Universiteit Leiden

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Marnix Medema

Professor Bio Informatics

Prof.dr. M.H. Medema
071 5275672

From May 2020 to April 2021, Marnix Medema will be Van der Klaauw visiting professor at Leiden University. His research focuses on the development of computational algorithms to explore metabolic diversity and the associated functions in microbiomes.

More information about Marnix Medema

Bacteria, fungi and plants produce large numbers of small molecules, which mediate key interactions between these organisms at the molecular level, and are responsible for many important microbiome-associated phenotypes. Many of these molecules are also applied as antibiotics, chemotherapeutics, and crop protection agents. Marnix Medema and his research group in Wageningen develop and apply computational tools to study the functional diversity of such molecules based on large-scale (meta)genomic, transcriptomic and metabolomic data.

Professor Bio Informatics

  • Science
  • Instituut Biologie Leiden
  • IBL Microbial Sciences

Work address

Sylviusweg 72
2333 BE Leiden
Room number 4.4.11



  • Hexagon Bio Scientific Advisory Board member
  • Wageningen University & Research Assistant Professor
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