Giles Scott-Smith
Dean LUC/Professor Transnational Relations and New Diplomatic History
- Name
- Prof.dr. G.P. Scott-Smith
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9503
- 0000-0002-9089-7194

Giles Scott Smith is Dean of Leiden University College The Hague.
More information about Giles Scott-Smith
Giles Scott-Smith (1968) received his BA in European and Asian Studies from the University of Ulster in 1988, and an MA in International Relations at Sussex University in 1993. He then moved to Lancaster University for a Ph.D in International Relations, graduating in 1998. He joined the Roosevelt Study Center in Middelburg, The Netherlands, in January 2002 as a post-doctoral researcher, and was given a permanent position as senior researcher in January 2005. During 2008-2012 he was also an Associate Professor at University College Roosevelt (Honours College, Utrecht University) in Middelburg, running the International Relations track. From 2009-2018 he held the Ernst van der Beugel Chair in the Diplomatic History of Atlantic Cooperation since WWII at Leiden University. In January 2017 he was appointed by Leiden University to become the academic director of the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies in Middelburg, The Netherlands.
In 2017 he became founding editor of the journal Diplomatica: A Journal of Diplomacy and Society together with Ken Weisbrode. From 2018-2022 he held the Roosevelt Chair in New Diplomatic History at Leiden University. In July 2022 he was appointed Dean at Leiden University College The Hague.
Research interests
Scott-Smith’s research interests involve a broad exploration of the multiple forms of diplomacy in international history. Special attention has been given to investigating the ‘Transnational Transatlantic’ – tracking and explaining the governmental and non-governmental linkages that have bound North America and Europe since WW II. This covers many sub-fields, which can broadly be termed New Diplomatic History: connections between ideas, ideology and power; the ‘cultural Cold War’; US foreign policy; the Atlantic Community; public diplomacy; intelligence history; state-private networks and the role of private individuals and institutions in transatlantic relations.
Professional affiliations
- Founding co-editor, Diplomatica: A Journal of Diplomacy and Society (2018- )
- Chair, Transatlantic Studies Association (2013-2016)
- Editorial Board, Journal of Contemporary History (2015- )
- Editorial Board, New Global Studies (2015- )
- Series Editor, Studies in Diplomacy, Manchester University Press
- Marshall-Monnet Scholar in Residence, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2010)
- Senior Qualification for Research (SKO), Utrecht University (2012)
- Senior Qualification for Teaching (SKO), Utrecht University (2012)
Selected publications
Reasserting America in the 1970s: US Public Diplomacy and the Rebuilding of America's Image Abroad (Manchester University Press, 2016)
Transnational Anti-Communism and the Cold War: Agents, Activites, and Networks, Luc van Dongen, Stephanie Roulin, and Giles Scott-Smith (eds.) (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014)
Western Anti-Communism and the Interdoc Network: Cold War Internationale (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
Interdoc: Een Geheim Netwerk in de Koude Oorlog (Boom, 2012)
Obama, US Politics, and Transatlantic Relations: Change or Continuity? (Peter Lang, 2012)
Divided Dreamworlds? The Cultural Cold War in East and West (Amsterdam University Press, 2012)
Atlantic, Euratlantic, or Europe-America? The Atlantic Community and the European Idea from Kennedy to Nixon, Valerie Aubourg and Giles Scott-Smith (eds.) (Soleb, 2011)
Networks of Empire: The US State Department’s Foreign Leader Program in the Netherlands, France, and Britain 1950-70 (Peter Lang, 2008)
European Community, Atlantic Community? The Atlantic Community and Europe, Valerie Aubourg, Gerard Bossuat and Giles Scott-Smith (eds) (Soleb, 2008)
The Cultural Cold War in Western Europe 1945 — 1960, G. Scott-Smith & H. Krabbendam (eds) (Frank Cass, 2003)
The Politics of Apolitical Culture: The Congress for Cultural Freedom, the CIA and Post-War American Hegemony (Routledge, 2002)
Dean LUC/Professor Transnational Relations and New Diplomatic History
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Leiden University College
Work address
Anna van BuerenpleinAnna van Buerenplein 301
2595 DG The Hague
Room number 4.46
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2024), Transatlanticism: a fading paradigm?, Diogenes 65(1): 97-109.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2024), ‘Of the utmost importance for the survival of mankind’: the Alerdinck Foundation, the media, and citizen diplomacy to end the cold war, 1984–1992, Cold War History 24(3): 1-21.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2024), Sites of Exchange: Locating Mobility in Cold War Internationalisms. In: Matasci D. & Ruppen Coutaz R. (Eds.), Educational Internationalism in the Cold War: Plural Visions, Global Experiences: Routledge. 276-292.
