New journal based at the Institute for History: 'Diplomatica: A Journal of Diplomacy and Society'
Diplomatica addresses the broad range of work being done across the social sciences and the humanities that takes diplomacy as its focus of investigation. The journal explores and investigates diplomacy as an extension of social interests, forces, and environments.
It is multidisciplinary, providing a space to unite perspectives from diplomatic history (humanities) and diplomatic studies (social sciences) in particular. It is interdisciplinary, expanding beyond its disciplinary foundation of history to enrich historical perspectives with innovative perspectives from other disciplines. It seeks to broaden the study of diplomacy temporally, contributing to a re-appraisal of diplomacy across the modern and early modern eras and beyond, in this way bridging temporal divides and introducing debate between scholars of different periodizations. It is determinedly global in orientation, providing a space for inter-regional comparisons.
Diplomatica seeks to merge diplomatic history and diplomatic studies through three main approaches:
1. Habitat: Exploring the multiple identities, behaviors, rituals, and belief systems of diplomats and how they change according to time, place, and space;
2. Actors: Challenging the centrality of the nation-state as the principal actor framing an understanding of what diplomacy is by focusing equally on the role of non-state actors;
3. Disciplines: Introducing appropriate methodologies from the social sciences, such as prosopography, network analysis, gender studies, economics, geography, and communications, in order to broaden the analytical study of diplomatic habitats, actors, and interactions through time.
Broadly speaking, Diplomatica covers the study of diplomatic process more than the study of diplomatic product. It questions, investigates, and explores all aspects of the diplomatic world, from interactions between the professionally diplomatic and the non-diplomatic to the arrangement of summits and banquets, the architecture of ministries and residences, and the identities, roles, practices, and networks of envoys, policy entrepreneurs, salonnières, and all other private and quasi-private individuals who affect the course of diplomacy.
The journal welcomes submissions dealing with any period and locale from across the humanities and social sciences. Submissions should be standard article length (approximately 8,000 words including footnotes) and written for a general, scholarly audience.
The Mattingly Award
Brill, the editorial board of Diplomatica, and the New Diplomatic History Network are pleased to provide an annual award for excellence and originality in an essay on diplomatic society or culture, broadly defined. The Mattingly Award is named for the American historian, Garrett Mattingly (1900-62), an esteemed writer, scholar, and professor at Columbia University. Best known for his history of the Spanish Armada (1959), which won the Pulitzer Prize, and his biography of Catherine of Aragon (1941), Mattingly pioneered the study of diplomatic institutions, practices, norms, and personalities, notably in his classic history of early modern Europe, Renaissance Diplomacy (1955).
Giles Scott-Smith, Leiden University
Kenneth Weisbrode, Bilkent University
Book Review Editor
Haakon Ikonomou, Aarhus University
Editorial Board
Rebecca Adler-Nissen, Copenhagen University
Catia Antunes, Leiden University
Laurence Badel, University of Paris 1
Corneliu Bjola, University of Oxford
Alessandro Brogi, University of Arkansas
Costas Constantinou, University of Cyprus
Noe Cornago, University of the Basque Country
Maurits Ebben, Leiden University
Jessica Gienow-Hecht, Free University of Berlin
Petra Goedde, Temple University
Karen Gram-Skjoldager, University of Aarhus
Jan Hennings, Central European University
Isabella Lazzarini, University of Molise
Helen McCarthy, Queen Mary University of London
Iver B. Neumann, Museum of Cultural History, Oslo University
Thomas Otte, University of East Anglia
Geoffrey Allen Pigman, University of Pretoria
Priscilla Roberts, City University of Macau
Simon Rofe, SOAS University of London
Jonathan Rosenberg, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York
Naoko Shimazu, Yale-NUS College Singapore
Tracey Sowerby, University of Oxford
Zara Steiner, Fellow Emeritus of Murray-Edwards College, University of Cambridge
John Watkins, University of Minnesota
Ellen R. Welch, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Christian Windler, University of Bern