla N.D., Riechers D.A., Salvato M., Scott K.S., Sheth K. & Tasca L.A.M. (2017), An ALMA survey of submillimetre galaxies in the COSMOS field: Physical properties derived from energy balance spectral energy distribution modelling, 606: A17.
- Procopio P., Wayth R.B., Line J., Trott C.M., Intema H.T., Mitchell D.A., Pindor B., Riding J., Tingay S.J., Bell M.E., Callingham J.R., Dwarakanath K.S., For B.-Q., Gaensler B.M., Hancock P.J., Hindson L., Hurley-Walker N., Johnston-Hollitt M., Kapińska A.D., Lenc E., McKinley B., Morgan J., Offringa A., Staveley-Smith L., Wu C. & Zheng Q. (2017), A High-Resolution Foreground Model for the MWA EoR1 Field: Model and Implications for EoR Power Spectrum Analysis, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 34: e033.
- Gendron-Marsolais M., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Weeren R.J. van, Clarke T., Fabian A.C., Intema H.T., Taylor G.B., Blundell K.M. & Sanders J.S. (2017), Deep 230-470 MHz VLA observations of the mini-halo in the Perseus cluster, 469: 3872-3880.
- Bhakta D., Deneva J.S., Frail D.A., Gasperin F. de, Intema H.T., Jagannathan P. & Mooley K.P. (2017), Searching for pulsars associated with the Fermi GeV excess, 468: 2526-2531.
- Coppejans R., Velzen S. van, Intema H.T., Müller C., Frey S., Coppejans D.L., Cseh D., Williams W.L., Falcke H., Körding E.G., Orrú E., Paragi Z. & Gabányi K.É. (2017), Radio spectra of bright compact sources at z > 4.5, 467: 2039-2060.
- George L.T., Dwarakanath K.S., Johnston-Hollitt M., Intema H.T., Hurley-Walker N., Bell M.E., Callingham J.R., For B.-Q., Gaensler B., Hancock P.J., Hindson L., Kapińska A.D., Lenc E., McKinley B., Morgan J., Offringa A., Procopio P., Staveley-Smith L., Wayth R.B., Wu C. & Zheng Q. (2017), A study of halo and relic radio emission in merging clusters using the Murchison Widefield Array, 467: 936-949.
- Murphy T., Kaplan D.L., Croft S., Lynch C., Callingham J.R., Bannister K., Bell M.E., Hurley-Walker N., Hancock P., Line J., Rowlinson A., Lenc E., Intema H.T., Jagannathan P., Ekers R.D., Tingay S., Yuan F., Wolf C., Onken C.A., Dwarakanath K.S., For B.-Q., Gaensler B.M., Hindson L., Johnston-Hollitt M., Kapińska A.D., McKinley B., Morgan J., Offringa A.R., Procopio P., Staveley-Smith L., Wayth R., Wu C. & Zheng Q. (2017), A search for long-time-scale, low-frequency radio transients, 466: 1944-1953.
- Intema H.T., Jagannathan P., Mooley K.P. & Frail D.A. (2017), The GMRT 150 MHz all-sky radio survey. First alternative data release TGSS ADR1, 598: A78.
- Miettinen O., Delvecchio I., Smolcić V., Novak M., Aravena M., Karim A., Murphy E.J., Schinnerer E., Capak P., Ilbert O., Intema H.T., Laigle C. & McCracken H.J. (2017), (Sub)millimetre interferometric imaging of a sample of COSMOS/AzTEC submillimetre galaxies. IV. Physical properties derived from spectral energy distributions, 597: A5.
- Ness J., Migliari S., Birzan L., Rafferty D., Brueggen M. & Intema H.T. (2017), Understanding AGN Feedback in SZ-Selected Clusters, Proceedings of the The X-ray Universe 2017. The X-ray Universe 2017 6 June 2017 - 9 June 2017: American Astronomical Society. 42.
- Gasperin F. de, Intema H.T., Shimwell T.W., Brunetti G., Bruggen M., Ensslin T.A., Weeren R.J. van, Bonafede A. & Rottgering H.J.A. (2017), Gentle reenergization of electrons in merging galaxy clusters, Science Advances 3(10): 1701634.
- Mechev A.P., Oonk J.B.R., Danezi A., Shimwell T.W., Schrijvers C., Intema H.T., Plaat A. & Rottgering H.J.A. (2017), An Automated Scalable Framework for Distributing Radio Astronomy Processing Across Clusters and Clouds. International Symposium on Grids and Clouds 5 March 2017 - 10 March 2017: Proceedings of Science.
