Universiteit Leiden

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Henriët van Middendorp

Associate professor

Dr. H. van Middendorp
+31 71 527 6333

Short CV

Henriët van Middendorp is Associate Professor of Health Psychology at the Health, Medical, and Neuropsychology unit at Leiden University as of 2014. Between 2010 and 2014, she worked as a senior researcher at the Department of Medical Psychology at the Radboud university medical center. Before that time, she worked as a PhD-student (2000-2004), postdoctoral researcher (2004-2007), and Assistant Professor (2007-2010) at the Department of Health Psychology at Utrecht University. She graduated in 1999 on 2 master specializations, Health Psychology and Developmental Psychology. Her research has always focused on psychoneurobiological factors in health and disease, including the psychoneurobiology of somatic complaints (e.g., pain) and conditions (e.g., chronic pain, skin, and kidney diseases), with particular emphasis on placebo and nocebo effects, stress mechanisms, and treatment. Currently, she is starting a particular personal research line in which she combines health/medical psychology and developmental psychology in order to optimize health care in young patients with (acute and chronic) somatic conditions. See for further information the Research tab.

CV September 2019


Henriët van Middendorp's research focuses on psychoneurobiological factors in health and disease. She has a special interest in the psychoneurobiology of somatic complaints (e.g., pain) and conditions (e.g., chronic pain, skin, and kidney diseases), with particular emphasis on placebo and nocebo effects, stress mechanisms, and treatment. She conducts both fundamental research on the psychoneurobiology of placebo, nocebo and stress mechanisms, and translational research on E-health screening and innovative interventions for chronic somatic conditions. Currently, she is starting a particular personal research line in which she combines health/medical psychology and developmental psychology. Within this research line, she aims to acquire and apply evidence-based knowledge on optimized health care to improve the care children within hospitals receive, in order to prevent or restrict negative short-term consequences (e.g., anxiety) and long-term developmental problems in young patients with (acute and chronic) somatic conditions.

Research programs

  • Psychoneurobiology in itch and pain
  • Stress and stress management in chronic inflammatory conditions
  • Placebo research: Training of the immune and endocrine system
  • e-Coach: Tailored cognitive-behavioral e-Health care for patients with chronic somatic conditions
  • Screening and self-management interventions for chronic conditions


  • Coordinator RM thesis and internship Clinical and Health track 
  • Coordinator RM thesis and internship intervision Clinical and Health track 
  • Unit coordinator Bachelor thesis Health, Medical, and Neuropsychology 
  • Lecturer Stress, Health, and Disease 
  • Teacher Health and Medical Psychology 
  • (Research) Master thesis supervision 
  • Bachelor thesis supervision 
  • Research internship supervision 

Tasks support staff

  • Member of the Ethics Committee Psychology (CEP) 
  • Member of the Admission Committee Research Master Psychology 
  • Member of the Research Policy Committee Health, Medical, and Neuropsychology


Currently running projects

  • ZonMw Medical Inspirator Price (collaboration researchers and patient representatives), Lyme paralyzes lives (“Lyme legt levens lam”; project member): 2019-2021 
  • Dutch Arthritis Foundation, special project within long-term research programme to prof.dr. A.W.M. Evers, Sensitization of physical symptoms and disease progression in rheumatic conditions: The role of expectancies and conditioning (co-project leader): 2019-2022 
  • NWO-Vici grant for high potentials to prof.dr. A.W.M. Evers, Innovational Research Incentives scheme VICI grant, NWO Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, The power of expectations: Unraveling the role of nocebo effects in the sensitization of somatic symptoms (project member): 2017-2021
  • Dutch Kidney Foundation, Systematic implementation of an eHealth self-management care protocol for kidney donors (co-project leader): 2017-2020 
  • Dutch Kidney Foundation, The effectiveness of tailored E-health self-management treatment for patients with end-stage renal disease: A randomized controlled trial (co-project leader): 2017-2021 
  • NWO Research talent, Training the circadian rhythm: Conditioning of the cortisol awakening response (project member): 2016-2020 


Several awards of PhD-students, e.g., Young Scholar Award of Aleksandrina Skvortsova at American Psychosomatic Society meeting 2018, best thesis 2017 of Sylvia van Beugen at Association for Research in Psychology and Health (ARPH)

Personal awards

  • 2007 Award for best presentation at Najaarsdagen Reumatologie (Dutch Society for Rheumatology), for my study entitled “Emotions and the processing and regulation of emotions in women with fibromyalgia” 
  • 2006 Nominated for ‘Rheuma award 2006’ (best PhD research) of the Dutch Arthritis Foundation 
  • 2005 Young Scholar Award, American Psychosomatic Society


Supervised PhD candidates

  • Anneleen Berende, “Persistent Lyme Empiric Antibiotic Study Europe (PLEASE) - A randomized controlled trial of prolonged antibiotic treatment in patients with persistent symptoms attributed to Lyme borreliosis”, 2019 (expected) 
  • Aleksandrina Skvortova, “Placebo effects and the endocrine system: the role of oxytocin”, 2019 (expected)
  • Maaike Ferwerda, “Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for patients with rheumatoid arthritis”, 2018 
  • Lieke Wirken, “Psychosocial consequences of living kidney donation: From screening to intervention”, 2018 
  • Sylvia van Beugen, “Psychodermatology 2.0. Towards Improved Assessment and Effective Internet-based Interventions Cognitive-behavioral E-health treatment in psoriasis”, 2017 
  • Marianne B. Kool, “Understanding lack of understanding. Invalidation in rheumatic diseases”, 2012

Relevant links

Associate professor

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Gezondheids, Medische- Neuropsychologie

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden
Room number 2A01



  • Make A Wish Lid impact klankbordgroep
  • Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health (ARPH) Bestuurslidmaatschap
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