- Fazzi D., Di Tommaso G & Scott-Smith G.P. (Eds.) (2024), Public Health and the American State. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2024), Belgium and the Cold War: Actor, Target, Site, Journal of Belgian History 54(3-4): 18-29.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2023), International exchanges. In: Gilboa E. (Ed.), A research agenda for public diplomacy: Elgar. 249-264.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2023), A new urban agenda? US cities, soft power, and transatlantic relations. In: Ohnesorge H.W. (Ed.), Soft power and the future of US public diplomacy: Manchester University Press. 236-254.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2023), Elite networks of allegiance. In: Segers M. & Hecke S. van (Eds.), Cambridge history of the European Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 494-515.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2023), Exiles on Main Street: The Centrality of Exile in Transatlantic Relations, The Exile History Review 2: 11-27.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2022), Beyond the ‘tissue of clichés’?: The purposes of the fulbright programme and new pathways of analysis, All Azimuth: a journal of foreign policy and peace 11(2): 177-192.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2022), Liminal liberalism? Ivan Kats, the Congress for Cultural Freedom, and the Obor Foundation in Cold War Indonesia, Journal of Contemporary History 57(4): 1051-1071.
- Boxhoorn A. & Scott-Smith G.P. (2021), The Transatlantic Era (1989-2020) in Document and Speeches. London: Routledge.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2021), Some notes on mobility, Diplomatic History 45(3): 604-610.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2021), Re-Situating Bretton Woods: Site and Venue in Relation to the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, June 1944. In: Legg S., Heffernan M., Hodder J. & Thorpe B. (Eds.), Placing Internationalism: International Conferences and the Making of the Modern World. London: Bloomsbury. 160-177.
- Haddadian-Moghaddam E. & Scott-Smith G.P. (2020), Translation and the cultural Cold War: an introduction, Translation and Interpreting Studies 15(3): 325-332.
- Boter B., Rensen M. & Scott-Smith G.P. (Eds.) (2020), Unhinging the National Framework: Perspectives on Transnational Life Writing no. CLUES No. 5. Amsterdam: Sidestone Press.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2020), Reframing the Cultural Cold War: 20 Years after the Stonor Saunders’ Case, Contemporanea 23(3): 433-475.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2020), Exchange programs and public diplomacy. In: Cull N.J. & Snow N. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy (2nd Ed.). Routledge Handbooks. London: Routledge. 38-49.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2020), The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and New Forms of Regionalism. In: Hosli M. & Selleslaghs J. (Eds.), The Changing Global Order: Springer. 177-191.
- Haddadian-Moghaddam E. & Scott-Smith G.P. (Eds.) (2020), Translation and the Cultural Cold War. Translation and Interpreting Studies: Benjamins.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2020), Westeloosheid, Liberale Reflecties 4(1): 43-49.
- Schunz S., Langenhove L. van & Scott-Smith G.P. (Eds.) (2019), Broadening Soft Power in EU-US Relations. European Foreign Affairs Review: Wolters Kluwer.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2019), Transatlantic Cultural Relations, Soft Power, and the Role of US Cultural Diplomacy in Europe, European Foreign Affairs Review 24: 21-42.
- Scott-Smith G.P. & Rofe J.S. (Eds.) (2019), Dumbarton Oaks in Historical Perspective after 75 Years. Journal of Contemporary History: Sage.
- Brogi A., Scott-Smith G.P. & Snyder D. (2019), The Legacy of J. William Fulbright: Power, Policy and Ideology: University of Kentucky Press.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2019), Le transatlantisme: un paradigme sur le déclin ?, Diogène (258-260): 221-236.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2018), Competing Internationalisms: The United States, Britain, and the Formation of the United Nations Information Organization during WW II, International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity 6(1): .
- Mikkonen S., Scott-Smith G.P. & Parkinnen J. (2018), Entangled East and West: Cultural Diplomacy and Artistic Interaction during the Cold War no. 4: De Gruyter.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2018), Looking for Lagonia: On ‘Imaginary Bridges’ and Cold War Boundaries. In: Mikkonen S., Scott-Smith G.P. & Parkinnen J. (Eds.), Entangled East and West: Cultural Diplomacy and Artistic Interaction during the Cold War. Rethinking the Cold War no. 4: De Gruyter. 265-280.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2018), Review of: Schindler C. (2018), The Origins of Public Diplomacy in US Statecraft: Uncovering a Forgotten Tradition: Palgrave Macmillan. H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences .
