Hans Slabbekoorn
Professor Acoustic ecology and behaviour
- Name
- Prof.dr. H.W. Slabbekoorn
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5049
- h.w.slabbekoorn@biology.leidenuniv.nl

I received my PhD-degree at Leiden University in 1998, after which I went to San Francisco, California, USA for a four-year post-doc with fieldwork in Cameroon and Colorado. Subsequently, I returned to Leiden for another post-doc and to become assistant professor in 2004 and associate professor in 2012.
More information about Hans Slabbekoorn
PhD Candidates
Veldonderzoek Gedragsbiologie: Coordination and lectures in second-year field course
Animal Personality: Coordination and chairing of an advanced level seminar series
Minor Human Evolution: Coordination and lectures on Universals and variation in behaviour
Advanced Academic Skills Elite Course: Coordination until 2019 and lectures
Gedragsbiologie 1: Lectures in first-year course on Behavioural Biology
Gedragsbiologie 2: Lectures in second-year course on Behavioural Biology
Bird species in animal experimentation: Lectures on fieldwork with birds
Fish species in animal experimentation: Lectures on fieldwork with fish
Former PhD Candidates
North Sea noise in the Anthropocene: an impact study of human-made impulsive sounds on free-ranging cod
Bearing with noise: The effects of highway noise on behaviour and development in zebra finches
Sound Investigation: Effects of noise on marine animals across trophic levels
The noise of the hunt: effects of noise on predator-prey relationships in a marine ecosystem
The noisy underwater world: the effect of sound on behaviour of captive zebrafish
Aria of the Dutch North Sea
Swimming Bass under Pounding Bass: fish response to sound exposure
Tango to traffic : a field study into consequences of noisy urban conditions for acoustic courtship interactions in birds
Song and the city : a comparison between urban and forest blackbirds
I received my PhD-degree at Leiden University in 1998, after which I went to San Francisco, California, USA for a four-year post-doc with fieldwork in Cameroon and Colorado. Subsequently, I returned to Leiden for another post-doc and to become assistant professor in 2004 and associate professor in 2012.
I am fascinated by the evolution of acoustic signals and explaining causes and consequences of evolutionary change. My core model system over the years has been birds singing to defend a territory or to attract a mate, with a special interest for perceptual processes in the natural environment.
In the last fifteen years, I started to work more and more on noise-impact studies related to human activities, together with a growing number of highly motivated students at Leiden University. We published on an association between song frequency and traffic noise levels in urban birds in Nature in 2003, which jump-started follow-up studies all over the world.
In the last eight years, I extended the field of explorations to the underwater world. We first focused on the role of sound in courtship in several fish species, but soon recognized the importance of studying noise-impact on aquatic life underwater.
Professor Acoustic ecology and behaviour
- Science
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Animal Sciences
- Liu Q., Slabbekoorn H. & Riebel K. (2025), Growing up with chronic traffic noise exposure leads to transient but not long-term noise tolerance in a songbird, Biology Letters 21(1): 20240575.
- Velde K. te & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2024), Acoustic profiles of underwater soundscapes afected by road traffic. In: Popper A.N., Sisneros J., Hawkins A.D. & Thomsen F. (Eds.), The effects of noise on aquatic life: principles and practical considerations. Cham: Springer. 1-15.
- Velde K. te, Mairo A., Peeters E.T.H.M., Winter H.V., Tudorache C. & Slabbekoorn H. (2024), Natural soundscapes of lowland river habitats and the potential threat of urban noise pollution to migratory fish, Environmental Pollution 359: 124517.
- Boogaart L. van den, Slabbekoorn H. & Scherer L. (2023), Prioritization of fish welfare issues in European salmonid aquaculture using the Delphi method, Aquaculture 572: 739557.
- Liu Q., Gelok E.J., Fontein K., Slabbekoorn H.W. & Riebel K. (2022), An experimental test of chronic traffic noise exposure on parental behaviour and reproduction in zebra finches, Biology Open 11(4): bio059183.
