Media about hundreds of thousands of unknown galaxies
An international team of more than 200 astronomers from 18 countries has published hundreds of thousands of unknown galaxies. The data are part of a project lead by Leiden professor of Observational cosmology Huub Röttgering. Both Dutch and international media reported extensively about the publication.
The galaxies are part of the first phase of a major new radio sky survey at unprecedented sensitivity using the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) telescope. The survey sheds new light on many research areas including the physics of black holes and how clusters of galaxies evolve. A special issue of the scientific journal Astronomy & Astrophysics is dedicated to the first twenty-six research papers describing the survey and its first results.
Read all about the survey in the press release from the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy ASTRON: New sky map detects hundreds of thouasands of unknown galaxies
A selection from the media coverage
- The Daily Mail: The Universe just got a lot bigger! New map of the night sky unearths 300,000 more galaxies
- The Standard: Incredible night sky map reveals hundreds of thousands of new galaxies
- Forbes: New Night Sky Map Reveals 'Hundreds Of Thousands' Unknown Galaxies With 15 Million More Forecast
- Breitbart: New radio sky survey reveals 300,000 new galaxies
- Spaceref: Hundreds of Thousands of Previously Unknown Galaxies Mapped
- La Jornada: Telescopio LOFAR detecta cientos de miles de galaxias desconocidas
- idw: Neue Himmelskarte veröffentlicht
- Radio 1, Nieuws en Co: Nederlandse astronomen ontdekken honderdduizenden sterrenstelsels
- De Telegraaf: Grote rol Nederland bij ontdekking duizenden sterrenstelsels
- NOS: Onderzoekers brengen 300.000 sterrenstelsels in kaart
- Scientias: Nieuwe hemelkaart onthult honderdduizenden nieuwe sterrenstelsels
- Dagblad van het Noorden: Honderdduizenden onbekende sterrenstelsels in beeld dankzij telescoop van LOFAR Exloo