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2018), Review of: Candida Smith R. (2017), Improvised Continent: Pan-Americanism and Cultural Exchange: University of Pennsylvania Press. Diplomatic History 42(5).
- Scott-Smith G.P. (Ed.) (2018), The Evolution of Diplomacy. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2018), Introduction: The Evolution of Diplomacy, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 14(1): 1-3.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2018), Tracking the Bear: Survey. In: Scott-Smith G.P. & Lerg C. (Eds.), Campaigning Culture and the Global Cold War: The Journals of the Congress for Cultural Freedom: Palgrave Macmillan. 167-184.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2018), Bill and Ed’s big adventure: William Fulbright, cold warriors, and right-wing propaganda in the US military, 1961-62, Histoire@Politique 35: .
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2018), Taking Stock of a ‘Ruslandganger’: Ernst H. van Eeghen, The Burght Foundation, and Private Diplomacy in East-West Relations during the 1980s and 1990s. In: Dijk R. van, Kruizinga S., Kuitenbrouwer V. & Maar R. van der (Eds.), Shaping the International Relations of the Netherlands 1815-2000: Routledge. 223-239.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2018), The transnational transatlantic: private organizations and governmentality. In: Lachenicht S., Lerg C. & Kimmage M. (Eds.), The transatlantic reconsidered: the Atlantic world in crisis: Manchester University Press. 76-97.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2018), Review of: Schindler C. (2017), The Origins of Public Diplomacy in US Statecraft: Uncovering a Forgotten Tradition. Global Public Diplomacy: Palgrave Macmillan. H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences .
- Scott-Smith G.P. (Ed.) (2017), The Evolving Embassy: Changes and Challenges to Diplomatic Representation and Practice in the Global Era.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2017), Edges of Diplomacy: Literary Representations of the (Honorary) Consul and the Public-Private Divide in Diplomatic Studies, New Global Studies 11(2): .
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2017), Introduction: The Evolving Embassy - Changes and Challenges to Diplomatic Representation and Practice in the Global Era, New Global Studies 11(2): 77-84.
- Scott-Smith G.P. & Lerg C. (2017), Campaigning Culture and the Global Cold War: The Journals of the Congress for Cultural Freedom: Palgrave.
- Scott-Smith G.P. & Rofe J.S. (2017), Global Perspectives on the Bretton Woods Conference and the Post-War World Order: Palgrave.
- Scott-Smith G.P. & Tournes L. (2017), Global Exchanges: Scholarships and Transnational Circulations in the Modern World: Berghahn.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2017), Review of: Jachec N. (2015), European Intellectuals and the Cold War: The European Society of Culture, Post-War Politics and International Relations: I.B. Taurus. Journal of Contemporary History 52(2).
- Scott-Smith G.P. & Lerg C. (2017), Introduction: Journals of Freedom?. In: Scott-Smith G.P. & Lerg C. (Eds.), Campaigning Culture and the Global Cold War: The Journals of the Congress for Cultural Freedom: Palgrave Macmillan. 1-24.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2016), Realizing the Kennedy Vision: The John F. Kennedy Institute, Paradiplomacy, and Dutch Foreign Relations, 1960s-1980s, Dutch Crossing 40(1): 24-38.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2016), Civil-Military Relations during Detente: The People and Defence Network in the 1960s and 1970s. In: Mariager R., Porsdam H. & Villaume P. (Eds.), The ‘Long 1970s’: Human Rights, East-West Détente, and Transnational Relations. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Notaker H., Scott-Smith G.P. & Snyder D.J. (Eds.) (2016), Reasserting America in the 1970s: US Public Diplomacy and the Rebuilding of America's Image Abroad. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Hellema D. & Scott-Smith G.P. (2016), De Amerikaanse Ambassade in Den Haag: Achter de schermen van Nederlands-Amerikaanse betrekkingen. Amsterdam: Boom.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2016), Cultural Diplomacy. In: Holmes A.R. & Rofe J.S. (Eds.), Global Diplomacy - Theories, Types, and Models. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
- Christiaens K., Goddeeris I., Gerits F. & Scott-Smith G.P. (2016), The Benelux and the Cold War: Re-interpreting West-West Relations, Dutch Crossing 40(1): 1-9.