- Knaap I.E.J. van der, Slabbekoorn H.W., Moens T., Eynde D. van den & Reubens J. (2022), Effects of pile driving sound on local movement of free-ranging Atlantic cod in the Belgian North Sea, Environmental Pollution 300: 118913.
- Hubert J., Booms E., Witbaard R. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2022), Responsiveness and habituation to repeated sound exposures and pulse trains in blue mussels, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 547: 151668.
- Hubert J., Moens R., Witbaard R. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2022), Acoustic disturbance in blue mussels: sound-induced valve closure varies with pulse train speed but does not affect phytoplankton clearance rate, ICES Journal of Marine Science 79(9): 2540-2551.
- Kok A.C.M., Hulten D. van, Timmerman K.H., Lankhorst J., Visser F. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2021), Interacting effects of short-term and long-term noise exposure on antipredator behaviour in sand gobies, Animal Behaviour 172: 93-102.
- Knaap I.E.J. van der Slabbekoorn H. Winter H.V. Moens T. Reubens J. (2021), Evaluating receiver contributions to acoustic positional telemetry: a case study on Atlantic cod around wind turbines in the North Sea, Animal Biotelemetry 9: 14.
- Knaap I.E.J. van der, Reubens J., Thomas L., Ainslie M.A., Winter H.V., Hubert J., Martin B. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2021), Effects of a seismic survey on movement of free-ranging Atlantic cod, Current Biology 31(7): 1555-1562.
- Davis R., Luchtenburg F., Richardson M.K., Schaaf M.J.M., Tudorache C. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2021), The importance of individual variation for the interpretation of behavioural studies: ethanol effects vary with basal activity level in zebrafish larvae, Psychopharmacology 238: 3155-3166.
- Rogers P., Debusschere E., Haan D. de, Martin B. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2021), North Sea soundscapes from a fish perspective: directional patterns in particle motion and masking potential from anthropogenic noise, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150(3): 2174-2188.
- Hutfluss A., Rohr V.A., Scheidt S., Steinbichl L, Bermudez-Cuamatzin E., Slabbakoorn H. & Dingemanse N.J. (2021), Does song overlap signal aggressiveness?: An experimental study with repeated measures in free-ranging great tits, Animal Behaviour 179: 199-211.
- Kok A.C.M., Bruil L., Berges B., Sakinan S., Debusschere E., Reubens J., Haan D. de, Norro A. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2021), An echosounder view on the potential effects of impulsive noise pollution on pelagic fish around windfarms in the North Sea, Environmental Pollution 290: 118063.
- Hubert J., Neo Y.Y., Winter H.V. & Slabbekoorn H. (2020), The role of ambient sound levels, signal-to-noise ratio, and stimulus pulse rate on behavioural disturbance of seabass in a net pen, Behavioural Processes 170: 103992.
- Kok A.C.M. Kolfshoten L. van Campbell J.A. Benda-Beckmann A.M. von Miller P.J.O. Slabbekoorn H. Visser F. (2020), Diving apart together: call propagation in diving long-finned pilot whales, The Journal of Experimental Biology 223(10): jeb207878.
- Hubert J., Campbell J.A. & Slabbekoorn H. (2020), Effects of seismic airgun playbacks on swimming patterns and behavioural states of Atlantic cod in a net pen, Marine Pollution Bulletin 160: 111680.
- Hubert J., Bemmelen J.J. van & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2020), No negative effects of boat sound playbacks on olfactory-mediated food finding behaviour of shore crabs in a T-maze, Environmental Pollution 270: 116184.
- Jaikumar G., Slabbekoorn H.W., Sireeni J., Schaaf M.J.M. & Tudorache C. (2020), The role of the glucocorticoid receptor in the regulation of diel rhythmicity, Physiology and Behavior 223: 112991.
- Bermúdez-Cuamatzin E., Delamore Z., Verbeek L., Kremer C. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2020), Variation in diurnal patterns of singing activity between urban and rural great tits, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: 246.
- Sierro J., Sierro J. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2020), Experimental test of the communicative value of syllable diversity and syllable switching in the common chiffchaff, Animal Behaviour 165: 11-21.