- Gasperin F. de, Intema H.T., Ridl J., Salvato M., Weeren R.J. van, Bonafede A., Greiner J., Cassano R. & Bruggen M. (2017), Tracing low-mass galaxy clusters using radio relics: the discovery of Abell 3527-bis, 597: A15.
- Martinez Aviles G., Ferrari C., Johnston-Hollitt M., Pratley .L, Macario G., Venturi T., Brunetti G., Cassano R., Dallacasa D., H.T. Intema, Giacintucci S., Hurier G., Aghanim N., Douspis M. & Langer M. (2016), ATCA observations of the MACS-Planck Radio Halo Cluster Project. I. New detection of a radio halo in PLCK G285.0-23.7, Astronomy and Astrophysics 595: A116.
- Frail D.A., Mooley K.P., Jagannathan P. & Intema H.T. (2016), Pulsar candidates towards Fermi unassociated sources, 461: 1062-1067.
- Eckert D., Jauzac M., Vazza F., Owers M.S., Kneib J.-P., Tchernin C., Intema H.T. & Knowles K. (2016), A shock front at the radio relic of Abell 2744, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 461: 1302-1307.
- Shimwell T.W., Luckin J., Brüggen M., Brunetti G., Intema H.T., Owers M., Röttgering H.J.A., Stroe A., Weeren R., Williams W.L., Cassano R., Gasperin F. de, Heald G., Hoang N.D., Hardcastle M., Sridhar S., Sabater J., Best P., Bonafede A., Chyży K., Enßlin T., Ferrari C., Haverkorn M., Hoeft M., Horellou C., McKean J., Morabito L.K., Orru E., Pizzo R., Retana-Montenegro E.F. & White G. (2016), A plethora of diffuse steep spectrum radio sources in Abell 2034 revealed by LOFAR, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 459(1): 277-290.
- Weeren R.J. van, Brunetti G., Bruggen M., Andrade-Santos F., Ogrean G.A., Williams W.L., Rottgering H.J.A., Dawson W.A., Forman W.R., Gasperin F. de, Hardcastle M.J., Jones C., Miley G.K., Rafferty D.A., Rudnick L., Sabater J., Sarazin C.L., Shimwell T.W., Bonafede A., Best P.N., Birzan L., Cassano R., Chyzy K.T., Croston J.H., Dijkema T.J., Ensslin T., Ferrari C., Heald G., Hoeft M., Horellou C., Jarvis M.J., Kraft R.P., Mevius M., Intema H.T., Murray S.S., Orru E., Pizzo R., Sridhar S.S., Simionescu A., Stroe A., Tol S. van der & White G.J. (2016), LOFAR, VLA, and Chandra Observations of the Toothbrush Galaxy Cluster, 818: 204.
- Harwood J.J., Croston J.H., Intema H.T., Stewart A.J., Ineson J., Hardcastle M.J., Godfrey L., Best P., Brienza M., Heesen V., Mahony E.K., Morganti R., Murgia M., Orrú E., Röttgering H.J.A., Shulevski A. & Wise M.W. (2016), FR II radio galaxies at low frequencies - I. Morphology, magnetic field strength and energetics, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 458: 4443-4455.
- Jackson N., Tagore A., Deller A., Moldón J., Varenius E., Morabito L., Wucknitz O., Carozzi T., Conway J., Drabent A., Kapinska A., Orru E., Brentjens M., Blaauw R., Kuper G., Sluman J., Schaap J., Vermaas N., Lacobelli M., Cerrigone L., Shulevski A., Veen S., Fallows R., Pizzo R., Sipior M., Anderson J., Avruch I., Bell M., Bemmel I., Bentum M., Best P., Bonafede A., Breitling F., Broderick J., Brouw W., Brüggen M., Ciardi B., Corstanje A., Gasperin F. de, Geus E., Eislöffel J., Engels D., Falcke H., Garrett M., Grießmeier J., Gunst A., Haarlem M., Heald G., Hoeft M., Hörandel J., Horneffer A., Intema H.T., Juette E., Kuniyoshi M., Leeuwen J., Loose G., Maat P., McFadden R., McKay-Bukowski D., McKean J., Mulcahy D., Munk H., Pandey-Pommier M., Polatidis A., Reich W., Röttgering H.J.A., Rowlinson A. & Scaife A.M.M. (2016), LBCS: The LOFAR Long-Baseline Calibrator Survey, Astronomy and Astrophysics 595: A86.
- Frail D., Jagannathan P., Mooley K. & Intema H.T. (2016), Known Pulsars Identified in the GMRT 150 MHz All-sky Survey, 829(2): 119.
