Hannah Augustijn
PhD candidate
- Name
- H.E. Augustijn
- Telephone
- 071 5274791
- h.e.augustijn@biology.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-1862-6699

My project focuses on the regulatory mechanisms in bacteria that influence the production of natural products, such as antibiotics. In my research, I develop computational tools and methods to study these regulatory mechanisms, which will ultimately aid in the discovery of novel natural products.
Brief biography
Hannah Augustijn received her Master's degree in Bioinformatics from Wageningen University & Research. Her thesis work focused on the development of a metagenomic and transcriptomic analysis tool for microbiome studies. This work was continued and applied during a research internship at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) by studying human microbiomes. Hannah is currently pursuing her PhD at a shared position between the university of Leiden and Wageningen.
PhD candidate
- Science
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Microbial Sciences
PhD candidate / Guest
- Science
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Microbial Sciences
- Augustijn H.E., Roseboom J.M., Medema M.H. & Wezel G.P. van (2024), Harnessing regulatory networks in Actinobacteria for natural product discovery, Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 51: kuae011.
- Augustijn H.E., Karapliafis D., Joosten K.M.M., Rigali S, Wezel G.P. van & Medema M.H. (2024), LogoMotif: a comprehensive database of transcription factor binding site profiles in actinobacteria, Journal of Molecular Biology 436(17): 168558.
- Bergeijk D.A. van, Augustijn H.E., Elsayed S.S.M.A., Willemse J.J., Carrion Bavo V.J., Du C., Urem M., Grigoreva L.V., Cheprasov M.Y., Grigoriev S., Jansen H., Wintermans B., Budding A.E., Spaink H.P., Medema M.H. & Wezel G.P. van (2024), Taxonomic and metabolic diversity of Actinomycetota isolated from faeces of a 28,000‐year‐old mammoth, Environmental Microbiology 26(2): e16589.
- Zdouc M.M., Blin K., Louwen N.L.L., Navarro J., Loureiro C., Bader C.D., Bailey C.B., Barra L., Booth T.J., Bozhüyük K.A.J., Cediel-Becerra J.D.D., Charlop-Powers Z., Chevrette M.G., Chooi Y.H., D'Agostino P.M., Rond T. de, Del Pup E., Duncan K.R., Gu W., Hanif N., Helfrich E.J.N., Jenner M., Katsuyama Y., Korenskaia A., Krug D., Libis V., Lund G.A., Mantri S., Morgan K.D., Owen C., Phan C.S., Philmus B., Reitz Z.L., Robinson S.L., Singh K.S., Teufel R., Tong Y., Tugizimana F., Ulanova D., Winter J.M., Aguilar C., Akiyama D.Y., Al-Salihi S.A.A., Alanjary M., Alberti F., Aleti G., Alharthi S.A., Rojo M.Y.A., Arishi A.A., Augustijn H.E., Avalon N.E., Avelar-Rivas J.A., Axt K.K., Barbieri H.B., Barbosa J.C.J., Barboza Segato L.G., Barrett S.E., Baunach M., Beemelmanns C., Beqaj D., Berger T., Bernaldo-Agüero J., Bettenbühl S.M., Bielinski V.A., Biermann F., Borges R.M., Borriss R., Breitenbach M., Bretscher K.M., Brigham M.W., Buedenbender L., Bulcock B.W., Cano-Prieto C., Capela J., Carrion V.J., Carter R.S., Castelo-Branco R., Castro-Falcón G., Chagas F.O., Charria-Girón E., Chaudhri A.A., Chaudhry V., Choi H., Choi Y., Choupannejad R., Chromy J., Donahey M.S.C., Collemare J., Connolly J.A., Creamer K.E., Crüsemann M., Cruz A.A., Cumsille A., Dallery J.F., Damas-Ramos L.C., Damiani T., de Kruijff M., Martín B.D., Sala G.D., Dillen J., Doering D.T., Dommaraju S.R., Durusu S., Egbert S., Ellerhorst M., Faussurier B., Fetter A., Feuermann M., Fewer D.P., Foldi J., Frediansyah A, Garza E.A., Gavriilidou A., Gentile A., Gerke J., Gerstmans H., Gomez-Escribano J.P., González-Salazar L.A., Grayson N.E., Greco C., Gomez J.E.G., Guerra S., Flores S.G., Gurevich A., Gutiérrez-García K., Hart L., Haslinger K., He B, Hebra T., Hemmann J.L., Hindra H., Höing L., Holland D.C., Holme J.E., Horch T., Hrab P., Hu J., Huynh T.H., Hwang J.Y., Iacovelli R., Iftime D., Iorio M., Jayachandran S., Jeong E., Jing J., Jung J.J., Kakumu