- Soudijn F.H., Kooten T. van Slabbekoorn H.W. & Roos A.M. de (2020), Population-level effects of acoustic disturbance in Atlantic cod: a size-structured analysis based on energy budgets, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287(1929): 20200490.
- Jong K. de., Forland T.N., Amorim M.C.P., Rieucau G., Slabbekoorn H.W. & Doksæter Sivle L. (2020), Predicting the effects of anthropogenic noise on fish reproduction, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 30(2): 245-268.
- Sireeni J., Bakker N., Jaikumar G., Obdam D., Slabbekoorn H.W., Tudorache C. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2020), Profound effects of glucocorticoid resistance on anxiety-related behavior in zebrafish adults but not in larvae, General and Comparative Endocrinology 292: 113461.
- Liu Q., Slabbekoorn H.W. & Riebel K. (2020), Zebra finches show spatial avoidance of near but not far distance traffic noise, Behaviour 157(3-4): 333-362.
- Sertlek H.Ő., Slabbekoorn H., ten Cate C. & Ainsli M.A. (2019), Source specific sound mapping: spatial, temporal and spectral distribution of sound in the Dutch North Sea, Environmental Pollution 247: 1143-1157.
- Kok A.C.M., Engelberts J.P., Kastelein R.A., Helder-Hoek L., Voorde S. van de, Visser F. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2018), Spatial avoidance to experimental increase of intermittent and continuous sound in two captive harbour porpoises, Environmental Pollution 233: 1024-1036.
- Tudorache C., Slabbekoorn H.W., Robbers Y., Hin E., Meijer A.H., Spaink H.P. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2018), Biological clock function is linked to proactive and reactive personality types, BMC Biology 16: 148.
- Hubert J., Campbell J.A., Beek J.G. van der, Haan M.F. den, Verhave R., Verkade L.S. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2018), Effects of broadband sound exposure on the interaction between foraging crab and shrimp - A field study, Environmental Pollution 243: 1923-1929.
- Neo Y.Y., Hubert J., Bolle L.J., Winter H.V. & Slabbekoorn H. (2018), European seabass respond more strongly to noise exposure at night and habituate over repeated trials of sound exposure, Environmental Pollution 239: 367-374.
- Bermúdez-Cuamatzin E., López-Hernández M., Campbell J.A., Zuria I. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2018), The role of singing style in song adjustments to fluctuating sound conditions: A comparative study on Mexican birds, Behavioural Processes 157: 645-655.
- Xing X., Slabbekoorn H.W., Campbell J.A., Li F. & Ma J. (2017), Distinct song parts of the endemic marsh grassbird of China vary with latitude and climate among migratory and sedentary populations, Evolutionary Ecology 31(1): 63-76.
- Visser F., Kok A.C.M., Oudejans M.G., Scott-Hayward L.A.S., DeRuiter S.L., Alves A.C., Antunes R.N., Isojunno S., Pierce G.J., Slabbekoorn H., Huisman J. & Miller P.J.O. (2017), Vocal foragers and silent crowds: context-dependent vocal variation in Northeast Atlantic long-finned pilot whales, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71(170): 1-13.
- Shafiei Sabet S., Neo Y.Y. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2016), Impact of Anthropogenic Noise on Aquatic Animals: From Single Species to Community-Level Effects. In: Popper A. & Hawkins A. (Eds.), The effects of Noise on Aquatic life II. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology no. 875. New York, U.S.A.: Springer. 957-61.
- Slabbekoorn H. (2016), Aiming for Progress in Understanding Underwater Noise Impact on Fish: Complementary Need for Indoor and Outdoor Studies. In: Popper A.N. & Hawkins A. (Eds.), The effects of Noise on Aquatic life II. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology no. 875. New York: Springer. 1057-1065.
- Amin B., Slabbekoorn H., Schaaf M.J.M. & Tudorache C. (2016), "Early birds" take it easy: diurnal timing is correlated with overall level in activity of zebrafish larvae, Behaviour 153(13-14): 1745-1762.