- Knowles K., Intema H.T., Baker A.J., Bharadwaj V., Bond J.R., Cress C., Gupta N., Hajian A., Hilton M., Hincks A.D., Hlozek R., Hughes J.P., Lindner R.R., Marriage T.A., Menanteau F., Moodley K., Niemack M.D., Reese E.D., Sievers J., Sifón C., Srianand R. & Wollack E.J. (2016), A giant radio halo in a low-mass SZ-selected galaxy cluster: ACT-CL J0256.5+0006, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 459: 4240-4258.
- Randall S., Clarke T., Weeren R., Intema H.T., Dawson W., Mroczkowski T., Blanton E., Bulbul E. & Giacintucci S. (2016), Multi-wavelength Observations of the Dissociative Merger in the Galaxy Cluster CIZA J0107.7+5408, The Astrophysical Journal 823: 94.
- Yusef-Zadeh F., Cotton W., Wardle M. & Intema H.T. (2016), An OH(1720 MHz) Maser and a Nonthermal Radio Source in Sgr B2(M): An SNR-Molecular Cloud Interaction Site?, Astrophysical Journal Letters 819(2): L35.
- Müller C., Burd P., Schulz R., Coppejans R., Falcke H., Intema H.T., Kadler M., Krauß F. & Ojha R. (2016), The MHz-peaked radio spectrum of the unusual y-ray source PMN J1603-4904, Astronomy and Astrophysics 593: L19.
- Tingay S., Hancock P., Wayth R., Intema H.T., Jagannathan P. & Mooley K. (2016), A Multi-resolution, Multi-epoch Low Radio Frequency Survey of the Kepler K2 Mission Campaign 1 Field, Astronomical Journal 152(4): 82.
- Coppejans R., Cseh D., Velzen S. van, Falcke H., Intema H.T., Paragi Z., Müller C., Williams W.L., Frey S., Gurvits L. & Körding E. (2016), What are the megahertz peaked-spectrum sources?, 459: 2455-2471.
- Weeren R., Williams W.L, Hardcastle M., Shimwell T.W., Rafferty D., Sabater J., Heald G., Sridhar S., Dijkema T., Brunetti G., Brüggen M., Andrade-Santos F., Ogrean G., Röttgering H.J.A., Dawson W., Forman W., Gasperin F. de, Jones C., Miley G., Rudnick L., Sarazin C., Bonafede A., Best P., Birzan L., Cassano R., Chyzy K., Croston J., Ensslin T., Ferrari C., Hoeft M., Horellou C., Jarvis M., Kraft R., Mevius M., Intema H.T., Murray S., Orru E., Pizzo R., Simionescu A., Stroe A., Tol S. van der & White G. (2016), LOFAR Facet Calibration, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 223(1): 2.
- McKean J.P., Godfrey L.E.H., Vegetti S., Wise M.W., Morganti R., Hardcastle M.J., Rafferty D., Anderson J., Avruch I.M., Beck R., Bell M.E., Bemmel I. van, Bentum M.J., Bernardi G., Best P., Blaauw R., Bonafede A., Breitling F., Broderick J.W., Brüggen M., Cerrigone L., Ciardi B., Gasperin F. de, Deller A., Duscha S., Engels D., Falcke H., Fallows R.A., Frieswijk W., Garrett M.A., Grießmeier J.M., Haarlem M.P. van, Heald G., Hoeft M., Horst A.J. van der, Iacobelli M., Intema H.T., Juette E., Karastergiou A., Kondratiev V.I., Koopmans L.V.E., Kuniyoshi M., Kuper G., Leeuwen J. van, Maat P., Mann G., Markoff S., McFadden R., McKay-Bukowski D., Mulcahy D.D., Munk H., Nelles A., Orru E., Paas H., Pandey-Pommier M., Pietka M., Pizzo R., Polatidis A.G., Reich W., Röttgering H.J.A., Rowlinson A., Scaife A.M.M., Serylak M., Shulevski A., Sluman J., Smirnov O., Steinmetz M., Stewart A., Swinbank J., Tagger M., Thoudam S., Toribio Perez M.C. & et al (2016), LOFAR imaging of Cygnus A - direct detection of a turnover in the hotspot radio spectra, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 463: 3143-3150.
- Gendron-Marsolais M.-L., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Clarke T.E., Intema H.T., Fabian A.C., Taylor G.B. & Blundell K. (2016), AGN feedback in the Perseus cluster, AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division. no. 15 101.03.
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