Y., Kalkreuter E., Kang K.B., Kang S., Kim W., Kim G.J., Kim H., Kim H.U., Klapper M., Koetsier R.A., Kollten C., Kovács Á.T., Kriukova Y., Kubach N., Kunjapur A.M., Kushnareva A.K., Kust A., Lamber J., Larralde M., Larsen N.J., Launay A.P., Le N.T., Lebeer S., Lee B.T., Lee K., Lev K.L., Li S.M., Li Y.X., Licona-Cassani C., Lien A., Liu J., Lopez J.A.V., Machushynets N.V., Macias M.I., Mahmud T., Maleckis M., Martinez-Martinez A.M., Mast Y., Maximo M.F., McBride C.M., McLellan R.M., Bhatt K.M., Melkonian C., Merrild A., Metsä-Ketelä M., Mitchell D.A., Müller A.V., Nguyen G.S., Nguyen H.T., Niedermeyer T.H.J., O'Hare J.H., Ossowicki A., Ostash B.O., Otani H., Padva L., Paliyal S., Pan X., Panghal M., Parade D.S., Park J., Parra J., Rubio M.P., Pham H.T., Pidot S.J., Piel J., Pourmohsenin B., Rakhmanov M., Ramesh S., Rasmussen M.H., Rego A., Reher R., Rice A.J., Rigolet A., Romero-Otero A., Rosas-Becerra L.R., Rosiles P.Y., Rutz A., Ryu B., Sahadeo L.A., Saldanha M., Salvi L., Sánchez-Carvajal E., Santos-Medellin C., Sbaraini N., Schoellhorn SM., Schumm C., Sehnal L., Selem N., Shah A.D., Shishido T.K., Sieber S., Silviani V., Singh G., Singh H., Sokolova N., Sonnenschein E.C., Sosio M., Sowa S.T., Steffen K., Stegmann E., Streiff A.B., Strüder A., Surup F., Svenningsen T., Sweeney D., Szenei J., Tagirdzhanov A., Tan B., Tarnowski M.J., Terlouw B.R., Rey T., Thome N.U., Torres Ortega L.R., Tørring T., Trindade M., Truman A.W., Tvilum M., Udwary D.W., Ulbricht C., Vader L., Wezel G.P. van, Walmsley M., Warnasinghe R., Weddeling H.G., Weir A.N.M., Williams K., Williams S.E., Witte T.E., Rocca S.M.W., Yamada K., Yang D., Yang D., Yu J., Zhou Z., Ziemert N., Zimmer L., Zimmermann A., Zimmermann C., Hooft J.J.J. van der, Linington R.G., Weber T. & Medema M.H. (2024), MIBiG 4.0: advancing biosynthetic gene cluster curation through global collaboration, Nucleic Acids Research 52(D1): D678-D690.
- Terlouw B.R., Blin K., Navarr-Munoz J.C., Avalon N.E., Chevrette M.G., Egbert S., Lee S., Meijer D., Recchia M.J.J., Reitz Z.L., Santen J.A. van, Selem-Mojica N., Torring T., Zaroubi L., Alaniary M., Aleti G., Aguilar C., Al-Salihi S.A.A., Augustijn H.E., Avalar-Rivas J.A., Avitia Dominguez L.A., Barona Gomez F., Bernaldo-Agüero J., Bielinski V.A., Biermann F., Booth T.J., Carrion Bravo V.J., Castelo-Branco R., Chagas F.O., Cruz-Moreles P., Du C., Duncan K.R., Gavriilidou A., Gayrard D., Gutiérez-Garcia K., Haslinger K., Helfrich E.J.N., Hooft J.J.J. van der, Jati A.P., Kalkreuter E., Kalyvas N., Kang K.B., Kautsar S., Kim. W., Kunjapur A.M., Li Y.X., Lin G., Loureiro C., Louwen J.J.R., Louwen N.L.L., Lung G., Parra J., Philmus B., Purmohsenin B., Prong L.J.U., Rego A., Rex D.A.B., Robinson S., Rosas Becerra L.R., Roxborough E.T., Schorn M.A., Scobie D.J., Singh K.S., Sokolova N., Tang X., Udwary D., Vigneshwari A., Vind K., Vromans S.P.J.M., Waschulin V., Williams S.E., Winter J.M., Witte T.E., Xie H., Yang D., Yu J., Zdouc M., Zhong Z., Collemare J., Linington R.G., Weber T. & Medema M.H. (2023), MIBiG 3.0: a community-driven effort to annotate experimentally validated biosynthetic gene clusters, Nucleic Acids Research 51(D1): D603-D610.
- Liu Y., Jarman B., Low Y.S., Augustijn H.E., Huang S., Chen H, DeFeo M.E., Sekiba K., Hou B., Meng X., Weakley A.M., Cabrera A.V., Zhou Z., Wezel G.P. van, Medema M.H., Ganesan C., Pao A.C., Gombar S. & Dodd D. (2023), A widely distributed gene cluster compensates for uricase loss in hominids, Cell 186(16): 3400-3413 (e20).
- Blin K., Shaw S., Augustijn H.E., Reitz Z.L., Biermann F., Alanjary M., Fetter A., Terlouw B.R., Metcalf W.W., Helfrich E.J.N., Wezel G.P. van & Medema M.H. Weber T. (2023), antiSMASH 7.0: new and improved predictions for detection, regulation, chemical structures and visualisation, Nucleic Acids Research 51(W1): W46–W50.
- Augustijn H.E. & Medema M.H. (2022), Freedom of expression: A synthetic route to metabolites, Cell 185(9): 1449-1451.