- LaZerte S.E., Slabbekoorn H. & Otter K.A. (2016), Learning to cope: vocal adjustment to urban noise is correlated with prior experience in black-capped chickadees, Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society 283(1833): 20161058.
- Halfwerk W., Dingle C., Brinkhuizen D.M., Poelstra J.W., Komdeur J. & Slabbekoorn H. (2016), Sharp acoustic boundaries across an altitudinal avian hybrid zone despite asymmetric introgression, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29(7): 1356-1367.
- Neo Y.Y., Hubert J., Bolle L., Winter H.V., ten Cate C. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2016), Sound exposure changes European seabass behaviour in a large outdoor floating pen: Effects of temporal structure and a ramp-up procedure, Environmental Pollution 214: 26-34.
- Halfwerk W., Both C. & Slabbekoorn H. (2016), Noise affects nest-box choice of 2 competing songbird species, but not their reproduction, Behavioral Ecology 27(6): 1592-1600.
- Sabet S.S., Wesdorp K., Campbell J., Snelderwaard P.C. & Slabbekoorn H. (2016), Behavioural responses to sound exposure in captivity by two fish species with different hearing ability, Animal Behaviour 116: 1-11.
- Aarts G., Benda-Beckmann A.M. von der, Lucke K., Sertlek H.O., Bemmelen R. van, Geelhoed S.C.V., Brasseur S., Scheidat M., Lam F.-P.A., Slabbekoorn H. & Kirkwood R. (2016), Harbour porpoise movement strategy affects cumulative number of animals acoustically exposed to underwater explosions, Marine Ecology Progress Series 557: 261-275.
- Shafiei Sabet S, Dooren D. van & Slabbekoorn H. (2016), Son et lumière: Sound and light effects on spatial distribution and swimming behavior in captive zebrafish, Environmental Pollution 212: 480-488.
- Kok A.C.M., Engelberts J.P., Visser F. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2016), Spatial behavior, swimming speed and surfacing rate of two captive harbor porpoises in ambient sound control conditions, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 27(1): 010037.
- Slabbekoorn H.W. (2015), Human-altered environments provide societal relevance and opportunities for outreach but also bring about a risk of populism: a comment on Wong and Candolin, Behavioral Ecology 26(3): 678-679.
- Sabet Shafiei S., Neo Y.Y. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2015), The effect of temporal variation in sound exposure on swimming and foraging behaviour of captive zebrafish, Animal Behaviour 107: 49-60.
- Tudorache C., Braake A. ter, Tromp M., Slabbekoorn H.W. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2015), Behavioral and physiological indicators of stress coping styles in larval zebrafish, Stress 18(1): 121-128.
- Neo Y.Y., Parie L., Bakker F., Snelderwaard P.C., Tudorache C., Schaaf M.J.M. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2015), Behavioral changes in response to sound exposure and no spatial avoidance of noisy conditions in captive zebrafish, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 9: 28.
- Neo Y.Y., Ufkes E., Kastelein R.A., Winter H.V., ten Cate C. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2015), Impulsive sounds change European seabass swimming patterns: influence of pulse repetition interval, Marine Pollution Bulletin 97(1-2): 111-117.
- Moiron M., Gonzalez-Lagos C., Slabbekoorn H. & Sol D. (2015), Singing in the city: high song frequencies are no guarantee for urban success in birds, Behavioral Ecology 26(3): 843-850.
- LaZerte S.E., Otter K.A. & Slabbekoorn H. (2015), Relative effects of ambient noise and habitat openness on signal transfer for chickadee vocalizations in rural and urban green-spaces, Bioacoustics: the international journal of animal sound and its recording 24(3): 233-252.
- Burbidge T., Parson T., Caycedo-Rosales P.C., Cadena D.C. & Slabbekoorn H. (2015), Playbacks revisited: asymmetry in behavioural response across an acoustic boundary between two parapatric bird species, Behaviour 152(14): 1933-1951.
