Hinke Endedijk
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. H.M. Endedijk
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 1435
- h.m.endedijk@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-5607-2589

Short CV
Hinke Endedijk is Assistant Professor Educational Science (Pedagogical Science) since September 2019. During her work as Assistant Professor at Utrecht University she examined teacher-student relationship and peer relationships in inclusive education. Her doctoral research (2016) at the Behavioural Science Institute and Donders Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen, focused on cooperation and peer acceptance in young children.
The central theme in Hinke her work is Inclusive Education, especially teacher professionalization. Her ambition is to make teacher more competent in dealing with behavioral problems in the classroom. Behavior is communication. Questions that are important are: What is the function of this behavior? What are the educational needs of this student? How can the teacher support this student while at the same time teaching other students? For example, in her current research she studies how teachers can be supported in understand what the educational needs of students are and what role teacher-student relationships and interactions have for the cognitive and social development of a student. Other concepts she studies are differentiation, executive functions and motivation.
Grants and awards
NRO-grant (2018) for a study about the role of the teacher for peer relationships in inclusive education (50.000 euro).
Assistant professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Onderwijswetenschappen
- Endedijk H.M., Swart F. de, Molenaar J., Hammer A., Laros N., Pranger S., van der Stelt E., van Rossum S., van Genderen A., van Hout G., Zee M. & Mainhard M.T. (2023), BeGRP. Bekwaam in gedrag: responsief door perspectief. Leiden: Leiden University. [other].
- Immel A.-S., Altgassen M, Meyer M., Endedijk H.M. & Hunnius S. (2022), Self-projection in early childhood: no evidence for a common underpinning of episodic memory, episodic future thinking, theory of mind, and spatial navigation, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 223: 1-25 (105481).
- Endedijk H.M., Hendrickx M. & Mainhard M.T. (2022), Jij bent hun voorbeeld, Didaktief 2022(1): 1-3.
- Swart F. de & Endedijk H.M. (2022), Door de bril van de leerling, Didaktief 2022(3): .
- Stroet K.F.A., Endedijk H.M., Liende M. van der, Eijsink T. & Gijlers H. Jolles D. (2022), Schoolsucces als de scholen dicht zijn?: Een onderzoek naar de rol van ondersteuning door leerkrachten en ouders tijdens de coronacrisis, Pedagogische Studien 99(3): 200-221.
- Endedijk H.M., Stroet K.F.A. & Jolles D.D. (2021), Onderwijs aan de keukentafel, Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek 5: 22-29.
- Endedijk H.M., Nelemans S.A., Schür R.R., Boks M.P.M. van, Lier P., Meeus W., Branje S. & Vinkers C.H. (2020), The role of stress and mineralocorticoid receptor haplotypes in the development of symptoms of depression and anxiety during adolescence, Frontiers in Psychiatry 11: 367.
- Endedijk H.M., Cillessen A.H.N., Bekkering H. & Hunnius S. (2020), Cooperation and preference by peers in early childhood: A longitudinal study, Social Development 29(3): .
- Meyer M., Endedijk H.M., Bekkering H. & Hunnius S. (2020), Intention to imitate: Top-down effects on 4-year-olds’ neural processing of others’ actions, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 45: 100851.
- Ruiter J.A. de, Donker M.H. & Endedijk H.M. (2020), Met andere ogen, Didaktief : .
- Ruiter J.A. de, Donker M.H. & Endedijk H.M. (2020), Met andere ogen kijken naar interacties in de klas. Workshop gegeven op PO-conferentie, Utrecht, 5 februari 2020. [other].
- Endedijk H.M., Nelemans S.A., Schür R.R., Boks M.P., Lier P. van, Meeus W., Vinkers C.H., Sarabdjitsingh R.A. & Branje S. (2019), The role of stressful parenting and mineralocorticoid receptor haplotypes on social development during adolescence and young adulthood, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 48(6): 1082-1099.
- Meyer M., Endedijk H.M., Van Ede F. & Hunnius S. (2019), Theta oscillations in 4-year-olds are sensitive to task engagement and task demands, Scientific Reports 9: e6049.
- Endedijk H.M., Breeman L., Van Lissa C., Den Boer L. & Mainhard T. (2019), Lesgeven in passend onderwijs: Hoe leerkracht-leerling relaties de sociale positie van leerlingen in de klas mee bepalen.
- Endedijk H.M. (2019), Workshop voor leerkrachten binnen schoolbestuur PROO Leiden over gedragsproblemen in het regulier onderwijs. [other].
- Endedijk H.M., Meyer M., Bekkering H., Cillessen A.H.N. & Hunnius S. (2017), Neural mirroring and social interaction: motor system involvement during action observation relates to early peer cooperation, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 24: 33-41.
- Endedijk H.M. (10 February 2017), Peer interaction under construction (Dissertatie, Sociale Wetenschappen, Radboud Universiteit). Nijmegen: Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud Universiteit. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Bekkering H. & Cillessen A.H.N., Hunnius S.
- Van Schaik J., Endedijk H.M., Stapel J. & Hunnius S. (2016), Young children’s motor interference in influenced by novel group membership, Frontiers in Psychology 7: 321.
- Van Schaik J., Endedijk H., Stapel J. & Hunnius S. (2016), Young children's motor interference is influenced by novel group membership, Frontiers in Psychology 7: e321.
- Endedijk H.M., Ramenzoni V.C.O., Cox R.F.A., Cillessen A.H.N., Bekkering H. & Hunnius S. (2015), Development of interpersonal coordination between peers during a drumming task, Developmental Psychology 51: 714-721.
- Endedijk H.M., Cillessen A.H.N., Cox R.F.A., Bekkering H. & Hunnius S. (2015), The role of child characteristics and peer experiences in the development of peer cooperation, Social Development 24(3): 521-540.
- Endedijk H.M. & Cillessen A.H.N. (2015), Computerized sociometric assessment for preschool children, International Journal of Behavioral Development 39(4): 383-388.
- Endedijk H.M. (2014), Speel jij maar alleen, want jij let niet op wat ik doe! . In: Noorden T. van & Berg Y. van den (Eds.), Bouwen aan de basis. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit. 40-43.
- Endedijk H.M., Denessen E. & Hendriks A.W. (2011), Relationships between executive functioning and homework difficulties in students with and without autism spectrum disorder: An analysis of student- and parent-reports, Learning and Individual Differences 21(6): 766-770.
- Redactielid Tijdschrift van Orthopedagogiek