Herman Steensma
- Name
- Dr. H.O. Steensma
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3713
- steensma@fsw.leidenuniv.nl

Dr. Herman Steensma (1947), PhD, is an associate professor emeritus of social and organisational psychology. He has worked at several universities and research institutes. He has been a member of the research schools Kurt Lewin Institute, Research Institute for Psychology & Health, and participated in projects of the Netherlands School for Research in Practical Philosophy.
Dr. Herman Steensma (1947), PhD, is an associate professor emeritus of social and organisational psychology. He has worked at several universities and research institutes. He has been a member of the research schools Kurt Lewin Institute, Research Institute for Psychology & Health, and participated in projects of the Netherlands School for Research in Practical Philosophy.
He was co-initiator of the first biennial conference on Social Justice Research, and co-founder of the Leiden International Centre for the Study of Social Justice (1986). He also co-founded the Association of Explanatory Sociology; the Association of Social & Organizational Psychology students and alumni; a network of experts in aggression in the workplace; and the Journal Gedrag & Organisatie.
Research interests include social justice, leadership and management, occupational health, organizational change, quality of working life, job satisfaction, work motivation, total quality management, complex decision- making processes, group dynamics, positive psychology, and aggression in the workplace. Professor Steensma was the senior supervisor of the master theses and/or internships of over 400 master students. In all, he supervised about 670 research and consultancy projects. He has been a member of the board of examiners of PhD dissertations for universities in the Netherlands, Belgium, India and Pakistan.
Herman Steensma created/developed 27 courses, and organized 40 (inter)national conferences and symposia. Moreover, he initiated and co-organized several ‘business days’.
His articles have been published in 44 scientific and professional journals. Ancillary activities have been, inter alia, columnist; speaker at vernissages; member/chair of committees selecting the best Dutch Quality Improvement Team.
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Soc., Econom. en Organisat Psych.