- Sertlek H.O., Aarts G., Brasseur S., Slabbekoorn H.W., ten Cate C., Benda-Beckman A.E. & Ainsli M. (2015), Mapping Underwater Sound in the Dutch Part of the North Sea. In: Popper A.N. & Hawkins A. (Eds.), The Effects of NOISE ON Aquatic Life II. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology no. 875. New York: Springer. 1001-1006.
- Neo Y.Y., Seitz J., Kastelein R.A., Winter H.V., ten Cate C. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2015), Noise Impact on European Sea Bass Behavior: Temporal Structure Matters. In: Popper A.N. & Hawkins A. (Eds.), The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology no. 875. New York: Springer. 763-766.
- Halfwerk W. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2015), Pollution going multimodal: the complex impact of the human-altered sensory environment on animal perception and performance, Biology Letters 11(4): 20141051.
- Jacobs C.G.C., Overveld T. van, Careau V., Matthysen E., Adriaensen F. & Slabbekoorn H. (2014), Personality-dependent response to field playback in great tits: slow explorers can be strong responders, Animal Behaviour 90: 65-71.
- Planqué R., Britton N.F. & Slabbekoorn H. (2014), On the maintenance of bird song dialects, Journal of Mathematical Biology 68(1-2): 505 - 531.
- Huet des Aunay G., Slabbekoorn H., Nagle L., Passas Nicolas P. & Draganoiu T.I. (2014), Urban noise undermines female sexual preferences for low-frequency songs in domestic canaries, Animal Behaviour 87: 67-75.
- Berwick R.C., Chomsky N., Bolhuis J. & Martin Everaert. (2014) Birdsong, Speech, and Language: Exploring the Evolution of mind and brain. Review of: Bolhuis J., Everaert Martin & Slabbekoorn Hans (2014), Exploring the Evolution of Mind and Brain. Quarterly review of Biology: MIT Press. MIT Press : 89:267.
- Yang X.J. & Slabbekoorn H. (2014), Timing vocal behaviour: experimental evidence for song overlap avoidance in Eurasian wrens, Behavioural Processes 103: 84 - 90.
- Estramil N., Bouton N., Verzijden M.N., Hofker K., Riebel K. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2014), Cichlids respond to conspecific sounds but females exhibit no phonotaxis without the presence of live males, Ecology of Freshwater Fish 23(3): 305-312.
- Yang X.J. & Slabbekoorn H. (2014), Timing vocal behaviour: Lack of temporal overlap avoidance to fluctuating noise levels in singing Eurasian wrens, Behavioural Processes 108: 131-137.
- Neo Y.Y., Seitz J., Kastelein R.A., Winter H.V., ten Cate C. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2014), Temporal structure of sound affects behavioural recovery from noise impact in European seabass, Biological Conservation 178: 65-73.
- Halfwerk W. & Slabbekoorn H. (2014), The impact of anthropogenic noise on avian communication and fitness, Oxford University Press : 14.
- Tudorache C, Ter Braake A, Tromp M, Slabbekoorn H & Schaaf MJ. (2014), Behavioural and physiological indicators of stress coping styles in larval zebrafish, Stress 19(Nov): 1-23.
- Sertlek H.O., Slabbekoorn H., ten Cate C. & Ainsli M. (2013), Insights into the calculations of metrics for transient sounds in shallow water. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 17; 070076, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics : .
- Tudorache C., Schaaf M.J.M. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2013), Covariation between behaviour and physiology indicators of coping style in zebrafish (Danio rerio), Journal of Endocrinology 219(3): 251-258.
- Caro L.M., Caycedo-Rosales P.C., Bowie R.C.K., Slabbekoorn H.W. & Cadena C.D. (2013), Ecological speciation along an elevational gradient in a tropical passerine bird?, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26(2): 357-374.
- Valderrama S.V., Molles L.E., Waas J.R. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2013), Conservation implications of song divergence between source and translocated populations of the North Island Kokako, Journal of Applied Ecology 50(4): 950-960.
- Arroyo-Solis A., Castillo J.M., Figueroa E., Lopez-Sanchez J.L. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2013), Experimental evidence for an impact of anthropogenic noise on dawn chorus timing in urban birds, Journal of Avian Biology 44(3): 288-296.
