Universiteit Leiden

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Hein Putter

Professor Longtudinal data analysis

Prof.dr. H. Putter
071 5279705

Professor of Medical Statistics

More information about Hein Putter

Complex survival data

My main research topic of interest is complex survival data, such as competing risks, multi-state models, frailty models. An important theme in my work is dynamic prediction; the development of prediction models that take into account the event history of an individual, as well as his/her prognostic factors.

Academic career

I did my PhD research at the department of Mathematical Statistics at Leiden University, under the supervision of prof.dr. W.R. van Zwet. The title of my PhD thesis, which I defended in 1994, was “Consistency of Resampling Methods”. After having obtained my PhD, I worked as post-doc at the University of Amsterdam, Free University Amsterdam, and Cambridge University. Since 2000 I work at the department of Medical Statistics, now Biomedical Data Sciences of the LUMC. In 2010 I was appointed full professor.

Prizes and honourable appointments

I received a ZonMW TOP grant in 2007, on competing risks and multi-state models. In 2016 I received the Hans van Houwelingen Award for “Dynamic frailty models based on compound birth-death processes”, Biostatistics (2015).

Professor Longtudinal data analysis

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde
  • Divisie 4
  • Biomedical Data Sciences

Guest Professor

  • Science
  • Mathematisch Instituut
  • Mathematisch Instituut

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Room number BW1.38



  • No relevant ancillary activities
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