Harriet Vermeer
Associate Professor
- Name
- Dr. H.J. Vermeer
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3491
- vermeer@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-7363-1792

Harriet Vermeer works as Associate Professor at the Institute of Education and Child Studies, Leiden University.
Academic Career
- Chair of the Parenting, Child Care and Development programme group, Leiden University (2013-present)
- Associate professor, Parenting, Child Care and Development programme group, Leiden University (2010-present)
- Director of Studies, Institute of Education and Child Studies, (2010-2013)
- Assistant professor, Parenting, Child Care and Development programme group, Leiden University (2005-2010)
- Post-doc researcher, Parenting, Child Care and Development programme group, Leiden University. Project: NCKO – study into the quality of child care (2003-present)
- Post-doc researcher, Centre for the Study of Education and Instruction, Leiden University. Project: Variants of mathematics instruction in relation to student outcomes (1998-2003)
- Researcher, Centre for the Study of Education and Instruction, Leiden University. Project: Gender differences in mathematics education (1996-1998)
- PhD. Social and Behavioural Sciences, Centre for the Study of Education and Instruction, Leiden University. Project: Motivational issues and gender differences in mathematics learning. Supervisors: Prof.dr. M. Boekaerts and dr. G. Seegers (1997)
- Teacher in mathematics, Secondary Education (1990-1991)
- Research assistant, Department of Special Education, University of Amsterdam. Project: Bilingual education for Moroccan children (1986-1990)
- BSc. Mathematics, University of Amsterdam (1990)
- MA. Education, Department of Special Education, University of Amsterdam (1985)
- BA. Education, Leiden University (1981)
Research areas and activities
- Child care in Chile
- Development of children adopted from China
- Day-care quality in relation to children's well-being
- Measurement of quality of day care
- Intervention studies
Teaching activities
- Vaders
- Gezinspedagogiek
- Kinderopvang buitenshuis
Associate Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Opvoeding en Ontwikkeling
- Vermeer H.J. (23 September 2017), Adoption as an intervention. Invited lecture Childbearing parenthood and outcomes of children- an interplay between psychological and biological factors. Childbearing parenthood and outcomes of chidren- an interplay between psychological and biological factors. [lecture].
- Vermeer H.J. (19 September 2017), Wat is de kwaliteit van de Nederlandse babyopvang? Lezing Symposium: De Nederlandse kinderopvang in wetenschappelijk perspectief, Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Vermeer H.J. (24 August 2015), Interventions to improve quality of daycare. Conference The Early Years - Why quality of daycare matters. Oslo, Norway. [lecture].
- Vermeer H.J. (24 August 2015), Daycare quality, child wellbeing and stress. Conference The Early Years - Why quality of daycare matters. Oslo, Norway. [lecture].
- Vermeer H.J., Groeneveld M.G., Werner C.D., Linting M. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2015), From positive parenting to positive caregiving: Effectiveness of VIPP-Child Care. 7th International Attachment Conference (IAC), New York. International Attachment Conference. New York. [lecture].
- Vermeer H.J. (23 May 2014), Babyopvang. Lezing bijeenkomst Kwaliteit in Kinderopvang, Zeist. Zeist, The Netherlands. [lecture].
- Tavecchio L.W.C., Vermeer H.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Kruif R.E.L. de, Fukkink R.G., Riksen-Walraven J.M.A. & Zeijl J. van (4 July 2006), Decrease in quality of Dutch day care centers between 1995 - 2005. Paper presented at the 19th biennial meeting ISSBD.. Melbourne, Australia. [lecture].
- Vermeer H.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Kruif R.E.L. de, Fukkink R.G., Tavecchio L.W.C., Riksen-Walraven J.M.A. & Zeijl J. van (8 June 2006), Quality in Dutch child care centres: Trends in quality between 1995-2005. World Association for Infant Mental Health.. Parijs. [lecture].
- Vermeer H.J., Seegers G.H.J. & Gravemeijer K.P.E. (31 August 2001), Instruction in mathematics related to students' motivational beliefs. EARLI-conferentie. Fribourg. [lecture].
- Vermeer H.J., Seegers G.H.J. & Ruijssenaars A.J.J.M. (25 May 2000), Theoretische achtergrond van het onderzoek Instructievarianten binnen het reken-wiskunde onderwijs. Onderwijsresearchdagen. Leiden. [lecture].
- Vermeer H.J. (16 September 1998), Verschillen tussen jongens en meisjes. Regionale Rekenavond NVORWO "Rekenen met verschillen". Alkmaar. [lecture].
- Vermeer H.J. (5 November 1998), Verschillen tussen jongens en meisjes in reken-wiskundeprestaties. 17e Panama najaarsconferentie "Overzicht en samenhang". Noordwijkerhout. [lecture].
- Vermeer H.J., Boekaerts M. & Seegers G.H.J. (14 July 1997), Gender differences in cognitive and affective variables during two types of mathematics tasks. 21st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Lahta, Finland. [lecture].