- Slabbekoorn Hans (2013), Songs of the city: noise-dependent spectral plasticity in the acoustic phenotype of urban birds, Animal Behaviour 85(5): 1089-1099.
- Pohl N.U., Slabbekoorn H.W., Neubauer H., Heil P., Klump G.M. & Langemann U. (2013), Why longer song elements are easier to detect: threshold level-duration functions in the Great Tit and comparison with human data, Journal of Comparative Physiology A 199(3): 239-252.
- Smith T.B., Harrigan R.J., Kirschel A.N.G., Buermann W., Saatchi S., Blumstein D.T., Kort S.R. de & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2013), Predicting bird song from space, Evolutionary Applications 6(6): 865-874.
- Slabbekoorn H.W., Yang X.J. & Halfwerk W. (2012), Birds and anthropogenic noise: Singing higher may matter (A comment on Nemeth and Brumm, " Birds and anthropogenic noise: Are urban songs adaptive?"), The American Naturalist 180: 142-145.
- Ruegg K., Anderson E. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2012), Differences in timing of migration and response to sexual signalling drive asymmetric hybridization across a migratory divide, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25: 1741-1750.
- Halfwerk W., Bot S., Buikx J., Velde M. van der, Komdeur J., ten Cate C. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2012), Reply to Eens et al.: Urban noise can alter sexual selection on bird song, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(5): E209.
- Slabbekoorn H.W. (Ed.) (2012), . Evolutionary Ecology.
- Slabbekoorn H.W. (2012), The complexity of noise impact assessments: From birdsong to fish behavior. Popper A.N. & Hawkins A. (Eds.), The effect of Noise on Aquatic Life. . Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 497-499.
- Opzeeland I. van & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2012), Importance of underwater sounds for migration of fish and aquatic mammals. Popper A.N. & Hawkins A. (Eds.), The effect of Noise on Aquatic Life. . Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 357-360.
- Slabbekoorn H.W., Verzijden M.E. & May C.A. (2012), Cichlid courtship acoustics: Signals and noise influence reproductive behavior. Popper A.N. & Hawkins A. (Eds.), The effect of Noise on Aquatic Life. . Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 407-409.
- Wanink J.H., Bijkerk R., Bonhof G.H., Bouton N. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2012), Vissen zwemmen weer heen en weer: STOWA 2012-37.
- Slabbekoorn H.W. (2012), Measuring behavioural changes to assess anthropogenic noise impact on singing birds. [other].
- Slabbekoorn H.W. (2012), Measuring behavioural changes to assess anthropogenic noise impact in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). [other].
- Pohl N.U., Leadbeater E., Slabbekoorn H.W., Klump G.M. & Langemann U. (2012), Great tits in urban noise benefit from high frequencies in song detection and discrimination, Animal Behaviour 83: 711-721.
- Linhart P., Fuchs R., Polakova S. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2012), Once bitten twice shy: long-term behavioural changes caused by trapping experience in willow warblers, Phylloscopus trochilus, Journal of Avian Biology 43: 186-192.
- Linhart P., Slabbekoorn H.W. & Fuchs R. (2012), The communicative significance of song frequency and song length in territorial chiffchaffs, Behavioral Ecology 23: 1338-1347.
- Halfwerk W., Bot S. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2012), Male great tit song perch selection in response to noise-dependent female feedback, Functional Ecology 26: 1339-1347.
- Halfwerk W., Bot S., Buikx J., Velde M. van der, Komdeur J., ten Cate C. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2011), Low-frequency songs lose their potency in noisy urban conditions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(35): 14549-14554.
- Halfwerk W., Holleman J.L.M., Lessels C.M. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2011), Negative impact of traffic noise on avian reproductive success, Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 210-219.
- Kirschel A.N.G., Slabbekoorn H.W., Blumstein D.T., Cohen R.E., Kort S.R. de, Buerman W. & Smith T.B. (2011), Testing alternative hypotheses for evolutionary diversification in an African songbird: Rainforest refugia versus ecological gradients, Evolution 65: 3162-3174.