- Christiaens K., Gerits F., Godeeris I. & Scott-Smith G.P. (Eds.) (2016), The Low Countries and the United States during the Cold War,. Dutch Crossing: Taylor & Francis.
- Scott-Smith G. (2015), The Fulbright Program in the Netherlands: An Example of Science Diplomacy. In: Dongen J. van (Ed.), Cold War Science and the Transatlantic Circulation of Knowledge. Brill 136-161.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2015), Opening Up Political Space: Informal Diplomacy, East-West Exchanges, and the Helsinki Process. In: Mikkonen S. & Koivunen P. (Eds.), Beyond the Divide: Entangled Histories of Cold War Europe. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2015), US Public Diplomacy and Democracy Promotion in the Cold War, 1950s-1980s. In: Rodriguez F., Delgado L. & Cull N. (Eds.), Selling Democracy: US Public Diplomacy and Democratization in Spain. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2015), The Netherlands between East and West: Dutch Politics, Dual Track, and Cruise Missiles. In: Bozo F., Nuti L., Rey M.-P. & Rother B. (Eds.), The Euromissile Crisis and the End of the Cold War. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2015), UN Public Diplomacy: Communicating the Post-National Message. In: Plesch D. & Weiss T. (Eds.), Wartime Origins and the Future United Nations. London: Routledge.
- Scott-Smith G.P. & Schmale A. (2015), Inequality in Urban America, Journal of American Studies 49(4): .
- Christiaens K., Gerits F., Godeeris I. & Scott-Smith G.P. (Eds.) (2015), The Low Countries and Eastern Europe during the Cold War,. Dutch Crossing: Taylor & Francis.
- Christiaens K., Gerits F., Godeeris I. & Scott-Smith G.P. (2015), Introduction: The Low Countries and Eastern Europe during the Cold War, Dutch Crossing 39(3): 187–197.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2015) Europe and the SALT Process. Review of: Dietl R. (2013), Equal Security: Europe and the Salt Process, 1969-1976. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. The American Historical Review 120(4): 1548-1549.
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2015) Modernism Re-Made, Re-Modeled. Review of: Barnhisel G. (2015), Cold War Modernists: Art, Literature, and American Cultural Diplomacy. New York: Columbia University Press. Diplomatic History 39(5): 973-975.
- Scott-Smith G. (2014), The Free Europe University in Strasbourg: US State-Private Networks and Academic ‘Rollback’, Journal of Cold War Studies 16(1): .
- Scott-Smith G. (2014), A Dutch Dartmouth: Ernst van Eeghen’s Private Campaign to Defuse the Euromissiles Crisis, New Global Studies 8(1): .
- Scott-Smith G. (2014), Maintaining Transatlantic Community: US Public Diplomacy, the Ford Foundation, and the Successor Generation Concept in US Foreign Affairs, 1960s-1980s, 28(1): .
- Van Dongen L., Roulin S. & Scott-Smith G. (2014), Transnational Anti-Communism and the Cold War: Agents, Activities and Networks. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Scott-Smith G. (2014), ‘Who is a Diplomat? Diplomatic and Policy Entrepreneurs in the Global Age’, New Global Studies 8(1): .
- Scott-Smith G. & Janssens M. (2014), Holding on to the Monopoly on Violence? Anti-Piracy and the Dutch Approach to PMSCs, 9(2): .
- Scott-Smith G. (2014), Maintaining Transatlantic Community: US Public Diplomacy, the Ford Foundation, and the Successor Generation Concept in US Foreign Affairs, 1960s-1980s, Global Society 28(1): .
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2014), Introduction: Private Diplomacy, Making the Citizen Visible, New Global Studies 8(1): .
- Scott-Smith G.P. (Ed.) (2014), Who is a Diplomat? Diplomatic Entrepreneurs in the Global Age,: De Gruyter.
- Scott-Smith G. (2014) The Bush Legacy in the Middle East’: Review of Oz Hassan, Constructing America´s Freedom Agenda for the Middle East: Democracy and Domination. Review of: Hassan O. (2013), Constructing America´s Freedom Agenda for the Middle East: Democracy and Domination. London: Routledge 48(3).
- Scott-Smith G. (2014) Review of Alfred A. Reisch, Hot Books in the Cold War: The CIA-Funded Secret Western Book Distribution Program behind the Iron Curtain. Review of: Reisch A. (2013), Hot Books in the Cold War: The CIA-Funded Secret Western Book Distribution Program behind the Iron Curtain. Budapest / New York: Central European University Press 183(5).
