The effects of anthropogenic noise on interactions between predators and their prey are still little understood. This thesis aims to fill pressing knowledge gaps on this topic by studying how anthropogenic noise affected various stages in the prey-hunting of predators and the predator-avoidance of prey. For predators, I investigated whether an¬thropogenic noise could influence habitat choice (chapters 2 and 3), foraging efficiency (chapter 3) and communication between foraging group members (chapter 4). For prey, I studied how anthropogenic noise affected prey behaviour outside of predation con¬texts (chapter 5) and if current and previous vessel noise exposure affected anti-predator behaviour when a simulated predator attacked (chapter 6). The multi-disciplinary studies of this thesis combine to unravel more insight into the influence of noise on predator-prey relationships in the marine environment. Further investigations should focus on revealing the mechanistic underpinning of noise effects on behaviour of both predator and prey. Only then will we be able to reduce the impact of noise on marine ecosystems.