- Verzijden M.N., Ripmeester E.A.P., Ohms V.R., Snelderwaard P. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2010), Immediate spectral flexibility in singing chiffchaffs during experimental exposure to highway noise, The Journal of Experimental Biology 213: 2575-2581.
- Dingle C., Poelstra J.W., Halfwerk W., Brinkhuizen D.M. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2010), Asymmetric response patterns to subspecies-specific song differences in allopatry and parapatry in the gray-breasted wood-wren, Evolution 68: .
- Verzijden M.N., Heusden J. van, Bouton N., Witte F., ten Cate C. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2010), Sounds of male Lake Victoria cichlids vary within and between species and affect mate preferences, Behavioral Ecology 21(3): 548-555.
- Slabbekoorn H.W., Bouton N., Opzeeland I. van, Coers A., ten Cate C. & Popper A.N. (2010), A noisy spring: the impact of globally rising underwater sound levels on fish, Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25: 419-427.
- Slabbekoorn H.W. (2010), The impact of anthropogenic noise on animals. In: , Elsevier Encyclopedia online.
- Slabbekoorn H.W. (2010), Geschiedenis van de bioakoestiek in technologisch perspectief, Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis 12: 205-231.
- Tobias J.A., Aben J., Brumfield R.T., Derryberry E.P., Halfwerk W., Slabbekoorn H.W. & Seddon N. (2010), Song divergence by sensory drive in Amazonian birds, Evolution 64: .
- Ripmeester E.A.P., Mulder M. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2010), Habitat-dependent acoustic divergence affects playback response in urban and forest populations of the European blackbird, Behavioural Ecology 21: 876-883.
- Rivera-Gutierrez H.F., Matthysen E., Adriaensen F. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2010), Repertoire sharing and song similarity between great tit males decline with distance between forest fragments, Ethology: international journal of behavioural biology 116: 951-960.
- Ripmeester E.A.P., Kok J.S., Rijssel J.C. van & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2010), Habitat-related birdsong divergence: a multi-level study on the influence of territory density and ambient noise in European blackbirds, Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 409-418.
- Franco P. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2009), Repertoire size and composition in great tits: a flexibility test using playbacks, Animal Behaviour 77: 261-269.
- Pohl N.U., Slabbekoorn H.W., Klump G. & Langemann U. (2009), Acoustic design and environmental noise affect song element detection in captive great tits, Animal Behaviour 78: 1293-1300.
- Halfwerk W. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2009), A behavioural mechanism explaining noise-dependent pitch shift in urban birdsong, Animal Behaviour 78: 1301-1307.
- Slabbekoorn H.W. & Halfwerk W. (2009), Behavioural Ecology: Noise annoys at community level, Current Biology 19: 693-695.
- Kirchel A.N.G., Blumstein D.T., Cohen R.E., Buermann W., Smith T.B. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2009), Birdsong tuned to the environment: green hylia song varies with elevation, tree cover, and noise, Behavioural Ecology 20: 1089-1095.
- Planqué R. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2008), Acoustic interference in a noisy rainforest: spectral and temporal overlap in a Peruvian bird community, Ethology: international journal of behavioural biology 114: 262-271.
- Smith T.B., Milá B., Grether G.F., Slabbekoorn H.W., Sepil I., Nuermann W., Saatchi S. & Pollinger J. (2008), Evolutionary Consequences of Human Disturbance in a Rainforest Bird Species from Central Africa, Molecular Ecology 17: 58-71.
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- ten Cate C., Slabbekoorn H.W. & Ballintijn M.R. (2002), Birdsong and Male-Male Competition: Causes and Consequences of Vocal Variability in the Collared Dove (Streptopelia Decaocto), Advances in the Study of Behavior 31: 31-75.
- Ten Cate C., Ballintijn M.R. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (1999), Vogelzang: een oorstrelende strijd. In: Strien W. van (Ed.), Evolutie betrapt, onderzoekers in het voetspoor van Darwin. Leiden: KNNV uitgeverij. 60-67.