- Scott-Smith G. & Snyder D.J. (2013), “A Test of Sentiments": Civil Aviation, Alliance Politics, and the KLM Challenge in Dutch-American Relations, Diplomatic History 37(5): .
- Scott-Smith G. (2013) Transatlantic Relations since 1945. Review of: Hanhimaki J.M., Schoenborn B. & Zanchetta B. (2012), Transatlantic Relations since 1945. London: Routledge. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 11(4): 428-430.
- Scott-Smith G. (2013), Reviving the Transatlantic Community? The Successor Generation Concept in U.S. Foreign Affairs. In: Patel K.K. & Weisbrode K. (Eds.), European Integration and the Atlantic Community in the 1980s. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Scott-Smith G. (2013) America's Cold War: The Politics of Insecurity. Review of: Logevall F. & Craig C. (2009), America's Cold War: The Politics of Insecurity. Cambridge, MA: Bellknap Press. Pacific Historical Review 25(4): 696-698.
- Scott-Smith G. (2013) De-Centering Cold War History: Local and Global Change. Review of: Pieper Mooney Jadwige & Lanza Fabio (2013), De-Centering Cold War History: Local and Global Change. London: Routledge 24(3): 528-530.
- Scott-Smith G. (2013) The Last American Diplomat: John D. Negroponte and the Changing Face of American Diplomacy. Review of: Liebmann George W. (2013), The Last American Diplomat: John D. Negroponte and the Changing Face of American Diplomacy. London: I.B. Taurus. Diplomacy and Statecraft 24(3): 536-538.
- Scott-Smith G. (2013) Divided but not Disconnected: German Experiences of the Cold War. Review of: Hochscherf T., Laucht C. & Plowman A. (2010), Divided but not Disconnected: German Experiences of the Cold War. New York: Berghahn Books. Central European History 48: 165-167.
- Scott-Smith G. & Smeets M.W.E. (2013), Noblesse Oblige: The Transatlantic Security Dynamic and Dutch Involvement in the JSF, International Journal 68(1): 49-69.
- Scott-Smith G. (2012), Interdoc: Een geheim netwerk in de koude oorlog. Amsterdam: Boom.
- Scott-Smith G. (2012), Obama, US Politics, and Transatlantic Relations: Change or Continuity?. Brussels: Peter Lang.
- Scott-Smith G., Romijn P. & Segal J. (2012), Divided Dreamworlds? The Cultural Cold War in East and West. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Scott-Smith G. (2012), Western Anti-Communism and the Interdoc Network. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Scott-Smith G. (2012), Las Elites de Europa Occidental y el Foreign Leader Program 1949-1969. In: Niño Antonio & Montero José Antonio (Eds.), Guerra Fria y Propaganda: Estados Unidos y su cruzada cultural en Europa y America Latina. Madrid: Siglo Veintiuno.
- Scott-Smith G. (2012), Expanding the Diffusion of US Jurisprudence – the Netherlands as a ‘Beachhead’ for US Foundations in the 1960s. In: Krige J. & Rausch H. (Eds.), American Foundations and the Coproduction of World Order in the Twentieth Century. Gottingen / Bristol CT: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 210-231.
- Scott-Smith G. (2012), Psychological Warfare for the West: Interdoc, the West European Intelligence Services, and the International Student Movements of the 1960s. In: Fahlenbrach K., Klimke M. & Scharloth J. (Eds.), The Establishment Responds: Power and Protest during and after the Cold War. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 123-138.
- Scott-Smith G.P., The Holland Bureau, a platform for commentary on current affairs (since 2010). [web article].
- Scott-Smith G. & Aubourg V. (2011), Atlantic, Euratlantic, or Europe-America? The Atlantic Community and the European Idea from Kennedy to Nixon. Paris: Soleb.
- Scott-Smith G. (2011), Atlantic Dreams: Leonard Tennyson and the European Delegation in Washington DC during the 1960s. In: Scott-Smith G. & Aubourg V. (Eds.), Atlantic, Euratlantic, or Europe-America?. Paris: Soleb. 392-415.
- Scott-Smith G. (30 September 2011), Europe Americanized? Review of Cold War History 11/1 (February 2011). [web article].
- Scott-Smith G. (2011), Interdoc and West European Psychological Warfare: The American Connection, Intelligence and National Security 26(2-3): 355-376.
- Scott-Smith G. (2011), Cultural Exchange and the Corporate Sector: Moving Beyond Statist Public Diplomacy?, Austrian Journal of Political Science 2011(3): .
- Scott-Smith G. (2011), The Heineken Factor? Using Exchanges to extend the reach of US Soft Power, American Diplomacy 2011(June): .
- Scott-Smith G. & Baumgaertel M. (2011), New Paradigms, Old Hierarchies? Problems and Possibilities of US Supremacy in a Networked World, International Politics 48(2-3): 271-289.
- Scott-Smith G. (2011), Mutual Interests? US Public Diplomacy in the 1980s and Nicolas Sarkozy’s First Trip to the United States, Journal of Transatlantic Studies 9(4): .
- Scott-Smith G. (2010), The US State Department’s Foreign Leader Program in France during the early Cold War. In: Ory P., Frank R., Dulphy A. & Matard-Bonucci M.-A. (Eds.), Les relations culturelles internationales au XXe siècle. De la diplomatie culturelle à l'acculturation. Brussels: Peter Lang.
- Scott-Smith G. (2010), Soft Power in an Era of US Decline. In: Parmar I. & Cox M. (Eds.), Soft Power and US Foreign Policy. London: Routledge.
- Scott-Smith G. (2010), Searching for the Successor Generations: Exchange Programs, Networks of Influence, and US Foreign Policy towards Western Europe in the 1980s. In: Osgood K. & Etheridge B. (Eds.), The United States and Public Diplomacy: New Directions in Cultural and International History. Leiden: Brill.
- Scott-Smith G. (2010), Soft Power, US Public Diplomacy, and Global Risk. In: Fisher A. & Lucas S. (Eds.), Trials of Engagement: The Future of US Public Diplomacy. Leiden: Brill.
- Scott-Smith G. (2010), The Congress for Cultural Freedom: Constructing an Intellectual Atlantic Community. In: Mariano M. (Ed.), Defining the Atlantic Community: Culture, Intellectuals, and Policies in the mid-20th Century. London: Routledge.
- Scott-Smith G. (2010) The Rise and Fall of Modern American Conservatism. Review of: Farber D. (2010), The Rise and Fall of Modern American Conservatism no. II. Princeton: Princeton University Press. European Journal of American Studies 2010.
- Scott-Smith G. & Van der Zwan B. (2009), Embassies and Ambassadors in The Hague and Washington. In: Scott-Smith G., Krabbendam J.L. & Minnen C.A. van (Eds.), Four Centuries of Dutch-American Relations 1609-2009. Amsterdam / New York: Boom / SUNY Press. 663-673.
- Scott-Smith G. (2009), American Studies in the Netherlands. In: Scott-Smith G., Krabbendam J.L. & Minnen C.A. van (Eds.), Four Centuries of Dutch-American Relations 1609-2009. Amsterdam / New York: Boom / SUNY Press. 982-993.
- Scott-Smith G. (2009), Congress for Cultural Freedom. In: Iriye A. (Ed.), The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 190-191.
- Scott-Smith G. & Mos M. de (2009), Democracy Promotion and the New Public Diplomacy. In: Parmar I. (Ed.), New Directions in US Foreign Policy. London: Routledge. 225-240.
- Scott-Smith G. (2009), Testing the Limits of a 'Special Relationship': US Unilateralism and Dutch Multilateralism in the Twenty-first Century. In: Dumbrell J. (Ed.), America’s Special Relationships: Allies and Clients. London: Routledge. 115-131.
- Scott-Smith G., Krabbendam J.L. & Van Minnen C.A. (Eds.) (2009), Four Centuries of Dutch-American Relations 1609-2009. Amsterdam / New York: Boom / SUNY Press.
- Scott-Smith G. (2009) Going Dutch. Review of: Goodfriend J. (2008), Going Dutch: The Dutch Presence in America 1609-2009 no. 2. Leiden: Brill. Journal of American Studies 43.
- Scott-Smith G. (2009) American Hegemony. Review of: Krige J. (2006), American Hegemony and the Postwar Reconstruction of Science in Europe no. 3. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. Cold War History 9.
- Scott-Smith G.P. & Mos M. (2009), Democracy Promotion and the New Public Diplomacy. In: Parmar I., Miller L.B. & Ledwidge M. (Eds.), New Directions in US Foreign Policy. Abingdon: Routledge. 225-240.